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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Tuesday, 31 May 2016

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of School

    Guardian League Tables

    The Guardian league tables are out, the School has moved up slightly from 9th to 8th (out of 102 universities with scores, plus a further 17 universities that teach CS but aren't assigned scores). Overall the University has dropped slightly from 29th to 31st. Within the Faculty Electrical and Electronic Engineering have done very well, at 2nd out of 63.

    The latest tables are here, with the CS rankings here.

    The most obvious improvement in our scores is the score for employability, so thanks to Duncan, Mabel and to everyone else that has worked to help our students be in a position to start the careers that they want. This includes a very wide range of activity from vacation and wIE placements to careers advice, out of hours clubs, hackathons and other competitions and the very wide range of guest speakers from industry that come to speak within a wide range of course units.

    gravatar Jim Miles

    Changes to Kilburn courtyard

    As yet there are no further plans to discuss but there has been some discussion of the fate of the Floating Point Zero (which sadly no longer floats) here.

    gravatar Jim Miles

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Sophia Ananiadou interviewed by Pharma Tech Focus

    An Interview with NaCTeM Director Sophia Ananiadou has recently appeared on the website Pharma Technology Focus


    gravatar Thomas Wise

    NaCTeM performs well at US Semantic Evaluation workshop

    From Professor Sophia Ananiadou:

    SemEval-2016 is the 10th workshop on semantic evaluation co-located with the 15th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguists.

    SemEval is a series of evaluations of natural language processing systems, exploring the nature of meaning by comparing different algorithms intended to mimic human language understanding. This year, NaCTeM participated in the Semantic Textual Similarity task and was ranked 4th out of 43 teams. The competing systems were given over 9000 pairs of sentences and were asked to return a value indicating a level of equivalence of their meaning. Performance was assessed by computing the correlation with scores assigned by human judges and NaCTeM reached a very high level of agreement (0.7486). The description of the approach can be found in the following paper:

    P. Przybyła, N. T. H. Nguyen, M. Shardlow, G. Kontonatsios and S. Ananiadou, “NaCTeM at SemEval-2016 Task 1: Inferring sentence-level semantic similarity from an ensemble of complementary lexical and sentence-level features,”  Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2016), San Diego, USA, 2016.

    gravatar Thomas Wise

    Computer Science Annual Bake Off

    We had a very eventful Annual Bake Off on Friday with 15 varied and excellent entries.  Liz, our Head of School Administration, and Jim our Head of School, had their work cut out judging what turned out to be the best Bake Off ever!  Competition was tight but the judges finally made their decisions, giving Bijan the coveted title of Star Baker for the second year running!  Bijan will retain the Crown and Sceptre until next year - well done Bijan!  The Show Stopper award for Best Presentation went to Paul Nutter.  Also a very well done to all the runners up and to everyone who attended or took part, your efforts and kind donations raised a whopping £125 for the NSPCC!!!



    gravatar Karen Corless

    [ top ]Funding Opportunities

    EPSRC Fellowships: Digital Economy and ICT Themes

    Fellowships application deadline: 30th September 2016

    A Fellowship is a personal award, designed to provide the recipient with the necessary support to establish or further develop themselves as a leader of the future. A fellowship aims to position the fellow and their research topic within the wider research community, to develop their leadership by establishing or extending their research group, links and collaborations, and to act as an advocate for science and engineering in general.

    The RCUK Digital Economy Theme is actively looking to recruit and support fellows across the four DE priority areas:

    • Trust, Identity, Privacy and Security (TIPS) - Early and Established Career fellowships
    • Social Computing - Early Career fellowships only
    • Business and Economic Models - Early Career fellowships only
    • Advancing the Understanding and Development of the Internet of Things for the Digital Economy (IoT) - Early and Established Career fellowships

    Further details can be found here.

    In the ICT theme, five priorities have been identified (Early Career and Established Career fellowships only.) These are:

    Details of the ICT fellowships can be found here.

    If you wish to apply for an RCUK fellowship, please contact the Research Office: 

    gravatar Thomas Wise

    Royal Society Innovation Award

    Deadline: 7th July 2016

    This scheme is for scientists who wish to develop a proven novel concept through to a near-market product ready for commercial exploitation.

    £250,000 is available for a project of up to 24m duration.

    Further details can be found at the Royal Society's website here.

    Please contact the Research Office if you wish to apply:

    gravatar Thomas Wise

    Digital Catapult Researcher in Residence Programme

    Deadline for applications: 19th June 2016

    Message from Dr. Andrea Kells, Programme Administrator, Researcher in Residence Programme, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory:

    Digital Catapult Researcher in Residence Programme

    Funding for applied or strategic projects relevant to the digital economy:

    • Applied projects will generally be user-centred and focused on impact generation in the short to medium term.
    • Strategic projects will help shape current Catapult projects, and drive the creation of new activities. The focus should be impact generation in the broadest sense.
    • Eligibility: Open to those with a contract of employment at a UK university or RCUK Research Institute, or PhD students who have submitted their thesis by the closing date
    • Funding: Up to £25K to cover expenses, including travel and accommodation

    For further information, please contact Dr. Kells directly at

    gravatar Thomas Wise

    [ top ]Featured Research Outcomes

    #BritainBreathing App featured on BBC click

    The #BritainBreathing App, a citizen science project run in part by the academics in the School of Computer Science, was featured on BBC Click this week.

    The project is a joint venture between the University of Manchester, British Society for Immunology and Royal Society for Biology.

    gravatar Thomas Wise

    [ top ]Tech Support News

    Meeting rooms projection update

    Mercury now has the better quality projector fitted that we also hope to supply to some of our other meeting rooms before next academic year.

    Joining Atlas 1 and IT401, the projection facilities can also be accessed wirelessly. To make such the same across Macs, Windows, iOS and Android, please always select the wifi channel "IDC" on your mobile device. The password and further details are on paper copies in the rooms.

    gravatar Ian Cottam

    gravatar Karen Corless
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:33:52
Last change: Tuesday, 31 May 2016 13:55:23