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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Monday, 23 January 2017

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of School

    Research Review Exercise

    The Research Review Exercise (RRE) is the annual process to get us ready for the national REF exercise, likely to occur in 2021, that will in turn determine our status and funding for the foreseeable future. Hopefully, with the new "Pure" system, this is going to be easy this year.

    In the next REF all research active staff will be returned. So it is important to both put your papers into Pure and to tell us which papers you think will be graded as either 4* or 3*. Papers must be put into Pure within three months of acceptance to be eligible for REF.  

    To complete your  RRE nominations log into Pure: and start the process of nominating your outputs. You can nominate any paper published from 1st January 2014.  You will need to write a paragraph of text explaining why the paper is good, so please don't leave this til the last minute. The RRE process closes for nominations on 30th January, strictly, no extensions.

    Gavin has written an FAQ explaining the reasoning behind the REF/RRE actions that we are asking of all staff:

    gravatar Robert Stevens

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Vote for us!

    The School of Computer Science has been nominated for four university “Better World” awards: (a) for the long-running UK Schools Animation Competition, (b) for the Manchester Deaf Centre Hackathon, helping deaf people to be heard in the legal world, (c) for #BritainBreathing, tracking seasonal allergies, and (d) for Computing At School, supporting computing in Primary and Secondary Schools across the region. We ask you to support us by voting for all our entries.

    Here are details of the award:

    Here are the entries:

    Here is how you vote:

    Please support us by voting. It is good to get university recognition for these outreach activities by the School.

    gravatar Karen Corless

    Children in University Buildings

    Staff bringing their children into work

    As part of the Child Protection policy and guidance, there is a health and safety procedure for safeguarding children on University premises specifically in relation to staff bringing their children onto campus. Further information can be found on p.22 of the Child Protection policy. In particular could I draw your attention to this point:

    “many University buildings have not been designed with children in mind and do not comply with current building regulations applicable when the presence of children is anticipated. There are physical hazards (such as widely spaced guarding on stairwells and mezzanine floors, or open loading bays) and places of work which require awareness of specific hazards of all kinds (such as laboratories, workshops, etc). Also, staff and students do not expect to encounter children whilst moving a variety of goods around common parts and corridors, and vision panels are seldom full door height..”

    You should be aware that both widely spaced guarding on stairwells and an open loading bay are present in the Kilburn Building. For this reason it is not advisable for staff to bring children into the building. 

    If a child is brought onto campus for a short and informal visit, for example a parent calls into their office on the way home to collect a forgotten item, the child must be accompanied and appropriately supervised by their parent/guardian at all times.For young (and particularly, for mobile) children, the supervision must be very close and continuously attentive. For older children, more discretion may be exercised, but in any case, the degree of supervision should be based on a risk assessment carried out before the visit. 

    This does not apply to structured and supervised visits, such as school visits, however a full risk assessment should be carried out informed by the Child Protection policy 

    If you have any questions about this please contact Tony Mcdonald or Liz Caine 

    gravatar Liz Caine

    New Academic Engagement Librarian

    Dear all,

    I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Gemma Smith, I am your new Academic Engagement Librarian for your School and my role involves:

    • Being your first point of contact with regard to any library-related issues
    • Facilitating access to, and keeping you informed about, our new and existing services
    • Working with you in order to gain a wider understanding of your teaching and research requirements for future service development and provision

    More specifically, I can provide you with information relating to:

    Teaching support:

    • Recommending resources
    • Help managing resource/reading lists
    • Digitisation advice
    • My Learning Essentials, the Library's skills programme

    Research support:

    • Research Analytics/Bibliometrics/Altmetrics
    • Research Data Management
    • Publication Processes/Open Access

    In addition, if I might assist with any other enquiry related to our library services or resources please to do not hesitate to contact me.

    I look forward to hearing from you in due course.

    Best wishes

    Gemma Smith l Academic Engagement Librarian l Blue 1.6 l The University of Manchester Library l Tel +44 (0)161 275 6502

    gravatar Karen Corless

    Soapbox Science applications now open

    Are you a woman in science? Want to share your passion for your work with the public? Why not apply to become one of our 2017 Soapbox Science speakers? 

    We have 17 events going on next year, in the UK, Canada, Australia, Italy, Ireland and Germany. Our speakers are PhD students, lecturers, readers, professors, engineers, and scientists working in the industry. 

    Soapbox Science is a novel public outreach platform for promoting women scientists and the science they do. Our events transform public areas into an arena for public learning and scientific debate; they follow the format of London Hyde Park’s Speaker’s Corner, which is historically an arena for public debate. With Soapbox Science, we want to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy, learn from, heckle, question, probe, interact with and be inspired by some of our leading scientists. No middle man, no powerpoint slide, no amphitheater – just remarkable women in science who are there to amaze you with their latest discoveries, and to answer the science questions you have been burning to ask.

    To apply, just fill the form from the Soapbox Science website -

    The deadline for applications is Friday 24th February 2017.

    And find out why University of Manchester scientists get involved:

    Please contact Dee-Ann Johnson ( for more information.

    gravatar Karen Corless

    [ top ]Events

    Computing for the future of the planet: Bakerian Prize Lecture, March 2

    Invitation to the Bakerian Lecture 2017 by Professor Andy Hopper CBE FREng FRS at the Royal Society in London.

    Digital technology is an indispensable and crucial component of our lives, society, and the physical environment. 

    A challenge is how to use the power of computing to deal with the problems facing the world. In his talk, Professor Andy Hopper will present a framework for the role of computing in dealing with sustainability of the planet. The framework has a number of goals: an optimal digital infrastructure; sensing and optimising the use of resources in the physical world; guaranteeing the performance of indispensable systems; and digital alternatives to physical activities. 

    Join us to hear Professor Hopper discuss practical industrial examples alongside research goals and societal challenges and dilemmas.

    Free to attend, no registration required. Venue is 6-9 Carlton House Terrace, London, SW1Y 5AG, Further details at

    gravatar Karen Corless

    Planned Public Engagement Sessions

    The next Engagement@Manchester lunchtime session will be Public engagement can lead to impact with Paul Manners from the National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement:

    Weds 25 Jan, 13:00 - 14:00 Kanaris Lecture Theatre, Manchester Museum.

    Over the last year, the NCCPE has completed a review of how public engagement fared in REF 2014. In this session Paul will share the headlines and explore the implications for REF 2021.


    Doing great public engagement but not sure how to go about evaluating your activities? Then come along to these free public engagement evaluation workshops…

    TDY5 - Beginner’s Guide to Evaluating Public Engagement - Monday 30 Jan, 9:30 - 13:00, 3.1 Roscoe Building, Brunswick St

    Register at:

    This interactive back-to-basics workshop will encourage you to think about why evaluation of public engagement is important; look at ways to get started; explore different techniques you can use; and consider what your findings can tell you.

    TDY6 Masterclass in Evaluating Public Engagement - Monday 6 Feb 9:30 - 13:00, 3.1 Roscoe Building, Brunswick St

    Register at:

    This interactive workshop will provide an opportunity for you to reflect on your own practice, and consider how to maximise the value of evaluating your engagement activities. You will have the opportunity to explore some of the challenges of evaluating public engagement; to reflect on how evaluation can inform your own work and provide evidence of impact; to be introduced to different evaluation models; to review a range of public engagement evaluation case studies; and to share your experiences and learn from the experiences of others. Following the workshop, we will be holding an optional one-hour surgery for anyone who has a public engagement activity or project they wish to evaluate. The surgery provides a chance for you to reflect on an evaluation strategy for your own activity and how to put it into practice.

    gravatar Karen Corless

    Manchester BOGLE 2017

    From the Students' Union:

    Dear UoM students & staff,

    Are you one of the brave? Do you dare take on the Bogle: the monumental, annual 55 mile sponsored walk?

    The Bogle Stroll is the longest running sponsored event in the whole of the North-West, beginning in 1961 when a group of lecturers from the University missed their last train home and took on the challenge to walk all the way from Lancaster back to Manchester.

    Tackle the Bogle head on for the full 55-mile stroll, a daring, once in a lifetime experience.

    Or challenge yourself to our 28-miles ramble. You can even grab some friends and face the Bogle together by splitting the stroll into a relay for teams.  This is by far the biggest event RAG runs each year and we hope you can join in and take on the challenge!

    Now in its 56th year, Bogle 2017 is taking place on the 10th –11th of March.  Take a sponsored scenic stroll for our partner charity MASH (working to support Manchester’s street workers: Or, walk for a charity of your choice!

    For more information, check out the Facebook page, or to sign up click here.

    For any queries, get in touch on

    We look forward to seeing you at the start line!

    Best wishes,

    Manchester RAG

    gravatar Robert Stevens

    [ top ]Funding Opportunities

    RAEng RfP: Industry Academia Partnership Programme - China and India

    Under the Newton Fund, the Academy is running the Industry Academia Partnership Programme (IAPP) which aims to improve engineering teaching, research and innovation in Partner Countries through supporting bilateral links between industry and academic organisations. Two calls are currently open through the IAPP to support collaboration with the following Newton Fund Partner Countries:

    •          China -  £100k Awards for research- and innovation- focused collaboration between Chinese universities, Chinese SMEs and UK counterparts from academia and industry. Applications from regional Chinese universities and additional partners from Chinese State Owned Enterprise sector are encouraged. 100% match resourcing (financial and in-kind) required from the applying consortia.
    •          India - £50k Awards to build capability for enhanced teaching, research and innovation outcomes in Tier 2 and Tier 3 Indian engineering universities through partnership with industry and academic organisations in India and the UK. 50% match resourcing (financial and in-kind) required from the applying consortia.

    Grant awards will support salary, travel and subsistence costs towards collaborative activities and match resourcing from the applicants is required. The application must be led by an individual from a university in the Partner Country and the collaboration must focus on a topic which is beneficial to the economic and social development of the Partner Country.

    More details are available in the links but please do not hesitate to get in touch should you have any queries.

    Shaarad Sharma Programme Manager, International – Newton Fund, The Royal Academy of Engineering

    gravatar Karen Corless

    [ top ]Tech Support News

    ZendTo being withdrawn

    The ZendTo large file transfer facility is being withdrawn by IT Services from the end of January 2017. Please use the UoM Dropbox Business service instead.


    gravatar Ian Cottam

    [ top ]Sustainability and Green Impact News

    UoM Sustainability Seminar Series

    The Sustainability Seminar series will open up to staff and students this month as an opportunity to explore environmental sustainability at the University.

    As part of the staff learning and engagement programme, 10,000 Actions, the Environmental Sustainability team is launching a series of Sustainability Seminars, with the aim to outline the effects of sustainability at the University.

    Each seminar will focus on different topics of sustainability that concerns the University with short presentations from academics, researchers, professional support staff and colleagues from across the city. There will also be an opportunity for attendees to showcase any work they are doing relevant to the topic area of the seminar, this may be highlighted during discussions or displayed in a poster.

    The Sustainability Seminar Series will be open to all University staff and students who wish to attend and will be held every two weeks from January 2017 until May 2017. Every seminar will be held over lunch between the hours of 12-1pm and will last one hour with time afterwards for informal discussion and engagement.

    To find out more and to register for one of the seminars of the Sustainability Series, click here

    For a full list of events, please visit the FSE Staff Events Guide.


    gravatar Karen Corless

    Donate your unwanted smart clothes

    The Students Union is running a clothes drive for unwanted business wear so it can loan them to students going for interviews who cannot afford to buy a new outfit.  It’s a great way to reduce waste while helping our students.

    Find out more:

    gravatar Karen Corless

    gravatar Karen Corless
Generated: Monday, 22 July 2024 10:08:58
Last change: Monday, 23 January 2017 14:39:51