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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Thursday, 18 January 2024

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of Department

    Happy Mid-January and Recruitment Update

    Given we are about halfway through the month now, I am probably outside the acceptable window for wishing you all a Happy New Year - so Happy Mid-January instead. Shortlisting for the permanent Teaching and Scholarship post has just taken place, and by the end of February we’ll have completed shortlisting for the permanent Teaching and Research posts in Hardware and in NLP. In addition to these three positions, the next 6-8 months will see at least 5 new colleagues joining our department in the areas of Fundamentals of AI, Robotics, and NLP. A project manager will also be appointed to oversee the implementation of our SIRF proposal.

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    Our Feedback and Assessment Session

    Many thanks to Sean, Tom C, and Andrea for leading our session on January 10th focused on how we might best improve our student feedback and assessment. There were lots of great ideas around sharing effective practice, better explaining the feedback process to our students, and discussions around how we might explore improving assessment components such as our marking rubrics. I know Andrea will be following up the actions we discussed and we will have further departmental teaching-focused meetings during this year on these topics. If you are involved with UG teaching, then it is important that you attend these sessions.

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks


    Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Gavin, Ruth, and the CSOps team for all their efforts that made FurbyFest on January 12th such a success. I’ve seen/received many positive comments from attendees (including a number who posted on social media) thanking the department for the event. And of course Steve sends a 'Thank you' too! We’re intending to publish the recording in due course (assuming a few audio glitches can be resolved). Below are some photos of the day taken by Gavin and myself.

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Recruitment & Selection Training for Academic recruitment

    Just a reminder, as we have many new staff, if you are involved in academic recruitment (PDRAs) then remember there is a requirement to complete the appropriate training course:

    Recruitment & Selection Training

    Please use the link above to book onto a session before you start any recruitment.

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    Reporting of Estates Issues

    The quickest way to resolve building issues is via the estates helpdesk. The helpdesk can be used by all staff to report estates issues such as flickering lights, dripping taps, heating and ventilation issues and faulty electrical sockets etc.  There are ongoing discussions with Estates about the heating and ventilation in Kilburn so please do actively engage and report issues with temperature so Estates are fully aware and can try to resolve the issues. 

    Below is a link to the helpdesk and a guide on how to complete the form:

    Estates Helpdesk  - Click on ‘Helpdesk Request Form’  

    Most of the form is self-explanatory but there are a few pointers below:

    • Building name: e.g. Kilburn Building.

    • Location: room number and floor of problem.

    • Request type: relates to the team the work is assigned to but if unsure just select ‘building’

    • Description: be as specific as possible and if urgent, state as such in this text box. If reporting a lift, include lift number e.g. 160.3 (found outside all lifts).

    • Recharge account and Reference: leave blank.

    Once reported you will receive 2 emails:

    1. A copy of the estates helpdesk request you have submitted.
    2. Acknowledgement of Work Request: e.g. 6171847 – this number is the work request number and should be retained for future reference.

    If an issue remains unresolved, the email containing the work request number can be forwarded to CSOPs who will triage for escalation to the Faculty Estates Team.

    If there is an urgent issue that needs immediate attention, the helpdesk can be called directly on 52424 or 0161 275 2424 between the hours of 8am and 4pm.

    Outside of these hours security should be contacted on 69966 – this number can also be found on the back on your staff card.

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    Departmental requests for building support

    If you have a request for things relating to our offices and environment then please use the form below.  For example - to move furniture/hardware, cleaning request (carpet/other), new office key, swipe card access, request replacement chair, pest control or a cleaning issue etc.

    Department of Computer Science - building & general requests

    Once CSOps receive the request they will action and communicate with you.

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    Research Support contacts

    Happy New Year from the Research Support Team.

    We welcome Klaudia Januszewska as another Research Support Manager for Computer Science covering RSM duties for Machine Learning and Robotics; Autonomy and Verification; and Systems and Software Security. Klaudia has lots of experience in research support in FSE having worked as RSO in Chemistry, Maths and Materials.

    As well as her role as an RSM in Computer Science for groups with an AI slant, Klaudia is also working as RSM for Fluids and Environment.

    There have been other changes in Computer Research Support too. Please note if the direct RSO contact for your group has changed:

    RSO Liz Chantel Chantel Liz Chan Sarah W. Sarah W. Natalia Chan
    RSM Sarah C. Klaudia Sarah C. Sarah C. Sarah C. Klaudia Sarah C. Sarah C. Klaudia

    CS Research Support Officers:

    • Elizabeth Hulme
    • Chantel Murtagh
    • Sarah Watson
    • Natalia Stefanovic

    CS Research Support Managers:

    • Sarah Chatwin
    • Klaudia Januszewska

    Research Support Managers are associated to a department and provide strategic support to the Head of Department, Prof. Stewart and Research Lead, Prof. Dixon. They should be contacted for queries relating to the Research Excellence Framework, Research Committees and for strategic and policy development support.

    Research Support Officers provide core research support across the whole lifecycle of projects as named contacts, liaising with funders, preparing costings, coordinating recruitment and contracts.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Events

    EC Webinar on Lump Sum Funding in Horizon Europe

    Event: 08-Feb-24, 09:00-12:00

    No registration is required, and joining instructions are available on the event website.

    The webinar will focus on how lump sum funding works and how to write a proposal for a call that uses the lump sum funding model. The agenda will also include a discussion panel with guests presenting their practical experience with lump sum grants - attendees will be able to post questions via Slido.

    A dedicated “Lump sum funding in Horizon Europe” section is available on the Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal. It brings together all the information on lump sum funding in the programme, FAQs and events.

    Information on Lump Sum funding was circulated in October 2023 (contact if you would like it re-sent).

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Open Research: Online session with Andrew Stewart and Scott Taylor

    Webinar: Mon 29-Jan-24, 13:00 – 14:00, via zoom –

    Please register via this link - (contact for the access code)

    In this session we will introduce you to the Office for Open Research at our University, highlighting some of the recently funded Open Research activities supported via our Open Research Fellowships and our Open Research Accelerator funding scheme. We will also cover some of the recent activities of the UK Reproducibility Network that have been led by our University, and signpost upcoming Open Research events organised by our University's grass roots Open Research group.

    Open research is a movement to make the research process more transparent, by advocating for the adoption of a broad range of research practices. The goal is to make research more robust, addressing concerns around reproducibility and research integrity. Open research is increasingly expected by research funders, and is supported by organisations including UKRI, the Wellcome Trust and the European Commission. Central to the open research movement is working to create a responsible research environment valuing equality, diversity and inclusion. It is relevant to the public, who are able to freely read a greater proportion of the scientific literature thanks to the open access publishing movement. Open Research also aims to improve scientific efficiency, since advocating for the free flow of information allows researchers to freely build on the work of others.

    Our speakers are:

    1. Andrew Stewart (Institutional Lead for Open and Reproducible Research, Professor of Cognitive Science)
    2. Scott Taylor (Head of Research Services and the Office for Open Research)

    The session will be chaired by Nicky Cullum (Associate Dean for Research and Innovation, Health Sciences).

    For any queries, please contact

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Dstl Centre of Excellence Partner Kick-Off Event

    Event: Thurs 25-Jan-24 (Henry Royce Hub Building, Manchester), 10am for 10.30am start, ends 4pm

    The Dstl Centre of Excellence Partner Kick-Off event is happening on Thursday 25th January 2024, with the option to join some sessions online. If there is anyone else in your organisation who you think would be interested in attending (including, for example, Business Development Managers) please could you forward this invite on to them so they can register their interest.
    The morning sessions will outline the vision and structure of the centre and will be available for people to attend online as well as in person.
    The afternoon sessions will be more interactive and will cover:

    • Tasking (online and in person)
    • Deeper dive discussions with the Technical Working Group (TWG) leads (in person only)
    • Next steps (online and in person)

     The TWG session will provide more detail on the scientific programme of the Centre and provide participants with the opportunity to discuss and provide input into the challenges we hope to address with the Technical Working Group Leads from Dstl. It will also provide a forum for attendees to speak informally with members of the project management team.
    Due to the capacity of the venue, spaces are limited and so we are asking everyone who would like to attend to register their interest via the form linked below. The form allows you to indicate your preferred mode of attendance. We will be in touch at least 1 week before the event to confirm if you have been allocated a space to attend in person.
    Click here to register

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    One-day workshop on “Computational & Experimental Spatial Omics” - 4th March 2024

    Dear all,

    We are excited to announce a one-day workshop on “Computational & Experimental Spatial Omics” (details below). This event is dedicated to exploring the computational and experimental spatial omics methods as well as establishing an academic community in this space potentially creating new collaborations.

    Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2024, 09:00 - 17:30 GMT

    Location: Michael Smith Building, Dover Street, Manchester, M13 9NT

    Registration: We aim to host around 80 participants, making it an excellent opportunity for knowledge exchange and networking. Secure your spot by registering on Eventbrite.

    For more information, please contact:

    Sokratia Georgaka

    Hongpeng Zhou

    Best wishes,

    Sokratia Georgaka & Hongpeng Zhou

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    [ top ]PGR News

    Digital Futures PhD Network | 31st January 

    The Digital Futures network serves as a dynamic and collaborative hub exclusively designed for the community of PhD students within The University of Manchester, who are conducting research related to digital topics. The primary objective of this network is to help students to develop interdisciplinary, cross faculty relationships that can lead to new perspectives on their research.

    Our next networking event will take place on Wednesday 31st January 2023, from 13:00 – 15:00, on The University of Manchester campus. Register today to secure your spot: 

    We are also looking for PhD students to present their research – this will be an interdisciplinary group, so it’s an opportunity to share your knowledge outside of your usual field and to develop interesting conversations and new perspectives on your work. If you would like to present your research, please contact by 24th January, 5pm. Speaker spaces are limited, so we recommend reaching out at your earliest convenience to secure your spot and avoid disappointment.


    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    [ top ]Research News

    Prof. Frangi at The 695th Lord Mayor's Lectures

    On 12th January Prof. Alejandro Frangi joined the The Rt Hon the Lord Mayor Alderman Professor Michael Mainelli to speak at The 695th Lord Mayor's Lectures, on Computational Medicine and Digital Twins Improving Medical Care.
    This is part of “Knowledge Miles: The Lord Mayor's Lectures”, an online webinar series exploring the connections of the Square Mile and how its knowledge clusters are addressing diverse global challenges.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Open Access for long-form outputs: Application window for funding from UKRI now open

    [From the Library]

    UKRI is introducing a new Open Access Policy for long-form outputs (monographs, chapters, and edited collections) which will take effect from 1 January 2024.  

    UKRI has released further information concerning the policy and is now accepting applications for funding to support Open Access for long-form outputs. 

    For further information on the policy and details of how to apply to access this funding via the Library, please visit the Library website: UKRI’s new Open Access policy: Long-form outputs  

    If you have any questions about the policy, please contact the Library’s Open Access team via  

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Open Research Digest and Case studies

    The Open Research Digest is a unique monthly newsletter launched in April 2022, bringing together commentary on the latest developments in the open research landscape with updates on the work of the Office for Open Research and open research events at The University of Manchester.

    Every month, we share insightful opinion pieces from research staff - available to read on our website, as well as a round-up of interesting news and events. This month, we featured the bank of open research case studies showcased on the Office website and updates on a new data stewardship community in Manchester.

    To receive this newsletter every month, please subscribe here. If you would like to suggest a topic, contribute an opinion piece, or share your research as a case study, please feel free to email the Office team! 

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    UKRI Researchfish - Coming Up

    This year's Researchfish submission period will run from 5th February 2024 to 14th March 2024. More information to come.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Research Funding Opportunities

    Network to drive digital sustainability and a circular economy

    Deadline: 29-Feb-24

    Up to £2M funding to establish and lead a collaborative research and innovation Network Plus (for up to 36months) bringing together digital technology, materials, circular economy and broader research and stakeholder communities to drive greater digital sustainability and a circular economy, accelerate impact, build skills and undertake horizon-scanning activities.

    The Network Plus should deliver:

    • leadership of diverse and inclusive interdisciplinary research communities (both new and existing) across academia, policy and industry
    • new connections between relevant communities and projects, including the related ‘Research for a digitally enabled circular economy and sustainable digital technologies’ funding opportunity to accelerate knowledge transfer and the realisation of near and longer term impacts (economic, social and environmental)
    • an increase in research projects and collaborations at the ICT, materials and CE interfaces and beyond
    • greater community capacity and capability to embed circular and sustainable considerations across broad ICT, materials, CE and other relevant research and innovation communities over the short, medium and longer term. This includes the consideration of the need for new methods, tools and approaches, wider use of existing ones, and the training and skills required to support a growing research community
    • evidenced assessments of research and innovation opportunities and the support and pathways needed to drive world leading research and innovation and deliver significant impact in these areas. This should include a 10-year vision for the interfacing areas, with identified and prioritised research and community challenges. Assessments should be co-created by the research and stakeholder communities, considering policy, research, research infrastructure and skills, identifying challenges, opportunities, and priorities to deliver against national and global priorities
    • support for the identification and realisation of new research ideas to drive digital sustainability and a digitally enabled circular economy across sectors

    Investigators can only be involved in one submission.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    UMRI  Interdisciplinary Research Funding

    Deadline: 19-Feb-24

    A recent review of the UMRI (University of Manchester Research Institute) pump-priming programme highlighted an impressive and extensive range of activities and outputs from the UMRI awarded projects between 2019 and 2022 including leveraging of £13.7 million in external research funding from a £1 million investment. Therefore UMRI Board are pleased to announce two calls to continue to encourage collaboration and provide support for activities that will lead to an increase in successful interdisciplinary research. Preference will be given to applications led by non professorial staff or staff recently appointed or promoted to professor (in last two to three years). The two calls are:  

     Call guidance, frequently asked questions, application forms and details of previous awards are available on the UMRI website.

    Applications should be submitted on the relevant application form and submitted to no later than 4pm on 19 February 2024.   


    UMRI Pump-Priming 2024 

    The aim of the call is to pump-prime activities to encourage collaboration and strengthen alignment to four themes that will lead to an increase in successful interdisciplinary research through external research funding applications. Applications for funding of up to £50,000 are be invited under the following four themes:   

    Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to discuss their proposal with the Director of the primary theme for their application.   

     Please send your costing request to the School of Engineering Research Services shared inbox as these applications will be supported by our Research Support Assistants, Erika Buznik-Wallis for SoE.


    UMRI Discipline Hopping 2024 

    The aim of this call is to increase interdisciplinary research collaborations across the University. The call will support the development of new cross discipline partnerships through the funding of short research placements (discipline hops) for early career researchers of two to three months duration. Examples of activities that can be supported include (but are not limited to):  

    • Embedding researchers for a period of time in a division/department outside of their own discipline area.   
    • Work shadowing in another division/department in order to learn new skills and techniques.  
    • Sharing insights on priorities and looking for synergies/new ideas that cut across discipline boundaries.   
    • Organising meetings/ seminars/ workshops between departments, both internal and external, and disciplines to share learning, understanding of key terms, concepts, language and tools to tackle problems.  

    Please send your costing request to the School of Engineering Research Services shared inbox as these applications will be supported by our Research Support Assistants, Erika Buznik-Wallis for SoE.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Pre-announcement: EPSRC NetworkPlus to strengthen the cybersecurity research ecosystem

    Deadline: 16-Ap-24

    Apply for up to 5 yrs' funding to strengthen the UK’s cybersecurity research ecosystem and develop its people. Proposals should be applicable to the wide range of communities comprising this ecosystem. EPSRC will fund 80% of the FEC (up to £6M).

    Your department can be involved in one proposal. There is only funding for ONE Cybersecurity Network Plus.

    We expect that the NetworkPlus addresses the following (non-exhaustive) objectives:

    • providing leadership of diverse and inclusive interdisciplinary research communities (both new and existing) across academia, policy and industry
    • providing and improving connectivity between components of the UK cybersecurity research ecosystem
    • facilitating knowledge exchange between academia, industry, and government
    • supporting the career development of members of the ecosystem, particularly early career researchers
    • informing EPSRC’s future investment strategy and our dialogue with government
    • providing an international perspective to enable targeted collaboration with international partners, as well as benchmarking and horizon scanning to inform prioritisation of challenges
    • promoting regional strengths, for example via interaction with relevant regional groups such as the UK Cyber Clusters

    In addition, the NetworkPlus should set aside a significant amount of its flexible funds for the award of small grants through open competition, across the broad remit of cybersecurity research.

    The NetworkPlus should be inclusive, engaging widely and working collaboratively with a range of stakeholders, project partners, and network members, bringing communities together in a cohesive manner to drive impact and change.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    UKRI Harmonised IAA 6th Call for Proposals

    Deadline: 13-Mar-24

    The Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) is a combination of grants awarded to the University of Manchester by research councils. IAA funding supports the research and innovation ecosystem to develop wider impacts from research through fast and flexible funding for early-stage knowledge exchange activities.

    IAA grants are available to The University of Manchester academics from AHRC, BBSRC, ESRC, EPSRC, MRC and STFC.

    The UoM Knowledge Exchange Partnerships Team is pleased to announce the sixth Call for Proposals under the following mechanisms:

    1. Relationship Development Scheme (up to £10,000) 

    Fostering new relationships between external partners and academic researchers, creating opportunities for collaboration and exchange of knowledge and skills. 

    • Deadline: Open Call 


    1. Proof of Concept Scheme (up to £30,000) 

    Support for the very early stage of transforming research outputs into commercial and translational opportunities. 


    1. Secondment Scheme (up to £60,000) 

    Flexible support for secondments between the University of Manchester and partner organisations. 


    IAA projects are no longer required to be directly related to previous funded research, but must fall within the remit and priorities of one or more of the relevant Research Councils: AHRCBBSRCEPSRCESRCMRCSTFC 

    Multidisciplinary projects may be jointly funded by more than one research council as appropriate. 

    Eligible collaborators are UK-based businesses (including UK sites of international businesses), UK charities, and UK public sector organisations such as the NHS. Non-UK based businesses may be eligible where there is demonstrable evidence of the intention for inward investment during or beyond the lifetime of the project (e.g. establishing a UK site, job creation). If you have any queries regarding user organisation eligibility, please contact the Knowledge Exchange Partnerships Team

    Do you have a potential project?  The Knowledge Exchange Partnerships Team provide active support for the development of IAA submissions. You are strongly advised to contact us via at least 1 month before the call closing date on the 13th March 2024

    LINK: Download the IAA Handbook 

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    EPSRC ICT Team follow-up meeting

    The EPSRC ICT Team kindly hosted a session for us on Tuesday. Slides are available if you would like them and here's a reminder of some of the links:

    How to use TFS:
    Funding finder:

    If you are planning on applying to EPSRC responsive calls then do not wait. There are no deadlines associated with responsive calls now. Here's more information and the call links:

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Annual AstraZeneca CoSolvechallenge

    Deadline: 06-Mar-24

    There are three new Request for Proposals (RFPs) that we are running at Inpart on behalf of our client AstraZeneca as part of their annual CoSolvechallenge. All three RFPs have a closing date of March 6th, 2024, and you can find the summaries regarding each RFP attached, and also via each respective link listed below.

    If you think there would be good scope for collaboration, we would like to invite you to create a submission for any of the above RFPs of interest.
    Applicants should complete the application form that can be found within the respective attachment or link. Completed forms can then be submitted via the correct link above.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin


    Deadline: 05-Feb-24 for more information, where applicants can also see our Notes for Applicants

    2 year Research Fellowship to the US for post-doctoral scientists with $65,000 per year, with a £1000 travel grant

    The Lindemann Trust, in partnership with the English-Speaking Union, offers up to three 2-year fellowships, each worth $130,000, for post-doctoral scientists to carry out research in the USA. 

    The Lindemann Trust Fellowships are designed as an early post-doctoral opportunity, and are awarded to graduates of exceptional promise in both the pure and applied physical sciences who have shown capacity for producing original research. These Fellowships enable post-doctoral scientists to pursue research in the USA without financial difficulty, and without being obliged to take up paid employment.

    The subject areas eligible are defined broadly to include all areas of the physical sciences and mathematics, as well as their interfaces with the life sciences.

    To be eligible to apply, candidates must meet the following criteria:

    · Hold British, Irish or Commonwealth citizenship (or have UK settled status) AND be normally resident in the UK

    · Either be in the final stages of their doctoral studies at a UK university, or have completed their doctorate at a UK university and have no more than three years of actual research experience since completion

    · Career breaks and part-time working will be taken into consideration, e.g. time away due to personal reasons such as maternity, paternity, shared parental and adoptive leave or other caring responsibilities; ill-health or working in a non-research environment/role such as industry.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Health and Safety

    School Health, Safety and Wellbeing policy

    Health, Safety and Wellbeing policy

    The School of Engineering’s new Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy is now available on the School’s SharePoint site. Everyone is encouraged to read and bookmark the document as everyone has a responsibility in fostering a culture of safety and wellbeing across all areas of the School. Full details.

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 02:23:30
Last change: Thursday, 18 January 2024 09:08:14