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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Thursday, 11 April 2024

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of Department

    Upcoming Seminars and Departmental Forum

    I hope you all managed to have a bit of a break over the Easter period. Our internal research seminars continue with Mauricio Alvarez’s inaugural lecture on April 17th at 1400 in LT1.4 on the topic of Multi-task Learning and Physics-informed Probabilistic Modelling using Gaussian Processes. This will be followed by our regular social event in the common room.

    Sami Kaski’s inaugural Professorial lecture will be held on April 23rd in Lecture Theatre B in MECD at 1300. For catering purposes, please can you register for Sami’s lecture here.

    Our next departmental forum will be held on April 24th at 1400 and will be followed by a social event in the common room. Duncan will circulate the agenda nearer the time.

    Have your say: The Student Experience Programme (SEP) evaluation survey is now live

    In case you missed the announcement on eUpdate earlier this week, the SEP evaluation survey has just been launched - amongst other things, the survey allows you to provide feedback about your experience of the ‘people and structures’ element of SEP and its impact. Please do take a few minutes to complete it. The survey is open until May 17th and you can access it here

    New Advanced Research + Invention Agency (ARIA) Funding Calls

    The recently launched funding agency, ARIA, has just published a few funding calls related to the areas of Computer Engineering, Neuromorphic, AI, and Robotics. The deadlines are (purposely) tight, but these schemes are well worth applying to. I’ve copied below the information just published on their Substack.

    • Last month marked a huge milestone at ARIA, as we launched our first funded programme — Scaling Compute: AI at 1/1000th the cost. Find everything you need to apply here. We’re accepting full proposals from 15th April-7th May.
    • The second round of opportunity seed funding for Nature Computes Better is now open. We’re looking for bold ideas that align with or contradict our beliefs, and we’re offering up to £500k each. Submit a three-page proposal and expect a decision within ~3 weeks. Find out more and apply before 17th April.
    • We’re launching the first of several funding calls for our next programme: Safeguarded AI. Read the thesis ahead of funding going live next week.
    • Our latest programme thesis, Robotic Dexterity, is now live, and our thesis as part of the opportunity space Precisely interfacing with the human brain at scale is on the way.

    You can sign up here for real-time updates from all of ARIA’s opportunity spaces.


    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Department Coffee Morning 25 April @1030, Staff & PGR Common Room

    Dear Colleagues,

    Please all be invited to join the Computer Science coffee morning, Thursday 25th April at 10:30-11:30, in the staff common room.

    Please feel free to drop in for all or part of the hour, grab a coffee and some biscuits, and meet with colleagues.

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    Manchester Lit & Phil Society Talk

    On May 2nd I am giving a talk for the Manchester Lit & Phil Society: 

    Human interactions and ethical RAI - MCR Lit&Phil (

    It might be of interest to staff and students. 


    Emily Collins

    gravatar Sarah Millington

    Teams Voice Project

    Teams Voice Project- More Information

    External Calling Project is delivering Microsoft Teams Voice, allowing colleagues at the University to make and receive external calls within Microsoft Teams. As part of the project You may have seen Teams Voice handsets being installed around the department. These were requested in large shared offices, labs, meeting rooms and other key locations. Handset Information. Academic staff should also get Teams calling on Teams. If you have not already got this then its in progress as CSOps have requested this for all CS academics, to be enabled with International capability.


    gravatar Sarah Millington

    IT Kit Amnesty 15-19 April

    Next week is IT kit amnesty week! IT Services are inviting you to hand over your old IT kit, whether it is your personal property or the University's. They'll make sure it is handled securely and anonymously, and that the kit will be dealt with in the most appropriate sustainable way. There will be several drop-off points around campus - see here for details of where they are and what you can drop off:

    Recycle unwanted IT kit during the Amnesty Week:


    gravatar Sarah Millington

    Grand Prize Winners at the Digital Security by Design Ecosystem Beacon Awards

    Grand Prize Winners​ - MOJO Project, submitted by The Hut Group

    Andy Nisbet in the APT group writes:  As a result of the MOJO and Soteria work that is joint with THG under the DSbD initiative, we've won an (Grand Prize) award for demonstrating protection against buffer over/under-run.  This work ported the OpenJDK JVM and two common GCs to CheriBSD. By providing a memory secure JVM that can run existing Java applications with no or minimal code changes, this work greatly benefits the massive Java community.

    The MOJO project is a collaboration between THG and The University of Manchester and through our work we’ve been able to demonstrate that on CHERI platforms the JVM can be protected against common memory corruption vulnerabilities (such as buffer overflows). If you’d like to learn more about MOJO or have any questions, please feel free to get in touch or visit our website:

    More Information on the awards More Information on the awards

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    [ top ]Events

    The Centre for Digital Trust and Society Forum returns for a third year!

    Date & Time: Wednesday 3rd July 2024 (in-person) | 9:30 - 16:30

    Venue: No.1 Circle Square, Oxford Road, Manchester M1 7FS

    Book your place to hear from experts across digital trust and security, including Keynote Speaker Professor Genevieve Liveley, Turing Fellow, and Director of the Research Institute for Sociotechnical Cyber Security (RISCS), University of Bristol. There will be three dynamic panels bringing in expertise from across Academia, Government and Industry, on three themes:

    • Panel 1 | Online Harms: Rebuilding Trust in Our Digital World
    • Panel 2 | Power Dynamics in Digital Platforms
    • Panel 3 | Generative AI & Security

    Lunch will be provided, and participants are welcome to continue discussions over a drinks reception following the main event.

    Places are limited by venue capacity, therefore please register now via Digital Futures: If you have any questions, please contact Kitty Lo, at

    The Centre for Digital Trust and Society leads and delivers activity for the Digital Trust and Security theme within The University’s Digital Futures Research Platform.

    gravatar Sarah Millington

    IP and Artificial Intelligence Webinar for EU Beneficiaries

    Event: 18-Apr-2024

    [from Liz Fay]

    The European Commission Horizon Results Platform is hosting a webinar on Intellectual Property (IP) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) on 18 April 2024 in partnership with the European IP Helpdesk

    Register here.

    The event is tailored to EU beneficiaries seeking to enhance the valorisation of their research results and learn more about data rights in relation to AI.

    Intellectual property helps drive innovation and growth by bringing in financial returns, raising brand awareness and ensuring business growth. You can rely on intellectual property to increase productivity, earn licensing fees and even receive royalties. Patents help create a monopoly and provide protection to your business by preventing others from commercialising your innovation. IP helps you earn a higher return on investment and manage your assets efficiently.

    Under Horizon Europe, exploitation activities continue after the end of the project. The European Commission Horizon Results Platform helps “Turn Europe's research results into innovations which generate value for economy, society and contribute to a sustainable future.”* It offers numerous benefits to EU R&I funding beneficiaries, such as greater visibility and faster matching with priority third parties, targeted promotional events with innovators, free access to support services, etc.

    The European IP Helpdesk supports European SMEs and research teams involved in cross-border business and/or EU-funded research activities to manage, disseminate and valorise their IP.

    Learning Objectives:

    • What do we understand by intellectual property in artificial intelligence?
    • What rights are there in data used by machine learning in AI?
    • How is data protected by database rights?
    • How to obtain the rights to use data in creating innovation in AI?
    • Is it possible to patent inventions in AI?
    • What impact will new advice from European and US Patent Offices have on the approach to examining patent applications?
    • Who owns inventions made with data supplied from other sources?
    • How can innovations in artificial intelligence be sold or licensed for use?
    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    EoI: FORGE interdisciplinary workshops


    FORGE is a Faculty of Humanities funded project that aims to support interdisciplinary research teams to apply for funding, while also learning how to improve the ways we facilitate interdisciplinary research. At a FORGE Workshop you’ll be supported to develop your plans - whether your project is currently just an idea, or if your team is already established. Workshop attendees will have access to a community of practice and bespoke grant development support. 

    Planning an interdisciplinary research project? 

    If you are planning a research project involving two or more disciplines, targeting funding opportunities such as the UKRI Cross Council Responsive Mode scheme (Round 2 anticipated Summer 2024), you may benefit from a FORGE Workshop. 

    To express interest, please complete this simple form: Places are limited. 

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Team Research Community event

    Event: 14-May-2024, 12-2.30pm (MECD. Engineering Building A, Booth Street East Room GA. 059)

    The Team Research programme is hosting “A Community Event on Teamwork in Research” on 14th May 2024 and we would love you to join us!
    The aim of this event is to provide a brief overview of Team Research principles and discuss the benefits of adopting these principles in research across the research community at the University of Manchester. All staff working in research from all faculties and disciplines are welcome.
    Registration required.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    ERC 2024 Advanced Grant: Call Information Webinar (2 of 2)

    Deadline: 12-Jun-2024 (10:00 – 12:00 UK time)

    [from Liz Fay]

    UKRO, in its capacity as UK NCP for the European Research Council (ERC), will hold a second webinar on the ERC 2024 Advanced Grant call.

    The indicative opening date for the 2024 ERC Advanced Grant call is 29 May 2024.  Calls are published on the ERC Advanced Grant webpage, as well as the European Commission’s Funding and Tenders Portal.

    Aim of the event

    The webinar will provide participants with a detailed practical overview of the ERC Advanced Grant scheme. Viewers will gain a deeper understanding of the proposal format and the key issues to address in planning, writing and costing a proposal. The evaluation procedure and the new ‘lump sum’ approach to costing will also be explained.


    Who should attend?

    The sessions are aimed at researchers based in, or moving to, the UK who are planning to submit a proposal to the 2024 ERC Advanced Grant call, and the research support staff who will be supporting these applications. Applicants are expected to be active researchers and to have a track record of excellent research.


    Programme outline

    Session 2: Wednesday 12 June (10:00 – 12:00 UK time) – provides information on the submission process, how proposals are evaluated and other elements to consider, including the ‘lump sum’ approach.


    Technical specifications

    Attendance is free of charge, but registration is mandatory.


    Please note that this webinar is part two of a two-part series of information webinars on the 2024 Advanced Grant call - part one will take place on 10 June 2024.

    Register for part one here.


    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Innovation Lab 2024 workshop: Drug Discovery and Advanced Therapeutics

    Event: 20-Jun-2024

    Would you like to engage with industry to provide your academic expertise and receive up to £20k of funding?

    Translation Manchester,  together with the Business Engagement Team and the Manchester NIHR Biomedical Research Centre,  are running an Innovation Lab taking place on Thursday 20th June 2024 focused on the theme of Drug Discovery and Advanced Therapeutics

    The event is aimed at initiating and pump priming research projects co-developed by industry and academics addressing specific business challenges around Drug Discovery and Advanced Therapeutics. Over the course of the facilitated workshop, project plans will be developed by invited academics and industry partners, and pitched to a panel of experts for seed funding. We will pump prime successful projects with up to £20k each.

    We have now received challenges from our business partners in the areas of Neuroinflammation, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease as well as Microbial Pathogens, and we are actively seeking academics to join the event. The challenges are:

    • Generate proof-of-concept data in a human cell line model (human iPS-derived microglia-neuronal co-cultures) to identify the inflammatory signature of a novel anti-inflammatory drug to guide R&D and clinical development plans.
    • Characterisation of in vitro phenotype of iPSC-derived neurons, from Alzheimer’s disease patients and healty controls, as proof-of-concept for the use of a novel in vitro model for testing and screening new therapeutics (i.e. clinical trial in a dish)
    • Identify non-invasive, patient-friendly, downstream biomarkers to measure the efficacy of a drug that redirects a key protein to gap junctions to reduce inflammation in the brain (relevant to Parkinson disease and other brain conditions)
    • Explore the effects of proven anti-microbial small molecule inhibitors in a wide-range of infections beyond the original intended use of the inhibitors.

    For more details on the expertise required by the businesses please visit our website. If you wish to find out more about this initiative, and want to take part in the workshop for an opportunity to develop industry collaborations and secure pump priming funding, get in touch by Friday 26th April 2024 by emailing

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    NW CyberCom challenge: commercialisation sandpit

    Deadline: 15-Apr-2024

    Slide-set available from and

    The £1.2m North West Cyber Security Connect for Commercialisation (NW CyberCom) project is a collaborative effort between the universities of Lancaster, Manchester, Salford, Liverpool, Manchester Metropolitan University, and the University of Central Lancashire, which is aiming to unlock the cyber security potential of the North West.
    As part of this, Plexal is co-leading delivery of the NW CyberCom: Commercialisation Sandpit alongside Lancaster University, with support from the partner universities – and we want academic experts to be a part of it.
    We’re on the search for individuals from all backgrounds to bring their diverse ideas, approaches and research to the table to tackle some of the most important cyber security challenges facing the North West region and the UK at large.
    We’ll provide a unique opportunity for academics be part of a high-profile programme that will provide coaching, up to £25,000 per project in funding and collaboration opportunities to evolve from idea to a product-in-the-making as your confidence and concept grows.
    You’ll connect from leaders in industry to learn about real-world cyber challenges – and how your research can be part of the solution. And in return, you’ll be open to trying new things outside of your comfort zone, collaborating and testing ideas that can be commercialised with an entrepreneurial mindset.
    Any questions? Contact the UoM Innovation Factory team on and cc-in

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Research News

    UKRI Terms and Conditions update Apr 2024

    On 2nd April, UKRI updated some of their terms and conditions. If you would like the exact details of where changes have been made then please contact your RSMs and

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Research Funding Opportunities

    Internal sift: Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists in the UK 2025

    Internal deadline: noon 24-May-2024*
    Blavatnik deadline: 29-May-2024

    This award is for early career academics (academics born in or after 1983; holding a doctorate degree).

    Nominations are allowed in one of three categories (Life Sciences; Chemistry; Physical Sciences and Engineering). One award in each category will be made for £100,000, and two for £30,000. Please also refer to the Blavatnik website for details of eligibility.

    If you are considering applying, then please email AND asap. 

    The university is only able to put forward a single candidate for each category so an internal review will be required. For any potential Life Sciences nominees, this selection will be undertaken alongside the FBMH process which aligns with the timeline below:

    • 9th April to 30th April - Outline applications prepared for internal panel review (nominee in conjunction with nominator)
    • 30th April 2024 Internal deadline – documents to be emailed to AND by 12noon to include:
      • Completed template (contact Sarah and Klaudia for the template)
      • CV (no page limit but please be efficient with content)
      • Publications (up to 4 full text publications)
    • 30th April to 7th May 2024 Review of Applications
    • 7th May 2024 Eligibility exception letters due (to be sent to Blavatnik)
    • 7th May 2024 FSE nominees confirmed.
    • 7th to 24th May 2024 FSE nominees finalise applications and email to AND by noon on 24th May*
    • 28th May 2024 Final application documentation to Laura Breen
    • 28th to 29th May 2024 Laura to submit nominations on Blavatnik portal
    • 29th May 2024: Nominations close for 2025 Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists in the UK
    • 12th June 2024: Letters of support due for 2025 Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists in the UK

    *the FSE internal sift information will soon be updated on our Sharepoint (see 'Internal triage' information)

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Internal sift: NERC ‘Pushing the Frontiers’ round 5

    Internal deadline: end of play 22-May-2024
    External deadline: 17-Jul-2024

    This is the 5th round of the new scheme which replaced the ‘NERC Standard Grant’. For full details of the internal sift, templates and a timeline see:
    Exceptions - please note, the University Panel is not required to review applications where the PI is non lead, Manchester’s costs will be under £65k and UoM are not submitting the application.
    Complete proposals should be submitted to your RSMs and by end of play 22-May-2024
    Please note that NERC will be using this scheme to assess Demand Management in the same way that the old NERC Standard and New Investigator grants were. As with the previous rounds of this scheme, CVs are no longer a requirement, nor are Partner letters of support, equipment quotes or a Justification of Resources.
    Proposals submitted after the deadline will not be considered, applications received directly from academics will be returned to RSMs for validation.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    FSE Research Services Sharepoint Site

    Reminder: FSE Research Services Sharepoint Site – access information and resources to navigate research application and award processes. You can find contact details for the RS team and lots of other useful information.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    BBSRC 2024-25 strategic Longer and Larger (sLoLa) grants - internal advisory panel

    Internal EoI deadline: 4pm 26-Apr-2024 
    BBSRC outline deadline: 21-May-2024

    The BBSRC sLoLa scheme for 2024-25 is now open. Projects must be >£2m and can last up to 5 years. BBSRC plan to fund up to 5 awards nationally. Applicants must register their interest with BBSRC by 21st May, ahead of an outline stage that closes on 18th July. 

    Due to the highly competitive nature of the scheme, we would like to ensure all of our bids are as strong as possible. Can anyone intending to register for the BBSRC sLoLa call therefore please contact by 4pm Friday 26th April with a short EoI (max 1 page) that details:

    i) the team members

    ii) background and scientific question

    iii) approach. We will then ask a small internal group of BBSRC-funded researchers and panel members to provide advice and feedback to make the bids as strong as possible. Further support will then be provided to applicants at the outline stage.

    Scope: Projects are expected to generate new fundamental biological knowledge of broad and long-term significance, changing how we think about bioscience within and likely transcending their immediate fields, thereby contributing to our understanding of important ‘rules of life’. They should have the potential to make transformational, not incremental, contributions to our understanding of the principles which govern biological processes.

    BBSRC will not fund proposals that significantly overlap with their existing large award portfolio, available here:

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 02:32:52
Last change: Thursday, 11 April 2024 16:46:52