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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Tuesday, 14 February 2017

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of School

    Appointment of Faculty PGR Panel Chair

    I am pleased to tell you that Goran Nenadic has taken on the role of Faculty PGR Panel Chair. In this role Goran will oversee academic decisions and approvals needed for PGR students across the Faculty, and advise the Associate Dean for Graduate Education on procedures and policy issues, including the review of existing and approval of applications for new research degree programmes within the Faculty.

    gravatar Robert Stevens

    [ top ]News and announcements

    EPSRC Diversity and Inclusion in ICT Study

    From Carron Shankland, Chair of BCS Women in Computing Research Group:

    Why do many women not continue a career in Computing/ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) research? What are the barriers faced by some minority groups, such as black and ethnic minorities, in pursuing a Computing/ICT  research career? These are among the questions being considered in a study commissioned by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).

    The review is investigating what the barriers are, how they manifest themselves and what can be done to support underrepresented groups in ICT. This starts with an an inclusive online survey across the whole ICT research community

    The survey will be open until 28 February and takes around 15 minutes to complete.

    Please promote in your departments. We need to hear from everyone to get a full picture of our research environment (postgrad students to professors, and not only representatives of minority groups). We’re also interested to hear the experiences of those who have left academia: so please forward to your networks.

    gravatar Liz Caine

    BBC seeks female experts in tech

    BBC is looking for female experts in technology (including PhD students and PDRAs):

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Research Fish

    All seven Research Councils have now harmonised around the use of the Researchfish system for the collection of outcomes information from grant holders. It is mandatory that PIs complete a Researchfish return as part of the standard terms and conditions of holding an award.

    The RCUK submission period is taking place between 6th February 2017 and 16th March 2017.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Events

    Thinking of starting your own social business?

    UMIP Profit for Purpose Event: 2.30pm, 17 Feb 2017 (Simon Building Theatre B)

    As part of the Science meets Commercialisation Seminar Series UMIP, the University Technology Transfer Office, has put together some excellent speakers to share their experience. This time we will be specifically focusing on how enterprises with a commitment to help society can succeed and could help us to inspire future generations. Registration required (food provided).

    1. Dr Gill Green (Cofounder and CEO of STORM)

    2. Dr Steven Boult (Cofounder and Director of the Salamander Group)

    The session will finish with information on commercial opportunities on campus including the `UMIP Social Enterprise Ignition funding opportunity Round 2` for PhDs, Postdocs and staff.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Defeating Self-Sabotage and The Imposter Syndrome workshops

    Hugh Kearns - internationally renowned public speaker, educator and researcher - will deliver two BP-ICAM workshops next week.  The workshops will take place at the ICAM Hub Building in Manchester but will also be broadcast live online.

    Defeating Self-Sabotage: 11:00 to 12:30 (GMT) on Wednesday 22nd February

    Do you find that despite your best efforts to get your research output going it just doesn’t seem to be happening? Does there always seem to be something more urgent or important to do? This workshop will help you understand some of the key self-sabotaging behaviours and what you can do about them.  Register now

    The Imposter Syndrome: 15:00 to 16:30 (GMT) on Thursday 23rd February

    How can it be that so many clever, competent and capable people can feel that they are just one step away from being exposed as a complete fraud? Hear what the latest psychological research tells us and some strategies for dealing with it.  Register now


    gravatar Karen Corless

    [ top ]Funding Opportunities

    Royal Academy of Engineering opportunities

    Research Chairs and Senior Research Fellowships

    Deadline - Friday 6 March 2017

    Strengthens the links between industry and academia by supporting exceptional academics in UK universities to undertake use-inspired research that meets the needs of the industrial partners. Award Value - up to £225,000


    Future of Engineering
    Deadline - Friday 31 March 2017

    In collaboration with Entrepreneurs First, we want to promote entrepreneurship as a path for top engineering talent and advance them along it. This prize is designed for students and early career engineers who are thinking about potential practical applications of their work, but would like to learn more about what entrepreneurship entails before they commit to this career path. Award Value - up to £10,000


    UK IC Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Programme - New Scheme

    Deadline - Friday 10 April 2017

    Funds basic research in areas of interest to the intelligence, security and defence community, from behaviour and language to energy and atmosphere. Award Value - up to £200,000

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Mon, 13 Feb 2017 8:46:15 +0000

    Are you writing a proposal currently or thinking of applying for research funding?

    Remember that Gavin Brown (Director of Research) and Sarah Chatwin (Research Support Manager) are available to organise proof-reading and peer review.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    CUHK Inbound Research Mobility Scheme 2017-18

    Deadline: 13 April 2017

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Inbound Research Mobility Scheme to promote the development of academic and research partnerships between our two institutions is now open. Academics (in full-time employment) can undertake research visits at CUHK.

    •         When: The period of visit to CUHK is from 1 August 2017 to 31 July 2018
    •         Support: Hotel/on-campus accommodation provided for up to seven nights.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Royal Society Paul Instrument Fund

    Deadline: 28 March 2017

    The Royal Society is pleased to announce that the Paul Instrument Fund grant scheme has opened for applications. The Paul Instrument Fund provides grants for the design and construction of apparatus to measure phenomena in the physical sciences. The value of the award is up to £75k including staff costs (up to no more than 30% of the total funds requested).

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin


    Launch event: 23 Feb 17, support to the submission assessment phase in Mar / Apr 17
    Separate webinar event: 27 Feb 2017
    Deadline: 5pm 21 Mar 2017


    On 16 Sep 16, SofS announced plans to harness the talents of academic and industry experts by creating an innovation initiative to better address the challenges of the contemporary and future security landscape.  The first project will be a JFC-led, Navy proposal centred on ‘Understanding and Taking effective Decisions in the Information Age’.  In principle the competition focuses on 3 separate yet interconnected challenges:

    a.           allow for rapid and automated integration of new sensors;

     b.           free up personnel through the application of innovative use of machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence to maintain military advantage into the future; and

     c.           making more effective use of operator cognitive capacity, in particular by human-machine teaming.


    • The fast track competition will run in two phases: Phase 1 will run 22 May to 21 Sept 2017, Phase 2 will be run 24 Nov 2017 to 24 May 2018.

    • The standard track competition will also run two phases: Phase 1 will be run 22 May 2017 to 15 Dec 2017, Phase 2 will be run 8 Mar 2018 to 8 Mar 2019.

    Contact Sarah Chatwin for more information 

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Early Career Academic Grants - conference grants

    Deadline: 02 April 2017

    Applications are now open for this year’s round of The Association of Commonwealth Universities Early Career Academic Grants. Grants are awarded to academic staff working at ACU member universities, to enable participation in an academic conference in another Commonwealth country. Applications are open to early career academics who have not previously had the opportunity to travel outside their home region for work purposes.
    A minimum of 30 grants are on offer, with a maximum amount of £2000 available for each recipient.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Who's who in the Research Hub

    Contact sheets are available outside KB2.7 or via:

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    PhD studentship for September 2017 entry

    The James Elson Studentship Award in Artificial Intelligence will provide an outstanding candidate with fees and an enhanced stipend to carry out a 3-year PhD research project relating to Artificial Intelligence, for September 2017 entry. This studentship has been established as a result of a bequest from James Elson, a former student who passed away in 2012 after a long battle with cancer. Last year we awarded a James Elson Studentship in Cancer Research; this year the studentship focus is on Artificial Intelligence - the area of James’s MEng dissertation while here at Manchester. The James Elson studentships are available for UK and EU nationals eligible to pay 'Home' fees. A list of eligible projects and further information about this studentship can be found on our website.

    gravatar Karen Corless

    [ top ]Featured Research Outcomes

    INSPEX project media coverage

    The start of H2020 project INSPEX: Integrated Smart Spatial Exploration System, which includes Richard Banach has been reported on in a variety of media including:

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Mon, 13 Feb 2017 8:43:56 +0000

    Remember: If you have any new papers published please let Sarah know so that they can be featured in the newsletter and displayed outside KB2.01  (Finance Office).

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    School Research Newsletter 2016/17 Winter edition out now

    Hardcopies can be found outside KB2.7 and soon to be available through our webpages. For more copies contact Sarah Chatwin.


    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Prize and award Opportunities

    UKRI Board positions

    The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) is seeking to appoint between 9-12 Non-Executive Directors to become Members of the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Board. UKRI, a new, independent, non-departmental public body, will bring together the functions of the seven Research Councils, Innovate UK, and the research and knowledge exchange functions of the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) (to be known as Research England).

    The UKRI Board will play a critical role in establishing this new organisation, providing clear strategic direction and oversight, promoting the importance UK Science and Innovation and supporting the senior leadership team to embed new ways of working across the organisation.

    BEIS are looking for candidates with experience in at least one of the following:

    *                      experience of research into science, social sciences, technology, humanities, the arts and new ideas;
    *                      experience in the development and exploitation of science, technology and new ideas;
    *                      experience in industrial, commercial and financial matters relating to innovative business sectors, or in the science and technology sector.

    Applicants with a range of experience from within the different nations of the UK and with international experience from within the public, private and charity sectors are all encouraged to apply.

    Applications are welcome from all, especially from women, minority ethnic and disabled candidates who are under-represented at this level in public life.

    For additional information on these posts, please see the jobs adverts located at this link:

    The advert for these positions closes on 31st March.

    gravatar Liz Caine

    [ top ]Tech Support News

    BIg Screen TV in LF Open Area

    The large TV in the lower first student open area is now fully working and accepting articles. Details of how to submit any news is here: The expectation is that the articles are of interest to our undergraduates or visitors to the School, such as school children, applicants, etc.

    A separate HDMI channel takes a feed from an Apple TV 4 box: this has YouTube and BBC iPlayer; and we can look at adding other applications (from Apple's TV App Store) on request.

    gravatar Ian Cottam

    Delays in non-standard PC and laptop orders

    IT Services have posted information regarding non-standard PC/laptop orders, on StaffNet news:

    gravatar Ian Cottam

    Update on two problems with connecting laptops in lecture theatres

    Below is an update on two problems with connecting laptops, and particularly MacBooks, in lecture theatres. Thanks to Stuart Phillipson in IT for the details.

    1. If VGA projection clips the edges of your screen. We have seen this behaviour in three lecture theatres,  Media Services have looked into this but it’s not obvious where the problem is. In the meantime if you open System Preferences > Displays and then pick the projector you can set it to Scaled > 720p. This has fixed the problem for all the users that have reported this as an issue.
    2. HDMI still does not work with podcasting unfortunately as Apple have made some bad decisions regarding HDCP. We are currently testing a work around in the following theatres that lets Apple computers use HDMI with lecture capture, but it’s a slow process that involves installing more hardware: Renold C16; Renold C8; Renold C2; Kilburn 1.1; Simon A through E.
    gravatar Ian Cottam

    [ top ]Sustainability and Green Impact News

    Use your own mug at the Byte Cafe

    Did you know you get a discount on hot drinks from the Byte Cafe if you use your own mug?  The School is looking to reduce its impact on the environment so please help by using reusable cups in the Byte Cafe when you can:-)

    School of Computer Science Green Team 

    gravatar Karen Corless

    gravatar Karen Corless
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:32:04
Last change: Tuesday, 14 February 2017 14:42:34