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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Tuesday, 21 March 2017

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of School

    Staff Survey

    A reminder that the Staff Survey has opened.  This is an important route by which your views about the School, Faculty and University are made known.  It is good for the School and the wider University to know where things are both good and not so good, so do please do the survey.  Staff will have been sent a link and a password.

    gravatar Karen Corless

    Questionnaire on the review of School structure in FSE

    As part of the Faculty Review of School structure your views on the structure of schools in the Faculty of Science and Engineering are being sought. Your views really matter in enabling the correct decision to be made, so please share them now.

    The link to the questionnaire is here:

    Information on the Faculty Review is here:

    The deadline is 31 March.

    gravatar Karen Corless


    Many thanks to all staff and Ph.D. students that filled in ResearchFish returns.  The School had a 100% submission; all 48 eligible awards had a submission made.  This is one way in which the money spent on research grants is justified and so is important.  More locally, non-compliance may mean that an individual becomes ineligible for grant funding.

    gravatar Karen Corless

    [ top ]News and announcements

    PSS staff changes

    Susie Hymas (Postgraduate Administrator) will be going on maternity leave from 13th April. Emma Bentley (currently Senior Postgraduate Programmes Administrator in EEE) will join the Student Support Office to provide maternity cover for Susie's post from 10th April.

    Cassie Barlow (Recruitment and Admissions Manager) has been seconded to the Student Lifecycle Programme and will move across fully from 18th April. Ruth Whelan (currently Senior Postgraduate Recruitment and Admissions Administrator in MACE) will join us on 11th April covering Cassie's role. 

    My very best wishes to both Susie and Cassie. 


    gravatar Liz Caine

    Research office open morning - 23rd March

    The Research hub for Computer Science and Maths recently relocated to the Kilburn building, room 2.126 (next-door to ACSO). We have arranged a coffee morning between 10.00am and 11.00am on Thursday 23rd March to welcome the hub to Kilburn building and give colleagues the opportunity to meet the team informally. All academic, research and PSS staff in the School are invited so please do come along to say hello. Tea, coffee and cake will be provided.

    gravatar Liz Caine

    FSE Review

    The Faculty Review Group is keen to hear the views of staff and students from the Faculty and beyond. More information and an online questionnaire, where you can submit your views for consideration by the Review Group, can be found here.  It is important the University makes an informed decision so please do provide your views by Friday 31 March 2017.

    gravatar Liz Caine

    NERC Standard and NI Grant round

    IMPORTANT: All applications for the NERC 18th July deadline are required to be submitted for University Review except for those where the PI is the non-lead applicant and there will be no UoM JeS form.  
    Contact Sarah Chatwin asap if you plan to apply for NERC funding for proposal outline forms.
    ·         28th March – deadline for receipt of 2 pager by Schools for local peer review
    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Philip Leverhulme Prize Scheme 2017

    IMPORTANT: The University is restricted to submitting a maximum of three bids per subject area, therefore we have put an internal review process in place for Biological Sciences and Mathematics & Statistics subject areas
    Contact for more information
    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Events

    My Journey to the Dark Side by Dr. Giles Reger 22/03/17 KB L.T 1.5 14:00

    My Journey to the Dark Side by Dr. Giles Reger 22/03/17 KB L.T 1.5 14:00

    In 2013 I was presented with a choice: a postdoc in an area related to my PhD work, or to join the Dark Side of theorem proving. I chose the Dark Side. In this talk I will describe my journey from runtime verification (the not-so-dark side) to automated theorem proving (the dark side), and my ongoing research in both fields. Runtime verification (RV) is the problem of checking whether a single execution of a program (or more generally, a system) conforms to a formally given specification of correct behaviour. This requires notions of what an execution of a program looks like, what a formal specification looks like, and how to do the checking efficiently, these are the questions I have addressed in my research and will address in this talk. Automated Theorem Proving (ATP) is the job of taking a problem written in formal logic and asking the question ‘is this true’? Here the notions of what logic is and what truth means are well-defined, but the question is undecidable for first-order logic, our logic of choice. My research in this area has, therefore, been to explore heuristic methods for answering particular instances of this question. I will motivate and describe the problems and solutions in this space addressed by my research, and show how they have improved the Vampire theorem prover.


    Dr Giles Reger joined the Formal Methods group as a Lecturer in Febuary 2016. He was previously a member of the group as a PhD student and research associate. His current reasearch interests include automated reasoning and dynamic program analysis, both with a focus on software verification. Since 2014 he has been a main contributor to the world-leading Vampire theorem prover project, based here in Manchester, and has contributed to the recent successes at the CASC and SMTCOMP competitions. Core to this success was the integration of Vampire with the Z3 SMT solver developed by  Microsoft Research. In the area of dynamic program analysis, also known as runtime verification, he leads an international working group (via an EU-funded COST project) aiming to standardise languages and methods for dynamic program properties. He is also the lead developer of the MarQ runtime verification tool, which has won medals in the last three runtime verification competitions, which he now co-organises. This work includes on ongoing collaboration with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

    gravatar Karon Mee

    Students & Staff members against Blood Cancer

    On Tuesday, 21 March, DKMS together with University of Manchester will hold an event at the Student Union - Ground Floor with a target of 100 new lifesavers registered.  Registering only involves a simple mouth swab and some questions.


    • Anyone staying in the UK for the next 2 years can register.
    • Each donor has 4-5% chance to do an actual blood donation in the following 10 years.
    • Treat yourself! We are having a bake sale and a raffle. Louise Cupcakes, Shere Khan and Ziya Asian Grill are the main sponsors. This is another way to help in case you are not an eligible donor. The money raised will support the charity to beat blood cancer.

    For further information, email



    gravatar Karen Corless

    FSE Teaching Seminar - Embedding Employability in the Curriculum

    When: Wed 29 March, 1.30 - 2.30

    Where: Lecture Theatre D, Simon Building

    This seminar will illustrate how Michael Grove, Reader in STEM Education from the University of Birmingham and Suzanne Embury from the School of Computer Science have embedded employability skills in undergraduate courses, working collaboratively with industrial partners.  Register your attendance here.

    gravatar Karen Corless

    Hopper Colloquium Lecture 2017

    UCL and BCS Academy will be presenting the 13th London Hopper Colloquium at BCS HQ London on Thursday 25 May 2017

    This one-day event will feature women speakers talking about their research, a spotlight competition open to postgraduate students, and lots of opportunities to network with other new researchers in computing.

    The speakers are:       

    • Dr. Lynne Baillie, Heriot-Watt University - Building User Centered Rehabilitation Technologies
    • Juliet Grout, IBM - Cybersecurity the billion pound problem
    • Dr Anna Muszkiewicz, University of Oxford - Simulations of the human heart shed light on mechanisms underpinning atrial fibrillation
    • Dr. Larissa Romualdo-Suzuki, Greater London Authority - Data as Infrastructure for Smart Cities

    The event will be followed in the evening by the annual Karen Spärck Jones Lecture. Both events are free but booking is required: 

    gravatar Liz Caine

    Smart Technology and Digital Solutions – Supporting the Nuclear Decommissioning Mission

    The event is being run in collaboration with Sellafield and UoM Knowledge Exchange Team, and aims to bring together companies and academics in the broad theme of ‘Smart Technologies and Digital Solutions’ to develop opportunities to address challenges in nuclear decommissioning.
    They are particularly interested in expertise in the fields of (but not limited to);
    • Big data, analytics and data mining
    • Legacy dataset conversion
    • Augmented reality
    • Automated monitoring and testing
    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Dstl Market Interest Day for new Human Social Science Reseach Capability (HSSRC) requirement


    The MOD, via the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory’s (Dstl’s) Defence and Security Analysis (DSA) Division is seeking to appoint a contractor to lead, manage and deliver human social and behavioural sciences research for up to 7 years. The framework, known as the Human and Social Sciences Research Capability (HSSRC) will deliver agile and robust human social and behavioural sciences research by building and maintaining a supplier network with an emphasis on scientific excellence, innovation and collaboration to exploit skills and capabilities.  This research will be used to shape current and future Defence and Security strategy, policy and capability. 
    The HSSRC framework covers six main technical areas:
    • human performance (physical and psychological)
    • humans in systems
    • training and education
    • personnel
    • understanding and influencing human behaviour and health
    • well-being and enhancing medical capabilities and systems.
    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Funding Opportunities

    Royal Academy of Engineering’s Distinguished Visiting Fellowships

    Apply online by 4pm on Monday 03 April
    The schemprovides funding of up to £6,000 to enablan engineering department at a UK University to host a Distinguished Visiting Fellow from an overseas academic centre of excellence,for visits lasting up to one month.
    The schemes objectives arto:
    ·      access global centres of excellence in engineering research and teaching, with a view to strengthening UK capacity and international standing and promoting new internationalcollaborations;
    ·      enablthe participating organisations to discover shared and complementary skills, areas and initiatives that could form thfoundation for future collaborations and strategic research alliances;
    ·      foster knowledge exchangpartnerships through the sgravatar Karen Corless
    Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:31:00
    Last change: Tuesday, 21 March 2017 12:07:37