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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Wednesday, 26 July 2017

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of School

    Head of School's coffee morning - Thursday 27th July at 10am

    You’re all invited to come along to the next HoS/HoSA “coffee” morning. This will be 10am on 27th July in the Kilburn common. Last month we had a splendid showing of cakes made by staff, with money raised for charity. So, please do bring cakes along. Our charity this month will be Ripple Africa, who hosted the Computing at School Team during their recent outreach work for Project Malawi.

    To prevent waste we’re not supplying hot beverages but tea bags, coffee and milk will be available for use with the hot water gadget in the kitchen (bring your own mug), or you can bring your own drinks.

    gravatar Liz Caine

    [ top ]News and announcements

    User Testing for the Student Lifecycle Project

    Academics and PSS Staff are needed to help the delivery of the Student Lifecycle Project

    The Student Lifecycle Project (SLP) is currently recruiting ‘user testers’ to support the delivery of the project. User testing is a critical part of ensuring the solution we are designing is meeting the needs of real users. This is where you come in – are you willing to volunteer as a user tester?

    Testers are needed from all areas of the University. The intention is to, as much as possible, match colleagues areas of expertise to specific tests however we may require User Testers to participate in tests for all new systems being built. 

    This activity will commence on Wednesday 26th July and will run every Wednesday until Christmas. For academics the sessions will likely last between 1 – 2 hours and for PSS staff sessions are up to 3 hours. You can book onto just one session or a number of them.

    If you are able to help us and can volunteer some of your time on a Wednesday afternoon, please email . The sessions will take place at the SLP Office (down the road from Sackville Street Building, opposite Piccadilly train station) 1st floor, Bainbridge House, 86-90 London Road, Manchester M1 2PW. 

    gravatar Liz Caine

    Jo Johnson Confirms Horizon 2020 UK Government Underwrite

    Following a recent speech by Jo Johnson, Minister of State for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation, the UK Government has issued a Q&A which sets out the parameters of what is covered by the Horizon 2020 underwrite guarantee which was announced on 13 August 2016. ​


    The Q&A confirms several points including:

    • The UK Government guarantees awards where the application is submitted before exit and is subsequently approved. This includes proposals which are informed of their success but, at the point of exit, have not signed a grant agreement, and proposals which have been submitted before exit and that are only informed of their success following exit.

    • Two stage application processes are also included in the UK Government's underwrite commitment, provided that the proposal for the first stage of the application is submitted before the UK leaves the EU and that the application is subsequently successful.


    The Q&A also states that the underwrite covers those schemes under Horizon 2020 which are administered in non-standard ways, including Joint Technology Initiatives (JTIs), Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs) and ERANETs for example.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Events

    Digital Economy Regional Meetings

    Expression of Interest survey deadline: 11 Aug 17:00

    Meeting Dates:

    • 20 Sep2017; Lancaster
    • 29 Nov 2017; London
    • 15 Jan 2018; Cardiff

    The RCUK Digital Economy (DE) Theme is planning a series of Regional Meetings across the UK, to engage with a cross-section of the DE community. The aims of the Regional Meetings are to communicate EPSRC’s ongoing strategy, the current DE funding landscape, and opportunities for DE researchers (including standard mode applications, fellowships, and the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund), whilst gathering information and input regarding emergent topics of interest and current issues in the DE community. The agenda will include presentations from RCUK staff, Q&A, panel discussions, and facilitated breakout sessions.

    The DE Theme often has tight deadlines so it would be ideal to have someone from the School attend. Remember - funding is available from the School to attend if you feedback knowledge.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Pitch@Palace Round 8

    Deadline: 19 Sep 2017

    Round 8 of the Duke of York’s initiative supports start-up and scale-up companies. It provides a platform that opens up networking and investment opportunities with key influencers and business leaders, including mentoring.

    The theme for this round is ‘The Future of Mobility and Materials’ – covering new materials, autonomous vehicles, human and social impact, material sustainability and connectivity and they would welcome applications from businesses based in our region.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]PGR News

    PGR Progression [You need to Read This]

    As you'll already know, the School has recently agreed on a new PGR progression practice with the aim of transferring trust to Supervisory Teams (but responsibilities include quality and logistics).

    Now just to clarify - you will arrange when and where to meet for the Research Progress Review, and you will choose the Independent Assessor. There are forms in eProg to let us know, and eProg will be emailing you so, keep an eye out!

    For the end of year interview in the first year of PhD and second year of CDT, SSO will pseudo-random allocate you an End of Year Examiner, but this time you will arrange when and where to meet for the exam with all parties (there's an eProg form for that too)!

    For the second and third (if required) year progression for PhD and third year of CDT then the supervisory team conducts the progression. Finally, all students at 42 months will be asked to meet with the Director of PGR.

    Re iterating the process:
    For PhD: The long report may not be required based on the outcome of the Research Progress Review (month 9). Only one Examiner will be present for the 1st year progression, and progression will be a collaborative decision between the team and the Examiner. The supervisory team will assess, justify, and record second-year progression.

    For CDT: The first year rules are unchanged. The long report may not be required based on the outcome of the Research Progress Review (month 21). Only one Examiner will be present for the 2nd year progression, and progression will be a collaborative decision between the team and the Examiner.

    In a little more detail...

    1st to 2nd year
    If you have a CDT student progressing from 1st to 2nd year - nothing changes, they submit a report and have to pass their exams.

    If you have a PhD student progressing from 1st to 2nd year - the 9 month Research Progress Review happens similarly to now, however in this case the Assessor can choose 'satisfactory' and no long report is required for progression, or 'additional work' by default this is the long report but may also be any other reasonable work (critical review, technical report, paper, etc.).

    At progression any additional work must be complete, an interview occurs with only one (pseudo-randomly assigned examiner). The supervisor(y team) personally arranges with the allocated examiner a time date location suitable to all, and the examination progresses in much the same way as the present.

    2nd to 3rd year
    If you have a CDT student progressing from 2nd to 3rd year - the 21 month Research Progress Review happens similarly to now, however in this case the Assessor can choose 'satisfactory' and no long report is required for progression, or 'additional work' by default this is the long report but may also be any other reasonable work (critical review, technical report, paper, etc).

    At progression any additional work must be complete, an interview occurs with only one (pseudo-randomly assigned examiner). The supervisor(y team) personally arranges with the allocated examiner a time date location suitable to all, and the examination progresses in much the same way as the present.

    If you have a PhD student progressing from 2nd to 3rd year - a short report is required as currently, but the examination is conducted by the supervisor(y team). The results recorded on eProg as now.

    3rd to 4th year
    If you have either a CDT or PhD student, they will submit a detailed plan for completion, and discuss this with the supervisory team (recorded via eProg). At the request of the Supervisor or the Director of PGR, the student will also have a 1 to 1 interview with the Director of PGR (or their nominated representative), also recorded via eProg.

    At month 42 all students who have not yet completed a 'Notice to Submit' have a 1 to 1 interview with the Director of PGR also recorded via eProg.

    There is some procedural detail which can be found at

    gravatar Simon Harper

    [ top ]Funding Opportunities

    ESRC - The Alan Turing Institute Joint Fellowship Scheme

    Deadline: 21 Sep 2017

    The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and The Alan Turing Institute are pleased to announce a Joint Fellowship Scheme aimed at driving forward the development and application of cutting-edge data science to study major societal challenges. This first joint call will focus on two key and interlinked issues - the complex challenges of:

    • facing the development of cities
    • in maintaining a healthy population

    Proposals are welcome from mid-career and senior academics from an RCUK eligible research organisation (RO). Up to two studentships will be attached to each Fellowship and it is expected these will work in similar areas to that of the Fellow. The Fellow will act as the primary supervisor helping in particular to develop the quantitative and data science skills of the students.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Cross – Catapult Researchers in Residence Initiative

    Deadline: 08 Sep 2017

    The new cross-catapult Researchers in Residence (RiR) initiative will support university academics for research visits/residencies to one or more UK Catapults:

    • Transport Systems Catapult, High Value Manufacturing Catapult, Digital Catapult, Future Cities Catapult, Energy Systems Catapult and Satellite Applications Catapult

    The award of up to £50k can only be used to cover the salary costs for the visit of each RiR, travel and subsistence costs, and any consumables used at the Catapult (over 1-4 yrs).


    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Reminder - RISE Call

    Deadline: 16:00 hrs (BST) 31 Jul 2017

    EPSRC has recently launched a call for public affairs and media training. The training is available for any currently-supported EPSRC researchers.

    The goal of the call is to raise the profile of EPSRC-supported scientists and engineers across the career spectrum, and across EPSRC's whole remit, so that they are recognised and valued by business, government and the public as the current and future leaders of engineering and science.

    Applicants must be available on 3rd and 4th October 2017.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    FY2018 Call for JSPS Invitation Fellowships

    Deadline*: 1 Sep 2017 to JSPS Tokyo via a host institution in Japan

    *Please be aware the internal deadline set by the host institution to collect an application and forward this to JSPS Tokyo will be earlier

    Fellowships must be started between 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2019.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) is the leading research funding agency in Japan, established by the Japanese Government for the purpose of contributing to the advancement of science. Our Invitation Fellowships provide the opportunity for researchers based outside of Japan to conduct collaborative research activities with leading research groups at Japanese universities and research institutions for single visits of between 7 days to 10 months. Eligible applicants need to be established researchers with an excellent record of research achievements. Eligible research fields are not limited. These fellowships can be awarded to the same researcher multiple times.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Featured Research Outcomes

    Jack Dongarra Seminar on High Performance Computing (HPC) at DG CONNECT.

    Jack's presentation can be viewed through:

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    F1000 Best Poster Award for Mark Robinson

    Mark Robinson , a 2017 BSc graduate from School of Computer Science, has won the F1000 Best Poster Award at the ISMB/ECCB Computational Biology conference in Prague together with Carole Goble and Stian Soiland-Reyes from the school and Michael R Crusoe from the CWL project. The work was also presented at the conference in the BOSC track.

    Mark’s poster depicts the CWL Viewer , a web application to visualize scientific workflows written in the community-developed Common Workflow Language. CWL have recently received large traction in the bioinformatics community, and the CWL Viewer has already become the de-facto standard to present its workflows. Mark developed the CWL Viewer as his third-year project, and is this summer funded to continue its development as part of the school’s engagement in the BioExcel Centre of Excellence

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    gravatar Liz Caine
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:32:18
Last change: Wednesday, 26 July 2017 13:07:10