The School of Computer Science

Teaching and Learning Processes

This Manual documents the procedures which manage teaching and learning processes within the School of Computer Science. All activities related to undergraduate and postgraduate teaching are within its scope.

Procedures and processes are regularly reviewed by the School and any changes will result in the relevant document or link being modified.  The office or the member of staff responsible for maintenance of documents /webpages is noted within the appropriate area.

The University’s Policies, Regulations and Guidelines relating to UG & PGT students:


Regulations for UG & PGT programmes

Manual of Academic Practice (MAP)

provide the overarching framework within which the School’s procedures and processes have been, and will be, developed.

The School of Computer Science
Teaching and Learning Processes

Management Structure of the School

Programme Quality Assurance

Recruitment and Admissions

Teaching and Learning

Student Support (pastoral)


University Regulations for Students


External legislation compliance

Public Engagement/External Affairs

Management Structure of the School

This section describes the general structure of the school, and all data is updated by Committee secretaries or HoSA.

  1. Academic Staff Management Structure
  2. Professional Support Services Structure
  3. Committee structure chart
  1. The School Committees 
  1. Admissions and Recruitment Group
  2. Computer Services Committee
  3. Curriculum Committee
  4. Duties Allocation Committee
  5. Finance Committee
  6. Health and Safety Committee
  7. Industrial Advisory Board
  8. Leave of Absence Committee
  9. Personnel Review Committee
  10. Postgraduate Board of Examiners
  11. Postgraduate Committee
  12. Postgraduate Research Staff-Student Consultative Committee
  13. Postgraduate Mitigating Circumstances Committee
  14. Postgraduate Staff Student Consultative Committee
  15. Professoriate
  16. Public Engagement/Schools Liaison Committee 
  17. Research Committee
  18. Research School
  19. School Board
  20. School  Leadership Team (SLT)
  21. Teaching Assessment Panel
  22. Undergraduate Tutors' Group
  23. Undergraduate Board of Examiners
  24. Undergraduate Committee
  25. Undergraduate Mitigating Circumstances Committee
  26. Undergraduate Staff Student Consultative Committee
  27. Website Steering Group

Programme Quality Assurance

This section includes information about general programme administration and is updated by SSO.

  1.  Course unit creation/amendment/withdrawal (University) - the School’s course unit review process is described in
  1. Course Unit review for UG and PGT (School) 
  1. Course unit (UG) specifications/Syllabus (School) - these are updated annually by the course unit convenors, via an on-line database (IH).  The information held within it is also used for confirmation of assessment weightings in Campus Solutions and ordering of School Library books
  2. Course unit (PGT) specifications/Syllabus (School) - these are updated annually by the course unit convenors, via an on-line database (IH).  The information held within it is also used for confirmation of assessment weightings in Campus Solutions and ordering of School Library books
  3. Credit framework (University)
  4. eLearning (School) 
  5. Faculty of EPS QA website
  6. Handbook UG (School) - this is updated annually by the Director of UG Studies
  7. Handbook PGT (School) - this is updated annually by the PGT Director and Associate Directors of the Programmes
  8. Manchester Matrix - The Purposes of a Manchester  Undergraduate Education
  9. Personalised Learning (University)
  10. School status report on Manchester Matrix/Personalised   Learning
  11. Programme creation/amendment/withdrawal (University)
  12. Programme specifications (University)
  13. Programme specifications UG (School) - these are updated annually by the Director of UG Studies, and are currently included within the Handbook, Section 2 ‘Programme Overview’
  14. Programme specifications PGT (School) - these are updated annually by the PGT Director and Associate Directors of the Programmes
  15. Programmes (Taught) guidelines (University)
  16. Review - Accreditation: BCS & IET (School) - as soon as the BCS & IET Accreditation date is known, the School forms a working group to complete the lead institution’s forms (normally BCS) and all other required paperwork.
  17. Review - Annual - (Faculty/University)
  18. Review - Annual - (School) - a status report and supporting paperwork, including the Action Plan, are prepared in advance of the meetings (July for UG, July & January for PGT).  Archive papers are stored on the SSO shared server.
  19. Review  - Periodic - (Faculty/University)
  20. Review - Periodic - (School) - as soon as the BCS & IET Accreditation date is known, the School contacts Faculty to tie in the Periodic Review with the Accreditation. A working group is formed to complete the SED and other required paperwork.
  21. Teaching & Learning Annual Action Plans:
  1. Undergraduate - these are reviewed at UG Committee meetings throughout the year.  See Section 1 for UG Committee page link
  2. Postgraduate - these are reviewed at PG Committee meetings throughout the year.  See Section 1 for PG Committee page link.
  1. University Statistics - these are used wherever possible, rather than the School’s own statistics, to ensure consistency.

Recruitment and Admissions

This section includes information about recruitment and admissions and is updated by the External Affairs Office, APEcs, and SSO.

  1. Admissions APEcs and Admissions APEcs chart (School)
  2. Admissions PGR (School)
  3. Admissions PGT (School)
  4. Admissions UG (School)
  5. Recruitment & Admissions (University) guidelines (MAP)
  6. Tuition Fee Policy (University)

Teaching and Learning

This section includes information about operational school policies and processes related to teaching and learning.  

  1. Teaching & Learning University guidelines (University - MAP)
  2. Absence of staff from teaching notification (School)
  3. Academic Advisement UG codes (School)
  4. Academic Advisement PGT codes (School)
  5. Academic malpractice (plagiarism, collusion, fabrication) (School)
  6. Advisor allocation and role (School)
  7. APEcs student Distance Learning support (School)
  8. ARCADE (SSO processes) (School)
  9. Archiving of records (see Record Maintenance and Archiving document below)
  10. Attendance monitoring process (School)
  11. Attendance monitoring dataflow (School)
  12. Awards of fees and stipends (School)
  13. Blackboard (adding teachers and demonstrators) (School)
  14. CAS (visa) for overseas students (School)
  15. Communication processes and email dataflow (School)
  16. Copyright materials (University)
  17. Course unit Selection Guidance (University)
  18. Demonstrators and Teaching Assistants (School)
  19. Duties Allocation (teaching staff) (School)
  20. eLearning (School)
  21. English Language support (School)
  22. External Lecturers (School)
  23. Facilities support for Teaching & Learning (School)
  24. Feedback for students overview (School)
  25. Finance for support of Teaching & Learning (School)
  26. Graduation (School)
  27. Health and Safety, Risk Assessment and Emergencies (School)
  28. HEAR UG (School)
  29. Induction Guidelines (University) - see also ‘Registration and Induction’ School document below
  30. Industrial Placement doc 1, doc 2, doc 3 (School)
  31. Industrial Placement guidelines (University)
  32. Intellectual Property Policy  (University)
  33. Library (School)
  34. National Student Survey (NSS) (School)
  35. Options and themes UG data processing (School)
  36. Out-of-hours passes for staff and students (School)
  37. PASS Handbook and PASS Processes (School)
  38. PDPs (School)
  39. Photocopying cards and Print quota for students (School)
  40. Prizes for UG & PGT (School)
  41. PGR Code of Practice (University) - this details the policies, procedures and guidelines to be used within School for all PGR students
  42. PRES (University) - Postgraduate Research Experience Survey is the National Survey of PGR Student Satisfaction
  43. Record Maintenance and Archiving of student records (School)
  44. Recording lectures (University)
  45. References and Qualification verification requests for students (School)
  46. Registration and Induction (School)
  47. Representation (Student Reps) (School)
  48. Research Symposium (PGR) (School)
  49. Retention of students (School)
  50. Room sizes for School teaching and meetings - this information is visible on the current session’s UG & PGT timetable pages.  See also ‘Facilities support for Teaching & Learning’ document above.
  51. Teaching Load Transfer process (School)- see also ‘Finance for support of Teaching & Learning’ above
  52. Timetabling of lectures and labs (School)
  53. Transcript production for students (School)
  54. Unit evaluation (UEQ/CEQ) processes (School)
  55. Viva Support (PGR) (School)

Student Support (pastoral)

This section includes information about the student pastoral support and is updated by SSO.

  1. Crucial Guide live - this is the University’s on-line source of most information for students (and staff) about academic, accommodation, City, financial, initial orientation, personal and university life.
  2. Student Support (School)- this documents the School’s processes associated with the areas listed above


This section includes information about the school’s policies and processes related to assessements and is updated by SSO.

  1. University’s Assessment Framework (MAP)
  2. Assessment (School) website
  3. Anomalous mark review process (School)
  4. Anonymous mark handling (University)
  5. Calculators - use of in exams (University)
  6. Coursework hand-in (School)
  7. Dictionaries - use of in exams (University)
  8. Examination Guidance for students (University)
  9. Examination Boards Policy, Principles & Guidance (University)
  10. Examinations Database (School) Map 
  11. Examinations Database (School) Guidelines
  12. Examination marks and results archive (School)
  13. Exam technique guidance for students (School)
  14. Exam FAQs for students (School)
  15. Exam FAQs for academic staff (School)
  16. Exam FAQs for SSO (School)
  17. Exam Past Papers UG (School)
  18. Exam Past Papers PGT (School)
  19. External Examiners (University)
  20. External Examiner liaison (School)
  21. External Examiner hospitality (School)
  22. Feedback to students on Exams and Coursework marking (School)
  23. Lab marks processing
  24. Marking policy (University)
  25. Mitigating Circumstances (School)
  26. MSc dissertation presentation guidelines  (University)
  27. Projects for UG yr 3 and PGT students (School)
  28. Release of marks to students (School)
  29. Religious Observance (University)
  30. Resit exams (away from UoM location) (University)
  31. Retaining students’ assessed work (University)

University Regulations for Students

This section includes links to general university regulations that are relevant to students and is updated by SSO.

  1. Appeals (University Regulation XIX)
  2. Complaints (University Regulation XVIII)
  3. Conduct and Discipline of Students (University Regulation XVII)
  4. Equality and Diversity Policy
  5. Harassment Discrimination and Bullying
  6. Plagiarism and Academic Malpractice (Guidance to students)
  7. Plagiarism and Academic Malpractice Overview document
  8. Plagiarism Allegations made after Graduation
  9. Work and attendance of students (University Regulation XX)


This section includes general information and is updated by SSO.

  1. Death of a student - this documents the School process in the event of such an occurrence
  2. Gifts from students - this is the University’s guidance on what staff are entitled to accept as gifts from students

External legislation compliance

This section includes information about compliance with external legislation and is updated by SSO.

  1. Data Protection (University) - the School’s process is described in the following document:
  1. Data Protection overview 
  1. Environmental Information (University)
  2. Freedom of Information (University)
  3. Health & Safety (see School document in Section 4)
  4. Information Security Policy (University)
  5. Copyright (University)

Public Engagement/External Affairs

This section includes information about public engagement and external affairs, and is updated by EAO/APEcs.

  1. Careers (School)
  2. Employability First Destination Alumni (School)
  3. Business Liaison (School)


Computer Science Teaching and Learning Processes        Date 15th March 2011