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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Thursday, 16 November 2023

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of Department

    Graduation Reminder

    Our winter graduation ceremony will be held on December 14th at 930AM. Please do consider joining the academic procession to celebrate the success of our students. It’s always a positive and fun event. The deadline to register for attendance and gown hire is November 27th. Details can be found here:

    Alex Frangi appointed Director of the Pankhurst Institute

    Congratulations to Alex who has been appointed Director of the Pankhurst Institute. The Institute promotes needs-led health technology research and innovation, providing end-to-end support for translation into practice, and is the flagship for the University’s rapidly expanding health technology portfolio.

    Michael Fisher seconded to the Department for Science, Innovation, and Technology (DSIT)

    Michael has commenced a secondment to the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology. He will primarily provide input around AI regulation and safety, assisting both the Office for AI and the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation. Michael currently holds a Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in our department and carries out research across the verification, trustworthiness, responsibility, and sustainability of AI, Autonomous Systems and Robotics.

    Congratulations to both Alex and Michael.


    gravatar Sarah Millington

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Course to support researchers working with personal data

    A course (Managing and sharing research data from human participants) has been developed to support University of Manchester researchers who work with personal data. Specific attention is paid to the requirements of data protection legislation for recruiting participants and gaining consent, managing the data securely, and anonymising data so that it might be shared for future use.

    This is a blended learning course with approximately 80 minutes of pre-course online learning and a 200-minute interactive face-to-face session on campus, comprising:

    1. Essential pre-course learning delivered via a collection of online resources ( that introduces key principles and practices. Interactive quizzes are used to help check comprehension.
    2. An interactive face-to-face session where you apply your pre-course learning to real-life research project case studies. Working together in groups, you will explore the issues and risks, and present back your mitigation strategies for wider discussion to formulate optimum solutions. Expert facilitators will be on hand to provide practical guidance and support. This face-to-face session is designed to be highly interactive, so you must be willing to actively participate in the group work and discussions. There will also be opportunity for attendees to seek specialist advice from the expert facilitators.

    This course is delivered via the My Research Essentials researcher development programme and expert content creators and facilitators are drawn from the Information Governance Office; Research Governance, Ethics and Integrity; Centre for Epidemiology Versus Arthritis; Research IT; and The University of Manchester Library.

    The next face-to-face session is scheduled for Tuesday 28 November 2023, 10:00 – 13:20. To book your place, please register at:

    Places on this popular course are limited and allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. If this session becomes over-subscribed, there will be an option to join a waiting list in case any spaces become available.

    gravatar Sarah Millington

    [ top ]Events

    Come and join the PGR Coffee Break, Nov 21 13:30, Kilburn common room

    Please be invited to the PGR Coffee Break, Nov 21 13:30-14:30, in the staff common room. This will be an informal chance to take a break from your schedule, talk to PGRs and colleagues, and grab a coffee and some biscuits.

    We’re also inviting staff from the Doctoral Academy (DA), the administrative hub supporting our PGR programme, to help introduce them to our Dept and allow us all to put names to faces when interacting to support PGRs.

    At this first event we’ll be joined by colleagues from the DA Admissions Team (headed by Sandra Kershaw), and the Experience and Wellbeing Team (headed by Helen McManamon), who help coordinate induction events and work closely with the CS PGR mentors.

    Please feel free to drop in for all or part of the hour, and depending on feedback we’ll look to make this a regular part of the calendar.

    gravatar Sarah Millington

    Reminder – Department Meeting, Tue 29 Nov 1400 in 2.19, followed by social event

    Please join us in person for the next Department Meeting which will be in person in Kilburn 2.19. We will have a hybrid option available for anyone who cannot make it in. The agenda will be circulated soon.

    Afterwards we will have a social in the Kilburn Common Room with pizza & refreshments


    gravatar Sarah Millington

    [ top ]Research Funding Opportunities

    EPSRC responsive modes are back!

    The following responsive grants are still applied to through UKRI's The Funding Service (TFS) but you can now apply for them at any time (no deadlines).

    In summary:

    • EPSRC is committed to continuing support for responsive mode funding opportunities
    • from November 2023 there are no deadlines for submissions to responsive mode opportunities
    • applicants are encouraged to apply when their application is ready. The Funding Service system requires a closing date and this will appear on the funding opportunity; do not wait for this date to submit your application as we will be processing applications on an ongoing basis
    • Research Support should also now have read and write access to proposals on TFS

    From November 2023 our approach will change. We will not publish closing dates for individual rounds, instead we will batch applications internally. Applicants should apply when their application is ready for submission and not wait for the closing date.

    Due to systems requirements, a closing date will appear on the Funding Service approximately a year from the publication of a funding opportunity. Do not wait for this date to submit your application. We will be processing proposals throughout 2024.

    Applications will be batched for assessment and sent to the most appropriate responsive mode panel meeting when they reach this stage of the process. Applications submitted in late 2023 and early 2024 are likely to be considered at panels in September 2024. Our responsive mode panel meetings are: Engineering, Information and Communications Technology (ICT), Mathematical Sciences, and Physical Sciences. We expect these panels to run on a quarterly basis from September 2024.

    More information is available through:

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Library’s Open Access (OA) monograph competition 2023/24

    Deadline: 26-Jan-24

    (From the Library)

    About the competition 

    Unfunded monograph authors from any University faculty can enter the Library’s Open Access (OA) monograph competition 2023/24, as long as they will soon be publishing a monograph or published one on or after 1 October 2022 – this includes eligible entries from last year’s competition. 

    Winners will receive funding from the Library to make their monographs OA. The Library will arrange this directly with the winners’ publishers. 

    How to enter 

    To enter, submit a paragraph of no more than 300 words explaining why your research will benefit from OA publication to by Friday, 26 January 2024. Please include details of your publisher and your proposed or actual date of publication. 

    We would particularly welcome entries from authors publishing with fully open access book publishers. 

    After the closing date, entries will be judged by a representative panel led by Neil Humphrey, Associate Dean for Research in Humanities. Whilst the overall number of winning entries is subject to publisher pricing, at least one entry will be chosen from each School. Go to Library 2022/23 Open Access monograph competition: winning entries for details of the winners from last year’s competition.  

    The Library’s Research Services Team will contact successful applicants in early April 2024. Winners’ publishers will need to submit their OA fee invoice to the Library on or before 29 July 2024. The Research Services Team will then arrange OA with the winners’ publishers directly.  

    If you have a question about the competition, please email 

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Tech Support News

    Not receiving the Teaching Academy email?

    We appreciate the irony of sending an email to ask if you are receiving the email. However, we are aware that a number of colleagues across FSE are not on the FSE mailing list who should be. Please do take the time to ask colleagues if they receive the email and if not please feel free to forward the message. Colleagues can then opt in to the email by completing this online form. Thanks for supporting your colleagues.

    Changes to Sharing Options in Microsoft 365

    IT Services have made a change to the way that files (such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint files stored on OneDrive or SharePoint) are shared. By default, the option “People you choose” or “People you specify can view” will be selected, which means that access will be restricted to the named individuals the document owner has chosen. If you’d like a file to be available to anyone with a University IT account, you can choose “People in The University of Manchester” when sharing your file. More information is available on Staffnet

    gravatar Sarah Millington

    gravatar Sarah Millington
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 02:23:48
Last change: Thursday, 16 November 2023 13:07:08