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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Tuesday, 01 December 2015

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Helping you to raise the profile and the impact of your research

    IT Services and the Library are developing a new institutional research data repository with the aim of helping you raise the profile and impact of your research.

    The project is looking for volunteers from the research community to take part in a series of short workshops in December and January aimed at ensuring the proposed facility will meet your needs.  The commitment will be for 90 minutes of your time. 

    This initiative should be highly beneficial to anyone who is not currently using a domain or subject data repository but wishes to ensure improved citation and future use of data outputs.  If you would like to get involved, please contact and I will pass your details on to the project team.

    More information:

    Increasingly, publishers of high impact journals and funders of research are asking that when you publish your results you increase the value of those results by making the data behind them available too.  Some funders provide their own repositories, or else encourage the use of third-party facilities, to retain your data after publication, enabling easy citation and controlled dissemination. 

    However, we know that many researchers at our University, and their collaborators in other organisations, still need a secure, convenient, and easy to use facility; one that will make the publication of their work complete by ensuring the long-term availability of their research data.

    We would like to listen to you and understand how we can help:

    • Make your data outputs easily citable and available to your peers, providing metrics
    • Fulfil requirements of funders and publishers
    • Conserve your data outputs for future use and re-use
    • Ensure an accessible, professional presentation of data joined up to research findings.

    We have identified the following potential types of user of a university-based research data repository:

    • A university researcher
      • Who needs to increase the impact and visibility of your research – by providing easily citable collections of data.
    • A data consumer
      • Who needs easy discovery of and access to data deposits that may be relevant to your own research.
    • A postgraduate researcher
      • Who needs to link your thesis to the data it uses in a seamless and accessible way.
    • An external collaborator
      • Who produces, accesses or publishes shared data.
    • An external reviewer
      • Who has permission to review a collection in the repository.
    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Scientist needed for Didsbury SciBAr outreach talks

    This is a message from Charlotte Still, Education Coordinator, North West

    I help run the Didsbury SciBAr which takes place on the 3rd Monday of every month. We are always looking for speakers who would be willing to give a short talk about their research area to keen members of the public. At the moment we particularly need a speaker for Monday 21st December 2015, and would especially love to hear from female scientists as our talks have been quite male dominant recently. More information is below but if there is anybody from the department who is looking to engage with the public then please contact me. 


    In case you wanted a little more info:

    ·        SciBArs are run by the British Science Association

    ·        They allow a bunch of people with a general interest in science to meet once a month for an informal chat over a beer or wine in a pub (in this case the Albert Club in West Didsbury)

    ·        It's a place for interested people to learn a bit more about a range of topics, or to ask the questions they've always wanted answered.

    ·        The researchers benefit too. In addition to improving their speaking skills, they get to meet the general public who may ultimately be impacted by their work. They get to learn what the people need, want, love and fear. 

    ·        The evening usually consists of a short talk (approx. 30 mins) and then Q&A with discussion.


    Charlotte Still,
    Education Coordinator, North West
    Royal Society of Chemistry

    Blackpool Sixth Form College
    Blackpool Old Rd
    Blackpool, Lancashire, FY3 7LR
    Tel: 01253 394911

    gravatar Bryony C Quick

    [ top ]Events

    School seminar: Ultrafast magnetization dynamics: how fast can we go?

    02 December 2015, 14:00, Kilburn Lecture Theatre 1.4

    Title: Ultrafast magnetization dynamics: how fast can we go?

    Speaker: Prof Roy Chantrell, University of York

    Host: Tom Thomson




    Traditionally, the direction of magnetization of a magnetic material is switched by the application of a reversing magnetic field. In the case of magnetic recording the field is generated inductively, leading to limitations on the magnitude of the field and speed at which it can be generated; the latter defining a limitation in the data transfer rate. I will review the measurements and theoretical understanding of the responses of magnetic thin films to field pulses as short as a few picoseconds duration and continue to describe the current work on ultrafast magnetization reversal using femtosecond laser pulses. This involves the development of an atomistic level model approach which gives excellent agreement with experiment and also led to the prediction that magnetization reversal can occur as a response to an ultrafast heat pulse in the absence of an externally applied field. This Thermally Induced Magnetisation Switching (TIMS) has switching times of around 1picosecond, giving potential increases in data rate of 2 ordersrr of magnitude greater than currently possible. The physics of the TIMS phenomenon and potential technological implications will be discussed.

    gravatar Bryony C Quick

    Enterprise Exchange - Starting Companies Whilst Maintaining An Academic Career - Panel Session

    Event: 12:00 09 Dec 2015 (Joule Suite, CTF Building)

    The FLS Business Development team  are launching a new series of events in collaboration with UMIP, designed to provide insight into the commercial aspects of academic research, called Enterprise Exchange

    The first event is a lunch time panel session entitled “Starting Companies Whilst Maintaining An Academic Career”, where a number of academic entrepreneurs will share their experiences of launching new companies and how they struck a balance with their academic duties. Register through

    gravatar Bryony C Quick

    [ top ]Funding Opportunities

    ERC Consolidator Grants  (ERC-2016-COG) - Central University Central Proposal Review

    Internal outline review deadline: 14 Dec 2015
    University wide Q&A session: 08 Jan 12-2pm (room tbc)
    Final ERC deadline: 02 Feb 2016

    The 2016 call for ERC Consolidator Grants is now open. As for all previous ERC calls, the Vice President for Research and Innovation, Professor Luke Georghiou - along with selected others - will internally review outline proposals. An outline proposal should consist of:

    • 2 page CV – as detailed in ERC Consolidator Grant template available via the submission system of the participant portal
    • 2 page Track Record - as detailed in ERC Consolidator Grant template available via the submission system of the participant portal
    • 1 page project summary
    • cover note arranged by Sarah Chatwin detailing peer review

    For applicants who are applying to this call and who submit their documents for central review there will then be a University wide Q&A session that will focus on the practicalities of the online submission process, the specific ERC requirements and frequently asked questions about ERC.  Current ERC consolidator award holders will be in attendance to present their hints and tips on the application process.

    • Eligible Principal Investigator: The Principal Investigator shall have been awarded their first PhD (or equivalent doctoral degree) at least 7 and up to 12 years prior to 1 January 2016 - extensions to this eligibility period can be accepted in certain properly documented circumstances

    If you plan on applying please contact asap.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Daniel Turnberg UK/Middle East travel fellowship scheme

    Closing date: 18 Jan 2016

    Round 8 of the Daniel Turnberg UK/Middle East travel fellowship scheme is now open. This scheme offers funds towards travel and subsistence for a 1-3 month trip to the Middle East to conduct a mini research project, forge collaborations and experience a different culture. A great way to develop research portfolios for early career researchers working in biomedical/medical research. Open to basic biomedical scientists as well as clinicians with a PhD and a great research project. Eligible countries to visit are Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestinian Territories.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and the University of Manchester (UoM) Research Fund

    Deadline: 16 Jan 2016

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and the University of Manchester (UoM) Research Fund is an initiative of the respective Vice-Chancellors to enhance research collaboration between the two universities.

    The purpose of the fund is to enable staff at both institutions to undertake short-term visits to each other to strengthen existing collaboration and/or to establish new collaboration in the following priority areas, Cancer, Neuroscience, Energy and Climate Change, Future Cities, Advanced Materials, and Poverty Relief. Other areas where there is mutual interest from researchers may also be considered. The overall aim of the scheme is to build collaborative research links with a view to subsequent joint proposals to external funding sources.Proposals may include, but are not limited to:

    • symposium/ workshops
    • staff exchanges
    • giving research seminars/presentations
    • formation or development of a collaborative network

    The scheme does not cover salaries, equipment, scholarships, attendance at conferences or tuition fees. The total fund available under this call is £30k (max. £10k per bid). The lead applicant must be a full-time member of staff. Post-doctoral staff are eligible to apply on the condition that the end of their post-doctoral contract is after the end of the proposed project. CUHK award holders are required to remain in university service for not less than a year upon completion of the activities in the proposal.

    For full information contact

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    RAEng funding opportunities

    Distinguished Visiting Fellowship Programme

    Deadline 4pm 30 Nov 2015

    The DVF scheme enables UK university engineering departments to host a Distinguished Visiting Fellow from an overseas academic centre of excellence and to engage them in a range of mutually beneficial activities.

    The scheme aims to promote sharing of the latest developments in engineering and technology and allow the participating organisations to discover common and complementary skills and initiatives that could form the foundation for future collaborations, thereby strengthening UK capacity and international standing. Visits last up to one month, and awards provide funding up to a maximum of £6,000.
    For enquiries and further information please contact Abi Taylor.


    Engineering Leadership Advanced Awards

    Deadline: 4pm 11 Jan 2016

    Providing support to MEng students at UK universities who demonstrate the potential to become engineering leaders and act as role models for future engineers the Engineering Leadership Advanced Awards provides £5000 over 3 years to enable engineering undergraduates to take an accelerated personal development programme. For more details please contact Jacqueline Clay


    Research Chairs and Senior Research Fellowships

    Deadline: 4pm 01 February 2016

    Industrial co-funded scheme to support Professorial and Reader level appointments for five years at UK universities. With the aims of developing world leading research programmes as well as strengthening industry-academia links. For enquiries and further information please contact Lucy Wheeler


    Opening soon:

    RAEng Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 Enterprise Fellowships

    This scheme encourages and rewards creativity and innovation amongst recent engineering graduates based in the UK. The Fellowships are awarded to individuals demonstrating considerable entrepreneurial potential but who lack the relevant experience, funding and support structure offered by employment with a university or established company. The Fellowships provides the time, support and skills necessary to prove the utility of an innovation by establishing a business based on that innovation. The Hub provides the awardee with £25,000 in salary support and an additional £25k for continued development of the innovation by the awardee, making the total support £50k for the 12 month period. In addition, the awardee is invited to become a member of the Enterprise Hub where they receive a package of bespoke mentoring and training.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Syngenta CASE Studentship

    Closing date: 01 Mar 2016

    Biological Sciences at Syngenta would like to invite applications for Industrial Partnership Studentships (CASE) in the following areas of science:
    Weed, insect and fungal resistance (including mathematical modelling)
     Metabolism, transport and uptake in fungi, plants,
    nematodes and insects (including modelling and prediction)
    Predictive toxicology and selectivity between pest and non-target organisms
     Chemical biology approaches to agricultural science
    Systems and synthetic biology in agriculture
    Assay development and target identification
    Novel approaches to mode-of-action determination
    Microscopy – micro-localisation of chemicals in plant, fungal and insect tissues
    In-vitro assay to whole organism translation
    Plant phenotyping and weed biology
    Movement of chemicals in soil and uptake into roots
    Genetics - translation into pests from models & marker identification
    Protecting seeds from insect and fungal attack
    Plants and abiotic stress
    Seed banking and seed germination stimulation
    Studentships would be expected to begin on October 1st 2016.
    Applications should be one page of A4 detailing the research programme and e-mailed to

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Featured Research Outcomes

    PhD success

    Congratulations to:



    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Ross King's Robot Scientist in the News

    On 14th November an article in Gulf News ​describes how automation is ​doing ​intellectually demanding tasks. Eve, a ​'scientist robot', works on automatic drug discovery, identifying potential malaria drugs at Manchester.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    PhD correction

    In a previous version of the newsletter Patrick Koopman's PhD was incorrectly titled. Patrick's actual thesis was "Practical Uniform Interpolation for Expressive Description Logics".

    Congratulations again!

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Daniel Dresner on 5 Live

    On 13th November Daniel appeared on Daily - BBC Radio 5 live (2:13:40 into the programme):

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    gravatar Jim Miles
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:23:05
Last change: Tuesday, 01 December 2015 09:22:24