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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Wednesday, 06 April 2016

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of School

    Martin’s Podcast – your new briefing direct from the Dean!

    The Dean now has his own podcast to give all staff an update on Faculty priorities. In this pilot edition he looks at his rationale for starting a podcast, recent updates to help academics and researchers make an impact with their research and Faculty changes including new appointments to the Faculty Leadership Team, MECD, the new name for the Faculty and the new School of Earth and Environmental Sciences.

    gravatar Jim Miles

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Library 'Open Access Gateway' Now Live

    The HEFCE policy that papers need to be in an institutional repository within three months of acceptance comes into action today. The message below from Simon Baines at the library gives an update and points to the new "Open Access Gateway".

    Note that to be eligible for the next REF, papers must be in an institutional repository within three months of acceptance - not publication.

    In readiness for HEFCE’s policy, which comes into effect on 1 April 2016, the library's Open Access Gateway is now live. Authors can send their newly accepted manuscripts to the Library via a deposit form and Library staff will do the rest, ensuring compliance with REF Open Access eligibility requirements.

    Also, from 1 April 2016RCUK and COAF funded authors will be able to make Open Access funding requests via this new deposit form, which replaces the current form within the ‘My eScholar’ interface.

    The deposit form is available from the Open Access Gateway at (log-in required).


    gravatar Karen Corless

    New EPSRC award for Goran Nenadic - Healtex

    Dr. Goran Nenadic is the Principal Investigator for a recently awarded EPSRC grant. The project will run for 3 years and is a collaboration between the University of Manchester, Cardiff University, King's College London, University of Sheffield and University of Edinburgh. It also counts Arthritis Research UK, HealthUnlocked, South London and Maudsley NHS Trust and UK Renal Registry as project partners.

    The aim of the Healtex project is to build a UK-wide multi-disciplinary research network in order to explore the barriers to effectively utilising healthcare narrative text data, road-map research efforts and principles for sharing text data and text analytics methods between academia, NHS and industry.

    gravatar Thomas Wise

    [ top ]Events

    Getting impact for your research - Engaging with Parliament (EPS specific) - 6 April

    Time: 13:00 - 14:00

    Location: Sackville Street Building, Room D39

    Engaging with Parliament through the Select Committee system can be a good way to achieve real impact for research outputs and build impact cases. 

    Colin Talbot (Politics and Co-Director of policy@manchester) has been an expert witness more than two dozen times before Parliamentary Select Committees and has also appeared at committees in the Scottish Parliament and NI Assembly. He’s also been a “behind the scenes” specialist adviser to two House of Commons Select Committees. 

    Come and find out more about opportunities, explore how you might engage with Parliament and how it works in a very informal, Q&A session with colleagues and Colin. 

    Just turn up, and feel free to bring a colleague, and / or your lunch. 

    To see a list of Parliamentary Select Committee inquiries currently taking evidence, please see

    For more information, please contact

    gravatar Karen Corless

    Computer Science Seminar With Dr Fabio Paterno - 6 April

    Date & Time: 6 April, 14:00

    Where: Kilburn L.T. 1.4

    Title: End-User Development of Context-dependent Applications based on Trigger-Action Rules

    Speaker:   Dr  Fabio Paterno  (ISTI)

    Host:   Simon Harper


    The advent of mobile technologies and the Internet of Things have made extremely variable and dynamic the contexts of use in which we access our applications. This talk describes a solution able to support end user development of interactive applications able to adapt to the various types of contextual events (that can be related to users, devices, environments, and social relationships). The context-dependent behaviour is modelled through trigger / action rules, which can be specified by people without programming experience, and can be applied to Web applications that were not originally designed to be context-aware in order to create versions customized for specific contexts of use and needs . I will discuss the main issues to address when designing such authoring environments and show an example solution.

    Tea and biscuits will be served from 3pm in the Staff tearoom for an informal chat.

    Biography: His wikipedia page is at:

    gravatar Karen Corless

    Connected Health Innovation Centre Seminar - Thurs April 21

    Time: 14:00 - 16:00

    Venue: Lecture theatre 1.3, Kilburn Building

    Title: Using technology to monitor behaviour in healthcare settings

    The Connected Health Innovation Centre is pleased to announce that its next seminar will take place on 21st April 2016. Focusing on the theme of 'Using technology to monitor behaviour in healthcare settings', this seminar will be an opportunity to hear from Dr Caroline Jay (The University of Manchester) and Dr Simon Harper (The University of Manchester). Caroline is a Lecturer in Empirically Sound Software Engineering and Simon is an experimental Computer Scientist working in Human Computer Interaction and Information Systems. 

    Context: Technology enables us to understand aspects of human behaviour and cognition in greater detail than ever before. It allows continual monitoring in real life settings, which can help to elucidate individual differences, and understand changes over time. We will discuss the challenges and opportunities offered by using technology to understand behaviour in healthcare settings, using case studies of monitoring symptoms in people with Parkinson's disease with smartphones, and improving our understanding of ECG interpretation using eye tracking. 

    If you would like to join us on 21st April, please register your place via this link

    If you have any queries please contact or


    gravatar Karen Corless

    ERC Advanced Grant Information Session - 19th May 2016

    An Information Session for those interested in applying to the ERC Advanced Grant will be held on Thursday 19th May 2016, 12-2pm, Samuel Alexander Building, Room A7. 

    The 2016 ERC Advanced Grant call is due to open on 24th May 2016.

    An ERC Advanced Grant is aimed at providing exceptional established research leaders of any nationality and any age to pursue ground-breaking, high-risk projects that open new directions in their respective research fields or other domains.  The scheme targets researchers who have already established themselves as independent research leaders in their own right and who have a track record of significant research achievements in the last 10 years.

    Following the success of a similar session last year, we are holding an information session for PIs who are intending to apply to the 2016 call for this scheme which has a deadline of 1st September 2016.  

    This session will include case studies from ERC Advanced Grant holders.

    Note: Gender mainstreaming is among the core principles of the ERC in the sense that each process within the ERC - from creating awareness about the ERC to grant signing – is designed to include both genders, giving equal opportunities to men and women.   An important goal of the ERC Gender Equality Plan 2014-2020 is to ensure that both male and female excellent researchers are fully informed and aware of the opportunities that an ERC grant offers.  It is also essential to convey a clear message that fairness and equal treatment are fundamental in the ERC grant competitions.  Moreover, the plan envisages closer monitoring of the gender distribution within the ERC’s peer review system, striving for balance. 

    A sandwich lunch will be provided from 11:30 before a prompt 12:00 start.

    If you would like to attend please email

    gravatar Thomas Wise

    Antimicrobial Resistance Workshop - Friday 29 April 2016

    Registration deadline is Wednesday 20 April, 4pm.

    The Manchester Institute of Biotechnology (MIB) has recently been successful in securing UMRI (University of Manchester Research Institute) funding to enhance networking across a range of key research areas for MIB. The overall aim of this project is to strengthen collaborative links with colleagues across the new University structure.

    One of the key areas we have received funding to support is Antimicrobial Resistance. This funding will be used in two ways:

    • To run an Antimicrobial Resistance Workshop to promote networking between colleagues working in this area across the University.
    • To pump-prime interdisciplinary multi-PI projects to generate pilot data for subsequent external application. 

    The workshop will take place on Friday 29 April at MIB (9:30am to 4pm), and will involve speakers from across the University (FMHS, FLS, FEPS), as well as a keynote presentation from Dr Pete Jackson who is the Chair of the new Antimicrobial Research Centre at Alderley Park.

    During the workshop the pump-priming call for funding in the area of Antimicrobial Resistance will be announced.

    The workshop is open to all UoM staff and students. To register to attend the workshop please complete the registration form at:

    gravatar Thomas Wise

    H2020 European Brokerage Event: Materials & Nanotechnology... - 15th June 2016, Birmingham

    Registration is now open for H2020 European Brokerage Event: Materials & Nanotechnology, Process Industries & Manufacturing, 15 June 2016, Austin Court Conference Centre, Birmingham.

    This is a FREE one day event that will introduce the calls for proposals in 2017, present insights and expectations from the European Commission, and offer a unique international networking experience to forge the winning partnerships of the future.
    The programme will include presentations from the European Commission and its evaluators and an opportunity to pitch your expertise in front of leading research organisations and cutting-edge innovators from across industry.

    The UK National Contact Point has organised this year’s 2017 call event in Birmingham on 15th June. There is a slight change to the usual format in that the time available for project pitches, networking and brokerage has been increased - giving more opportunities to discuss project ideas.

    The website for the event in Birmingham is now available and registration is now open

    Please contact Liz Fay for further details (

    gravatar Thomas Wise

    [ top ]Featured Research Outcomes

    Publication News

    Oscar Flórez-Vargas, Andy Brass, George Karystianis, Michael Bramhall, Robert Stevens, Sheena Cruickshank and Goran Nenadic have authored a paper published in eLife, concerning "Bias in the reporting of sex and age in biomedical research on mouse models." eLife; (2016);5:e13615.

    The Faculty of EPS have created a press release on the paper:

    and there is a co-ordinated news article in Nature News:

    gravatar Thomas Wise

    gravatar Jim Miles
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:52:43
Last change: Wednesday, 06 April 2016 09:07:51