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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Thursday, 07 December 2017

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of School

    Wed, 06 Dec 2017 11:32:58 +0000

    Manchester joins The Alan Turing Institute as a University Partner The University of Manchester is set to join The Alan Turing Institute as a University partner. Manchester will join the founding universities of Cambridge, Edinburgh, Oxford, Warwick and UCL and will work with their growing network of partners in industry and government to advance the world-changing potential of data science. This should provide the whole University with a range of opportunities and we'll keep you informed. The Data Science Institute here at the UoM is a good source of information, so do sign up to their email list.
    gravatar Karon Mee

    Wed, 06 Dec 2017 11:34:23 +0000

    Caroline Jay on the Telly Caroline Jay took part in a programme on humans interacting with robots on Channel Four last week. The programme is called “The Robot will see you now” and was on Channel Four on Tuesday 28 November at 10 p.m. Do take a look; Caroline is providing comments about Jess, an 'Intelligent Personal Assistant' that interacts with people talking about various issues and provides input to resolving those issues. The programme explores the potential for technology to play a mediative role in human relationships and decision making.
    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Fri, 01 Dec 2017 14:49:01 +0000

    The school is looking for suitable nominations for the university’s Making a Difference Awards 2018: if you know of somebody (a student, colleague, alumnus, team, etc, possibly including yourself) who is making a difference by contributing to an area of social responsibility, e.g., sustainability, community and public engagement, widening participation, social enterprise, responsible processes and equality and diversity, please email me at : I will gather and help with nominations.
    gravatar Karon Mee

    Snowy the Snowman in SSO

    Christmas has come to SSO with the arrival of Snowy the Snowman

    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Events

    Fri, 01 Dec 2017 14:19:09 +0000

    Thanks to everyone who baked and bought cakes at the cake sale on 30th November. £75 was raised for Together Dementia Support and Sally (Director of Together Dementia Support) would like to thank everyone involved for your generosity. The funds raised will help Together Dementia Support to offer support groups and therapeutic activities for people living with dementia, their carers and supporters in Manchester.

    gravatar Karon Mee

    Fri, 01 Dec 2017 14:50:41 +0000

    Get involved with Christmas 2017 in FSE

    FSE is hoping to make Christmas 2017 the best one yet. Whether you’re a Christmas nut or prefer a low-key Christmas, we have something you can engage with.

    The Faculty Christmas party will be taking place on December 19 in SSB Entrance Hall from 2:30-4:30pm. Drink and festive nibbles will be available on the day along with a some great activities. Don’t forget to sign up for the event on eventbrite! If you would like to donate to the Tombola we are taking bottles, chocolates and brick-a-brack from two locations on campus.

    We will be running a feature on past Christmas parties from across the faculty and our schools on Staffnet and Beeline. This is a great way to have a bit of fun and dust off those old photos! If you have pictures from your Christmas parties please email these to – the older the better!

    Decorate your work space and be in with the chance to win a prize! We know that people love an excuse to get the decorations out and the Christmas music on – so why not dress your space and enter our fun competition? Simply email a picture of your space decorated to, winners announced at the party.

    More information on all the activities is available on Staffnet.


    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Funding Opportunities

    ESRC IAA Call 8 now open

    The ESRC has awarded The University of Manchester over £1m to deliver the Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) until 31 March 2019. The IAA will be used to fund knowledge exchange activities to accelerate the impact of research in the social sciences across the University.

    The aims of the IAA are to:

    • increase knowledge exchange through staff exchanges/placements between the University and external user organisations;
    • align external partners and academics strategically to extend collaboration and shape the research agenda, and influence policy and practice through relationship building;
    • provide flexible and innovative opportunities for researchers to translate research into practice;
    • provide training workshops and tools development to extend the University’s culture of engagement into new and innovative areas.

    This call encourages initiatives that increase our engagement with commercial businesses since these have been under-represented in previous calls.

    Further information can be requested initially from Su Smith, Research Support Manager. If you have a specific enquiry about the invited schemes, or if you have an idea, please contact the IAA team directly:

    Deadline for receipt of applications is 12 noon on Monday 15 January.

    ESRC IAA guidance notes


    gravatar Su Smith

    ESRC Research Centres Competition 2018

    The ESRC Research Centres Competition 2018 is now open for applications.

    The University of Manchester is limited to submitting a maximum of three new UoM-led proposals to this call. Faculty of Humanities will lead on a University review and selection process, which can be requested from Su Smith, RSM. 

    ESRC has indicated that all investments currently designated as ESRC Centres will be eligible to apply, in addition to the maximum of three new proposals. As these will be part of the same competition, we will review and assess existing centre proposals alongside the selection process for new proposals.

    Please submit the documents below via Su to (cc’d to according to the following timetable:

    18th December 2017

    Intention to bid: a maximum one-page summary of your plans for a Centre, and the name of one potential internal peer reviewer


    12th February 2018

    Full draft outline* for peer review: Case for support (6 A4 pages max); fEC budget; Justification of resources (2 A4 pages max); Pathways to Impact (2 A4 pages max); Centre Director CV (2 A4 pages max)

    * NB other ESRC required attachments, not requested for the internal review, include: a 2-page CV for each named researcher, an Institutional Letter of Support and a list of key publications


    1st March 2018 

    Outcome of panel review and comments returned to applicants


    15th March 2018

    ESRC deadline


    We have University representation at an ESRC Centres Competition Information Day taking place on 11th December. Notes from the event will subsequently be circulated to all interested colleagues. If there are any specific questions or themes you would like explored at this event, please email by Friday 8th December 2017..

    gravatar Su Smith

    [ top ]Featured Research

    Wed, 06 Dec 2017 12:01:56 +0000

    Our paper on data visualisation has been selected by the faculty as representing the best of Manchester, to be showcased in the "World Leading papers" In-Abstract series for the faculty.

    T. Mu, J. Y. Goulermas and S. Ananiadou, Data visualization with structural control of global cohort and local data neighborhoods, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, DOI: 10.1109/TPAMI.2017.2715806, 2017.


    gravatar Karon Mee

    Vision 2020 – The Horizon 2020 Network

    The Vision 2020 Network is a European networking platform launched in 2013 and was set up to enable universities, SMEs and corporates to collaborate through Horizon 2020. It was launched to foster business-university collaboration across Europe for organisations that wanted to engage with the Horizon 2020 programme building bridges between excellent research organisations and innovating companies.

    The research organisation members of Vision2020 are a select group of excellent institutions that are highly active in European research & innovation. Membership for small and medium sized companies is open to any innovating business seeking Horizon 2020 funding.

    The list of Vision 2020 members can be found here.

    The Vision 2020 Helixes

    Vision2020 hosts active communities of researchers and companies that work together in "Helixes" focused on a particular Horizon 2020 research area.

    The Current Helixes are:

    • Climate
    • Cybersecurity
    • Digital
    • Energy
    • Health
    • Manufacturing
    • Materials
    • Security
    • Smart Cities
    • Mobility
    • Quantum
    • Society
    • Space
    • Water

    You can access Crowdhelix at

    Please follow the few steps below to join:

    • After you log in go to the Profile page and select the University of Manchester from the dropdown menu - only after you have done this will you be able to see the content of the platform.
    • Complete your own profile with relevant tags- press enter after each tag - click 'Update' at the bottom of the page - otherwise your tags won't be saved
    • Go to the Helixes page and feel free to test out the search engine by typing some key words. You can either search posts, organisations or experts (there is a dropdown menu by the search button).

    Alongside this collaboration platform, Vision 2020/CrowdHelix facilitate email discussions for collaboration. Which Horizon 2020 thematic areas/calls are your priority? After you have selected your areas you will be kept informed of relevant collaboration opportunities.

    More Helixes will be launched in the coming months so please check the Vision 2020 Twitter feed and events page for regular updates.

    gravatar Su Smith

    [ top ]Tech Support News

    Computational Shared Facility

    Research IT's managed computational shared facility – run by Dr Simon Hood – now has 10,000 processor cores. Read its success story here on their News section. Contact Simon if you are interested in accessing any of the Research IT infrastructure.

    gravatar Ian Cottam

    gravatar Karon Mee
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:43:25
Last change: Thursday, 07 December 2017 11:02:56