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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Monday, 20 February 2017

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of School

    Senate Elections

    Those of you on the University's electoral role will have been sent information about candidates for election to the Senate. This is an opportunity to have input on who represents us at University Senate. Caroline Jay from this School is currently a member of senate. The ballot for this election will be held on-line over a two week period ending on 24 February. Members of the academic and research group within the Faculty, registered on the electoral roll are eligible to vote in the election. Each voter can vote for no more than three candidates to take up the places that are available within this electoral group.  Only those on the electoral roll will receive voting information.

    gravatar Karen Corless

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Important changes to the book loan quota for academic staff

    The Library is continually seeking to enhance its services and amend its policies and procedures to further improve the support provided to academic staff and researchers.

    With this in mind, we have decided that the book loan quota for academics is now unlimited

    As a reminder, you can order books via My Manchester and get them delivered directly to your office (by ticking the appropriate box when you submit your request). More information on Acquiring Library Resources is available on the library website.

    Any questions then please so not hesitate to contact your Academic Engagement Librarian, Gemma Smith, email:  

    gravatar Karen Corless

    UoM Lost Property Policy updated

    The University's Lost Property Policy aims to ensure that property found or left within University premises is dealt with consistently.  Please follow this link for more information.

    gravatar Karen Corless

    Research hub moving to Kilburn on 6th March

    The planned date for the research hub move from Alan Turing to Kilburn building is Monday 6th March. The hub will be moving into 2.126 (the office next to ACSO). Thank you in advance for your patience during the move. Every effort will be made to minimise disruption but if you have any concerns please contact Sarah Chatwin.

    gravatar Liz Caine

    Researchfish Reminder

    All seven Research Councils have now harmonised around the use of the Researchfish system for the collection of outcomes information from grant holders. It is mandatory that PIs complete a Researchfish return as part of the standard terms and conditions of holding an award.

    The RCUK submission period is taking place until 16th March 2017.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Events

    Nancy Rothwell's School Visit - 1 March

    The President and Vice Chancellor, Nancy Rothwell, will be making her annual School visit on 1 March. She will be accompanied by Clive Agnew, VP Teaching, Learning and Students and Ms Izzy Gurbuz from the Students union (teaching part only).

    The Schedule is as follows:

    2:30 p.m. Meeting  with the SLT in KB 2.33.

    3:00 p.m. Meeting with students in KB 2.19.

    3:30 p.m. Meeting with staff in KB 2.19.

    Do come along to the appropriate session; find out what is happening and ask questions.

    Professor Robert Stevens

    gravatar Karen Corless

    FSE Teaching Seminars 2017

    There are two teaching seminars coming up in the next few weeks.  Everyone is welcome to attend, please also pass on to colleagues in your School.

    To register your attendance at the seminars please complete the online registration form at the links below.

    • ‘Focus on Feedback’, Wednesday 1st March, 3-4pm in Lecture Theatre C, Simon Building

    Speakers: Dr Darcey Gillie, Dr Steve Pettifer and Prof Louise Walker

    Despite the tremendous amount of effort that goes into assessment and feedback, the outputs can often be unexpected, and not always in a positive way. This session will focus on students’ experiences of formative feedback as well as some practical hints and tips.

    Register at

    • ‘What’s primary teaching got to do with me?’, Wednesday 8th March, 2-3pm in H11, Renold Building

    Speaker: Dr Lynne Bianchi, Director of SEERIH (Science and Engineering Education Research and Innovation Hub)

    This session will provide an opportunity to hear about the CHERIL ‘Across the Divide’ cross-faculty project designed to question how University-primary-secondary school partnerships can influence academics’ pedagogic practice in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).  It will provide insight into how a group of academics, primary and secondary teachers collaborated over the course of 2015-16 to explore each other’s teaching and learning approaches. By identifying similarities and differences between Higher Education and school pedagogic practice the project stimulates us to consider how reflection on our own teaching and learning approaches with peers from across the educational sector could offer rich professional learning gains, leading to refinements in our own practice and result in enhanced student experience and transition.’

    Register at

    Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any queries.

    Susan Ryles, Teaching & Learning, Academic Services -

    gravatar Karen Corless

    Working with Industry

    Event: 22 Feb 14:00-15:30

    Looking for alternative sources of funding for research projects? 

    The Business Engagement Team are running an education session “How to Get Started in Business Engagement”. The session gives you tips and tricks on how you can make yourself visible to industry and make those connections. For more information and sign up please go to

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Funding Opportunities

    BT's Securing the Nation Challenge for SMEs

    Deadline: 3 March, 2017

    BT has launched it's Securing the Nation Challenge, in partnership with the Cabinet Office and TechHub to search for innovative small businesses who can make a big difference. The challenge is split into 3 categories:

    • Cyber Security - BT are looking for solutions that can help to keep data secure and protect critical national infrastructure for both the public sector and businesses.
    • Data collection, mining and analytics - BT are looking for SMEs with the digital technology experience to help the Police and the Home Office tackle modern slavery and human trafficking. 
    • Digital Innovation - BT are looking for innovations in the disruptive digital and communication services to help make the UK a safer place to live and do business. 

    The winning company will receive:

    • The winners of each of the three categories will receive a £10,000 cash prize
    • The unique opportunity to develop their ground breaking idea with the support of BT for six months
    • Six months’ flex membership of the TechHub entrepreneur community to help the winners take their businesses to the next level.
    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Newton opportunities

    Stimulate new international collaborations
    Deadline: 15 March 2017
    Newton Mobility Grants of up to £12k for UK scientists to work with leading scientists in Malaysia, Mexico, South Africa, Thailand, or Turkey. Funded by the Newton Fund.
    Newton Advanced Fellowships
    Deadline: 23 March 2017
    Early career group leaders, develop your research by linking with some of the best research groups in the UK, funded by the Newton Fund. This opportunity is available to applicants based in China, Malaysia, South Africa, Thailand, or Turkey.
    Newton International Fellowships
    Deadline: 22 March 2017
    The best early stage post-doctoral researchers from all over the world can apply for this fellowship to work at UK research institutions for a period of two years.
    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    British Heart Foundation Translational Awards

    Next outline application deadline: 24th April 2017

    The development can be for therapeutics (novel / repurposed), devices, imaging technologies, diagnostics, computer models and algorithms.

    Victoria Taylor from BHF is coming to meet some academics with UMIP on March 1st. If you are interested in speaking to her, please let Sarah Chatwin know. 

    Award supports early stage development of cardiovascular medicines and technologies for up to £250k. It is a two stage process. All preliminary outlines will be considered by the Committee and if successful, you will be invited to submit a full application, which will be assessed at the next meeting. The Translational Awards Committee meets twice a year to consider applications and provide support and advice.

    For further details visit or email the team

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Faculty Funding Scheme Planner

    The Funding Scheme Planner is available on the faculty Research Support web pages. It's a useful tool to assist in identifying and targeting key funding schemes including:

    23 February 2017:   STFC Public Engagement Fellowships 

    31 March 2017:       EPSRC Manufacturing Fellowship  (full proposal deadline 4 May 2017)

    10 April 2017:         Royal Academy of Engineering UKIC Postdoctoral Research Fellowship New scheme for 2017 that funds basic research in areas of interest to the intelligence, security and defence community, from behaviour and language to energy and atmosphere. 

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Tech Support News

    Supervisor Finder

    [This went around acstaff last week, but is published here as a reminder. Thanks to all who have responded to-date.]

    Supervisor Finder is a mechanism to help students find a supervisor (third or fourth year projects) based on their interests.

    Academics: if you are already on, please check your Interests and Technologies are up to date. Note that Interests are shown in green on the graph and Technologies (such as specific programming languages, libraries, hardware, etc.) are in purple. Send any updates you would like (deletions, additions).

    Academics who are new to the School and not on the site, please send the two lists: Interests and Technologies, and he will add you. Some staff are agnostic with regard to Technologies, and choose to leave that list empty.

    gravatar Ian Cottam

    Back-screen Projector in Foyer

    News items for students and other visitors to the School are now also being displayed via the back-screen projector in the main foyer, as well as on the Big TV in the Lower First open area.

    Reminder: when emailing students via Newsagent, think about ticking the "Big screen" box if it would be appropriate to also display the item via our public screens.

    gravatar Ian Cottam

    [ top ]Sustainability and Green Impact News

    Social Responsibility Newsletter

    If you would like to hear more about all the good things happening around the University's Social Responsibility agenda, sign up for the monthly newsletter here.

    gravatar Karen Corless

    gravatar Karen Corless
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:30:20
Last change: Monday, 20 February 2017 16:33:56