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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Monday, 26 October 2015

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of School

    Dean's visit to the School: 28th October

    The Dean, Martin Schröder, has announced a series of meetings in individual schools instead of Faculty open meetings. He will visit the School at 2pm on 28th October 2015. The meeting will be in Kilburn room 2.19 and will include a 5 minute presentation by Martin, a 5 minute presentation by the School, a 35 minute question and answer session.

    gravatar Jim Miles

    Graduation Day

    MSc students who have recently submitted dissertations and some of our PhD students will graduate in December: on Wednesday 16th December at 10am with a reception in the School to follow. Please try to join them to celebrate their success.

    gravatar Jim Miles

    Doctoral Prize successes!

    Congratulations to Jen Talbot and Mahdi Jelodari Mamaghani, two of our PhD students who were successful in securing an EPSRC Doctoral Prize: a one year fellowship immediately following PhD that is designed to help them to secure the next steps of an academic career. Competition was tough this year with only 11 of the 51 applicants securing the fellowship.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Stress at work

    How can you help manage your stress? Some ideas:


    gravatar Jim Miles

    Contracts that rely on Safe Harbor

    Please be aware that following a recent judgement by the European Court of Justice any contracts that rely on Safe Harbor are no longer valid. If you are aware of any such contracts please inform Jim or Karen. Any new contracts that involve the transfer of personal data to the US will have to be discussed with the Records Management Office (0161 275 8111 or

    gravatar Jim Miles

    [ top ]News and announcements

    CS@Manchester Podcast Episode 5

    As part of the celebrations of Ada Lovelace Day last week our summer student intern, Natalie Taylor, interviewed a number of academics and students to find out their thoughts about the challenges facing Women In Computer Science/STEM, what we can do to raise the profile of women in science, technology, engineering and maths and how to attract these subject areas to young children.

    Thank you to all our interviewees, which included Dr Caroline Jay, Prof. Uli Sattler, Prof. Sophia Ananiadou, Prof. Danielle George, recent Computer Science and Maths graduate Sarah King and Osnat Katz from Robogals Manchester.

    Stream the podcast

    Download through itunes

    or search “CS@Manchester podcast” in your preferred podcast app.

    If you have any questions or suggestions for the podcast then please contact

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    EPSRC Science Photo competition

    Deadline: midnight 19 Dec 2015

    The competition is open to all EPSRC-supported researchers and EPSRC-supported doctoral students, giving them the opportunity to share their research through pictures and the chance to win prizes.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Summer/ Autumn edition of the School Research Newsletter out now

    The latest edition of the newsletter contains up-to-date news on the successes of School of Computer Science researchers and some great examples of how research in the School is having impact across the sector and more widely with industry.

    Hard copies are available outside KB2.7 or contact 

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Events

    ICT KTN H2020 briefings

    Event: 05 Nov 2015,  Ambassadors Bloomsbury Hotel

    The KTN, with the UK NCP for ICT, is holding a briefing event for European funding competitions (worth 150M€) specifically:

    • ICT-01-2016 – (20M€) -Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)
    • ICT-02-2017 – (18.5M€) -Smart Systems Integration (SSI)
    • ICT-04-2017 - (25.5M€) -Smart Anything Everywhere Initiative
    • FoF-11-2016 - (53M€) -Digital Automation, Factories of the Future
    • FoF-12-2017 - (33M€) -ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs (I4MS)

    The purpose of this event will be to:

    • Present information on the range of European funding calls
    • Learn from case studies of active projects in these areas
    • Present practical aspects on 'How to do it'

    There will be presentations from the European Commission, UK NCP for ICT, KTN, EEN and others. You will be able to get advice on applications and guidance on where applicants can go wrong. There will also be plenty of time to network and face-to-face discussions with the NCPs, KTN and EEN.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Energy Science and Technology at the Frontiers Lecture

    Event: 5-7pm 24 Nov 2015, C2 Renold Building, Sackville Street Campus

    BP’s head of downstream technology and chief scientist, Dr Angela Strank, will look at how collaboration is advancing energy technology, with particular reference to the University of Manchester’s contribution to innovation as the hub of the BP International Centre for Advanced Materials.

    To book:

    University Event Listing:


    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    EPSRC Human-like Computing workshop

    Closing date for Expressions of Interest: 23:59 22 Nov 2015
    Event: 17-18 Feb 2016, Mercure Holland House Hotel, Bristol

    EPSRC is holding a two-day workshop on Human-like computing: exploring the kind of research projects that would need to be put in place in order to work towards systems that can emulate human cognitive performance. The workshop will be multidisciplinary, bringing together researchers from varied domains: psychology to formal methods; social sciences to software engineering.

    Places at the workshop are limited and participants will be selected on the basis of their responses to the questions on the Expressions of Interest form for the workshop.

    Please note that the cost of accommodation and meals at the event will be paid for by EPSRC, but expenses for travelling and subsistence will not be covered by EPSRC.
    Remember... the School has a fund to cover the cost of liaisons with funders if you feedback information. Contact for more details.

    Please let know if you plan to attend.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    LMS Seminar - The Mathematics of Programme Construction

    In association with the British Computer Society Formal Aspects of Computing Science BCS-FACS the LMS hosts an annual evening seminar on aspects of the computer science-mathematics interface. These events are free to anyone who wishes to attend, and have attracted high quality speakers.

    The 2015 LMS/BCS-FACS Seminar will be held on Tuesday 3rd November at De Morgan House, London, starting at 6:00pm.

    Professor Roland Backhouse of the University of Nottingham will give a seminar entitled The Mathematics of Programme Construction.

    Full details are at

    Please register for the event at

    gravatar Jim Miles

    [ top ]Funding Opportunities

    CRUK Grand Challenges

    Deadline: 12 Feb 2015

    The £20M CRUK Grand Challenge awards aim to accelerate progress through multinational, interdisciplinary collaborations to tackle seven of the toughest challenges in cancer, detailed below.  We are encouraging novel applications from any discipline. 

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    EPSRC Smart Grid call

    EPSRC-KETEP Call for Collaborative Research between the UK and Korea in Smart Grids

    Deadline: 16 Dec 2015 at 16:00

    EPSRC and the Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning (KETEP) wish to develop collaborative projects between the United Kingdom (UK) and the Republic of Korea (ROK) in the field of Smart Grids.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    CHIST-ERA ERA-NET pre-announcement

    The official Call 2015 Announcement will be published later in October:

    The Pre-announcement gives an overview of the research themes that have emerged during the Call 2015 preparation conference in the following topics:

    ·         User-Centric Security, Privacy and Trust in the Internet of Things (SPTIoT)

    ·         Terahertz Band for New-Generation Mobile Communication Systems (TMCS)

    Researchers are encouraged to start discussing possible projects with prospective partners. The call will require that projects are submitted by international consortia with partners in at least three countries (additional partners from other countries may be part of a consortium if they can secure their own funding). The list of countries which have shown preliminary interest in participating in the Call 2015 is provided in the Pre-announcement.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Royal Academy of Engineering opportunities

    ERA Foundation Entrepreneurs Award

    Deadline: 4pm 2 Nov 2015 

    The scheme encourages and rewards the creativity and innovation of early-career engineering researchers working in UK universities, in the broad field of electro-technology. The award is presented annually to an individual or team who demonstrates considerable entrepreneurial potential. The winning individual or team receives a £10k personal recognition award and a £30k grant for the continued development of the innovation. In addition, the winner is invited to become a member of the Enterprise Hub where they receive ongoing support from the Royal Academy of Engineering and a package of bespoke mentoring and training.

    For further information please contact Angus Baker.

    Newton Research Collaboration Programme - Brazil, Malaysia and Turkey

    Deadline: 4pm 16 Nov 2015

    The scheme facilitates the exchanges of researchers between the UK and Newton Fund partner countries from three months up to a year. The programme funds research partnerships which promote economic development and social welfare in the partner countries. Exchanges can be either one- or two-way in direction, and should form part of a collaborative research project, incorporating visits and dissemination activities. Awards provide funding at a flat rate of £2k per month of exchange visit (up to £24k for 1 yr total), regardless of the direction of travel or whether the exchange is one- or two-way. Each single exchange visit in either direction must last at least three months. For further information please contact Sarah Plumb.

    Coming up: RAEng Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 Enterprise Fellowships

    This scheme encourages and rewards creativity and innovation amongst recent engineering graduates based in the UK. The Fellowships are awarded to individuals demonstrating considerable entrepreneurial potential but who lack the relevant experience, funding and support structure offered by employment with a university or established company. The Fellowships provides the time, support and skills necessary to prove the utility of an innovation by establishing a business based on that innovation. The Hub provides the awardee with £25k in salary support and an additional £25k for continued development of the innovation by the awardee, making the total support £50k for the 12 month period. In addition, the awardee is invited to become a member of the Enterprise Hub where they receive a package of bespoke mentoring and training.

    Distinguished Visiting Fellowships
    Deadline: 30 November 2015

    The DVF scheme enables UK university engineering departments to host a Distinguished Visiting Fellow from an overseas academic centre of excellence and to engage them in a range of mutually beneficial activities.

    The scheme aims to promote sharing of the latest developments in engineering and technology and allow the participating organisations to discover common and complementary skills and initiatives that could form the foundation for future collaborations, thereby strengthening UK capacity and international standing.

    Visits last up to one month, and awards provide funding up to £6k.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    University of Manchester Research Institute (UMRI) – Pump Priming Programme

    Deadline: 30 Oct 2015

    UMRI has been created to take forward the Manchester Strategic Vision 2020 goal of establishing the University as a major centre for interdisciplinary research. UMRI has two principal aims:

    1. To foster interdisciplinary research by ensuring that the necessary structures, resources (including funding) and incentives are in place; and
    2. To provide a governance framework for research institutes and other interdisciplinary structures in the University to assist in maximising their performance.

    Funding available

    Funds will be made available for strategic investments to build sustainable interdisciplinary activities. This call is for pump-priming proposals to provide support for activities that lead to an increase in successful interdisciplinary research. Examples of funding modes include:

    • Support for workshops designed to explore opportunities for collaborative working;
    • Pilot projects to establish the data or other background needed for future externally-funded joint projects
    • Support for the preparation of key proposals where the work is clearly interdisciplinary (e.g. Horizon 2020)
    • Support for potential new Networks

    Applications of up to 6 months should be between £10k- £50k; applications at or near the maximum amount will only be funded exceptionally. Funds must be expended by 31 July 2016. Applications for equipment and/or self-contained project support will not be funded.

    Applicants are invited to submit a proposal of no more than 3 pages (to, to include:

    • The title of the proposed project
    • A short description of the proposed project
    • Details of the interdisciplinary basis of the proposal, to include details of project partners
    • Why UMRI funding is needed, to include an explanation of why other faculty/school or external grant funding is not more suitable
    • Deliverables. For projects aiming to secure external grant funding, this should include the name of funder and anticipated submission date
    • Planned follow-on activities and how the success of the project will be measured within 12 months and 24 months
    • A breakdown and justification of the costs of the project

    Applications will be assessed under the auspices of the Research Strategy Group, chaired by the VP for Research and Innovation. Successful applicants will be notified in Nov. 

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    The Britain Israel Research and Academic Exchange Partnership (BIRAX 2017)

    Event: 3rd BIRAX Regenerative Medicine Initiative Conference, University of Oxford 11-12 April 2016
    Deadline: July 2016

    The BIRAX Call will fund joint research to tackle the most urgent global health challenges. The initiative brings together British and Israeli scientists to tackle some of the world’s most challenging diseases including cardiovascular and liver disease, diabetes and Parkinson’s

    Application forms will be published on 30 November 2015 and the successful projects will be announced in January 2017.

    The BIRAX conference brings together leading scientists from the UK and Israel in the field of regenerative medicine to share latest developments in the field and to develop collaborations towards the BIRAX 2017 call for research proposals. More details and pre-registration can be found at

    Please feel free to contact us at with any queries you may have regarding the call, conference or the BIRAX Initiative.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Royal Society Research Professorship 

    Deadline: 3 Nov 2015

    This scheme is for world-class scientists who would benefit from a period of long-term support to allow them to focus on research and collaboration based at an institution in the UK.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Google Scholarships for students

    EU Scholarship for CS Students with Disabilities
    Deadline: 31 Dec 2015

    For full-time students in a Bachelor's, Master's or PhD program at a university in Europe for the 2016-2017 academic year. Recipients of the scholarship will receive €7k for the 2016/17 academic year.


    Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship for Female Students
    Deadline: 31 Dec 2015

    Scholarship recipients will each receive a €7k for the 2016-2017 academic year. Scholarships will be awarded to students enrolled on a Bachelor's, Master's or a PhD program based on the strength of each candidate's academic background, passion for increasing the involvement of women in computer science, and demonstrated leadership. As an Anita Borg Scholar, you will participate in a unique program that includes professional development as well as outreach in your community which kicks-off at the 3-day Scholars Retreat in summer 2016.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    gravatar Jim Miles
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:52:02
Last change: Monday, 26 October 2015 09:17:56