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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Thursday, 30 January 2025

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of Department

    Head of Department news

    Upcoming New Staff Research Seminars
    We have two more research seminars delivered by new colleagues over the next couple of weeks. The first will be delivered by Michele Caprio on “Imprecise Probabilistic Machine Learning - Being Precise about Imprecision”. This will take place on February 5th at 14:00 in Kilburn_TH 1.3. And then the following week, on February 12th, Edoardo Manino will be speaking on “AI Security: Language Models, Data Encryption, Software Verification on Wednesday”. This is also at 14:00 and in Kilburn_TH 1.3. As per usual, both events will be followed by an informal get together in the common room. I hope to see many of you there.

    Canvas reminder

    Please ensure you are ready for the switchover from Blackboard to Canvas that is happening this year. Everyone involved in UG and PGT teaching needs to be up to speed on this transition. Information has been coming out via eUpdate and other routes so please do engage with the communications and make sure that you transfer everything over from Blackboard, or create your new units in Canvas, in plenty of time. Doing this successfully is mission critical. You can read more about Canvas and the support available (here) and also the FSE specific Getting Started with Canvas site (here) where there is a ~10 minute video overview.

    Advertising Chair in Security Related to Quantum Threats

    Our Faculty is currently advertising a number of positions in the area of Applied Quantum Technology. One of these posts is a Chair in Security Related to Quantum Threats in our Department. The appointment will further strengthen the research profile of our Systems and Software Security (S3) group. Closing date is March 31st 2025. Please share this advert with relevant networks: link

    Upcoming NVIDIA Workshop in Kilburn

    We are hosting an NVIDIA workshop in our department on February 10th (organised by Lucas Cordeiro). This provides an opportunity to hear about the NVIDIA Academic and Developer Programs from Andy Grant, NVIDIA EMEA Director for Supercomputing and AI, Higher Education and Research and from Simon See, Director Nvidia AI Technology Centre, as well as some of the current projects colleagues have with NVIDIA. The event will run 10:00-12:30 in IT407.

    Finally, I would like to wish all our Chinese colleagues 新年快 for the Spring Festival!


    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    [ top ]News and announcements

    New meeting Room - IT401

    IT401 is back as a bookable meeting room for the department, which is convenient for IT Building users.  It has capacity 12 and catering is allowed.  You can book this via the 'Computer Science Rooms' tile on Resource Booker

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    Reminder: All staff to complete the University Essential Training Courses

    Just a reminder to complete the University Essential Training Courses here

    From Staffnet on 3rd December 2024

    I’m pleased to announce the launch of our new Essential Courses program starting this December.  

    To ensure that we continue to create a safe, welcoming, and legally compliant environment, all colleagues will be required to complete eight vital training modules by Friday, 28 February. This is a chance for all of us to contribute to our collective safety and success.

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    Reminder - Department Sharepoint

    Just a reminder that there is lots of useful information on the Department Sharepoint:  Department of Computer Science - Home

    Key Dates: Key Department Dates

    Seminar Series: Departmental Seminar Series

    Strategic Academic Support Fund: Strategic Academic Support Fund

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    Successful School Visit to the Department

    On 17th January, a group of 15 Year 8 students from St. Peter's RC High came to visit the Department of Computer Science, in the Kilburn Building.  Firstly, they attended a lesson on machine learning from Dr Michele Caprio. Then, they visited the Cognitive Robotics laboratory, where PGR student Francesco Semeraro showed them several robots, including UR5e, Pepper, and Furhat. Finally, they attended a practical programming session held by Dr Louise Dennis who also coordinated their entire visit.  Louise was helped by PGR students Ben Andrew and Simon Kolker.  The students appreciated the explanations offered by UoM staff and actively engaged in the practical session.

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    [ top ]Events

    Unlock Opportunities in Research Commercialisation and Business Engagement

    Join this informative session tailored for Research Fellows in the School of Engineering at The University of Manchester. Explore commercialisation pathways, intellectual property, and patenting with a session from Rachel Pooley (UoM Innovation Factory). Discover funding opportunities and how to collaborate with businesses for industrial insight with a session by May Bassanino (Business Engagement and Knowledge Exchange). This open and informal webinar lets you learn and ask questions about turning research into real-world impact.

    When: 11am-12pm; Tues 4th Feb

    Where: Teams webinar

    Who: School of Engineering Research Fellows

    To find out more or register for this event, visit here

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    UoM Open Research Conference 2025 - 9th & 10 June

    We are pleased to announce The University of Manchester’s Open Research Conference 2025, taking place on Monday 9th and Tuesday 10th June at Alliance Manchester Business School.

    The conference is a collaborative initiative led by the Office for Open Research (supported by the Research Lifecycle Programme), the School of Engineering Open Research Lead, the UK Reproducibility Network, and the Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute.  For more details and to register, please visit the Conference sign up page.

    The event will showcase the latest innovations and practices in Open Research, bringing together researchers and research support professionals across disciplines, to explore bold ideas and practical solutions for reshaping how we conduct and share research.

    Call for Abstracts

    We welcome submissions for presentations and posters from colleagues and PGRs who are interested in, researching, or working in Open Research. Contributions can include research projects, methodological innovations, or case studies showcasing Open Research practices.

    Key Details

    • Abstract Submission Deadline: 31 March 2025

    • Notification of Acceptance: Mid-end of April 2025

    • Submit your application via this form: here

    Presentation Format

    • Talks: 15-minute presentations on your work and contributions to Open Research.

    • Posters: Posters will be displayed throughout the event, with a dedicated session to discuss your work with attendees.

    Contact Us - If you have any questions about the conference or abstract submissions, please contact the team at   We would be grateful if you could share the conference details and call for abstracts with colleagues and PGRs in Computer Science and we look forward to your contributions.

    Best wishes,

    Gemma Smith I Engagement Librarian School of Engineering I The University of Manchester Librarycontact

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    SoE Design Showcase Event Details

    Hosted by: The School of Engineering at the University of Manchester.  A great opportunity to see some great work in the Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering

    Tuesday 6th May 2025

    Engineering Event Space, Nancy Rothwell Building, Ground Floor, South Entrance

    Join us at the upcoming Design Showcase, celebrating the accomplishments of our final year MEng Mechanical Engineering and MSc Mechanical Engineering Design students. Discover and engage with the cutting-edge projects they've crafted throughout the 2024/2025 academic year.

    Canapés and beverages will be served as refreshments throughout the event.

    18:00 – Drinks reception 

    18:15 – Welcome

    18:20 – Design Showcase

    19:50 – Event End


    If you plan to join our celebration, please register in advance using the link here

    Please note that students demonstrating their projects also need to register in advance.


    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    [ top ]Research Funding Opportunities

    UMRI Interdisciplinary Research Funding

    The University of Manchester Research Institute (UMRI) invites applications for pump-priming funds to support interdisciplinary research projects. The call is open to fund projects up to £50,000 for a period of 12 months. Funds will be awarded to projects which align with one of the four themes outlined below and which encourage collaboration and aim to lead to an increase in successful interdisciplinary research.

    Call guidance, frequently asked questions and application form are available on the UMRI Pump-Priming Call website. Discover more about previous UMRI awards and other interdisciplinary projects on our collaboration and interdisciplinary webpages

    For costing requests, please could applicants email the relevant Research Services School email inbox (rather than your usual Research Services contact):

    School of Engineering:


    School of Natural Sciences:

    Applications should be submitted on the relevant application form and submitted to no later than 4pm on 28 February 2025.  

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks
Generated: Friday, 14 March 2025 05:46:35
Last change: Thursday, 30 January 2025 17:11:33