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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Wednesday, 13 January 2016

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Changes in the Research Support Team

    From the 4th January there will be some new additions to the Research Support Team and a few changes:

    • Welcome to Tom Wise, who's joining us from the Chemistry, Physics and SEAES hub, as maternity cover for the CS Research Support Manager role (based in KB2.7)
    • Welcome also to Fiona Waller, previously with the research finance team in CEAS and Materials, as maternity cover Anna Humble as Research Support Officer (based in AT1.135)
    • Welcome back to Jan Seesod after her recent maternity leave
    • Steve Owen (based in AT1.135) will be taking on the role of lead RSM for the research support team (with responsibility for service)


    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    The CAS (Computing at School) Regional Centre

    The School of Computer Science is the Regional Centre for supporting computing in schools across the region (approx. 2,200 schools), with Department of Education funding.

    Two new part-time staff have arrived this week to enable us to provide this support for schools. They are Sarah Zaman and Carol Murray. They both have considerable experience in computing activities in schools. Sarah formerly taught computing at Primary level and has been active in supporting computing teachers for some while. Carol is a former teacher of computing at the Secondary level. They will be located in an office on the central corridor. Please welcome them, and if you are involved with schools activities or wish to discuss matters in this area, do please make yourself known to them.

    gravatar Bryony C Quick

    Clarification of ACM Open Access policy.

    It is now possible to publish papers with ACM using the CC-BY license, as they have recently clarified their Open Access policy to comply with UK EPSRC and EU H2020 guidelines. Many thanks to Mikel Lujan for his pivotal work in bringing this about.

    For further information please contact:

    Scholarly Communication Service
    The University of Manchester Library
    Tel: +44(0)161 306 1517 (internal: x61517)

    gravatar Thomas Wise

    [ top ]Events

    Faculty of EPS Early Career Fellowship Application Workshop - Thursday 4th February.

    The Faculty is holding an Early Career Fellowship Workshop on Thursday 4 February 2016, 9:30am -1pm. 

    Priority will be given to those in the process of applying, or seriously considering applying for an external fellowship.

    Places are limited and on a first come first served basis, if you would like to attend please contact

    gravatar Thomas Wise

    Dr. Eli Hari talk at Alliance Manchester Business School - Thursday 14th January.

    “Silicon Valley Odyssey: An Entrepreneur’s Survival Tips”.

    Thursday 14th January 12.40pm-1.40pm Room 2.42, Alliance MBS West.  

    Come and hear Dr Eli Harari, Founder of SanDisk and alumnus of the University of Manchester, who will be speaking at AMBS and answering your questions on entrepreneurial success.

    Please could you register for the event by responding to Andrew Young:

    gravatar Thomas Wise

    BCSWomen Lovelace Colloquium 2016: Call for abstracts

    Students of computing and related subjects1 are invited to enter one of the poster contests at the BCSWomen Lovelace Colloquium. The poster contests are as follows:

    • Best first year poster for students who are in their first year of study at a UK university.
    • Best second year poster for students in their second year of study at a UK university (also those on an industrial year or 3rd year of a 4 year degree - basically this is for students between their first and final years).
    • Best final year undergraduate poster for students in their final year of study for a BA, BSc, BEng, or in the penultimate year of an MEng (this will often be the 3rd year, but may be the fourth or fifth year, if the student has taken a year abroad, year in industry, or is studying for a 4 year Scottish degree).
    • Best Masters student poster for students doing a taught masters degree, or who are in the final year of an MEng or similar integrated 4-5 year course resulting in a masters.

    We hope to be able to offer people's choice prizes as well as first and second place in each category.

    To enter the poster contest, write a 250 word abstract on the topic of your poster. The best 50 or so abstracts received will get travel bursaries, meaning that we'll refund your transport costs, and an overnight stay if that's necessary for you to attend (for example - if you're coming from Plymouth, we'll pay for a nights accommodation, but if you're coming from Manchester we'll only refund your train fare). 

    Abstract submission is now open: women students of computing and related subjects can now submit using the web form. We recommend that you write your 250 word abstract using a text editor or word processor, and then paste it into the form.

    The abstract deadline is February 6th 2016.

    Note that the event will be in Sheffield on March 31 2016, and if you are selected, you will need to be able to get to the event with your poster in order to compete.

    For more information, please, visit the following link.

    1We interpret "Related subjects" very broadly - in the past, we have had students following courses in computer arts, cognitive science, information systems, and a large number of different joint/major/minor programmes of study. If you're not sure, drop the organisers an email on, we'll probably say "yes".

    gravatar Bryony C Quick

    [ top ]Funding Opportunities

    EPSRC Funding Opportunities

    Design by Science

    EoI deadline: 21 January 2016
    Full deadline:  08 March 2016

    EPSRC would like to invite applicants to participate in a funding initiative to explore the potential for "Design by Science". The aim of the call is to provide funding to allow research into novel simulation and modelling tools that address specific Industrial Engineering Design challenges. EPSRC expect to fund research projects of up to 4 years in duration, with research focussing on simulation and modelling with a direct application into industry. EPSRC will provide up to £5million for this call.

    Applicants must submit an Expression of Interest prior to submission of a full proposal. Applicants will be notified of the outcome no later than 28 January 2016. Projects are expected to start in September 2016.


    Resource Allocation Panel (RAP): Access to ARCHER (Winter 2015)

    Deadline: 12 February 2016 at 16:00

    EPSRC offers access to ARCHER through calls for proposals to the Resource Allocation Panel (RAP). The aim of this call is to provide access to our national state-of-the-art high performance computing facility for proposals of high scientific quality that would benefit from ARCHER.

    OR Applicants to this call can request ARCHER compute resource only to facilitate the remainder of their existing EPSRC grant through the Resource Allocation Panel (RAP): Top-up of ARCHER resource on EPSRC grants (winter 2015)


    Pilot call: Access to the Research Data Facility (RDF) for Open EPSRC access
    Deadline: 12 February 2016 at 16:00

    EPSRC recognises the need for researchers to be able to store active computational data and to be able to use this data for further scientific benefit. This is a call for applications to access storage on the national Research Data Facility (RDF), for researchers within the remit of EPSRC. The total amount of storage available for this pilot call is 1000TB.

    Systems Change - Towards a Circular Economy

    Deadline: 11 February 2016 at 16:00

    EPSRC would like to invite Expressions of Interest to bid into the call for research proposals in Systems Change - Towards a Circular Economy. The aim of the call is to support research projects focused on modelling and understanding whole systems approaches to the circular economy, within the context of UK manufacturing.


    Reducing Industrial Energy Demand
    Deadline: 25 February 2016

    As part of its contribution to the Research Councils UK Energy Programme, and in collaboration with their Manufacturing the Future theme, EPSRC is looking to support multi-disciplinary, collaborative research in order to reduce industrial energy demand.


    UK Quantum Technology Hub for Sensors and Metrology Partnership Funding
    Deadline: 31 January 2017 at 17:00 [with subsequent rounds thereafter]

    The UK Quantum Technology Hub for Sensors and Metrology is an international centre of excellence. It brings together world-leading physicists, engineers (including computer scientists), industry and end-users with the aim of transitioning lab-based research into practical devices.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    RCUK Digital Economy Call - Research for understanding, mitigating and countering security threats.

    Deadline: 5 February 2016.

    The UK Centre for Research and Evidence on Security Threats wishes to commission a programme of research that addresses some of the current threats to national and international security. The Call will be open to Higher Education Institutions, research organisations, charities, commercial companies, and individuals from the UK and overseas, who can demonstrate a capability to deliver a high-quality programme of research. The work should commence 1 April 2016 or as soon as possible thereafter.

    For further information, please see the CREST website :

    gravatar Thomas Wise

    Leverhulme Trust Leadership Awards - internal review process.

    Deadline: Thursday 4th February.

    This scheme is restricted to one bid per institution and the University has requested each Faculty to nominate up to two candidates.

    To  comply with this request, applicants will need to provide the following to Vicky Holt ( no later than close of business on Thursday 4th February please:

    • Two page outline proposal including costings (provided by Research Support Team)
    • CV

    Please cc: Tom Wise (

    The Faculty will put in place a process to select a maximum of two outlines to go forward to review by the University Research Strategy Group.

    Further details regarding this scheme can be found at the following link:

    gravatar Thomas Wise

    Newton Fund opportunities - Winter/Spring 2016

    The Newton Fund’s aim is to develop science and innovation partnerships that promote the economic development and welfare of collaborating countries.

    Current calls are for collaborations with Brazil, India, Mexico, China, India and Turkey:

    gravatar Thomas Wise

    CUHK-UoM Research Fund 2015-16

    Deadline: Friday 16th January 2016.

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and the University of Manchester (UoM) Research Fund is an initiative of the respective Vice-Chancellors to enhance research collaboration between the two universities.

    The purpose of the fund is to enable staff at both institutions to undertake short-term visits to each other to strengthen existing collaboration and/or to establish new collaboration in the following priority areas, Cancer, Neuroscience, Energy and Climate Change, Future Cities, Advanced Materials, and Poverty Relief. Other areas where there is mutual interest from researchers may also be considered. The overall aim of the scheme is to build collaborative research links with a view to subsequent joint proposals to external funding sources.

    Applicants may bid for a maximum of £10,000 per project. Wherever possible, funding will be allocated by each university on a 50:50 basis so applicants are advised to try to split the budget more or less equally between the two universities.

    Applicants should apply online:  Any queries should be directed to Joanne Jacobs, Senior International Officer e:  t: 0161 306 1716. All applications must be costed by the Research Support Office and endorsed by the Head of School.

    gravatar Thomas Wise

    [ top ]Featured Research Outcomes

    BBC Radio Scotland features Daniel Dresner.

    Daniel was interviewed for BBC Radio Scotland's drive-time programme on the 29th December

    He discussed the problems faced by Scottish Police in dealing with criminals using encrypted communications such as apps and email.

    gravatar Thomas Wise

    Recent Publications.

    Thompson, P., Batista-Navarro, R. T. B., Kontonatsios, G., Carter, J., Toon, E., McNaught, J., Timmermann, C., Worboys, M. and Ananiadou, S. (2016). "Text Mining the History of Medicine". PLOS One, 11(1) : e0144717

    gravatar Thomas Wise

    gravatar Bryony C Quick
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:39:14
Last change: Wednesday, 13 January 2016 14:01:51