A reminder about the “DSIT Cyber Security Policy Engagement Conference” conference that will be held at our University on Tuesday 29th October 2024 from 10:00 (arrival from 09:30) to 16:00. Cyber-related academic staff, PRDAs/ECRs etc. from our department are very much welcome. There will be keynotes from DSIT's Chief Scientific Advisor (Professor Chris Johnson) and a fireside chat between DSIT's Cyber Security Director (Rod Latham) and an officer of NCSC, as well as a session on research funding by UKRI (Dr. Romnik Thind). This follows on from a conference a DSIT/UCL-hosted event that occurred in July 2024, which gauged the gaps in academic policy engagement relating to cyber security, and convened academic expertise from across the UK to encourage collaboration and share insights. Please register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/cyber-security-policy-engagement-conference-in-manchester-tickets-1044945579357
Winter Graduation
The graduation timetable has been released (https://www.graduation.manchester.ac.uk/scheduleofceremonies/) and we are scheduled to have our ceremony at 13:00 on December 10th. You can register (and book your gown) here: https://www.enet.uk.net/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f
Update on The Furber Chair Recruitment
Interviews for The Furber Chair in Computer Systems Engineering are taking place this week. We have had a huge amount of interest in the post and have drawn up a very strong list of candidates for interview.
Our Seminar Series
It was great to see such a packed room for the first of our research seminars last week delivered by Ehud Reiter from the University of Aberdeen on Using Natural Language Generation (NLG) to Support Patients. Our next seminar is to be delivered by Jialie Shen from City University on Multimodal Learning in Multimedia Recommender Systems: Challenges and Future Directions on Wednesday, 6th November at 14:00 in Kilburn_TH 1.3. I look forward to seeing many of you there.
Congratulations to Postgraduate Researcher Aravindhan Rajasekar
Aravindhan Rajasekar has been nominated and selected for inclusion in this year's UK Government Transformation 100, an award recognising individuals who have made exceptional contributions to the transformation of public services. Over 1400 nominations were made, so to be named in the Top 100 is a significant achievement. Government Transformation 100 Awards are held annually by Government Transformation Magazine, with the support of an Advisory Board of senior central and local UK government executives.
Aravindhan has held several posts in the civil service, including the Cabinet Office, and currently works in the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). Aravindhan has recently started a part-time PhD with Carole Goble and Stian Soiland-Reyes, looking at digital transformation in the UK’s public health sector to enable federated analysis across multiple secure data environments in the NHS, clinics and research labs, and other public sector data custodians. This is funded as part of Health Data Research UK (HDR-UK Federated Analytics workstream). Manchester are partners and co-lead this programme.
New Government Guidance on Research Security
Finally, in case you missed the Staffnet article (https://www.staffnet.manchester.ac.uk/news/display/?id=31874) the UK government has published new research security guidance, outlining scenarios that may be faced by academic and PS colleagues and – importantly – providing mitigation measures that we can take.
The National Protective Security Authority (NPSA) has created four Trusted Research scenario videos, each around 5 minutes long and providing easy to follow advice. The measures we can take to mitigate each scenario are summarised at the end of each video.
Researchers and research-related colleagues are asked to watch the first scenario-mitigation video at:
- Identifying export controls and sanctions (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDlfwaDmRus&list=PLlGCfGMQhvra9AlegSIg03XRi6xghmedM&index=1)