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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Monday, 26 September 2016

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of School

    News from Head of School

    We are now in the first week of teaching proper after a very busy week 0. Student numbers are beginning to settle down - there are currently 271 first years. The good news is that a shade over 24% of our new first year are women; this is very pleasing to see as getting more women into computer science at all levels has been a long-standing goal of the School and the discipline more widely. Many thanks to all of those staff and students that have made the various contributions that will have made this possible. I hope that the proportion of women doing computer science will continue to grow.

    This week's Monday Mail from Toby had lots of photos of our new undergraduates and our prize-winning undergraduates from previous years.

    Faculty World-Leading Papers
    You may remember sometime ago there was a call for world-leading papers to be publicised at Faculty level. This exercise is to promote our research more broadly. After some delay the webpage showing the selected papers has gone live: Five of the 25 papers come from Computer Science, which is very pleasing to see. More of these promotion exercises will follow, so keep those world-class papers coming. Many thanks to Gavin Brown for seeing this through to completion.

    This is a time of year when many of us are asked to write references for students and staff. When writing references please pay attention to the University guidance that contains a lot of useful information about writing references in an appropriately-worded manner. The guidance for student references can be found at: and the policy for writing staff references at: 

    Disability Coordinator
    Gill Lester will taking over from Ning Zhang as School Disability Coordinator (DC) from the 2016/17 academic year. The primary role of the DC is to receive notifications from the Disability Advisory and Support Service (DASS) that students' support plans have been either created or updated.  The DC is then responsible for informing all staff in the School who have a need to know about that student's support. This is an important role in supporting our students with disabilities and I would like to thank both Ning for undertaking this role over the past few years and Gill for taking this on from the new academic year. 

    Retirement Party
    We will be having a retirement party for John Gurd and Graham Gough. This will be in the common room, Tuesday 27th September at 4pm.

    gravatar Robert Stevens

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Help needed with UG Open Days

    UG Open Days will be held this Saturday 1 October and next Saturday 8 October.

    As always, we’d really appreciate any support you can give, particularly with the Schuster Building CS stand on both days. If you can spare time for even just one session below, it’d be an enormous help.

    Saturday 1 October (Schuster Building, CS Stand)

    Saturday 8 October (Schuster Building, CS Stand)

    If you are able to help please contact Jez Lloyd

    gravatar Liz Caine

    [ top ]Events

    Big Data Forum - 28 September 2016

    Alliance Manchester Business School are hosting their Big Data Forum on the 28th of September.  The Big Data Forum is a cross-disciplinary network that brings together researchers with interests in the field of Big Data.

    This event will be an opportunity to hear more from both academics and practitioners with an interest in the business value of big data.  For a full agenda and to register for this free event please visit

    gravatar Karen Corless

    Seminar on self-driving cars

    A seminar is being held this Wednesday afternoon on self-driving cars. This would be suitable for anyone interested in finding out the latest developments in the industry and possibly making some useful contacts. 

    Location: The Marriott Victoria and Albert Hotel which is on Water Street, Manchester, M3 4JQ.

    14.00 - Registration, networking and coffee
    14.30 - Conference starts with guest speakers from Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (C-CAV) and Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) and a panel discussion
    16.30 - Networking, drinks and canapés.

    Tesla will also be joining with their Model S with advanced autopilot functionality.

    For info on how to register please see the link below.

    gravatar Robert Stevens

    [ top ]Tech Support News

    Mac users in the School – macOS Sierra is available

    macOS Sierra (or 10.12 if you prefer) is available now from the Apple app store. I have installed it on three Macs without any problems so far.

    What I did and recommend: 1) If you use Dropbox, take their advice and make sure you have the latest version; and if you have your dropbox in a non-default location (home directory), use the Dropbox Preferences option to move it there. You must do the move this way – rather than say manually – or it will break. 2) During macOS setup I turned off iCloud's new features of auto sync (and in some cases it can even remove local file copies!). If you really want this feature, you can turn bits back on later. 3) I also turned off Siri voice control, but, again, some of you may find that useful.

    gravatar Ian Cottam

    gravatar Karen Corless
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:40:19
Last change: Monday, 26 September 2016 14:18:54