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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Tuesday, 20 December 2016

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of School

    Christmas closure

    This is to remind staff that the University will be closed for the Christmas holidays from Friday 23rd December until Monday 2nd January (inclusive).

    Please note that during this closure period the heating will be off and that you will need out of hours access added to your University ID card in order to access the building. If you will need this access please arrange it as soon as possible and do not leave it until the last day. Please see Tony McDonald or James Fields if you have any questions about this.

    Also make sure that you switch off lights, computers, printers etc and especially any portable heaters. Please empty your waste bins, remove any items from the fridge and make sure there is no food waste lying around in offices as it encourages mice.

    gravatar Robert Stevens

    Festive Success for Computer Science

    We had success at the Faculty Christmas Party last Friday. The School’s entry to the best office grotto picture competition was a winner; see the winning photograph  below. There were three photographs short-listed and ours won the popular vote of those at the party.

    LF1 was the venue and this was a team effort as you can see from the photo. Lynn and I collected the prize, which was a big box of chocolates. On that festive note, do have a happy Christmas, merry New Year and have a good break.

    gravatar Robert Stevens

    [ top ]News and announcements

    External Examiners Right to Work Requirements

    Faculty has sent through a note to all Schools that from 3rd January 2017 all External Examiners who are coming to the School for a PGR viva have to provide evidence of their Right to Work.  The initial checks will be made by Faculty, but now on the day of the viva, Schools have to be involved.  All External Examiners will have been advised by Faculty as to what is required and they will need to bring their passport/visa to SSO for confirmation of sight of originals before the viva commences.  This process is reciprocal across all UK HE institutions in response to UKVI requirements.

    Many thanks,


    gravatar Karen Corless

    Team Uganda!

    Team Uganda has now gone live for summer 2017 and are trying to get the word out to as many potentially interested students as possible. 

    I’m aware most students will be leaving / looking to Christmas and exams now, but we thought it might be a good time to start to get on their radar – especially since it involves sunshine and an exciting opportunity for next summer!  In particular we are promoting the Assistant Project Leader position as the deadline is soon after the start of semester 2. 

    I have included some copy attached for email, Facebook and twitter (and some images) which are absolutely tweak-able depending on what platforms are used with students.  We are mainly signposting to the web pages: and our various videos.  If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.  We really appreciate your help in spreading the word!   

    Just for your info re who is eligible etc., in summary, we are looking for 15 volunteers, one Assistant Project Leader and fourteen Team Members:

    ·         The Assistant Project Leader role is open to any student in any year UG or PG, UK or international - we are looking for students with experience of leading peers, overseas experience, and volunteering (each in any capacity and not necessarily all from the same one experience, they could have the experience from a mix of things e.g. Peer Mentoring, travelling and volunteering in the UK).  Deadline Wednesday 8th February

    ·         The Team Member roles are open to any UG students that are not in their final year, and who are WP students i.e. in receipt of the Manchester Bursary or NHS funded students with a household income less than £25k.  Deadline Monday 6th March.

    Emma Richardson - The Directorate for the Student Experience 


    gravatar Karen Corless

    [ top ]Prize and award Opportunities

    APEX Awards deadline 13 January

    In partnership with the British Academy, the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Royal Society (‘the Academies’) and with generous support from the Leverhulme Trust, the APEX award (Academies Partnership in Supporting Excellence in Cross-disciplinary research award) scheme offers established independent researchers, with a strong track record in their respective area, an exciting opportunity to pursue genuine interdisciplinary and curiosity-driven research to benefit wider society.

    gravatar Robert Stevens

    [ top ]Tech Support News

    Cloud data encryption

    I find the application ncryptedcloud quite useful to run on top of Dropbox (Business and Personal). It lets you choose which folders have their files transparently encrypted/decrypted on demand. You can still share folders.

    Typically, you create two email based identities – one for Dropbox Business and one for your Personal account. You can quickly and easily switch between the two. Two of its default Preferences should be turned off: viz "Use nCryptedCloud as Cloud Provider Folder Viewer" and "Enforce Privacy on all cloud data".

    ncryptedCloud have just released a client (build that works with the latest macOS Sierra (10.12); other client app supported systems are Windows, iOS and Android. I'm afraid Linux users are stuck with a browser interface. If you are a Linux only person, it is probably not worth using.

    ncryptedCloud isn't perfect; but can be very useful for sharing sensitive data across your own devices or with collaborators.

    I'm happy to answer questions regarding its use.

    gravatar Ian Cottam

    Projection upgrades in Atlas 2

    Stephen Rhodes and I are in the middle of upgrading Atlas 2 projection capabilities, with a new projector and wifi projection via the now common Apple TV box. Some things are working now, but this may not be completed before the Christmas break – let me know if that is an issue.

    gravatar Ian Cottam

    gravatar Liz Caine
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:53:52
Last change: Tuesday, 20 December 2016 12:06:40