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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Monday, 12 June 2017

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of School

    Kilburn building works update

    Progress on redeveloping the courtyard has been delayed due to the discovery of significant leaks in the roof. The whole membrane that prevents leaks needs to be replaced. A contract has been issued to do this work and I am told that work will start soon and the work on the courtyard itself is due to be completed by the end of the summer. This means that this year's graduation party on 14th July will be held outside of the Kilburn building (in the marquee next to the Learning Commons).

    You will have seen the work on replacing windows on the outside of the Kilburn building has finally begun. The start of this work has been delayed significantly, but I have been told that it should still be completed by the end of the summer. I know that the replacing of these windows will cause disruption, with people having to move offices for considerable lengths of time. Significant efforts are being made by Tony McDonald and James Fields to minimise disruption and identify alternative office space and they are working closely with Estates to support the programme. Once complete the new windows, increased ventilation, and other changes to the heating and ventilation system (associated with the refurbishment on the ground floor) should improve our working environment.


    gravatar Robert Stevens

    Promotions and Rewards for Exceptional Performance

    I am pleased to announce that we have three promotions to professor within the School:

    - Gavin Brown

    - Goran Nenadic

    - Steve Pettifer

    We also have two rewards for exceptional performance:

    - Christoforos Moutafis.

    - David Rydeheard.

    I hope that you will all join me in offering your congratulations to them all.

    gravatar Robert Stevens

    Staff Survey results

    Many thanks to everyone who completed the University’s Staff Satisfaction Survey 2017. The response rate for the School was 61%. I received the results last week and am currently working my way through the data with the aim of sharing headlines with the School soon. The results of the survey will be discussed at Staff Development Committee in more detail with the aim of producing an action plan to address any areas of concern or where there is room for improvement

    gravatar Robert Stevens

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Follow Computer Science’s African outreach and send us your support

    The Computer Science team of staff, students and schoolteachers is leaving for Malawi this weekend (10th June) for three weeks to train teachers, deliver classes in schools, run computing clubs and visit local universities.

    You can follow this pioneering scheme and send us your support on the Project Malawi blog:

    Twitter: @cas_manchester

    David Rydeheard

    gravatar Karen Corless

    Updating Reading Lists

    Please could staff take time over the Summer to update reading lists for the next academic year to ensure we have new stock ready for students in September.

    Academic staff can order new books via My Manchester – direct link

    If you have a bulk order and would like more than 10 books for your reading list, then please email the Teaching and Learning team directly

    Please give details of the module, student numbers and whether the module runs in Semester 1 or 2.

    More information on acquiring library resources is available here:

    As always, any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me: x56502

    gravatar Karen Corless

    Online Register of Interests

    The University requires all staff to declare anything that might result in a potential conflict of interest and requires the School to keep a Register of Interests. While you should report any relevant interests as they arise, the School is required to review its register on an annual basis. All staff of Grade 6 and above (and staff on other grades with possible conflicts of interest) are required to complete an annual declaration. Even if staff have no interests to declare they should submit a ‘nil return’.

    Until recently the Register of Interests has been a paper based system and to make this process more efficient the University is introducing an online Register. The School of Computer Science is now moving to the online system. If you are at Grade 6 or above, in the next few days you should receive an email advising you how to complete your online register of interests form (if you are at Grade 5 or below and may have a possible conflict of interest, please contact me).

    Further information:
    • Handy Guide to the Register of Interests:
    • How to complete the Register:

    If you are unsure what to declare as an interest after consulting the above guidance please contact me. If you need any assistance with the Register of Interests form please contact either Lynn or myself or the Finance Helpdesk (ext. 62535 or

    gravatar Liz Caine

    Smart Cities Survey

    There is currently a significant amount of Smart Cities activity and research taking place at the University of Manchester. Due to increased levels of local, regional, national and international interest in Smart Cities, the University is required to link up researchers and staff members who are teaching, working and researching in areas that are relevant to the Smart Cities community.

    Manchester Informatics and Manchester Urban Institute believe there is potential for the Smart Cities community at Manchester to work together to capitalise on the success of these activities, exploring synergies and exploiting opportunities for future Smart Cities research including e.g. Grand Challenge Research Fund.

    Your area of expertise could be applicable to Smart Cities as it encompasses such a broad range of research areas. The survey below will enable our team to connect you with new opportunities for internal and external research collaboration.

    If you have any queries regarding the survey, please contact 

    gravatar Karen Corless

    [ top ]Events

    Head of School's Coffee Morning & Charity Bake Sale - Thursday 15th June, Common Room

    Head of School's Coffee Morning and Charity Bake Sale 
    Thursday 15th June at 10am in Kilburn Staff Common room

    Come and eat cake! What could be better on a Thursday morning to come, buy some delicious cake while making a donation to charity, and have a chat with colleagues. Bring your own brew. 

    The charity we are supporting this time is Animals Asia/Nowzad. Karon Mee is raising money for her trek up Mount Snowdon on 17th September 2017. 

    gravatar Liz Caine

    The Big Bear Stretch on Thursday 15th June 2017.

    The Big Bear Yoga Stretch on Thursday 15th June 2017 from 8.30am - 9.45am at The Whitworth Art Gallery. Cost: £5

    As part of the charity Bake Sale on the same day, Karon will be teaching her yoga class at the Whitworth and donating 100% of her proceeds to Animals Asia. Animals Asia raises awareness of and works to stop, the suffering of Bears kept for bile farming, the dog and cat meat trade, and captive animal welfare. Please come and enjoy a wonderful morning stretch and know your payment will go toward supporting these campaigns.

    Thank you. 

    gravatar Karon Mee

    From Pacemakers to Codebreakers - Workshop

    From Pacemakers to Codebreakers: Risk, Privacy, Security & Trust in the World of Today (and Tomorrow)

    Date & Time:  Wednesday 5th July 2017

    Venue: MANDEC, 3rd Floor, University Dental Hospital, Higher Cambridge Street, Manchester, M15 6FH

    Time: 12:00 - 16:00

    The University is rallying its research talents to tackle the global challenges of managing risks and maintaining privacy, security and trust in today’s digital world.

    The complex, cross-disciplinary nature of these challenges means your discipline may well be able to propose improved and new ways of tackling them and there are significant opportunities for research with £1.9 bn of government funding over 5 years earmarked for addressing these very broad issues (often lumped together as 'cyber security'). The University has prioritised this area as a focus for engagement with the city in response to strong interest from Manchester city-region government, industry, academia and GCHQ in exploring cross-sector collaboration.

    Our vision is to bring researchers and academics from across disciplines in a community building event on Wednesday 5th July 2017 to explore the University’s relevant strengths - from more traditional security research, including privacy and confidentiality, to applications in business health, law, economics and beyond.

    Many disciplines have contributions to make, for example:

    • Behavioural psychology is designing systems that treat people as respected contributors not the biggest threat.
    • Social scientists are studying covert social networks and investigating the confidentiality and privacy issues that arise from the collection, dissemination and analysis of data
    • New laws and regulations are being crafted that re-evaluate classical boundaries.
    • Physics is driving the next generation of encryption.
    • Engineering is making it work in practice in “smart factories,” where cyber-physical systems monitor the physical processes of the factory and make decentralized decisions
    • Immunology is providing analogies that help information systems and their carrier networks look after themselves.
    • Computer science and mathematics are fundamental disciplines
    • Criminology, forensic science, economics and many more

    At the workshop we hope that you will find that, although you will have your own focus, this is something where your discipline almost certainly has skills, mindsets, and ways of doing things that can address the challenges.

    To register to attend the event, please click here. Alternatively, if you are unable to attend but would like to be kept informed about future events, please click here.

    For further information about the event, please feel free to direct any queries you may have to


    gravatar Karen Corless

    Meeting with IT Services Relationship Manager

    We will be having our regular meeting with Sally Horridge, the School’s IT Services relationship manager on Wednesday this week. If you have issues you’d like me to raise with Sally then do pass them along to

    gravatar Karen Corless

    [ top ]Tech Support News

    2-factor authentication

    In case you missed the recent update in Beeline on 2-factor authentication, please read on:

    IT Services is introducing new and improved practices through its Cyber Security Programme to keep our information and data secure. One of the first changes you’ll see is the launch of 2-factor authentication.  This involves adding an extra layer of IT security when you log in and will make it much more difficult for someone else to access protected services even if your password is stolen or guessed. During the week commencing Monday 12 June you’ll receive an email asking you to register with a company called Duo which is providing our 2-factor authentication service.

    Further information can be found from:

    gravatar Liz Caine

    gravatar Karen Corless
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:45:52
Last change: Monday, 12 June 2017 13:04:43