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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Friday, 03 November 2023

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of Department

    UKRI AI Centre for Doctoral Training in Decision Making for Complex Systems

    Many congratulations to Mauricio, Wei, Mingfei, Sami, and Anirbit for the award of their AI Centre for Doctoral Training. The bid was led by Mauricio and also involves partners in AMBS and at the University of Cambridge. The CDT will run for 8 years and bring 56 new PGRs to Manchester, and 16 to Cambridge. This is fantastic news all round. You can read the press release about the new CDTs here:

    University news article here: University to train next generation of AI researchers in new UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training (

    EPSRC visit


    I would like to reiterate Clare’s recent message thanking everyone for their engagement with the recent visit of the EPSRC - it was great seeing such a turnout at the open meeting, the lunch, and the various break-out sessions later in the day. I would particularly like to thank Clare, Sarah, and Ruth for all their help with the organisation of the day.

    SIRF submission


    Thank you to everyone who has contributed to our draft SIRF bid over the last few months. The proposal has now been submitted. I will talk a little more about the details at our next departmental meeting and will provide updates as it progresses through the various approval stages.

    Overseas working reminder


    Can I remind everyone (incl. PDRAs) that the University’s default position is that all employed staff are UK based, and agreeing for staff members to work overseas is done only on an exceptional basis due to role requirements for the University’s benefit.

    More information can be found here:

    Please do ensure that you (and your line managers) are complying with this policy. Agreement for staff to work abroad requires Dean-level (not just line manager) approval.

    Farewell to Ahmed


    Finally, and as most of you know, Ahmed will be leaving us at the end of January. I’d just like to take this opportunity to thank you, Ahmed, for all your contributions to the department during your time with us, and wish you all the best for your future endeavours.


    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    [ top ]News and announcements

    We are looking for Computer Science Tutors for ALL levels!

    Academic Tutor Online are looking for enthusiastic tutors who are interested in one-to-one online teaching to students from varying ages and backgrounds. We are looking for inspiring educators who want to share their subject knowledge and experience using new innovative ways of teaching via a virtual platform.


    We offer flexible, fully remote work where tutoring sessions can be arranged between tutee and student. Tutoring availability will be dependent on student demand and upon application we will match you with students according to your profile.


    If you would like to apply to become an a tutor please complete application below: []


    If you require any more information, please visit our website [] or email


    Best wishes,



    gravatar Sarah Millington

    Academic Success Programme workshops

    Our free Academic Success Programme workshops can help students develop key Academic English skills.

    Workshops are delivered face-to-face and online and focus on:

    • Academic speaking
    • Academic writing and grammar

    Information on the workshops and details of how to register can be found at

    On the website will be new start dates from 6 November 2023. This information hasn’t been shared with students - please could you inform your international students and cascade through any local channels and social media channels to encourage them to enrol.

    gravatar Sarah Millington

    Work Teaching Science & Technology Activities

    Work Teaching Science & Technology Activities

    Would you be interested in doing some teaching work with secondary school students?

    MCS projects are looking for students that could help to lead Electric Car, Robotics and E-FIT Forensics activities in secondary schools across Greater Manchester.  They will be running events in the Computer Science department in January and June so it would be particularly good to have some of our students present at those events.

    Successful applicants would be added to a mailing list so they can sign up to any events that they’re available for. Events last for the duration of a school day.

    Applicants should have an enthusiasm for Science & Technology and ideally also have some experience of working with young people.

    Staff are paid £80 plus travel expenses per event.

    If you are interested, please email your C.V to by Friday 24th November. The website is

    gravatar Sarah Millington

    Save the Date: Department Christmas Do - Wed 20th December 2023

    Many thanks for the responses about the Department Christmas party - the majority supported sticking with the usual format of refreshments and pizza in the Staff & PGR common room - so we will deck the room and get the Christmas tunes on!

    Save the Date: Wed 20th December 2023

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    SAVE THE DATE : Festschrift Event for Prof Steve Furber - 12th January 2024

    Dear Colleagues

    SAVE THE DATE : Festschrift, Friday 12th January 2024

    Prof Steve Furber has just retired, after 3 decades of leadership and academic excellence. To honour his contributions, the University is holding a “Festschrift” (direct translation from German is “writing celebration”) where we will host several of Steve’s distinguished colleagues from around the world, delivering talks on how his work influenced the course of the field.

    This will be an all-day event, 12th January 2024, in Engineering Building A.

    Eventbrite link to register: FurbyFest: A Festschrift for Professor Steve Furber Tickets, Fri 12 Jan 2024 at 09:00 | Eventbrite

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    [ top ]Events

    Exciting Opportunity to have your say on AI and Research Regulation!

    Date & Time: Tuesday 21st November 2023 | 14.15-16.00 (UK)

    Venue: Christabel Pankhurst Building, Dover Street, Manchester, M13 9PS

    Summary: Join the discussion led by Chair of the Competition and Markets Authority Marcus Bokkerink, alongside key influencers in the region, to have your say on how regulators can support regulation of AI and research in the North West.
    Sign up for the event for free here.

    gravatar Sarah Millington

    Digital Trust and Security Seminar Series: Asier Moneva

    Online Ads Against Cybercrime

    Seminar with Q&A and Networking

    Date & Time: Wednesday 8th November 2023 | 14.15-16.00 (UK) | Registration will open at 14.15, the seminar will start at 14.30.

    Venue: Manchester Tech Incubator, Circle Square, Oxford Rd, Manchester, M1 7ED

    Summary: Dr Asier Moneva will discuss an applied line of research developed in collaboration with the Cyber Offender Prevention Squad (COPS) of the Netherlands police. Researchers and police jointly develop online ad campaigns targeting potential cybercriminals and then evaluate their performance.

    Sign up for the event for free via Eventbrite.

    gravatar Sarah Millington

    Tools for Researchers

    Event dates: 

    • Tuesday 31st October -10am - 12noon - Engineering A_3A.029 M&T
    • Thursday 2nd November - 10am - 12noon - ONLINE (Link to be shared prior to the event)
    • Wednesday 8th November - 10am - 12noon - Uni Place_5.209

    Speed up Research Approval
    Join us to learn about two tools available for University of Manchester staff & students to assist their research projects.

    Research Risk Profiler -  Originally launched in February 2022 as part of the Research Lifecycle’s Project A, the Research Risk Profiler (RRP) is a simple tool that helps researchers to navigate a large range of potentially complex risk and compliance topics when planning a new project to ensure that it can proceed safely and securely.
    The RRP is a questionnaire that takes about 15 minutes to complete. Profiled risk areas include Trusted Research themes such as partner assessment, Export Controls, and Intellectual Property (IP). Completing the questionnaire will help to connect researchers with specialist Professional Services (PS) colleagues and teams who can support them in navigating risk and compliance processes.
    The RRP connects researchers with specialist Professional Services (PS) colleagues ensures that researchers are offered solutions that are appropriate to their project, rather than a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach.

    Ethical Review Manager (ERM): Online system for University ethical approval - The University uses an online ethics review software system (ERM) to manage the ethical review of research projects that involve human participants and their data. ERM is available to both members of staff and students at the University of Manchester and helps users to submit and track their applications submitted to the University Research Ethics Committee (UREC) and local Division/School ethics panels.
    Following an extensive University wide consultation with users, the ERM system has now been re-designed to improve readability, functionality and access to help and guidance information. Modified versions of the application form are now available for bespoke types of projects, including collaborations with other organisations/institutions and projects limited to the use of social media data. Overall appearance, wording and other formatting details have also been modified to improve the experience for a wide range of users.

    Why Attend?
    - Discover how the RRP can proactively identify risks in your research journey.
    - Learn about the updates and new features to the ERM system.
    - Demonstrations of both tools with a Q&A session.

    Join Us 


    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Open Research Europe: Maximising your research on the European Commissions Open Research Platform

    For researchers with EC projects looking to publish for free

    Online event: 13-Nov-2023, 14:00 - 15:30 GMT

    (From the Library): 

    Launched in March 2021, Open Research Europe is the European Commissions open research publishing platform. Open Research Europe provides all Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe and Euratom grant beneficiaries and their collaborators with an easy, high-quality venue to publish their research openly and at no cost to the author. Open Research Europe combines the benefits of pre-printing with that of open peer review, whilst retaining all the essential services to publish, register, certify, disseminate, and preserve research for use and re-use.

    This presentation will introduce the open research publishing model which underpins Open Research Europe and the benefits for European Commission grant beneficiaries and will be followed by a Q&A. Participants are not required to have attended any other training as all topics will be introduced in full.

    Registration required

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Research News

    UKRI’s new Open Access Policy: Long-form publications

    UKRI is introducing a new Open Access Policy for long-form outputs (monographs, chapters, and edited collections) which will take effect from 1 January 2024. 

    We are expecting further updates from UKRI over the coming months and the Library will be updating Schools as and when new information becomes available.  

    For details of the information released so far concerning the new policy and available funding, please visit the Library website: UKRI’s new Open Access policy: Long-form outputs 

    If you have any questions about the policy, please contact the Library’s Open Access team via 

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Recent and upcoming research activity in CS

    Danny Dresner joins other industry pioneers on 22nd November at a Chartered Institute of Information Security event: 
    Read more here 

    In October, Thanos Stratikopoulos was in Delft in The Netherlands for the 3rd physical meeting of TANGO EU, presenting the latest from TornadoVM
    Read more details here

    Also in October, the AERO project including Christos Kotselidis, welcomed project partners to Manchester. AERO was also features in Red Hat Quarterly Research news

    On 4th December Lucas Cordeiro will deliver a guest lecture in Brazil as part of the 8th School of Theoretical Computer Science and Formal Methods (ETMF 2023).

    Read more here

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin


    Lucas Cordeiro, Youcheng Sun and colleagues officially started their research project, "Bounded Model Checking for Verifying and Testing Ethereum Consensus Specifications' in October:

    Our primary focus involves extending the cutting-edge ESBMC verifier ( to seamlessly interface with the Python reference implementation of Ethereum consensus specifications. We will harness abstract interpretation and symbolic model-checking techniques to generate tests tailored to these specifications systematically.

    Our contributions are twofold. First, we intend to harness traditional code coverage criteria to direct the test generation process for Ethereum specifications. Second, we will explore novel coverage criteria, emphasizing metrics that consider execution depth. We will also create a user-friendly interface for ESBMC, ensuring that developers working on Ethereum proof-of-stake specifications can effortlessly employ our tool in their tasks.

    This project is a team effort with Youcheng Sun and Bruno Farias, and together, we aim to improve Ethereum program testing and verification.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Research Funding Opportunities

    EPSRC request for reviewing support

    EPSRC are calling for more reviewers

    In trying to maintain expert peer review as a key element of our prioritisation process please can I encourage you and your colleagues to take some simple actions:
    •    If you are a member of EPSRCs Peer Review College, please can you:

    (i) ensure your Je-S expertise is accurate and appropriately detailed, as this will help improve reviewer selection;
    (ii) wherever possible, meet the commitment you agreed when joining the Peer Review College (a maximum of 8 reviews relevant to your expertise per year). 
    •    If you or colleagues are not members of EPSRCs Peer Review College, we welcome self-nominations to extend participation in the review process. We also offer training to support participation in the peer review process.
    •    Please encourage colleagues who are developing proposals to participate in the peer review process. This participation helps understand how UKRIs funding processes operate and can provide valuable insight into writing even better proposals. 
    •    Please do respond to reviewer requests as soon as possible, even if it is to decline. With our new Funding Service, you may need to add to your contacts to avoid emails being sent to your junk/spam folder.
    •    For support on the new Funding Service, please see UKRIs new Reviewer Guidance. We also have a help desk should you encounter any issues
    I thank you for your support in overcoming these challenges, including the demand on reviewers from the current CDT exercise alongside other activities and system changes. Building on UKRIs recent Review of Peer Review, and recommendations of the Review of Research Bureaucracy, UKRI are considering options for evolution of the peer review process to promote greater sustainability of the system. EPSRC would welcome your suggestions to this process.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Internal sift: 2024 NERC ‘Pushing the Frontiers

    Internal deadline: 10am 24-Nov-23

    Please see demand management timeline details below for the January 2024 NERC ‘Pushing the Frontiers’ grants round. This is the 4th round of the new scheme which replaced the ‘NERC Standard Grant’

    Applicants should be advised to contact their named RSO/RSM if they wish to apply.

    Exceptions - Please note, the University Panel is not required to review applications where the PI is non lead, Manchester’s costs will be under £65k and UoM are not submitting the application.



    Friday 24th November 2023 (10am) to

    Internal review deadline for full proposals that will go to University NERC Demand Management Panel

    24th November 2023

    Proposals sent to University NERC Internal Review Panel

    Friday 24th November – Thursday 7th December

    University panel reviews proposals and meets

    Friday 8th December 2023

    Decisions and feedback to applicants

    Tuesday 23rd January 2024

    NERC Pushing the Frontiers external deadline



    Submission Requirements

    Complete proposals should be submitted by RSMs to  by 12.00pm Friday 24thNovember 2023.

    Please note that NERC will be using this scheme to assess Demand Management in the same way that the old NERC Standard and New Investigator grants were. As with the previous rounds of this scheme,  CVs are no longer a requirement, nor are Partner letters of support, equipment quotes or a Justification of Resources.

    • Cover sheet (contact for the template)
    • Case for Support (6 pages max., now known as the ‘Vision and Approach’ section)
    • Applicant and team capability to deliver (1000 words in the format of the UKRI Resume for Research and Innovation)
    • Details of any partnerships (though a letter of support is no longer required)
    • If application is a resubmission, include NERC comments where possible.


    RSMs must submit validated bids only. Please use the attached cover sheet to confirm that department based peer review has taken place. If this confirmation has not been received, the proposal will not be reviewed by the University.

    The University internal review panel hope to see proposals that are ‘submission ready’, so that the feedback can be as comprehensive as possible. 

    Please note that the panel’s advice may be that the proposal needs significant development before submission. In these cases applicants will need to resubmit their proposal through this process again before the next call (likely NERC deadline July 2024).

    Proposals submitted after the deadline will not be considered, applications received directly from academics will be returned to RSMs for validation.


    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    gravatar Sarah Millington
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 02:19:48
Last change: Friday, 03 November 2023 14:21:58