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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Thursday, 20 July 2017

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of School

    Summer Graduation 2017

    Last Friday we held this summer’s graduation ceremony. Should you wish to see the recording it may be viewed via

    Due to the courtyard works we held the post ceremony bash in the university organised marquee. This seemed to work very well and we had a good showing of staff around to meet students together their friends and family. It’s a fine thing to come along and acknowledge our students’ successes.

    gravatar Robert Stevens

    HoS and HoSA Computer Science Coffee Morning

    You’re all invited to come along to the next HoS/HoSA “coffee” morning. This will be 10 a.m. 27th July in the common room of the Kilburn Building. Last month we had a splendid showing of cakes made by staff, with money handed over for cake being donated to charity. So, do bring cakes along.

    To prevent waste we’re not supplying hot beverages but tea bags, coffee and milk will be available for use with the hot water gadget in the kitchen (bring your own mug), or you can bring your own drinks.

    gravatar Robert Stevens

    Richard Neville

    Richard Neville is leaving the School on 31 July this year. Richard joined UMIST in 2000 and then the School of Computer Science after Project Unity. I thank him for his service to the School. There is a leaving card to be signed in ACSO. I hope you’ll all join me in wishing Richard all the best for the future.

    gravatar Robert Stevens

    [ top ]News and announcements

    BBC’s Horizon is looking for Scientific Input

    The BBC is working on new ideas for their popular Horizon series and would like our researchers and academics to submit their ideas. In particular they are looking for an insight in to the topics that are currently of interest to scientists. At this stage they only require a brief outline of topics and areas of research. Additionally they are looking to find new experts that are interested in television presenting. If you would like to find out more or get involved, please contact Jordan Kenny -

    gravatar Karen Corless

    [ top ]Events

    Computer Science team back from Malawi

    Computer Science team back from Malawi The outreach team has returned from a pilot project in Malawi, teaching computing in schools in the north of the country. It was a great experience all round, for the staff, CS students and teachers on the team, and for the schools, where we met real enthusiasm from the teachers and from the schoolchildren too, who engaged well with the subject despite never having touched a computer, or even a keyboard before! They requested we taught throughout the weekends as well, which we did. The message for next year is “bigger and better”, and planning has already begun. There is a report on the project at There will be a School seminar in which we will show what was done, discuss the experience, and debate the value of such an intervention in a very unequal world: 2pm, Wednesday 27th September, LT 1.5. David Rydeheard David Rydeheard
    gravatar Karon Mee

    [ top ]Featured Research Outcomes

    New Publication

    biochem4j: Integrated and extensible biochemical knowledge through graph databases

    gravatar Karen Corless

    New publications by the NEST group

    Exploring the potential of remote plasma sputtering for the production of L10 ordered FePt thin films, S Zygridou, C W Barton, P W Nutter and T Thomson, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 50 (2017) 275005,

    gravatar Karen Corless

    New publications by the NEST group

    Analysis of grain size in FePt films fabricated using remote plasma deposition, D Huskisson, S Zygridou, S J Haigh, C W Barton, P W >> Nutter and T Thomson, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, accepted 2017,

    gravatar Karen Corless

    gravatar Liz Caine
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:38:24
Last change: Thursday, 20 July 2017 14:24:04