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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Wednesday, 21 June 2023

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of Department

    Cyber Incident

    The ongoing cyber incident continues to create a number of challenges around many of our activities. The regularly-updated FAQ on the incident can be found here:

    Some of you may have noticed `` appearing at the start of hyperlinks in emails, and that some emails are being held for approval before being delivered to your inbox - more information around these actions can be found here:

    It is possible that aspects of our University's IT systems may change with little warning. To prepare for all eventualities, please make sure you have an alternative way of contacting your direct reports that doesn't rely on UoM email, Teams etc. This doesn’t have to be via the sharing of mobile numbers as I appreciate there are some concerns around this - alternatives such as Slack, Discord, Skype etc. are all fine.

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    Marking and Assessment Boycott (MAB)

    Finally, the MAB is likely to affect the progression (and graduation) of some of our students at the end of this semester. It’s important we all respect the position of those engaged in the MAB while also doing the best we can for our students.

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Casual Staff

    Please be reminded that if you are planning to employ a member of staff on a casual contract, the request must come to Computer Science Operations Team ( This is to ensure the correct process is being followed to prevent any issues with pay. Please note that the casual worker can not start any work until they have completed their Right to Work check. They will receive information about this when the post has been set up. The time it takes between the Operations Team receiving the CAS1 to the post being set up is usually 2-3 weeks as a minimum due to the approvals process and P&OD processing times. 



    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    [ top ]Wellbeing

    Desk Fans

    We have ordered some desk fans which can be loaned out – may help in the warm weather.  If you would like to request one then please contact CSOps.

    gravatar Charlotte Hart

    [ top ]Events

    Exploiting AI: Challenges and Opportunities

    Speaker: Dr Caroline Chibelushi, Innovate UK - Knowledge Transfer Network

    Date: Thursday 29th June

    Time: 13:00-15:00

    Location: IT407 and online:  Join Zoom Meetin

    Meeting ID: 925 7610 5312 Passcode: 849285

    AI and Data Science have emerged as crucial fields in the United Kingdom, presenting both challenges and opportunities for the nation. With a rapidly advancing digital landscape, the UK has recognized the potential of AI and data-driven technologies to revolutionize various sectors. The government is investing up to £100 million to deliver its UK AI strategy, and projects such as BridgeAI are part of the initiatives for delivering this strategy.

    However, challenges arise in harnessing the full potential of these technologies due to factors such as data privacy, ethical concerns, and the scarcity of skilled professionals.

    This informal presentation aims to share some of these challenges and opportunities and also encourages discussions and collaborations to solve the numerous social, economic and environmental problems that can be addressed through AI and Data science.

    Dr Caroline Chibelushi is a knowledge transfer manager for AI working for the Innovate UK KTN. She supports organisations aiming to use AI in a safe, secure and ethical way to solve real world problems. She also works on AI projects directly, and has contributed to the creation of solutions for detecting tax fraud, managing mental health conditions and predicting caesarean births. She is committed to advancing the fair use of AI, and is leading KTN initiatives to increase the number of women in AI.

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    [ top ]Research News

    UK Research and Innovation have awarded £34 million in funding for BioFAIR

    We are excited to share the funding announcement from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) of £34 million for the creation of BioFAIR.

    Read their announcement here.

    ELIXIR-UK has conceived BioFAIR, a new digital research infrastructure that enables the data and processing resources of ELIXIR and other partners to be delivered to researchers across the UK. A national BioCommons will maximise the Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, Reusability (FAIR) and Reproducibility of life science data and data workflows.

    This need for BioFAIR is supported by the outcomes of a Feasibility Study commissioned to ELIXIR-UK by UKRI-BBSRC, UKRI-MRC and Wellcome Trust, and carried out with Technopolis Group. It’s possible to read the full report here.

    Visit the BioFAIR website.

    UKRI invests £72 million upgrading UK research infrastructure – UKRI

    gravatar Charlotte Hart

    UKRI Moonshots for the UK: transforming tomorrow together

    Phase 1 deadline: 10-Jul-23

    UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) are seeking your ideas to help solve the big challenges that we are facing today. The plan is to identify future innovation investment opportunities which with public funding can be addressed here in the UK.

    That would be delivered via Pioneer Innovation funding if we do not associate with Horizon Europe, or it may be via other alternative sources of funding should they become available, in the event that we do associate to Horizon Europe.

    There are 3 phases:

    Phase one: ideas generation

    19 June to 10 July: UK’s new moonshots engagement opens to submit your ideas.

    From 11 July, UKRI will conduct an internal grouping and reviewing of the ideas submitted (for further information see the Pioneer Innovation Moonshot Engagement Framework (PDF, 1.5MB). We will then invite a selection of representatives whose ideas are the most inspiring, bold and ambitious, and in-line with the seven principles as set out above to phase two.

    Phase two: present and connect (in-person and virtual events) w/c 31-Jul-23

    Our panels will collate a list of moonshots for further development based on the framework set out in the Pioneer Innovation Moonshot Engagement Framework (PDF, 1.5MB).

    Phase three: shortlist, community building, ideas development

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Horizon Europe Guarantee extension

    Horizon Europe Guarantee - extended to 30th September 2023

     The government has announced that support provided to UK Horizon Europe applicants has been extended for a further three months. The extension will ensure that eligible, successful UK applicants will continue to be guaranteed funding, supporting them to continue their important work in research and innovation.

    The guarantee will be in place to cover all Horizon Europe calls that close on or before 30 September 2023. Eligible, successful applicants to Horizon Europe will receive the full value of their funding at their UK host institution for the lifetime of their grant.

    All other conditions around submitting proposals and applying for the guarantee remain the same  - details regarding the scope and terms of the extension are available on the UKRI website.

    All recent EU updates can be found on the EU Funding Website

     Please visit FAQs page for more information on UK participation in Horizon Europe.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    EPSRC move to the new UKRI Funding Service (JeS replacement)

    EPSRC’s Responsive Mode and Fellowship opportunities launched on the new Funding Service on 23rd May 2023.

    Please find below an update from EPSRC on their move to the new UKRI Funding Service. Please note that across all councils role names are changing, for example, Principal Investigators will be known as Project Leads and further guidance on this can be found at

    From EPSRC:

    The following opportunities have been published on the UKRI Funding Finder with full details on how to apply:

    1. EPSRC responsive mode: standard research grant
    2. EPSRC responsive mode: overseas travel grant
    3. EPSRC responsive mode: discipline hopping in ICT
    4. EPSRC responsive mode: working with overseas scientists
    5. EPSRC responsive mode: network grant
    6. EPSRC responsive mode: new investigator awards
    7. EPSRC responsive mode: open fellowship
    8. EPSRC responsive mode: open plus fellowship
    9. EPSRC responsive mode: postdoctoral fellowship


    Reviewers can expect to receive invitations to review for these opportunities within The Funding Service from September 2023.

    Role names for project teams have changed across UKRI councils, for example, Principal Investigators will be known as Project Leads. Eligibility remains the same. Further guidance on eligibility, responsibilities and role costings can be found here.

    Information related to EPSRC’s transition from Je-S to The Funding Service, including timelines for our transition, closing dates for certain. Opportunities on Je-S and an Equality Impact Assessment can be found here.

    Throughout the transition period, EPSRC will aim to:

    • minimise disruption for applicants.
    • provide at least 8 weeks’ notice in advance (excluding major bank holidays and major holiday periods) of a funding Opportunity’s closing date on Je-S and opening date on The Funding Service.
    • uphold the commitments laid out in our Strategic Delivery Plan.
    • publish EDI impact assessments about the transition and for all advertised funding Opportunities on the Funding Finder, in line with EPSRC policy.
    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    BBSRC: Partner with international researchers on AI for Bioscience

    Deadline: 24-Aug-23

    Apply for funding (up to £312.5k for up to 18 months) to advance bioscience research through artificial intelligence by partnering with international researchers. Bilateral or 3-way partnerships with researchers based in the following countries are allowed: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, USA.

    Your project must be predominantly in BBSRC’s remit.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Research Funding Opportunities

    Royal Society University Research Fellowship (URFs) and Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship scheme changes

    The University Research Fellowship (URFs) scheme (opening 11-Jul-23) and the Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship schemes (DHFs, opening 05-Sep-23).

    As part of the Royal Society’s wider changes to our costing policy [], applicants are now permitted to apply for a maximum award value over eight years (£1.83 million for the 2023-24 round). We hope the updated grant funding guidance will offer applicants and host institutions greater flexibility to administer the award. Please note that in instances where Core Funding Rules are in conflict with Programme Specific Funding rules, the Programme Specific Funding rules take precedence.

    Here are few of the key changes:

    o    Maximum caps for salary contribution and research costs have now been removed and going forward there will be a total maximum grant value for applicants to work within.

    o    As URFs and DHFs are expected to build independence it is expected that the applicant starting salary will be consistent with equivalent posts in the organisation.  For the 1st year we would not expect this to fall below minimum salary of £51,000.  All salary costs must be justified and the Society reserves the right to award a salary different to that requested.

    o    Applicants will be expected to request a minimum of £30,000 research expenses per annum.  If the minimum amount of research expenses are not required then this must be justified by the applicant.

    o    The Royal Society’s contribution on equipment over £10,000 will increase from 50% of the cost to 100%.

    Detailed information will shortly be available on our website [].

    Changes to Renewals of existing awards:

    While new URF and DHF applicants can apply for an 8-year fellowship, existing Research Fellows who are within the first 5 years of their award will still need to apply to renew their fellowship for the final three years. The new funding rules will also be implemented to the new calls of URF and DHF Renewals. 

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Open Research Fellowship Programme

    Deadline: 31-Jul-23

    The UoM Office for Open Research has launched the new Open Research Fellowship Programme.  

    Funded by the Research England Culture Funding, the two-year Open Fellowship Programme has been modelled after the successful ITL Fellowship Programme established within the University since 2019. This programme aims to provide an unparalleled opportunity for fellows to advance their careers while contributing to the development of open research training at the University. 

    Financial Support: The programme covers 0.2 FTE salary costs for up to five fellows, allowing dedicated time for their open research projects. Fellows will also have access to funding for project-related expenses. All applications will need to need to be approved by Head of School / Service. 

    Eligibility: The programme is open to all academic, professional, and technical services colleagues at The University of Manchester. Colleagues must be on an existing permanent contract with the University or a fixed-term contract that extends up to or beyond the end of the Fellowship term. 

    Selection Process: The project-based application process ensures that fellows are selected based on the merit and potential impact of their proposed open research projects. We recognise some subject areas have low engagement in open research, therefore projects could focus on how open research applies to a particular discipline and ways to build positive engagement. 

    Participating in the fellowship offers numerous advantages. Fellows will gain access to a robust network of academic and research professionals, fostering collaboration and the exchange of ideas. Additionally, they will receive valuable resources and support from the Office for Open Research to thrive in their research endeavours. Furthermore, fellows will contribute to the development of open research training resources and materials as part of the Open Research Skills Training project. 

    For further information and to learn more about the application process, please visit the Office for Open Research website. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to the team at  

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    UKRI Harmonised IAA 4th Call for Proposals

    Deadline: 19-Jul-23

    The Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) is a combination of grants awarded to UoM by research councils. IAA funding supports the research and innovation ecosystem to develop wider impacts from research through fast and flexible funding for early-stage knowledge exchange activities.

    IAA grants are available to The University of Manchester academics from AHRC, BBSRC, ESRC, EPSRC, MRC and STFC.

    The UoM Knowledge Exchange Partnerships Team is pleased to announce the fourth Call for Proposals under the following mechanisms:

    1. Relationship Development Scheme (up to £10,000) 

    Fostering new relationships between external partners and academic researchers, creating opportunities for collaboration and exchange of knowledge and skills. 

    • Deadline: Open Call 


    1. Proof of Concept Scheme (up to £30,000) 

    Support for the very early stage of transforming research outputs into commercial and translational opportunities. 



    1. Secondment Scheme (up to £60,000) 

    Flexible support for secondments between the University of Manchester and partner organisations. 



    IAA projects are no longer required to be directly related to previous funded research, but must fall within the remit and priorities of one or more of the relevant Research Councils: AHRCBBSRCEPSRCESRCMRCSTFC 

    Multidisciplinary projects may be jointly funded by more than one research council as appropriate. 

    Eligible collaborators are UK-based businesses (including UK sites of international businesses), UK charities, and UK public sector organisations such as the NHS. Non-UK based businesses may be eligible where there is demonstrable evidence of the intention for inward investment during or beyond the lifetime of the project (e.g. establishing a UK site, job creation). If you have any queries regarding user organisation eligibility, please contact the Knowledge Exchange Partnerships Team

     Do you have a potential project?  The Knowledge Exchange Partnerships Team provide active support for the development of IAA submissions. You are strongly advised to contact us via at least 1 month before the call closing date on the 19th July

    Download the IAA Handbook 

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    UKRI: Population health improvement network of clusters

    Deadline: 26-Jul-23

    Apply for funding to lead a group of interdisciplinary researchers, working together to establish a research cluster to address an important population health challenge.

    You can request £4.5 million to £7 million (80% full economic cost (FEC)) per cluster, over four years. Up to seven research clusters will be funded, each addressing a separate yet complementary challenge.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Research and partnership hubs for health technologies - contact RDI team

    Research and partnership hubs for health technologies

    Deadline: 18-Jul-23

    Notes: Please can anyone interesting in developing an application (as PI or CoI) get in touch with me ( Applications will not be triaged, but we are coordinating across faculties to prevent any duplication and ensure that bids align to have the best chances of success.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:22:01
Last change: Wednesday, 21 June 2023 16:53:55