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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Thursday, 23 May 2024

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of Department

    Two New Dame Kathleen Ollerenshaw Fellows in CS

    I’m pleased to announce that we have two new DKOFs joining us next year. Will Griggs has been appointed DKOF in neuromorphic engineering for low-power AI. He will be familiar to many of you as he is currently working with Christoforos. Also appointed is Jason Hartford who works in the area of machine learning and causal inference. Jason was previously based at Mila, Quebec where he worked with Yoshua Bengio. Jason will retain a 50% appointment in industry where he is currently employed at Valence Labs in London (part of Recursion Pharma). It is fantastic to have another two great DKOF appointments in our department.

    PGR Symposium

    Many thanks to Ian Pratt-Hartmann for organising such a successful PGR symposium last week. It was great to hear about all the interesting work that our PGRs are conducting. The turnout at the sessions I attended was excellent so also many thanks to all the colleagues who came along to support our PGR community.

    BCS Film Series

    Earlier this year we (along with several other institutions) partnered with BCS and CWP on a series of films focusing on how digital technology has an essential role to play in unlocking answers to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. The films have now been released with a series overview here:

    We have two dedicated UoM CS films here:

    Many thanks to Michael, Hazel, Louise, Caroline and everyone else involved in the making of these.

    Graduation Video Reminder

    Finally, if you would like to appear briefly in a graduation video congratulating our students, please reply to Cara Brogden’s message that came out via the FSE-ENGINEERING list on May 16th. It would be great to have as many of us as possible congratulating our students on their achievements.


    gravatar Sarah Millington

    [ top ]Events

    Opportunity for interdisciplinary researchers - board games workshop

    ‘Playing Well Together’, an upcoming workshop for interdisciplinary researchers funded by the Team Research Programme at Manchester, will take place on May 29th from 9:30am-4:30pm. Coffee and sandwiches will be provided and the workshop will focus on creating board games and playful tools for cross-disciplinary collaboration. No prior knowledge of board games is required!

    Places on the workshop are limited, with only three places available per Faculty, but there is also a waiting list. You can sign up here.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Research News

    Best Blue Sky Paper Award


    I am pleased to inform the CS News that I won the Best Blue Sky Paper Award at the 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS), one of the most prestigious AI conferences. 

    The conference was held in Auckland, New Zealand, from 6th - 10th May 2024.

    The title of the paper is "Empowering BDI Agents with Generalised Decision-Making", and the paper was developed and written in collaboration with Prof. Felipe Meneguzzi (University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK).


    Ramon Fraga Pereira

    gravatar Sarah Millington

    Refresh to MRC Guidance for Applicants

    The MRC guidance for applicants and Fellowship handbook for applicants has been refreshed in light of UKRI’s transition over to the UKRI Funding Service (TFS). The MRC guidance for applicants has been split into three HTML web pages including Application and policy guide for UKRI funding service, guidance for applicants involving animals and guidance on ethics and approvals. Each guidance page can be downloaded and saved as a PDF for offline working.  We would encourage you to visit the online guidance regularly to ensure you are up to date with the latest guidance and policy.

    You can still find a PDF version of the previous Je-S guidance for the small number of opportunities yet to transition over to the new service.  The guidance should be read alongside the guidance published within each individual funding opportunity on the UKRI Funding Finder.

    If you have any queries about the guidance documents, please contact

    Revised MRC data sharing policy

    The MRC data sharing policy has been revised to reflect changes in open access research policies, data law, and to incorporate a wider definition of ‘research data’. In particular, the policy emphasises a requirement for all applicants to consider and outline data sharing activities when applying for MRC funding. The policy and accompanying guidance were developed after consultation, including with a wide range of biomedical researchers, and other research bodies. The MRC data management plan template has also been updated to align with the revised policy and the UKRI principles and guidance on trusted research and innovation. The documents will be reviewed and revised regularly based on feedback received and evolving community standards, as well as ongoing discussions to develop a pan-UKRI data sharing policy.

    For more information, as well as new guidance, check out our website. The policy, guidance and templates apply to all applications for MRC funding opportunities launched from 1 April 2024.

    We welcome enquiries and further feedback about this change via email to

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin



    Advanced Notice periods for all research proposals
    There are two levels of notice period. Applications which fall outside of these notice periods will not be approved by Heads of Department unless considered as an exception.
    N.B. Request for support is defined as the date when the Costing Request Form is submitted to Research 

    Notice periods have been calculated to ensure bids can be costed correctly and sufficient time is allowed for 
    necessary approvals to be in place prior to submission. 
    Minimum 4 weeks (20 working days) notice period
    • Requests for support for bids over £1M revenue value to UoM
    • Requests for support to bids that involve Additional Financial Contributions, irrespective of value, see Policy
    • Requests for support to cross-Faculty bids where FSE is the lead Faculty, irrespective of value
    • Requests for support to multi-institutional bids where UoM is the lead partner, irrespective of value

    Minimum 2 weeks (10 working days) notice period
    • Requests for support for bids under £1M revenue value to UoM not included in the list above

    FSE Research Services Sharepoint Site – access information and resources to navigate research application and award processes (such as that above). You can find contact details for the RS team and lots of other useful information.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Research Funding Opportunities

    EPSRC Sustainable Industrial Futures and EPSRC Manufacturing Hubs Round 3 outline bid development

    Event: 29-May-24, 1-5pm (Room 1.015,  Henry Royce Building)

    Sustainable Futures are hosting a workshop next Wednesday to develop ideas for bids to two EPSRC funding calls: EPSRC Sustainable Industrial Futures and Manufacturing Hubs for a Sustainable Future Round 3.

    The workshop will focus on the development of emerging thematic areas for these calls whilst also building on existing ideas. It will also be an opportunity to build interdisciplinary teams.
    This workshop is open to UoM academics who are eligible to apply for external funding. Places are limited. Please sign up here.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    UKRI Harmonised IAA Call for Proposals 

    Deadline: 24-Jul-2024 

    The Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) is a combination of grants awarded to UoM. IAA funding supports the research and innovation ecosystem to develop wider impacts from research through fast and flexible funding for knowledge exchange activities. IAA grants are available to academics at UoM from AHRC, BBSRC, ESRC, EPSRC, MRC and STFC.  

    The UoM Knowledge Exchange Partnerships Team, part of Business Engagement and Knowledge Exchange, has renamed and updated the three core IAA mechanisms to introduce more flexibility in impact delivery.

    Further information on the new schemes is available in our IAA Scope Guide. We are pleased to announce the seventh Call for Proposals under the following mechanisms: 

    Starter (up to £10,000) 

    Fostering new relationships and initiation of small impact projects between external partners and academic researchers, creating opportunities for longer-term collaboration and exchange of knowledge and skills. 

    ·         Deadline: Open Call
    ·         Download the Application form 
    ·         Download the Quick guide 


    Pilot (up to £30,000) 

    Flexible support for the very early stage of transforming research outputs into impactful opportunities, in collaboration with an external partner, through support for the development of an early evaluation prototype, initial trials, scoping exercises and feasibility studies. 

    ·         Deadline: 24th July 2024
    ·         Download the Application form 
    ·         Download the Quick guide 


    Advance (up to £60,000) 

    Flexible support for collaboration between the University and external organisations to focus on the creation and development of impactful outcomes. This scheme also helps us to extend the culture and skills for business engagement, knowledge exchange and innovation at the University. In/out Secondments during the project are encouraged but not mandatory. 

    ·         Deadline: 24th July 2024 
    ·         Download the Application form 
    ·         Download the Quick guide 



    IAA projects are no longer required to be directly related to previous funded research, but must fall within the remit and priorities of one or more of the relevant Research Councils: AHRC, BBSRC, EPSRC, ESRC, MRC, STFC 

    Multidisciplinary projects may be jointly funded by more than one research council as appropriate. 

    Eligible collaborators are UK-based businesses (including UK sites of international businesses), UK charities, and UK public sector organisations such as the NHS. Non-UK based businesses may be eligible where there is demonstrable evidence of the intention for inward investment during or beyond the lifetime of the project (e.g. establishing a UK site, job creation). If you have any queries regarding user organisation eligibility, please contact the Knowledge Exchange Partnerships Team


    Do you have a potential project?   

    The Knowledge Exchange Partnerships Team provide active support for the development of IAA submissions. You are strongly advised to contact us via at least 1 month before the call closing date on the 24th July 2024

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    EU Update - MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024 Call

    [From Liz Fay]

    Deadline: 11-Sep-2024

    The MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024 call is now open –the updated internal guidance note on applying for this funding is available. The fellowships target researchers holding a PhD who wish to carry out their research activities abroad, acquire new skills and develop their careers. PFs help researchers gain experience in other countries, disciplines and non-academic sectors

    The recent webinar sessions from the UK National Contact Point (NCP) at UKRO can be found here these sessions are extremely useful for any applicant looking at applying for this scheme.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Responsible AI UK: skills programme

    Deadline: 14-Jun-2024

    Apply for up to £100k funding to develop open educational resources for the training of artificial intelligence (AI) developers, users, managers, the public and other stakeholders. We are particularly interested in supporting diverse, multidisciplinary teams that will co-create resources with businesses, government, the education sector and the public. Successful applicants will be expected to collaborate with the wider RAI UK skills programme. Learn about the RAI UK programme.

    Proposals may include research into the creation of resources, responding to responsible AI skills critical challenges, including issues related to upskilling, reskilling, pedagogy, or educational delivery. Successful projects must begin by 1 September 2024 and last six to 12 months.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    gravatar Sarah Millington
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 02:23:31
Last change: Thursday, 23 May 2024 16:05:12