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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Monday, 24 April 2017

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of School

    Regular meeting with IT Services Relationship Manager

    On 3 May I have one of my regular meetings with Sally Horridge, the School’s IT Services Relationship Manager. If you have an IT Services related topic you’d like me to raise then do send it to me by the end of this week. Delays in procurement of IT equipment is already on my list.

    Many Thanks, Robert.

    gravatar Karen Corless

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Research Support Office News

    Research Finance Officer (RFO) Terry Williams will be leaving the team at the end of this week to join the Procurement Hub in Central Finance as an Operational Buyer.

    Thanks to Terry for all of his work over the last few months. Details of another RFO will be available in due course.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Events

    The new history display in the Kilburn Building

    Title: The new history display in the Kilburn Building

    Some of you will have noticed a new display in the Kilburn Building, on the first floor. This covers the work of Desmond Henry [1921-2004] (see who was an artist, philosopher and pioneer in computer art. He used wartime analogue computing devices to create artworks, and was a member of the Philosophy Department here. He discussed morphogenesis with Alan Turing and received an award from L.S. Lowry. Desmond's daughter, who keeps his archive, gave us an illustrated talk about her father's work several years ago. Desmond Henry was a very interesting character and a highly accomplished artist as well as an engineer and philosopher.

    We will be holding an “opening ceremony” at the display: Friday 5th May at 3pm, when the artist’s family and associates will attend. Do come along.

    Please contact Dr. David Rydeheard with any queries:



    gravatar Karon Mee

    EPSRC Cross-Disciplinarity and Co-Creation in ICT Research - Information Day

    Register by: 28 April 17
    Event: 04 May 17 (London)

    The new EPSRC priorities explicitly involve a cross-disciplinary component. There will be a call for funding (out early next month) titled "Cross-Disciplinarity and Co-Creation in ICT Research", with outline proposals required by 14 June and full submissions by 27 Sept.

    On 4th May, EPSRC are holding an information day on this call. Potential applicants, wishing to attend the information day, should email EPSRC Events at to register their interest...

    If you intend to register, please let Gavin Brown know. Remember that the School can cover the costs of attendance to funder events, where attendees then feedback on the event to the rest of the School.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    UoM Postgraduate Summer Research Showcase 2017

    CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS - Deadline: 08 May 17
    Event: 27 June (Whitworth Hall)

    Win up to £200!

    This year’s Postgraduate Summer Research Showcase includes poster, image and research film competitions, with postgraduate student researchers from across the four university faculties.

    Posters are a brilliant way to foster individual discussions and exchange of ideas. For help and support with your poster design, sign up to a workshop:

    The Exhibition gives postgraduate researchers a supportive environment in which they can practise their presentation skills and gain invaluable feedback from both academic and non-academic judges. You can enter anytime with a title, three keywords and a short abstract of 150 words - via the website The poster is needed on Monday 26th June the day before the event.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    UoM N8 AgriFood Pump Priming Fund & Event

    Event: 26 May 2017, F41 Sackville St Building, 9.30am – 2pm
    Register in advance

    N8 AgriFood Manchester is hosting a networking meeting themed around multidisciplinary collaboration in preparation for upcoming funding opportunities. This is open to research professionals at UoM and you can also find out more about the pump priming schemes available through N8 AgriFood.

    Notionally between £500 to £10k per application is expected to support UoM activities. The remit is broad and applications which relate to any of the N8 AgriFood themes below will be considered:

    • Sustainable food production
    • Resilient supply chains
    • Improved consumption and health

    N8 AgriFood also supports larger strategic pump priming projects, up to £30k, each year with a duration of up to 9 months. These awards are for flagship, strategically important, multidisciplinary projects which involve a number of N8 institutions with a clear route to develop into high profile collaborations and outputs. Projects are likely to span two or more of the N8 AgriFood themes. The subject matter and scope must be of interest to significant potential funders with a clear pathway and timeline to a funding application.

    Proposals must be submitted by Friday 5th May, decisions are expected to be communicated 14th June and projects must start by 3rd July.

    As always, please involve in your proposals and costings.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Trust, Identity, Privacy and Security (TIPS) in the Digital Economy Workshop

    EoI deadline: 28 April 17
    Event: 8 June 17

    The one day workshop will provide an opportunity for participants to engage in discussion, identify research challenges and initiate new collaborative working partnerships around TIPS. The outputs of this workshop will be used to develop the scope of a targeted call for research projects, which will be published in summer 2017.

    Please contact Miriam Dowle ( ) if you have any questions about the workshop.

    Remember that the School can cover the costs of attendance to funder events, where attendees then feedback on the event to the rest of the School. Please contact Gavin Brown for more information.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Reminder: ERC Advanced Grants Information and Proposal Writing Event (Manchester)

    Event: 10:00 - 13:00 (registration from 09:30) 24 May 2017, The University of Manchester

    In its capacity as UK National Contact Point for the European Research Council, the UK Research Office, in partnership with the University of Manchester, is holding an event for researchers who are interested in applying for the 2017 ERC Advanced Grants call.

    Registration required. Places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

    Please note that another Advanced Grants event will take place in London on 18th May.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    UoM Cyber Security Community Building Workshop

    Event: 11 May 2017, 12:00-16:00 (Kanaris Lecture Theatre)

    The aim of the event is to explore the potential for building a strong Cyber Security community at the University.

    Cyber Security is a very important area for growth in Greater Manchester and the University has prioritised Cyber Security as a focus for engagement with the City. The University already has strengths in many of the research areas identified by the RCUK and PACCS programme as important to Cyber Security (e.g Threats and Intrusion, Distributed Systems and Networking, Verification, Cryptography and Data Analytics) as well as Policy Aspects such as Data Security and Privacy and in Human Factors.

    This event will provide an opportunity to hear from Cyber Security researchers at UoM, to network with researchers from a wider range of disciplines and to discuss the potential for the University to establish itself as a leader in interdisciplinary Cyber Security research and teaching.

    Registration required.
    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Graduation Ceremony

    A reminder to staff that the graduation ceremony is on Friday 14th July at 12.15pm.  Due to the building works, the party this year will take place in a marquee adjacent to Alan Gilbert Learning Commons, commencing at 1.30pm.  Information regarding gown hire is expected to be sent to staff in May.

    gravatar Karen Corless

    Data Visualisation in the Smart City - Bringing Maps to Life

    Event: 04 May 17, 13:00 - 15:00 (KB Atlas 1&2)

    Manchester Informatics in partnership with the Manchester Urban Institute would like to invite you to the second event in a series of events aimed at exploring the University's work on Smart Cities.

    The ability to visualise data about a city is essential in order to make it smart, Richard Kingston, Professor of Urban Planning at the University of Manchester will be giving a talk on the work of the Spatial Policy and Analysis Laboratory at the University, where spatial data analysis is used to support all forms of the planning and development process. Examples include CommuteFlow - geodemographic classification of commuting flows for England and Wales to enable better transport infrastructure planning and Climate Just, which shows the geography of England’s vulnerability to climate change at a neighbourhood scale.

    Ordnance Survey, one of the partners in the CityVerve project, is at the heart of Smart activity applying geospatial expertise to bring Smart Cities to life all over the world. Simon Navin, Smart Cities Projects Lead at Ordnance Survey, will be giving a demonstration of OS’s data visualisation and mapping work on CityVerve and beyond.

    Registration required.
    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Funding Opportunities

    Dame Kathleen Ollerenshaw Fellowships

    HoS deadline: 22 May 17 

    There will be three or four of Dame Kathleen Ollerenshaw Fellowships awarded in any subject area across the faculty. These fellowships are aimed at outstanding scientists and engineers at an early stage in their academic careers - that is, within five years of the award of a first Ph.D., with the usual exceptions for maternity, paternity and career breaks. The fellowships are for five years and the expectation is that these will be awarded annually and lead to a permanent appointment (with the usual caveats).

    Only two applications are allowed from each School and must be accompanied by a supporting statement from the Head of School. This year, however, Chemistry, Materials and Physics and Astronomy are not taking part in this scheme. Competition for these fellowships will still be strong and so only the strongest candidates that want an academic career should apply. Proposals need to be "eye-catching", seeking to do exciting, transformatory research.

    If you know of strong candidates, either within this University or others, then do encourage them to think about applying. All people thinking of applying must talk to the Head of School.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    UoM MRC Proximity to Discovery (P2D) funding

    Deadline: 31 May 17

    UoM have received an award from the MRC to continue their Proximity to Discovery (P2D) initiative for a third year. The Industry Engagement fund is intended to provide a flexible means to support the establishment of new partnerships between academia and industry. Project period: 01/09/2017 – 30/06/2017

    Applications are now being accepted for two parallel calls, which are, briefly:

    1. Relationship Incubator Scheme: Where funds are required to identify and engage partners on new projects. This can include workshops to promote academic research to potential partners, or small pieces of feasibility work.

    Value: up to £10k (DI costs) Duration: up to 6 months

    1. Industry Secondment Scheme: More substantial projects involving the movement of staff to/from industry to allow increased understanding between partners, and the generation of pilot data to seed larger collaborative projects or grant proposals.

    Value: up to £50k (DI costs) Duration: up to 9 months.

    If you are interested in applying, please contact for further details and application forms and please let know.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Newton Opportunities

    Institutional Links

    Deadline: 13 Jun 17

    The British Council has provided details of the next round of its Institutional Links Grants and Workshop Grants. The Institutional Links covering Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Philippines and Thailand. The Workshop Grants cover Brazil, India, Kenya, Malaysia, South Africa, Thailand and Vietnam.


    Newton Prize

    An annual Newton Prize has been established from this year and will be awarded to current or previous Newton Fund grants awardees. Each year, five Newton partnerships will be awarded £200k to advance the work of their existing Newton Fund awards. The 2017 cycle will focus focusing on partnerships with India, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam in the area of public health and wellbeing. More information available at the end of the month.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Featured Research Outcomes

    New publications

    Berry N, Lobban F, Belousov M, Emsley R, Nenadic G, Bucci S: #WhyWeTweetMH: Understanding Why People Use Twitter to Discuss Mental Health Problems, J Med Internet Res 2017;19(4):e107

    The paper presents a methodology and results of tweets analyzed thematically to understand the key reasons for discussing mental health using the Twitter platform.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    MAMBO now supports ARMv8

    MAMBO ( started as the PhD of Cosmin Gorgovan and is being developed with support from the PAMELA project. It's recently been announced that MAMBO now supports ARMv8; a significant milestone thanks to Guillermo Callagham.

    MAMBO - A
    Binary Instrumentation Tool for ARM MAMBO is the lowest overhead dynamic binary instrumentation tool for ARM and is able to run standard benchmarks, e.g. SPEC CPU 2006, PARSEC, SLAMBench, as well as real applications, e.g. Gimp and LibreOffice. Visit

    Last April, we released MAMBO as open-source together with the publication of our paper in ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization http://doi/10.1145/28451. The license is the industry friendly Apache 2.0. Since its publication, we have appeared continuously in the list of the top 10 most downloaded articles in the journal ( We are pleased to announce that MAMBO now supports AArch64 (ARMv8), thanks to the great work of Cosmin Gorgovan and Guillermo Callaghan. Looking at who is following the repository, MAMBO seems to be popular for cybersecurity as well as computer architecture. We will continue improving MAMBO and look forward to more developers, researchers and companies getting involved.

    Thanks to @EPSRC, @ARM Research and The Royal Society for their support.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    New book: An Introduction to Description Logic

    Professor Uli Sattler has co-authored the book An Introduction to Description Logic (Cambridge University Press), which was published on 20 April 2017 across UK and Europe.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Tech Support News

    Dropbox Business

    A reminder that the University (i.e. IT Services) supports Dropbox Business for researchers and PGR graduate students. Dropbox's new web site design shows how many of us are signed-up; at the time of writing it is 1,026.

    gravatar Ian Cottam

    gravatar Karen Corless
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:35:02
Last change: Monday, 24 April 2017 16:01:34