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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Tuesday, 01 November 2016

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of School

    Dean’s Visit to the School

    The Vice President and Dean, Martin Schröder, will be visiting the School on Wednesday 16th November 10 a.m. in Atlas. He will be accompanied by Prof Danielle George (Vice-Dean Teaching and Learning) and Prof Steve Yeates (Vice-Dean Research). There will be a short presentation by Martin and then an opportunity for questions and discussion. If at all possible, do come along.   

    gravatar Robert Stevens

    Best Paper Award

    There’s another best paper award; this time from the PACT conference (one of the top conferences in the area). The first two authors are in the School. The paper is: 

    Scalable Task Parallelism for NUMA: A Uniform Abstraction for Coordinated Scheduling and Memory Management. Andi Drebes, Antoniu Pop, Karine Heydemann, Albert Cohen, Nathalie Drach. In Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation PACT 2016: 125-137.

    gravatar Robert Stevens

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Simon Harper discusses website fonts in the Daily Telegraph

    Dr. Simon Harper was quoted in the Daily Telegraph earlier this week, on the subject of the readability of fonts on websites:

    The story also appeared in the Daily Mail.

    gravatar Thomas Wise

    Staff induction guide - updated link

    The link to the staff induction guide has changed. This document will be updated regularly so to access the most recent version please visit Sharepoint and search for "School of Computer Science induction".

    If you have any issues accessing the document or wish to provide any feedback please contact Liz Caine

    gravatar Liz Caine

    [ top ]Events

    EPSRC Pathways to Impact Workshop 3rd November

    There are still places left on the PM session of the FSE EPSRC Pathways to Impact Workshop, Thursday 3rd November.

    Please contact Rupa Sharma if you wish to attend (

    EPSRC has updated its stance on P2I recently: ‘A clearly thought through and acceptable pathways to impact is an essential component of a research proposal and a condition of funding.... If a proposal is ranked high enough to be funded but does not have an acceptable Pathways to Impact it will be returned. Applicants will be asked to revise the Pathways to Impact and the proposal will only be funded once that acceptable revision has been received’. 

    Academic participants are requested to submit one of their own previous or current Pathways to Impact applications and Impact Summary to get feedback on these in advance of the workshop and to bring them along to work on during the session.

    Key points the training will address:

    • Developing a framework for your research impact planning
    • Making a P2I interesting and engaging and understanding what funders expect to see
    • Considering which stakeholders to involve (and how) during your research project
    • Understanding the types of benefits and impacts that your research could have
    • Resourcing and costing applications appropriately
    • Defining milestones/timelines
    • Evaluating/evidencing impact and understanding and using appropriate metrics
    gravatar Thomas Wise

    HEI Seminar with IT Director, Malcolm Whitehouse (30th November)

    The Director for IT Services, Malcolm Whitehouse, will be presenting the HEI Seminar in November. He will be speaking on IT Services going forward and plans for the next year.

    • 30 November 2016 (12.30 - 1.30pm) at The Nowgen Centre, Grafton Street

    To book a place: 

    The next two scheduled seminars are:

    • 7 December 2016 - DSE and the Student Life Cycle Project with Tim Westlake.
    • 26 January 2017 - Athena SWAN, its projects and the wider network with Patrick Johnson.

    If you experience any problems with the online booking system contact:, quoting TBF50: ‘Higher Education Institution Seminars’

    gravatar Liz Caine

    [ top ]Funding Opportunities

    Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowships

    Deadline for applications: 2nd March 2017

    Offering fifty per cent match-funding for the salary costs of a three-year academic research position, the scheme enables early career researchers to undertake a significant piece of publishable work. Applicants must have a track record of research, but should not have held an established academic appointment in the UK. 

    Early Career Fellowships aim to provide career development opportunities for those who are at a relatively early stage of their academic careers, but who have a proven record of research. The expectation is that Fellows should undertake a significant piece of publishable work during their tenure, and that the Fellowships should lead to a more permanent academic position. Approximately 100 Fellowships will be available in 2017.

    Please contact as early as possible if you wish to apply.

    gravatar Thomas Wise

    Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 Research Fellowships

    Deadline for applications: 16th February 2017

    The Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 offers Research Fellowships in Science or Engineering. These are available to applicants with less than three year's post doc experience and will cover the successful candidate's salary for up to three years.

    In such cases, applications will need to be submitted via a permanent member of academic staff on behalf of the PD. If you know of any suitable candidates who may wish to apply, please contact

    gravatar Thomas Wise

    University of Manchester Data Science Institute: Call For Small Projects

    Deadine: Midday Monday 28th November 2016

    The Data Science Institute invites submissions  for proposals with the potential to develop successful interdisciplinary data science activities at The University of Manchester. Joint applications from researchers developing collaborations across different disciplines are encouraged. 

    Examples of funding modes include:

    • Feasibility projects in interdisciplinary data science with the potential to lead to external funding.
    • Support for the preparation of proposals in the area of data science.
    • Support for the development of new collaborative networks which may involve both internal and external partners.

    Applications should be up to £10,000, although larger proposals may be considered if they are of exceptional merit. 

    Proposals should be up to six months in duration and funds should be expended by 31st July 2017. An end of grant report will be requested following the completion of the project. 

    Please click here to download the Project Submission Form & submit no later than midday on Monday 28th November 2016 to . They will then be assessed by the Data Science Institute Management Board chaired by the Director, Professor Magnus Rattray. 

    Please contact the Research Support Office if you wish to apply.

    gravatar Thomas Wise

    Research Funding Opportunities

    Some useful resources for bid preparation as well as the updated Funding Scheme Planner can be found here:

    Please note that I will not be available for my weekly Research Support Manager surgery on Wednesday 2nd November.


    gravatar Thomas Wise

    [ top ]Tech Support News

    Dropbox Business - update

    Dropbox Business went live for The University on 25 October 2016. See

    IT Services staff are enabling approximately 250 accounts per day. They have also announced that postgraduate students can apply, but such applications will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

    gravatar Ian Cottam

    gravatar Liz Caine
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:35:33
Last change: Tuesday, 01 November 2016 10:38:59