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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Monday, 15 February 2016

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of School

    Bullying and Harassment – a discussion

    On February 24th at 2pm, Paul Marks-Jones, an Equality and Diversity Advisor from the Directorate of Human Resources, will give a short talk on bullying and harassment where he explains what these are and what kind of support the University has in place to prevent them in the first place, and to deal with cases should they nevertheless arise. This will be followed by a Q&A session and then by a more informal chat in the common room - with coffee, tea, and cake!

    gravatar Jim Miles

    Meet the President

    The President and Vice Chancellor Nancy Rothwell will visit the School on Wednesday 17th February, accompanied by Prof Clive Agnew, Vice President for Teaching and Learning:

    3.00-3.30pm, Kilburn 2.19: Open Meeting with Students (undergraduate and postgraduate)

    3.30-4:00pm, Kilburn 2.19: Open Meeting with Staff to include Opening Address by the President and Vice-Chancellor followed by Q&A session   


    gravatar Jim Miles

    2016 Karen Spärck Jones Lecture and London Hopper Colloquium

    The 2016 Karen Spärck Jones Lecture will be given by Professor M. Angela Sasse FREng from University College London (UCL). This is the 6th Karen Spärck Jones Lecture, an evening event, honouring women in computing research that will follow the London Hopper at the BCS Headquarters. Prof Sasse is the Professor of Human-Centred Technology at UCL, and Director of the UK Research Institute in Science of Cyber Security (RISCS).

    University College London and BCS Academy will be presenting the 12th London Hopper Colloquium on Wednesday, 25 May 2016 at the BCS headquarters in London. This 1-day event will feature women speakers talking about their research, a spotlight competition open to postgraduate students, and lots of opportunities to network with other new researchers in computing. Please check for more details.

    Both of these events are free but you must book. Booking will be available via the BCS website (in March).

    gravatar Jim Miles

    New Head of School and Head of School Administration

    Robert Stevens will take over as Head of School on Monday 25th July 2016.

    The School’s new Head of School Administration will be Ms Elizabeth Caine (Liz) who joins the School on 1st April 2016.

    Liz is currently Deputy Faculty Manager for the Faculty of Life Sciences in University College London having previously worked as a Divisional Manager in Kings College London and as a Research Development Co-ordinator in City University.

    gravatar Jim Miles

    James Elson Studentship

    The first James Elson Studentship has been announced on the School’s website. Two studentships have been made available as a result of a bequest from James Elson, a former MEng student who sadly passed away in 2012 after a long battle with cancer.

    gravatar Jim Miles

    The Imitation Game: Manchester Art Gallery

    One of our Year 3 students, Peter Bogdan has helped to create a piece for The Imitation Game, an exhibition at Manchester Art Gallery (open now, free entry, Mosley Street, Manchester M2 3JL). Peter's 3rd Year Project (supervised by Steve Furber) deals with creating a robot control system using a spiking neural network simulation running on SpiNNaker. Peter has implemented sections of "brain" to form a motor cortex which drives the arms of two robots so that they can gesture while talking. The physical robots have been built by Mechatronics MSc students from KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm”. The Imitation Game features work by eight international contemporary artists who explore the theme of machines and the imitation of life.

    gravatar Jim Miles

    Faculty Business Engagement

    Professor Lin Li is Associate Dean for EPS Business Engagement and Innovation. The Business Engagement Team have provided a range of information showing what they do and how to contact them.

    gravatar Jim Miles

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Could you host a sixth form student on a Nuffield Research Placement in July/August 2016?

    Every year, the University of Manchester hosts sixth formers participating in the Nuffield Research Placement scheme ( For the past two years, we are proud to have hosted more students than any other institution in the UK. In 2015 more than half of these opportunities were offered to students who met the scheme's widening participation criteria.


    Nuffield Research Placements are a fantastic way of working with talented young people from local schools and colleges who have a strong interest in Science, Technology, Engineering or Maths and giving them an insight into research as a career. There are more details below.


    We are now looking for staff who would be willing to host a Nuffield Research Placement in summer 2016.


    If you are interested in offering a project for 2016 or would like more information on how it works, please e-mail who will put you in touch with the Regional Coordinator, Sarah Fenton.

    gravatar Bryony C Quick

    [ top ]Featured Research Outcomes

    New EPSRC IAA Relationship Incubator Award with d-Wise

    Uli Sattler (PI) along with Bijan Parsia and Sean Bechhofer of the Information Management group have recently received funding to deliver a new Impact Acceleration Account project with partner company d-Wise. 

    "Data related to clinical trials is big, complex, and comes with massive amounts of constantly
    changing background knowledge. Accessing this data in a flexible, transparent, and reliable way
    is crucial for companies in life sciences and healthcare. Ontologies promise to capture rich
    background knowledge, and related Semantic Web (SW) technologies promise to provide the
    above mentioned access to this data.
    In this project, we plan to explore the potential opportunities, cost and benefits of ontologies and
    SW technologies for capturing and accessing clinical trials data. In particular, we plan to identify
    suitable use cases with d-Wise, including tasks and success criteria, for this exploration, and
    provide some workshops related to SW technologies to improve our common understanding and


    gravatar Thomas Wise

    New EPSRC IAA Concept and Feasibility award with Wadaro

    A new Impact Acceleration Account has been awarded to Xiaojun Zeng and John Keane for a collaboration with Wadaro Ltd.

    "Wadaro Limited is a leading provider of quality of experience (QoE) monitoring and performance
    analysis solutions for mobile networks. A challenge for Wadaro’s current solutions is the need to
    meet the demand from mobile operators to provide real-time QoE monitoring of many millions of
    mobile network customers.
    The problem faced by Wadaro is a streaming big data analysis challenge, which needs to model
    the time-varying and interacting relationships between raw streaming data and various key
    performance indicators (KPIs) and requires online data analysis methods and algorithms.
    The aim of this project is to improve Wadaro’s monitoring system and solve this challenging
    problem. This project will further develop big data analytics based on existing bottom-up
    dynamic hierarchical structure modelling and online learning algorithms to enable Wadaro’s QoE
    monitoring solutions to meet the emerging urgent market demand by achieving real-time
    performance analysis and prediction for any size of mobile network."

    gravatar Thomas Wise

    gravatar Bryony C Quick
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:21:59
Last change: Monday, 15 February 2016 10:18:37