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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Tuesday, 06 February 2018

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of School

    Mary Lee

    Last week the death of Mary Lee Berners-Lee was announced. Mary Lee was a programmer, using the Manchester Mark 1 computer developed here at the UoM, originally working from the programming manual written by Alan Turing. Following her work at Feranti, she became, wat we’d call today, a free-lance programmer. She also campaigned for and achieved equal pay for female and male computer programmers at Feranti. There is an obituary in the Guardian and there was also an obituary on “Last Word” on BBC Radio 4 last week. You can also find some interviews with Mary Lee Berners-Lee in the British Library’s Voices of Science series.

    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Reminder from the School Timetable Team

    The faculty deadline for submitting timetable requests for teaching in the 2018/19 academic year is Friday 16th February.

    We therefore need two actions please from our academic colleagues:

    * If you are a course unit leader please inform us no later than Friday 9th February if your course unit structure is to be different in the academic year 2018/19.

    * If you are involved with delivering a course unit and wish to apply for flexible working please do so no later than Friday 16th February.

    The full details were sent out by email to acstaff on Friday 2 Feb 2018. If for any reason you are involved in teaching a course unit and didn’t get this email, then please email to request the details.

    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Events

    EPSRC: Plans and Opportunities - 13 February 2018

    Date: Tuesday 13th February 2018

    Time: 12.15-13.15

    Venue: IT 407, Kilburn Building

    Professor Tom Rodden (Deputy CEO) will discuss EPSRC’s plans and the opportunities emerging in the rapidly evolving research landscape. Topics will include the transition to UK Research and Innovation, the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund and EPSRC’s Delivery Plan (including Centres for Doctoral Training). His talk will be followed by a Q&A session.

    To reserve a place, please complete your details on the booking link


    gravatar Su Smith

    Staff V Students Pub Quiz!

    A challenge has been thrown down for any members of staff interested…..message from CSSoc…... ‘Back to school, everyone!'  We know that doesn’t sound too bright, but CSSoc is here to cheer you up!

    Our first event of the semester will be a Pub Quiz, and quite a unique one: Staff V Students!

    Where and when? There is no better location than our second home, Kilburn, on the 9th of February. This Friday event will be hosted in the PostGrad Common Room, starting from 4:30pm.

    Light refreshments and drinks will be provided and there will be prizes as well! The entry fee is only £3 and all the proceeds will go to charity! We would like to see as many of you there as possible, the invitation being open to any student and member of staff! Form teams of up to 4 people to participate in the Quiz.

    A nice opportunity to socialise and start the semester in a fun and relaxed way!

    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Funding Opportunities

    Funding for Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) & Knowledge Exchange presentation

    Innovate UK recently announced a significant increase to the funding available for Knowledge Transfer Partnerships; further details on the announcement can be found here. This means that there is sufficient funding to double the size of the national KTP portfolio.

    What does this mean for Manchester?

    The University of Manchester currently has 30 live KTPs and is ranked 2nd in the UK for the number and value of KTPs – we are therefore well placed to take advantage of the additional funding available for new projects.

    KTP projects provide an excellent framework to support a collaborative partnership with a UK company (large or small), whereby projects are focused on either the development of new products, processes or services or improvements to existing products, processes or services using new technologies, knowledge or research outputs.

    KTPs give academics opportunities to observe and influence the practical application of their research, which supports the increasing demand to provide evidence of the impact of research investment, while informing the pathway of ongoing and future research. Projects can last from 12-36 months, typical project value is ~ £200k which is R coded income. Further details can be found here.

    There are a number of upcoming opportunities for submission of projects:

    • 28th February “OPEN”
    • 25th April “OPEN”

    There is support available from the Knowledge Exchange Team to discuss, scope and develop project submissions – please contact us to discuss further.

    0161 306 6815

    Save the date - 7th March

    Caroline Stanton, Knowledge Exchange Manager, will be visiting the School to deliver a brief presentation and Q&A session at 2pm. An invite will follow shortly with further details.

    gravatar Su Smith

    [ top ]Prize and award Opportunities

    Leadership in Education Awards Programme (LEAP)

    The Leadership in Education Awards Programme (LEAP) is accredited by the Higher Education Academy and leads to the award of Associate, Fellowship, Senior or Principal HEA Fellowships. Staff who register with LEAP will be able to attend workshops and be assigned a peer support group and a mentor to help them with their fellowship application. The programme is available to academic and PSS staff who are involved in teaching , learning and student support.

    Applications for LEAP open twice a year. The next round will open on 5th February.

    For more information go to


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    BETTER WORLD. David Rydeheard writes: is Computer Science making a Better World? You vote!

    The annual "Better World" awards are for projects specifically aimed at the Social Responsibility remit of the university. Our School has entered projects in most categories. Have a look at the submissions and please vote! There is also a poster display in the Renold Building Concourse from 17-23 Jan, and in University Place from 24-31 Jan. Please do vote – the projects have taken a great investment of time and effort by staff and students to contribute to making the world a better place. Winning projects from the faculty go on to a University award. 


    To Vote go to:


    gravatar Karon Mee

    L’Oréal-UNESCO UK and Ireland For Women In Science Fellowships

    Apply for the 2018 L’Oréal-UNESCO for Women in Science UK & Ireland Fellowship Awards Programme.

    The fellowship awards are open to female early-career researchers working in the field of life and physical sciences, engineering, mathematics and computer sciences.

    Five outstanding female early-career scientists will be awarded a bursary of £15,000.

    Applicants should apply online at by the deadline of 16th February 2018.

    Eligibility criteria and FAQs are available

    This unique award is designed to provide practical help to aid female researchers in continuing their cutting-edge research. The fellowship can be spent as the fellow wishes; it could buy a piece of scientific equipment, help to cover child care costs or be used to fund conference travel.

    If you have any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact us


    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Tech Support News

    Mounting local smb shares

    Thanks to Tim Furmston for this one: when attempting to mount file store via smb on a Mac, if you are running the Global Protect VPN, the short form – e.g. "staffc" – will not resolve. You must use

    gravatar Ian Cottam

    [ top ]Social Responsibility

    Please complete the Race Equality Survey

    The University of Manchester is committed to addressing racial inequalities and creating an inclusive culture and environment where individuals are able to thrive, irrespective of their race or ethnicity. To help facilitate progress, we are currently working towards renewing our ECU’s Race Equality Charter Bronze Award, and this survey forms an important part of this work. It will be open for another week, takes about 10 minutes to complete, and you can win one of five £20 Amazon vouchers.


    More information is available on StaffNet 

    and the survey can be accessed here: 


    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Sustainability and Green Impact News

    FSE Green Network agenda items and 10,000 Actions fund

    The next FSE Green Network will be taking place on Wednesday 21st February, 12.00-1.30pm (apologies for the previous confusion around the date). If there are any items you would like to add to the agenda for this meeting, either for the group to discuss or for you to update the Network on, please let me know by Wednesday 14th February. It would be great to have your input on the agenda so that the Network is as useful for us all as possible.

    10,000 Actions fund – apologies for any cross-posting:

    After two successful rounds of the 10,000 Actions fund, a further £10,000 has been released for environmental sustainability projects. Previous successful applications include sustainable lab equipment, improvements to the living campus, research into air pollution and development of a toolkit to reduce the need to fly. More details of funded projects to date can be found on: 10,000 Actions fund.

    10,000 Actions is part of the University’s Environmental Sustainability Strategy.

    To access this fund, you must have made your own action plan by visiting: 10,000 Actions

    The application form can be downloaded from: 10,000 Actions fund and the deadline for applications is 4pm on Thursday 8th February.


    gravatar Karon Mee

    gravatar Karon Mee
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:53:47
Last change: Tuesday, 06 February 2018 15:10:57