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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Monday, 29 February 2016

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of School

    Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace

    Last week, Paul Marks-Jones from the University’s Equality and Diversity group gave a very insightful school seminar explaining relevant concepts around Bullying and Harassment, and highlighting activities that the university carries out to prevent these, and support that is provided by his group for those who want to know more or need advice. This was followed by an interesting open discussion that further clarified some questions, and then by smaller discussions with coffee & cake in the common room.


    Should you have missed this and want to see the presentation we will provide the link for the podcast as soon as possible.


    In the next weeks, Paul will run further activities throughout the school, including a stand where he is happy to discuss any questions.


    Finally, there will be training opportunities coming up for those who would like to take an active role in informing & supporting colleagues: please let Uli ( know if you are interested in these and I will keep you posted directly!


    Please see the E&D website for further information:

    gravatar Bryony C Quick

    Join the Evacuation Marshals and First Aiders

    The School needs a number of evacuation marshals to manage emergency evacuations of the buildings, and first aiders to deal with minor accidents. These roles do not have any associated routine work but help to keep the School safe for us all. Training is provided for each role. If you are interested please contact Tony McDonald.

    gravatar Jim Miles

    Getting impact for your research - Engaging with Parliament

    Engaging with Parliament through the Select Committee system can be a good way to achieve real impact for research outputs and build impact cases.

    Colin Talbot (Politics) has been an expert witness more than two dozen times before Parliamentary Select Committees and has also appeared at committees in the Scottish Parliament and NI Assembly. He’s also been a “behind the scenes” specialist adviser to two House of Commons Select Committees.

    Come and find out more about opportunities, explore how you might engage with Parliament and how it works in a very informal, Q&A session with colleagues and Colin.

    30th March      1-2pm              Chemistry Building, Room G07-08

    6th April           1-2pm              Sackville Street Building, Room D39

    Just turn up, and feel free to bring a colleague, and / or your lunch.

    For more information, please contact

    gravatar Jim Miles

    IT Services Walk-in help centre

    We are lucky here in the School in that Kilburn Building has one of the few IT Services Walk-in support centres. It is on the ground floor labelled "G.41: IT Support Centre" and is by the seating area in reception.


    David Rydeheard recently used the service, to get 60 conference accounts allocated, and was pleased with the instant, while-you-wait service.

    Obviously, more complicated requests cannot always be dealt with immediately.


    This IT walk-in help and support is available 9am-5pm Monday to Friday, and can free up our local staff to do more complex support activities for the School.

    gravatar Jim Miles

    Microsoft Azure

    If you would like to make any use of Microsoft Azure for IOT or any other purpose Microsoft offer educational passes for azure as well as free educator grants for teaching, learning and research see or contact Lee Stott <>

    gravatar Jim Miles

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Prof. Steve Furber appears on BBC Radio 4's 'Start the Week'.

    Professor Steve Furb​er appeared on BBC Radio Four's 'Start the Week' on Monday 22nd Feb. The program looked at  ​looks at a future dominated by automation, cyber security, the 'sharing economy' and advanced life sciences.

    Listen to the whole programme here:

    gravatar Thomas Wise

    Science and Engineering Photography Competition

    Have you got a great eye for a picture? – then why not take part in our photography competition and help Manchester celebrate its status as European City of Science 2016.


    All taught students and staff who have a passion for photography are being invited to showcase their talent and submit their most eye-catching images to the SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITION, which is organised by the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences at The University of Manchester.


    Our photography competition has the theme ‘science and engineering’ and invites you to be as creative as possible and capture university life, revealing what makes it unique, exciting, inspiring or fun for you. 


    A package of rewards are on offer for the winners – including the opportunity to join the Faculty’s communications and marketing team as official ‘photographer in residence’ for a series of roadshow events we are organising across Greater Manchester and Cheshire to celebrate European City of Science for 2016.


    Our prize package also includes the opportunity to have your work showcased as part of the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences’ communications and marketing campaign activity, Amazon vouchers plus a visit to the iconic Jodrell Bank in Cheshire.   


    The five categories are shown below: 

    1.       Your study/research area and how this inspires you

    2.       The campus both its buildings and campus life 

    3.       Facilities that you use as part of your teaching and learning experience

    4.       People who inspire in your university life

    5.       Manchester which celebrates its status as European City of Science in 2016



    The closing date for the competition is Monday, April 4 and the winning entrants will be selected and informed two weeks after this date. 


    Manchester is the European City of Science 2016, a status that has been awarded in recognition of its unique scientific and engineering heritage - the University, with its partners, will celebrate by supporting a full programme of events and activities.


    More information

    gravatar Bryony C Quick

    [ top ]Events

    Showcase of Robotics Research in the School of EEE - 09 March 2016

    Wednesday 9th March 2016, Sackville Street Building, F46

    13:00 —17:00 – open drop-in session

    UCAS Presentations between 14:30 – 15:30


    The Robotics Group in the School of EEE are hosting a showcase of their research.  Come and talk to the academics, students and researchers and see what research and collaboration opportunities are available.


    There will be demonstrations and presentations throughout the afternoon.

    gravatar Bryony C Quick

    How to get impact by working with MPs’ researchers - 09 March 2016

    Getting past the gatekeeper: how to work with MPs’ researchers


    A policy@manchester event

    Wednesday 09 March. 15-16:30

    Lecture Room 2B, Simon Building


    Book a free place -


    Want an MP to take part in your event or launch a new report? Or perhaps you’re seeking impact by securing a meeting to bring your latest policy-relevant research to their attention?


    Join Rob Dale, author of the book How to be a Parliamentary Researcher (Biteback, 2015), to hear the inside track about life inside the office of a busy politician.


    Parliamentary researchers are playing an increasingly important and influential role inside the House of Commons.


    Branded bag-carriers while actually performing vital duties like drafting speeches and Parliamentary Questions, handling the media and engaging with constituents online, parliamentary researchers do the dirty work behind the scenes, allowing their bosses to focus on their main job – performing.

    In this special session, Rob will explain how the MP’s office has developed over recent decades, imparting practical advice on the dos and don’ts of engaging with an MP’s key personnel, laced with acute personal observations and anecdotes.

    Rob Dale ran the parliamentary office of Andy Sawford, former MP for Corby and shadow minister. He now works in a lobbying and public affairs agency and studied journalism at university.

    gravatar Bryony C Quick

    University Of Manchester Data Science Club - 17th March 2016.

    Deadline for presentations: 6th March

    Registration is now open for the next meeting of the UoM Data Science Club which will take place 2pm – 3.30pm on the 17th March in Co-Lab, Kilburn Building.

    The meeting will feature lightning presentations from UoM researchers providing opportunities to network, a presentation on Triangulum (, a discussion on data science training requirements and opportunities and news updates.

    To register for the event please visit -

    Very good feedback was received from the last meeting which featured lightning talks and networking opportunities. The same format will therefore be used for the next meeting and organiser Gillian Sinclair is seeking presentations on the following topics:

    • a data problem that needs solving
    • a data solution that you have
    • algorithms / statistics / machine learning
    • tools – either ones you have developed or tools you have discovered
    • database challenges

    The presentations only last for a minute or two and you can then share your experiences in greater detail with Data Science Club members over tea and coffee.  If you are interested in giving a lightning talk and sharing your experiences then please send Gillian ( a few lines on your presentation and specify which of the above topics it comes under by 6th March

    Gillian Sinclair is the Research IT Relationship Manager in IT Services.

    gravatar Thomas Wise

    The Imitation Game - SpiNNaker as part of a major exhibition at Manchester Art Gallery

    Two robots having a conversation about the nature of consciousness is one of the highlights of a new exhibition inspired by Manchester pioneer Alan Turing. The Imitation Game - which has opened at Manchester Art Gallery and runs until 5th June - is a showcase for eight international artists who explore the theme of machines and the imitation of life.

    Swedish artist Tove Kjellmark has created a new robotic artwork entitled Talk in collaboration with Professor Steve Furber, from the School of Computer Science at The University of Manchester, and also in partnership with the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm. The two seated robots discuss the nature of human consciousness – and their behaviour is determined by the SpiNNaker brain-simulation technology which has been developed in Manchester by Professor Furber and his team working on The Human Brain project.


    gravatar Thomas Wise

    [ top ]Prize and award Opportunities

    TECO Green Tech Contest - August 2016

    Deadline for submission: 7th March

    The University of Manchester has been invited to submit a team to participate in the TECO Green Tech Contest (23 August 2016, Taiwan), along with a number of other top 20 universities in the world, e.g. MIT (USA), Tokyo University (Japan),  RWTH Aachen University (Germany).  

    The team must consist of at least five members, including both academic staff and students. Applications based on UG/PG/RA projects that are related to green technologies (technologies that are less harmful to the environments than existing ones) are eligible for consideration.

    Teams will give a ~10 minute presentation and 5 minute demonstration of their project. Three return air tickets will be funded by the organiser and the winning team’s prize will be a trophy and $12,000.

    Please submit your application (Title, Abstract and team members) to John Keane by 7th March

    Further details

    gravatar Thomas Wise

    gravatar Jim Miles
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:42:26
Last change: Monday, 29 February 2016 10:19:00