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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Monday, 14 December 2015

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of School

    First year project session

    The First Year Project poster session last Thursday was a great event, packed with students and enthusiasm, with many ideas on display and a tremendous feeling that students were looking forward to building their systems next semester. If you didn't manage to make it to the session then try to get there next year, but for now you can see all the posters in the Y1 Project Poster Gallery.

    gravatar Jim Miles

    James Elson

    James Elson was a 1st class MEng graduate from 1997 who sadly died from cancer around 3 years ago. His final year project was to build a robot vision system, supervised by Ulrich Nehmzov.

    In his will he left a sum fo  money to the School. After discussion with his mother, Mary Elson it has been decided that the bequest will be used to fund two PhD studentships for UK/EU students, one in applications of Computer Science to cancer, and one in intelligent robotics as a part of the School's strategic recruitment plan in that area.

    The bequest will also provide £20k for equipment for use in outreach activities, and this will primarily be spent on robots for work in schools.


    gravatar Jim Miles

    EPSRC Doctoral Training Grant

    The School's EPSRC Doctoral Training Grant (DTG) for 2016/17 will be £173.5k, down slightly from £195.5k this year. The value of the DTG is determined by the value of our EPSRC grants. 

    In addition to normal studentships the Faculty holds an additional part of the DTG that must be used for CASE projects. If you have a possible CASE project then please contact the PhD admissions team to find out how to access this fund as this provides a route to secure additional PhD students.

    gravatar Jim Miles

    [ top ]Events

    School seminar: Manchester and Athens

    Date: 16th Dec 2015, 14:00, Lecture Theatre 1.4, Kilburn building

    Speaker: Dr Gavin Brown, University of Manchester

    Host: Robert Stevens



    In 1988, the physicist Freeman Dyson wrote: "The first academic city in the world was Athens, and the first industrial city was Manchester, so I like to use the names of Athens and Manchester as symbols of the two styles of scientific thinking."


    For Dyson, Athens is the science of "unifying"? "people whose driving passion is to find general principles which will explain everything.

    They are happy if they can leave the universe looking a little simpler than they found it.


    And, Manchester is the science of "diversifying"?  "people whose passion is to explore details. They are in love with the heterogeneity of nature [?] They are happy if they leave the universe a little more complicated than they found it.?


    This will be a non-technical talk, a bit of a philosophical reflection, and suitable for anyone who has conducted research in any aspect of science/engineering.  Hopefully you will all enjoy this, providing a thought provoking lead-in to the School Christmas party at 3pm!


    gravatar Bryony C Quick

    School seminar: Distributed reconfigurable computing challenges

    Date: 17th Dec 2015, 14:00, Lecture Theatre 1.4, Kilburn building

    Speaker: Mr Rieny Rijnen. Topic Embedded Systems

    Host: Dirk Koch



    The world of FPGA design is changing rapidly. Programming random logic functionality using RTL HDL descriptions is no longer giving the productivity and flexibility you need. Therefore other programming methods have to be in place. And even more important: more and more software developers want and should be able to make use of FPGA technology. Why use GPUs when FPGAs give you much more flexibility, computational power and less power consumption?


    With hardware (Miami System-on-Modules) and software products like Dyplo (Dynamic Process Loader) Topic is addressing the programming of distributed reconfigurable embedded platform, including FPGA devices. This gives rise to significant challenges in the area of programming methodology, FPGA infrastructure, use of partial reconfiguration technology, high-level synthesis from C/C++ code or other programming languages to an HDL as well as domain specific issues regarding fault-tolerant computing, certification and dedicated IP blocks.


    With this presentation we want to involve you with the issues we are facing as a company and how we can work together addressing these. We are looking for common interest in the research conducted at the University of Manchester and the research questions we have realizing the future functionality of our products.


    Are you interested in getting involved in research that has relevance in both the scientific and real world, join us during this presentation and discuss with us the opportunities you see.



    Rieny Rijnen is CEO and founder of Topic Embedded Systems. He has a background in embedded system development in a broad application range in many different market segments. In his role as managing director of different larger and medium sized companies, operating at international level, he gained broad experience identifying market requirements in terms of technology, design methods and skills development. This expertise drives the competences of Topic Embedded Systems and its customers. He is currently mainly focused on the expansion of the products portfolio of Topic Embedded Products as well as the setup of a world-wide sales organisation. As part of realizing this, collaboration is sought with reknown universities and research institutes for supporting the underlaying technologies.



    gravatar Bryony C Quick

    Computer Science staff and pgr Christmas party!

    Wednesday 16 December, 3pm, Staff common room

    As always the School would like to send off the year in style, in the most stylish way we know, dancing in the staff common room to DJ Jezmas!  The party starts from 3pm and we will have music from 3pm till late.  As many drinks as we can afford will be there for you to toast away the evening but you may have to bring some to help the party along.  Pizzas will arrive at 5pm and there will be some nibbles throughout.  Come along and meet all the people you pass in the corridor and don't know the names of!

    gravatar Bryony C Quick

    Computer Science graduation: 16 December

    Graduation begins this Wednesday 16 December at 10:00 in Whitworth Hall.  If you are part of the ceremony please make sure you are there at 09:00.

    The graduation party starts at 10:45 in the Atlas suite, Kilburn building and Professor Jim Miles will begin prize-giving at 11:30.  Graduands, their guests, and staff of Computer Science are welcome to attend the celebration.  Refreshments are available.

    gravatar Bryony C Quick

    gravatar Jim Miles
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:22:28
Last change: Monday, 14 December 2015 09:37:37