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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Tuesday, 26 January 2016

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS


    [ top ]Events

    School Seminar - The Swan Task Dataflow Scheduler: Design and Applications - 26th January

    26th January 2016, 14:00, Kilburn Lecture Theatre 1.3

    Title: The Swan Task Dataflow Scheduler: Design and Applications

    Speaker: Dr Hans Vandierendonck, Queen's University Belfast

    Host: Antoniu Pop, University of Manchester




    Task dataflow is increasingly investigated as a programming model and execution model for high-performance and energy-efficient computing systems. The model requires programmers to annotate tasks with the data read and written by the task and uses this information to optimise runtime scheduling. This talk presents the rationale behind the design of Swan, analyses its performance and discusses current projects in high-performance computing and data analytics using Swan.




    Hans Vandierendonck is assistant professor at Queen's University Belfast where he leads research on programming models and runtime systems for high-performance and data-intensive computing. He also has an interest in computer architecture and memory technologies. Previously, he held a Marie Curie Fellowship. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE and of the ACM.


    gravatar Bryony C Quick

    New H2020 Funding in Advanced Manufacturing & Processing - Manchester, 8th March 2016

    Deadline for registration: 26th February

    Enterprise Europe Network in partnership with the National Contact Point and the New Economy is pleased to bring you an information event to present new funding opportunities in the nanotechnologies, advanced manufacturing and processing (NMP) arena for 2016-2017 under Horizon2020, the €79bn innovation programme funded by the European Commission.

    Places to attend this event are limited to 50.

    To register your interest in attending this event, please complete the registration form. Registration closes on the 26th February 2016. Confirmation of places will be sent on the 1st March 2016.

    Registration form:

    gravatar Thomas Wise

    Open Innovation 2.0 Conference 2016 - Amsterdam 23rd and 24th May 2016

    The Open Innovation 2.0 Conference 2016 will take place in Amsterdam on 23 and 24 May 2016 under the Dutch Presidency of the Council of the European Union. 

    The conference is expected to gather more than 350 people and feature topics on Open Innovation 2.0 funding opportunities under Horizon 2020, online engagement platforms (big data, cloud, Internet of Things, participatory design), and others.

    he event will be preceded by a Camp for Societal Innovation aimed at bringing together people with different backgrounds to address the challenges linked to cities, regions, industry, universities and NGOs.

    The registration for the event will open soon and more details are the meeting venue will be communicated shortly. 


    gravatar Thomas Wise

    EMiT Emerging Technology Conference 2016 - Barcelona 2nd and 3rd June 2016

    Abstract submission deadline: 29th January 2016

    Registration deadline: 26th May 2016

    EMiT, the Emerging Tech conference series, will hold its 3rd annual event on 2-3 June 2016 at Barcelona Supercomputing Centre and is co-hosted by Mont Blanc as well as The University of Manchester.

    The conference series brings together experts from all areas of computing to examine how to best take advantage of the changing landscape of computer hardware and overcome research barriers for fields such as computational fluid dynamics (CFD), computational mechanics, life sciences, and financial modelling. 

    One page abstracts are currently being accepted, for peer review, on one (or more) themes of the conference. Please note the deadline for submitting abstracts is now 29th January.

    gravatar Thomas Wise

    gravatar Jim Miles
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:27:32
Last change: Tuesday, 26 January 2016 08:39:21