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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Tuesday, 20 February 2018

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of School

    Professor Gavin Brown’s Inaugural talk

    Gavin Brown will be giving his inaugural talk for his Chair that was awarded in 2017.

    Gavin’s talk is on Wednesday 21 March in KB LT 1.1.

    The talk is entitled “Finding new ways to Think: Twenty Years in Machine Learning”.

    There is an EventBright page by which you can find more details and register: 

    gravatar Karon Mee

    Senate Elections

    Those of you that are on the electoral role and able to vote for members of Senate will have received an email about how to vote. (Search for “Senate elections” in your inboxes). Senate is the forum where staff challenge, shape and approve the University’s academic regulations and policies, so an effective membership is vital. There are four people to be elected to Senate from the FSE and there are six candidates. One of these candidates is our own Uli Sattler.
    gravatar Karon Mee

    BCS/IET Turing Lecture 2018

    21 Feb 2018 Turing Lecture, University Place Theatre B, refreshments from 5.15pm, with Lecture at 6pm followed by drinks reception:

    Innovation and technology - art or science? Dr Andy Harter

    - plus Insight Speaker Professor Gavin Brown, Professor of Machine Learning, and Director of Research for the School of Computer Science, University of Manchester.

    In his lecture Dr Harter will discuss the role of “art” in innovation and technology including not only the aesthetic but also craft, design, skill, invention and intuition. Andy will draw on his own expertise and experiences in computing and ask if we can do more to appreciate and promote the importance of “art” as a feature on the interdisciplinary landscape?

    Speaker biography Dr Andy Harter CBE FREng FIET FBCS is a distinguished innovator and entrepreneur. He was Director of Research and Engineering at the influential AT&T Cambridge Laboratory where he led many hardware and software projects through to commercial exploitation. He was responsible for VNC software and its seminal role in establishing the remote access market. The technology is on over a billion devices, is on more different kinds of computer than any other application and is an official part of the internet. He has an MA and a PhD from Cambridge University, where he is a Fellow of the Computer Laboratory and chair of Cambridge Network. He has received numerous awards, including the Silver Medal and MacRobert Award from the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Faraday Medal of the IET. In 2017 he was awarded a CBE for services to engineering.

    Do come along if you can – some good talks, plus drinks and nibbles afterwards and a chance to talk to people.

    Book now:

    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Project Malawi 2017 wins Faculty award

    The Project Malawi team of staff and students from Computer Science were “Highly Commended” for their outstanding public engagement initiative in bringing Computer Science education to remote parts of central Africa. There were many very good projects across the Faculty in the highly competitive "Bettter World” awards ceremony.

    So congratulations to the team: Dave Ames, Karen Corless, Jo Hodge, Carol Murray, David Rydeheard, Sarah Zaman, Mihai-Dan Garbur, Razvan Lacatusu and Teo Taylor, and to Nikki Luxford and Ripple Africa for hosting the team in Africa.

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    Order a book service - Library

    Order a Book Service

    The Library understands that students get frustrated when they can’t get the books they need for their studies. To support students, the Library is providing the ‘Order a book’ service: if you need it we’ll get it! If the Library doesn’t hold a copy of the book needed, the student can fill in the Order a book form and the Library will get it for them. Please note, the service will provide the books in electronic format; in the event this cannot be obtained a print version will be sought. The service launches on 19th February 2018 and will run until further notice.

    Access to Times Higher Education Supplement All Manchester staff can now get quick, free access to Times Higher Education in just a few easy steps via the Library.

    Set up your account using your university email address, and enjoy unlimited online access to the magazine with our new institutional subscription. You’ll also be able to read full digital editions, and download the app to get Times Higher Education wherever you are.

    If you need help, please contact your Academic Engagement Librarian, Gemma Smith –

    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Events

    Staff/Student Quiz raised money for Comic Relief

    A great evening with a competitive edge! The staff/student quiz held on Friday 9th February raised £250 for Comic Relief. A great time was had by all and thank you to everyone who came.
    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Funding Opportunities

    Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowships - deadline 1 March 2018

    Early Career Fellowships offer 50% match-funding for salary costs up to a maximum of £25,000 per annum and up to £6,000 annual research expenses. The scheme enables early career researchers to undertake a significant piece of publishable work so applicants must have a track record of research but should not have held an established academic appointment in the UK.

    Fellowships are tenable for three years and must commence between 1 September 2018 and 1 May 2019. Further information can be found here.

    Please inform Su Smith, Research Support Manager, if you intend to apply.

    gravatar Su Smith

    RAE Intelligence Community Postdoctoral Research Fellowships - deadline 26 March 2018

    The Royal Academy of Engineering are pleased to announce the 2018 call for the IC Postdoctoral Research Fellowship programme is now open for applications.

    The Government Office for Science offers UK Intelligence Community (IC) Postdoctoral Research Fellowships to outstanding early-career science or engineering researchers. These Fellowships are designed to promote unclassified basic research in areas of interest to the intelligence, security and defence community. Members of the IC identify research topics and postdocs work locally with University Research Advisors to develop and submit research proposals that align with the topics. The topic list for 2018 is now available online.

    Application deadline: 4pm on Monday 26 March 2018

    Funding available: up to £100,000 per year for two years



    All applications must be submitted online. Please inform the Research Support team if you intend to apply.

    gravatar Su Smith

    gravatar Karon Mee
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:21:58
Last change: Tuesday, 20 February 2018 13:32:04