Many congratulations to Alex and team who have received funding for their UK Centre of Excellence in In-silico Regulatory Science and Innovation (UK CEiRSI). This is one of seven pioneering CERSIs in the UK. The Centre at our University will lead the integration of computational evidence into regulatory processes. Full details here:
Upcoming New Staff Research Seminars
A reminder that Stian Soiland-Reyes will be presenting a research seminar on “Challenging Linked Data Practices for FAIR Research Objects and Computational Workflows” at 13:00 on February 19th in Kilburn_TH 1.3. And then the following week on February 26th (same location, same time of day), Jason Hartford will be presenting on “Predict the predictable, measure the rest: active learning for efficient biological experiments”. I hope to see many of you there.
Upcoming Departmental Meeting
Our next department meeting will take place on February 19th in IT407 immediately after Stian’s talk. Please do try to attend as (amongst other things) we will have a brief discussion about the importance of setting up things in Canvas (our new VLE) over the next few months. I will also provide an overview of our latest finances.
Status of Current Vacant Posts
The closing date for the (Senior) Lecturer position in Symbolic Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Systems has recently passed. We received 92 applications. The closing date for the positions in Cryptography and in Security is at the end of this month. So far we have 26 applications for the former, and 70 for the latter.
Expectations around UG tutorials and project supervision
Please do ensure that your UG tutorials and project supervision is in-person. We expect our students to be on campus for teaching activities. We need to be too. We are currently developing guidance around Masters project supervision expectations over the summer.
Expectations around where you work from
Can I remind everyone (incl. PDRAs) that the University’s default position is that all employed staff are UK based, and agreement for staff members to work overseas is done only on an exceptional basis due to role requirements for the University’s benefit.
More information can be found here:
Please do ensure that you (and your line managees) are complying with this policy. Agreement for staff to work abroad requires Dean-level (not just line manager) approval. If you are appointing to PDRA positions, please ensure that the appointed candidate will reside in the UK.