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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Tuesday, 27 February 2024

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of Department

    Welcome to Philip and David

    Welcome to Philip Zhao and David Petrescu who have just joined us. Philip has been appointed as Senior Lecturer in the Machine Learning and Robotics group, and David Petrescu as T&S Lecturer.

    Prior to joining our department, Philip was a Senior Lecturer at the University of Glasgow. His research focuses on AI-driven cross-system design and optimization for various applications, including robotics, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Internet of Things (IoT), communication networks, and computer vision. His project portfolio reflects a total funding of £3 million. Philip has made significant contributions to academia with over 100 publications, including in prestigious journals such as JSAC, TCOM, TWC, JSTSP, and TSP, as well as top conferences like ICRA, IROS, INFOCOM, ICC, and Globecom. Additionally, Philip holds two patents in the United States.

    David studied on our Computer Science (Human-Computer Interaction) programme which then led him on a path of interdisciplinary research using Virtual Reality. He initially investigated low-cost therapy interventions for patients suffering from Phantom Limb Pain. During his PhD David has worked at the intersection of human perception and Computer Graphics investigating how perceptual deficits can be used to optimise the rendering of Virtual Environments.

    A very warm welcome to both of you!

    A reminder about Bijan’s inaugural Professorial seminar

    I do hope to see many of you at Bijan Parsia’s inaugural Professorial research seminar on Wednesday February 28th at 1400 in LT1.3. Bijan will be presenting on "Prosthetic Autonomy". These inaugural Professorial seminars are special occasions where we celebrate colleagues who have achieved the highest level of academic rank.  The seminar will have a remote option for those who cannot join in person:  

    Join Zoom Meeting:

    Meeting ID: 995 3571 6228,  Passcode: 488215

    The seminar will be followed by a fancy reception in the common room, so please come and join in!

    Meeting with the Innovation Factory and Business Engagement

    Please come along to the meeting on Thursday at 1300 in IT407 where we’ll hear from the Innovation Factory and the Business Engagement Team about research commercialisation and impact.

    Congratulations to Michael and Alex

    I am pleased to announce the election of Alejandro Frangi and the re-election of Michael Fisher to the Executive Committee of the UK Computing Research Committee (UKCRC). It is great to see such good representation from our department:

    The S3 research group are improving one of the world's most important software infrastructure

    Last September the S3 research group in our department started a collaborative project with the Ethereum Foundation (EF) to test and verify the Ethereum Consensus Specifications. In particular, the group extended their software model checker ESBMC ( to formally verify Python code, which is the language used by EF to write the consensus specification designed to improve scalability, security, and sustainability of the Ethereum network. Ethereum is a decentralized global software platform powered by blockchain technology. It is most commonly known for its native cryptocurrency, ether (ETH). Two weeks ago EF confirmed the existence of the bug that the S3 group found in one of the components of the Ethereum Consensus Specifications with the ESBMC tool.

    Congratulations to Lucas Cordeiro and the ESBMC team, particularly Bruno Farias, who is extending ESBMC to check Python programs, and to Youcheng Sun for leading this project within the S3 group. This is a great example of research with impact.



    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Software spin-out wins funding from Innovation Factory

    Software spin-out wins funding from Innovation Factory:

    Lucas Cordeiro

    gravatar Sarah Millington

    Reporting of Estates Issues - reminder to report issues promptly

    Please do report issues with temperature and ventilation promptly - we can then see the data and examine the extent of the problem to inform discussions with Estates.

    The quickest way to resolve building issues is via the estates helpdesk. The helpdesk can be used by all staff to report estates issues such as flickering lights, dripping taps, heating and ventilation issues and faulty electrical sockets etc.  There are ongoing discussions with Estates about the heating and ventilation in Kilburn so please do actively engage and report issues with temperature so Estates are fully aware and can try to resolve the issues. 

    Below is a link to the helpdesk and a guide on how to complete the form:

    Estates Helpdesk  - Click on ‘Helpdesk Request Form’  

    Most of the form is self-explanatory but there are a few pointers below:

    • Building name: e.g. Kilburn Building.

    • Location: room number and floor of problem.

    • Request type: relates to the team the work is assigned to but if unsure just select ‘building’

    • Description: be as specific as possible and if urgent, state as such in this text box. If reporting a lift, include lift number e.g. 160.3 (found outside all lifts).

    • Recharge account and Reference: leave blank.

    Once reported you will receive 2 emails:

    1. A copy of the estates helpdesk request you have submitted.
    2. Acknowledgement of Work Request: e.g. 6171847 – this number is the work request number and should be retained for future reference.

    If an issue remains unresolved, the email containing the work request number can be forwarded to CSOPs who will triage for escalation to the Faculty Estates Team.

    If there is an urgent issue that needs immediate attention, the helpdesk can be called directly on 52424 or 0161 275 2424 between the hours of 8am and 4pm.

    Outside of these hours security should be contacted on 69966 – this number can also be found on the back on your staff card.

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    Sad news - Rupert Ford

    Dear All

    I'm sorry to pass on the sad news that Rupert Ford passed away.  He had been ill with Myeloma for most of the last year and he finally lost the battle and died a couple of weeks ago.  Rupert worked as a Research Fellow in APT from 1999, leaving in May 2012 to go to STFC Daresbury, but continued collaborations with the University.  

    Jo, his wife, has sent the following details about the funeral:

    Tuesday 12th March - Manchester Crematorium Large Chapel - 1pm

    Followed by a private burial (family and close friends ) at Southern Cemetery 2pm

    Reception/Wake at The Lloyds Pub in Chorlton from 2.30pm onwards

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    [ top ]Events

    Uncover the secrets of online drug markets - Event

    Uncover the secrets of online drug markets - How is the digitalisation of social interaction changing illegal markets?

    Date and time: 29th February | 13:45 – 15:40

    Location: Engineering Building A

    Join us for a captivating exploration of the hidden world of illegal drug markets on social media. Led by expert Silje Anderdal Bakken from Oslo University, we'll delve into how online interactions are reshaping the underworld, from coded messages to the interplay between virtual and offline dynamics. Gain valuable insights and spark discussion on this timely and complex issue. Don't miss this eye-opening event!

    Register today to secure your place and avoid disappointment:

    This is a Digital Trust and Security Seminar, presented by The Centre for Digital Trust and Society, which leads and delivers activity for the Digital Trust and Security theme within UoM Digital Futures Research Platform.

    gravatar Sarah Millington

    The Seven Veils Of Privacy - Event

    Feeling lost in the maze of privacy discussions? Then join us for a thought-provoking discussion led by Kieron O'Hara, author of the acclaimed "The Seven Veils of Privacy".

    Date & time: 20th March | 12:30 - 14:30

    Location: Christabel Pankhurst Building, Manchester

    Kieron O'Hara will unveil a clear and comprehensive framework to navigate the seemingly endless arguments around privacy and your rights. Discover why the clashing perspectives on social norms, human rights, personal preferences, and data processing often lead to frustration and confusion. Gain clarity and engage in meaningful dialogue as we dissect the different facets of privacy and work towards a path forward. Don't miss this chance to break through the ambiguity and shape your own understanding of privacy in today's complex world!

    P.S. Limited seats available, so register now!

    gravatar Sarah Millington

    Quantum Networking Day - 19th March 2024

    Registration Form:

    Deadline: Friday 8th March

    Dear colleagues,

    The Faculty of Science and Engineering brings the first internal Quantum Networking Day.

    This is an opportunity for researchers (academics, PDRAs, PhDs) and PS staff from across the University with quantum research and application interests to connect, hear invited scientific talks, engage with current activities, and provide input on the growth of our quantum community.

    This event will be the kick-off of The University of Manchester’s quantum network. Venue and meeting agenda to follow.

    For more information, contact (FSE Research Development Manager, Quantum).


    FSE Research Development and Innovation


    gravatar Sarah Millington

    [ top ]PGR News

    Digital Futures PhD Network | 30th April

    The Digital Futures network serves as a dynamic and collaborative hub exclusively designed for the community of PhD students within The University of Manchester, who are conducting research related to digital topics. The primary objective of this network is to help students to develop interdisciplinary, cross faculty relationships that can lead to new perspectives on their research.

    Our next networking event will take place on Tuesday 30th April 2024, from 14:00 – 15:30, on The University of Manchester campus. Register today to secure your spot:

    We are also looking for PhD students to present their research – this will be an interdisciplinary group, so it’s an opportunity to share your knowledge outside of your usual field and to develop interesting conversations and new perspectives on your work. If you would like to present your research, please contact by Tuesday 23rd April 2024, 5pm. Speaker spaces are limited, so we recommend reaching out at your earliest convenience to secure your spot and avoid disappointment.

    gravatar Sarah Millington

    [ top ]Research News

    UKRI IAA Commercial Development Fund Launch

    In Partnership with University of Manchester (UoM) Innovation Factory, the UoM Knowledge Exchange Partnerships Team is pleased to announce the launch of the UKRI Impact Acceleration Account Commercial Development Fund on 21st February 2024.

    The Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) is a combination of grants awarded to the University of Manchester by 6 research councils. IAA funding supports the research and innovation ecosystem to develop wider impacts from research through fast and flexible funding for knowledge exchange activities. IAA grants are available to The University of Manchester academics from AHRC, BBSRC, ESRC, EPSRC, MRC and STFC.

    The IAA Commercial Development Fund supports the following:

    1. IAA Commercial Development Fund (up to £50,000)

    Delivered by the University of Manchester Innovation Factory, who are responsible for driving the commercialisation of Manchester's innovations and intellectual property, the fund will provide the essential first stage of initial market and competitive landscaping, technology evaluation and partner engagement, and early Proof-of-Principle support to drive spin-out and licensing opportunities

    All applicants must triage submissions via the University of Manchester Innovation Factory Invention Discovery Team for support before applying.
    Please email:

    Information regarding eligibility can be found on the IAA quick guide. Please contact the Knowledge Exchange Partnerships team if you have any further queries regarding eligibility

    Best Wishes,

    Knowledge Exchange Partnerships team

    Business Engagement & Knowledge Exchange (BEKE)

    gravatar Sarah Millington


    Deadline: 14-Mar-24

    The Researchfish submission period is now open. PIs will have received an email from Researchfish if a submission is required.

    Whilst studentships from UKRI funders are exempt from this year's exercise, other funders such as CRUK and NIHR are requesting that students submit a response where possible.

    More details on the Researchfish process and guides for both RS and PIs can be found here.

    Closer to the deadline Sarah Chatwin or Klaudia Januszewska will be in touch on any outstanding submissions.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Research Funding Opportunities

    ARIA (Advanced Research And Invention Agency) introduction slides including upcoming opportunities'24_.pdf

    gravatar Sarah Millington

    UKRO Horizon Europe Resources

    UKRO run a comprehensive events programme for both subscribers and non-subscribers - if you aren’t registered you can do this here - all University of Manchester staff are eligible to register.

    National Contact Point (NCP) events, including events on funding from the European Research Council (ERC) and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), can also be accessed from the UKRO website.

    Some examples of up-coming funding events available on the website are:

    You can also view past webinar recordings by choosing the ‘past events’ tab - past events include:

    Other resources available on the UKRO website include:

    Best wishes,

    gravatar Sarah Millington

    [ top ]Health and Safety

    DSE awareness session

    Hi All,

    The next DSE Awareness session will take place on Wednesday the 17th of April at 11:00,

    Anyone wishing to attend will need to register via Registration link for DSE awareness session

    Best wishes


    gravatar Sarah Millington

    [ top ]Sustainability and Green Impact News

    Recycling Of Vapes and E- Cigs

    Please see link for information on recycling your vapes and E-Cigarettes:

    Recycling disposable vapes/e-cigarettes | StaffNet | The University of Manchester

    gravatar Sarah Millington

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 02:27:40
Last change: Tuesday, 27 February 2024 18:05:45