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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Tuesday, 13 September 2016

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of School

    Tue, 13 Sep 2016 10:9:57 +100

    This is a brief newsletter just prior to the start of term to keep you informed about timetables and introduce new staff. I know this is a very busy time of year and the work done by all the staff in the School to make the arrival of new students and the return of current students is greatly appreciated. If you see anyone looking lost please do offer your assistance and point them in the right direction. I wish you all the best for the new academic year.

    gravatar Robert Stevens

    [ top ]News and announcements

    New academic staff

    I am pleased to announce that three new members of academic staff have recently joined the School:

    Sarah Clinch, Lecturer in Ubiquitous Computing joined on 30th August. Sarah joins us from the University of Lancaster. Her office is 2.24 Kilburn
    Tingting Mu started this week as Lecturer in Text Mining and she joins us from the University of Liverpool. Tingting is based in room 2.93 Kilburn.
    Riza Batista-Navarro also joins us a new Lecturer in Text Mining. Riza was previously a Research Fellow in NaCTeM and will be in 2.87 Kilburn.

    Please join me in welcoming Sarah, Tingting and Riza to the School.

    gravatar Robert Stevens

    New Apprentice starts in ACSO

    ACSO has a new apprentice who starts on Wednesday 31st August 2016.

    Her name is Rabia and she will be with us for 6 months. Please make her welcome. We will bring her round for introductions and to show her the School over the course of the week. 

    gravatar Karon Mee

    PG Welcome Week Timetables for Academic Staff

    To All Academic Staff

    Just in case you missed the email, the Welcome Week timetables are now ready to view.  If you have some involvement in PG Welcome Week activities then please check your slot times here:




    May we also remind you that 2016/17 staff timetables are available to view here:

    Please let the relevant ACSO staff members know should you have any difficulties with these timetables (Karen for PG and Ruth for UG).


    gravatar Karen Corless

    Security reminder

    It’s the time of year when there are a lot of new people in the School. The building is completely open between 8am and 6pm and there is an opportunity for people to take advantage of this access in inappropriate ways. So please keep your offices and belongings secure, be observant for unusual behaviour and report any concerns to Security on extension 69966 or (0161) 306 9966 (this number can also be found on the back of your staff card).

    gravatar Robert Stevens

    MRC Research Board and Panel Recruitment 2017

    Deadline: 4pm, Monday 3rd October 2017.

    As of 5th September 2016, the Medical Research Council annual board and panel recruitment exercise has commenced, inviting applications to join MRC boards and panels from April 2017.

    Applications are invited from scientists with the relevant experience and expertise to fill 22 vacancies in four research boards and 20 vacancies in four of the six MRC panels.

    The MRC values the diverse skills and experience of the members of its Boards and Panels and is committed to achieving equality of treatment for all. They particularly welcome applications from currently under-represented groups; female and ethnic minority researchers and from researchers with disabilities.

    The deadline for applications is 4pm, 3 October 2016

    The website and application form provide further information regarding the level of expertise and experience required; this can be accessed via the following link: 

    Please email any queries regarding the vacancies to

    gravatar Thomas Wise


    Last week the School launched Animation17, the 10th annual UK Schools Computer Animation competition --

    The comp is run by Graham Gough, Toby Howard, Jez Lloyd, Ruth Maddocks and Chris Page. Last year’s competition received 1,000 entries from 1,400 students from 130 schools across the UK. The Awards Ceremony was on 12 July at the National Media Museum and you can see all the amazing winners on the YouTube channel

    gravatar Robert Stevens

    Interested in volunteering as a Harassment Support Advisor?

    The University is expanding its network of Harassment Support Advisors:

    Harassment Support Advisors provide a confidential information service to staff and students on issues relating to harassment, discrimination and bullying. The expansion of the current network offers the opportunity to build a broader knowledge base across more areas of the University. Information sessions will take place on Monday 26th September at 12pm and Wednesday 28th September at 12.45pm. If you interested in attending or finding out more then please email

    gravatar Liz Caine

    Items for the newsletter

    The newsletter is very widely-read, so is a great means of communicating events, successes, and other good news to the wider School. Please send any items for the newsletter to Karen Corless at by the Thursday of each week.

    gravatar Robert Stevens

    [ top ]Funding Opportunities


    Deadline: 15th November 2016

    EPSRC GCRF Call: "Tackling global development challenges through engineering and digital technology research"

    The aim of this call, supported through EPSRC's Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) allocation, is to support an internationally-leading programme of research, centred around engineering and digital technologies, to tackle the challenges faced by the developing world.

    Up to £25 million is available from EPSRC for this call, supported through the Global Challenges Research Fund. They aim to support in the region of twenty research projects through this activity. Projects may be up to 36 months in duration.

    For more information, visit the EPSRC funding calls pages.

    Please contact the Research Support Office if you wish to apply:

    gravatar Thomas Wise

    [ top ]Featured Research Outcomes

    Manchester Computer Scientists receive international award for research paper.

    A paper co-authored by Malte Vesper and Dirk Koch and submitted to Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications, received the "FPL Community Award at the event held in Lausanne, Switzerland in July.

    The award is for authors who have made a significant contribution by providing some material or knowledge in an open format that benefits the rest of the community.

    The paper can be viewed here: 

    gravatar Thomas Wise

    Recent publications

    There has been some recent publication success for Dr. Ning Zhang:

    Please let me know if you have recently had a research paper published and wish for it to be publicised.

    In order for your journal articles to be eligible for the REF, they will need to be either Gold or Green Open Access. Please visit to get this process under way, this will need to happen at the point when your paper is accepted for publication

    gravatar Thomas Wise

    gravatar Robert Stevens
Generated: Monday, 22 July 2024 09:55:55
Last change: Tuesday, 13 September 2016 14:00:52