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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Wednesday, 13 December 2023

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of Department

    A couple of things........

    Dame Kathleen Ollerenshaw (DKO) Fellowships

    The advertisement for the upcoming DKO Fellowships has just been posted ( with a deadline of January 29th. The most CS-relevant areas that these fellowships will be appointed to are:

    · Data Science; Machine Learning and Simulation; Robotics & AI

    · Quantum; Nano-engineering; Spintronics & electronics; Low energy computing

    Additionally, outstanding candidates in science and engineering who are outside of these areas will also be considered and are encouraged to apply. Please do share this opportunity as widely as possible.


    A message from Andrea Schalk as our incoming DHoE

    “As the incoming DHoE I would like to make some remarks: Looking back over our teaching activities over the last few years, we've been addressing several overlapping issues: teaching online, hybrid teaching, increased student numbers, Faculty and PS staff reorganization, that I know have left everybody exhausted while also generating plenty of frustration. However, we shouldn't forget that we have managed to cope with all these issues, while, on the whole, protecting our students from most of the effects, and ensuring continued student satisfaction. This is something we should all be proud of, and I think this is sometimes forgotten. This success is in no small part due to my predecessor, Sean, who often had to serve as the messenger for unwelcome news while putting a huge effort into ensuring that we remained functioning throughout all this to a standard that has certainly exceeded my expectations. Thank you, Sean!


    I'm sure that I too will bear unwelcome news in the future. But let's look at my vision for the role: To begin with, I want us to get back to talking about teaching, exchanging ideas, identifying, promoting and sharing good practice, reviewing our teaching (we moved to blended learning under time pressure and we haven't really looked at it since) and providing feedback to each other. However, to explore what works and why, we need feedback from our students, and the traditional measures for obtaining that are not working very well. Arguably they are not asking the right questions or digging into the reasons for students' answers. As such, longer term, I would like us to have a student presence in our conversations about teaching and learning. If you have any ideas that allow us to move forward with these themes, I would very much like to hear from you. In January I plan to run some sessions where we think about these issues, and if you are interested in joining then please let me know which topic interests you. There are no expectations that those joining commit to anything other than contributing their ideas, although I hope that some of you will be interested in joining my efforts.”


    Happy Christmas/Festivus/Holidays

    Finally, I’d like to take this opportunity to wish you all a relaxing and peaceful festive season. I hope to see many of you at our departmental Christmas shindig on the afternoon of December 20th.



    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Process for Requests for Purchasing of Software

    Process for Requests for Purchasing of Software

    There is a requirement to follow Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for all requests to purchase software. The purpose of this Procedure is to provide a process to ensure that the full implications of any acquisition or development of IT systems, software and/or services are considered and that all relevant parties are consulted and consent to such commissioning before it takes place.: Acquisition, development and maintenance of IT systems and/or services

    1. Send request to CSOps - who will liaise with ITS who will then will discuss the requirements with the requestor to see if there is a university service that can meet their needs. ITS will also go through an ITS checklist with the requestor, if they need to go ahead with a third party service (and this can often be the case), to ensure they've thought about support and maintenance etc.
    1. The requestor also is required to submit an IGRR request and this is invariably needed as part of the SOP as well.

    The IGRR process | Information Governance Office | StaffNet | The University of Manchester

    1. Once the requestor has an approved IGRR send this to CSOps who will liaise with ITS.  Once the checklist and the approvals are complete then ITS can give CSOps IT approval.

    NOTE:  This process must be completed prior to a subscription being taken out - if the approval is not given then you will not be able to claim for the expenditure


    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    [ top ]Events

    The Research Lifecycle Programme (RLP) - Establishing a Secure Research Environment

    Deadline for showing interest: TODAY 13-Dec-23

    RLP are working on developing a secure research environment for the University. To do this we need to hear from researchers and research colleagues about the challenges and issues they face.

    In January, The Research Lifecycle Programme will be hosting a series of town hall-style meetings to gather a more complete picture of the challenges the research community face in light of the recent cyber incident.

    This is to help inform their work to develop a world-leading Secure Research Environment, one that restores confidence in working with UoM for our funders and collaborators. 

    Key questions for these sessions will include: 

    • How do we do our research? 
    • Where do we store our data?  
    • How do we analyse the data?  
    • Is the equipment that we use secure?

    In answering these questions, they will begin to see how the University can develop a Secure Research Environment, meeting the needs of all faculties, schools and researchers.  

    For this work to be successful, and to ensure these questions are addressed as comprehensively as possible, RLP will need input from as many in the research community as possible. RLP are keen to hear from researchers, PGRs and PDRAs, PS colleagues who support research, and other colleagues and job roles that they haven’t identified, who can provide useful insight to this process. They would be delighted to hear suggestions of attendees, or job roles within the school, who you would like to see attend and contribute. 

    They are looking for help and advice on who to invite to town hall-style meetings from The School of Engineering.

    Please reply to with your suggestions and recommendations by Wednesday 13 December so that he can start scheduling meetings and inviting you and your colleagues to them.


    The RLP team are looking forward to hearing from you.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    🎅 Reminder - Department Christmas do - Wed 20th December from 3.30pm 🎅

    Wednesday 20th December from 3.30pm in the Staff & PGR common room

    Please could you let us know if you can come – we need an indication of numbers for catering purposes.

    Please complete the very short form here

    Merry Christmas all 🎅

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    [ top ]Research News

    EU update - UK Association to Horizon Europe

    The UK’s association to Horizon Europe and Copernicus was officially sealed on 4th December. The association agreement was adopted in the form of a protocol to the Trade and Cooperation Agreement by the EU-UK Specialised Committee on Participation in Union Programmes.

    After the announcement on 7 September 2023, UK organisations will be able to participate in Horizon Europe calls for proposals on the same terms as institutions from other Associated Countries, including leading consortia and receiving EU funding, from the 2024 Work Programme and onwards. This includes any 2024 calls opening this year.

    Participation in Copernicus, the EU Earth Observation programme, will enable the UK’s access to a state-of-the-art capacity to monitor the Earth and to its services, as well as provide the UK research community with access to unique data, which is often required on Horizon Europe projects.

    The UK Government has published a helpful explainer document, which includes clarifications on many issues related to the UK association to both programmes.

    Next steps

    Department for Science, Innovation and Technology will shortly launch a communications campaign to maximise participation in Horizon Europe and Copernicus from researchers, academics and businesses of all sizes in the UK. This PR push will shine a light on the real-world examples of the benefits Horizon and Copernicus participation can deliver for academics, researchers and businesses, right across the UK – particularly small and medium-sized businesses involved in R&D, which might not have previously considered applying.

    Alongside this, in a partnership with the British Academy and other key backers, support will be made available to selected UK researchers applying for Horizon for the first time, through ‘pump priming’ funding, with up to £10,000 available per application. The funding will be available to support those researchers who have not previously had experience, including next generation researchers. The fund will be targeted to ensure it maximises the UK’s involvement in Horizon.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Research Finance - UKRI T&C's update

    UKRI has updated their Terms & Conditions: Meeting terms and conditions for funding – UKRI

    Here's three key award costing related items to PIs:


    Visas, Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) and Certificate of Sponsorship

    There has been a continuation of work examining options to future improve delivery on UKRI’s strategic aim of strengthening our offer to attract international talent.

    The most achievable and effective option was agreed to be to extend the current policy, which allows visa fees to be charged to the grant for all DI staff directly employed on a UKRI grant for 100% of their time to 50% or more of their time.


    Alcoholic Drinks

    The councils have and are still receiving emails with regards to alcohol as an allowable cost on grants for events etc. However, the UKRI Travel, subsistence and expenses policy was updated and published 31 October 2022.

    Part of this update was excluding reimbursement of alcohol costs as it does not comply with UKRI principles and accountability for the use of public funds. It was agreed that this should also apply to grants.



    Timesheets must be completed by all members of Directly Incurred/Exceptions staff who work across more than one activity. Timesheets must be completed and approved within two months after period end.

    Staff costs for these individuals must reflect the actual, rather than budgeted, hours worked on each UKRI project. UKRI accepts an electronically completed workbook / dedicated software solutions which maintain an audit trail of completion and authorisation dates.

    If you are unsure whether the cost item can be charged to your R-code, please contact the Senior Research Finance Officer (Yusuf Kothia for CS) who looks after your award project for guidance.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Research Funding Opportunities

    Pre-announcement: UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships: round 9

    Deadline: tbc

    FLF Round 9 pre-announcement information is available. The actual call is likely to open in Feb 2024 and we are expecting to be able to submit 9 or 10 applications from UoM. As with previous rounds, there will be an internal sift - information to come.

    If you would like information on the last internal sift for reference, then please contact your RS contact (or or

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Confirmation from EPSRC on Responsive Mode timings

    Following on from questions raised at the last Departmental Forum......

    EPSRC have confirmed that the timings for responsive mode schemes, that are on the webpages, still stand (

    Those proposals that were submitted for the 28-Sep-23 deadline will go to two panels in their Q4, Mar/Apr 24. The next panel after that will be Sep24.

    They did confirm that there is the same amount of funds available, although there are going to be 3 panels, rather than the normal 4. The decreased no. panels is due to systems issues and not related to budget.

    So, the guidance is still the same, that responsive proposals should be submitted as and when they are ready. As the panel will run in Sep-24, we would look to use the start date of Mar/ Apr 25.

    Further points:
    •             EPSRC is committed to continuing support for responsive mode funding opportunities
    •             from November 2023 there are no deadlines for submissions to responsive mode opportunities
    •             applicants should apply when their application is ready. The Funding Service system requires a closing date and this will appear on the funding opportunity; do not wait for this date to submit your application as we will be processing applications on an ongoing basis
    Links to the 6 Responsive mode funding opportunities:

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 02:18:18
Last change: Wednesday, 13 December 2023 17:48:31