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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Tuesday, 21 November 2017

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of School

    Courtyard Building Work

    The building work around the courtyard is continuing: before new windows can be installed around the courtyard and the (currently unused) walkway be turned into new usable meetings space, work is to be undertaken to remove asbestos which currently sits above the courtyard windows. All this will be done from outside, in the courtyard, but require some sealing off of these windows, hence some plastic sheeting will be applied to the inside of these windows.  This work should take around 8 days and will affect all 4 sides of the courtyard (including the common room). It is good to see the work progressing and the end of the courtyard work is in sight; this leaves the walkway to come back into use as social space. As usual, we will have to crave your tolerance and patience.

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    December Graduation Ceremony

    There is a Computer Science graduation ceremony on 14 December at 1430 hrs. We’ll be sharing this ceremony with the School of Mathematics and the School of Physics and Astronomy. Do please book a seat to do some clapping and cheering. It's nice for the graduating students to have a bit of a show. A search of your inbox for “Ede” will probably find your invite, or go to the website and confirm your attendance. There will also be a reception in the marquee after the ceremony – tea, buns and prize giving.

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    President's Visit - 28th November

    The President will visit the school on Tuesday 28th November.  There will be an open meeting with Undergraduate and PostgraduateStudents at 3pm in Kilburn 2.15, then at 15:30 there will be an open meeting with staff to include opening address by the President and Vice-Chancellor followed by Q&A session also in Kilburn 2.15.

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Blackwell's Christmas Discounts

    Between 4th-10th December Blackwell's will be increasing the University staff discount from 10% to 15% (so it's a good week to come and grab anything you've had your eye on/do some Christmas shopping).

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    Wellbeing Week - 20th-24th November 2017

    The 20th-24th November is Wellbeing Week.  This year we will be holding a University wide Wellbeing Week with a wide variety of free sessions for you to try.


    Events include Manchester Dogs Home, Circus Skills, Yoga, Football, Pilates, Badminton, Creative writing workshops, Console events, Dance lessons and many more!

    For more information check out our full programme of events here

    You can also find a full description of events in case you aren’t sure what something is. If you would like any information on quieter events please email Katrina Grier.


    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    School Christmas Party - Save the date!

    School Christmas Party will be on Wednesday 13th December in the Staff & PGR Common Room - there will be the usual mix of socialising, festive quiz, music and pizza - from 3.30pm

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    [ top ]Events

    Invite to Manchester-I , 29th November 2017

    The University of Manchester, along with Manchester City Council and Clicks & Links invite you to a drop in session between 9.30 and 12am on Wednesday 29th of November at the Central Library to discuss and explore the concept of Manchester-I, the long-term vision for a City Data Management system.

    There are an increasing number of data sources producing real-time data within Greater Manchester. Exploiting these data sources gives us opportunities to maximise the performance of the city infrastructure and improve the experience of residents, visitors and businesses.

    The availability of open data can stimulate the creation of digital products and services that enhance people’s lives. Data can also inform the long-term development of a city, with planners able to better understand the constraints resulting from the existing infrastructure.

    This event will introduce the concept of Manchester-I, a portal for city-related data that aims to improve the different aspects of the city life through a data-centric approach to governance, business and community.  In this early stage of the development of Manchester-I we are leveraging smart-city projects currently run in Manchester to collect and offer access to data from a number of different sources.

    A short presentation introducing Manchester-I at 9.45 will be followed by a chance to discuss the vision and explore the current system.

    If you would like to attend please register your place using this link

    Light refreshments will be provided during the session.



    Manchester-I has been developed by the University of Manchester, and is funded by Triangulum, a European Research and Innovation project based in the Manchester Oxford Road Corridor, exploring innovative solutions to energy efficiency, sustainable urban transport and ICT challenges.

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    #GivingTuesday at The University of Manchester – how will you give?

    #GivingTuesday is an international day to do ‘good stuff’ to support a worthwhile cause and this year is taking place on 28th November. Discover new ways of giving at one of the great events on campus!

    If you missed the Volunteering Fair but have time or skills to give, then head to the Making a Difference Fair in the Renold Building from 12.00-2.00pm to learn about the organisations that need your support, including Peer Support, Volunteering, Development and Fundraising, Access All Areas, Robogals, blood and organ donation, Student Action, Veg Box People.

    While you’re in the Renold Building, why not bag a bargain and recycle at the Swap Shop or buy some cake (and get a free hot drink) at the cake sale to help raise money for Lemn Sissay’s Care Leavers’ Christmas Dinner.

    Head over to the Barnes Wallis Hub for HeartStart CPR training. Learn how to save a life in these fun, interactive sessions running at 12.15pm, 1.15pm and 2.15pm.

    You can also find out about health-related giving, including organ donation, Antibiotic Guardians and basic life support skills in the Stopford Building from 12.00-2.00pm.

    Find out more about what Manchester is doing for #GivingTuesday on the website, join the event on Facebook and follow #UoMGivingTuesday.

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:42:30
Last change: Tuesday, 21 November 2017 13:15:15