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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Wednesday, 24 May 2023

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of Department

    News from Head of Department

    New £1 billion strategy for UK's semiconductor sector

    Many thanks to John Goodacre who has played a key role in developing the Government’s 20-year, £1 billion strategy for the UK's semiconductor sector that was announced on May 19th. The strategy sets out how government investment will boost the UK’s strengths and skills in design, R&D and compound semiconductors, while helping to grow domestic chip firms across the UK. Working in tandem with industry, investment made by the government will drive research, innovation and commercialisation through the sector. You can read the full report here:


    MPs call for research sector reforms to address concerns with reproducibility of science

    Staying on the topic of government strategy and policy, on May 10th the Commons Science, Innovation and Technology Select Committee produced a report focusing on issues around openness, transparency, and reproducibility in scientific research. Carole Goble, Caroline Jay, and I all provided written evidence to the Committee and it was good to see a number of our suggestions make it into the final set of recommendations. You can read the full report here:


    Key recommendations include:

    • Reproducibility as a condition of grants awarded for empirical research
    • Review the Research Excellence Framework assessment criteria to assure that transparency is a prerequisite of top-scoring research
    • Require, outside exceptional circumstances, the deposition of research data and code in open-access repositories alongside the publication of research outputs
    • Dedicated funding for the presence of statistical experts and software developers in research teams
    gravatar Charlotte Hart

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Dame Kathleen Ollerenshaw Fellow Appointment - Dr Hongpeng Zhou

    Welcome to our new DKOF appointment - Hongpeng Zhou - who joined the department at the beginning of May

    Hi everyone, my name is Hongpeng Zhou, a new Dame Kathleen Ollerenshaw Fellow in our department. I was a postdoc at UoM and finished my PhD at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. My research project is on "AI for cancer research - Interpretable machine learning to uncover biological mechanisms". My research interests include machine learning, deep learning, Bayesian learning, interpretable learning and bioinformatics. Please feel welcome to visit me in my office at G20 whenever you have the time. I'm always open for a chat. Please find more info about me at

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    PuzzleThon robotics hackathon Success for the CoRoLab

    On the 26th of April, the Cognitive Robotics Lab were awarded first prize and an NVIDIA certificate in the PuzzleThon robotics hackathon. Team Friendship (Luca Raggioli, Radu Stoican, Federico Tavella) competed against 9 other teams in using the PuzzleBot robot in an autonomous driving challenge. The competition consisted of implementing an AI agent for controlling the robot, and for recognising and reacting to traffic lights and signs. The PuzzleThon competition was organised by Alexandru Stancu (The University of Manchester) and Mario Guillermo Martínez Guerrero (Manchester Robotics Ltd.), in partnership with NVIDIA.

    Congratulations to all concerned!

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    [ top ]Events

    Department Summer Social - let us know if you can come - 19th July 2023

    Dear All - please could you let us know if you can come to the summer social on the 19th July - we need an idea of numbers for catering purposes.  And we would also welcome offers to help support the event on the day - many hands make light work!  Just complete the short form here 

    Many thanks

    The CSOps team

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    Call for Participation - Formalising Responsibility Workshop

    Formalising Responsibility is a three-day inter-disciplinary workshop, to be held at the University of Manchester from 20th-22nd of September 2023. The workshop seeks to bring together philosophers and computer scientists in-person to discuss the notions of responsibility in relation to autonomous systems.

    We now invite submissions for poster presentations in our areas of interest, including but not limited to:

    Conceptual work on defining Responsibility

    Attribution of Responsibility for future actions

    Division of Responsibility for collectives of agents

    Collective or Group Responsibility

    Responsibility in relation to autonomous decision-making systems

    Modelling responsibilities computationally

    Modelling responsibility in Agents

    Using responsibilities in decision making

    Using responsibilities in a multi-agent setting


    Formalising Responsibility – Poster Submission Guidelines

    We invite submissions for poster presentations in any of the areas of interest or related areas.

    We welcome submissions of anonymised 500-words abstracts, to be sent to Please also include the following information in a separate document:

    • Name
    • Email
    • Institution, Department and Position
    • Indication of talk or poster preference
    • Title of Poster.

    We will take submissions until the 1st of June 2023. Decisions will be communicated within a fortnight.

    We particularly encourage proposals that foster a more diverse research community including researchers from underrepresented groups in Philosophy and Computer Science, researchers with various institutional affiliations, at diverse stages of their professional careers and/or with different geographical origins.

    For more information, our website is now live at:

    gravatar Charlotte Hart

    Hartree National Centre for Digital Innovation Showcase

    Hartree National Centre for Digital Innovation Showcase

    Support for adoption of digital technologies like supercomputing, data analytics, AI and quantum computing.

    Date and time: Tue, 6 Jun 2023 12:00 - 17:00 

    Location: Kanaris Lecture Theatre, Manchester Museum Oxford Road Manchester M13 9PL

    Digital Futures at the University of Manchester (UoM) and The Hartree National Centre for Digital Innovation are hosting a showcase for businesses to explore their support and resources available to help adopt digital technologies.

    The Hartree National Centre for Digital Innovation is a collaborative programme with IBM which will enable businesses to acquire the skills, knowledge and technical capability required to adopt digital technologies like supercomputing, data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing.

    HNCDI provides a safe and supportive environment for organisations to explore the latest digital technologies and skills, develop proofs-of-concept and apply them to industry and public sector challenges. The dynamic and collaborative approach is driven by industry requirements and will help organisations to de-risk investment in new and emerging digital technologies.

    Who ​is it for?

    This is for organisations and individuals with an appetite for change, who are ready to innovate and create useful solutions, enhance and adapt products and processes, adopt new digital technologies and expand into new markets. Whatever the size of your business or organisation we have an established track record working with industry, from start-ups and SMEs to large corporates, and public sector organisations such as NHS Trusts and local government.

    ​Whether you’re at the start of your digital journey or trying to advance to the next level, we can help you navigate the possibilities of AI and quantum computing technologies to discover the next step for your organisation. 

    Find out more and register here

    gravatar Charlotte Hart

    HealTAC 2023 (Manchester, June 14-16, 2023)

    HealTAC 2023 (Manchester, June 14-16, 2023)

    The sixth Healthcare Text Analytics Conference (HealTAC 2023) is taking place in Manchester in June, and is hosted in our Department. The conference preliminary agenda is available on the web site, including the pre-conference events.


    The keynotes will focus on the impact and promises of large healthcare language models. We will hear from two experts that are involved in large centres that work with clinical free-text data in the UK and the US.

    • Dr Angus Roberts (King’s College London): “From regular expressions to pre-trained language models – 14 years of applying NLP at the Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre”
    • Dr Yonghui Wu (University of Florida’s College of Medicine): “Opportunities and Challenges of Conversational Artificial Intelligence and Large Language Models in Healthcare”.

    Panels and forums:
    - Industry forum: Translational opportunities and challenges of healthcare generative models
    - PPIE forum: Co-production of clinical NLP applications with patients and public
    - Annotation guidelines: from clinical needs to textual annotations
    - Towards evaluation guidelines for clinical NLP applications

    Presentations, demos, posters:
    Over 30 different projects presented and discussed in an open and collaborative environment.


    The registration site is open here. The early bird fee is £100 for students and £200 for non-students before 31st May 2023, and includes the full two days of the conference on June 15th and 16th (with lunches and the conference dinner on June 15th), and pre-conference events on June 14th.

    From June 1st, the registration fee will be £125 for students, and £250 for non-students.

    Full details will be available at:

    HealTAC is supported by Frontiers, Hoffmann-La Roche, The Christabel Pankhurst Institute for health technology research and innovation, The University of Manchester and Marketing Manchester.

    Follow the further conference announcements at #HEALTAC2023.

    gravatar Charlotte Hart

    Institute for Data Science and AI’s annual Advances in Data Science and AI Conference

    Institute for Data Science and AI’s annual Advances in Data Science and AI Conference

    Following on from the success of ADSAI 2022, this year’s Institute for Data Science and AI’s annual Advances in Data Science and AI Conference, a Digital Futures activity, will take place at the Alliance Manchester Business School in Manchester on 13 June.

    The Advances in Data Science and AI (ADSAI) Conference is Manchester’s annual data science and AI conference and brings together researchers from across the broad fields within data science and artificial intelligence to explore the latest advances and to discuss important topical questions being posed by society around the use of data science and AI.

    This year we will be discussing the following topics:

    • Digital Twins
    • Human-Data Interaction
    • AI for games
    • Natural Language Processing

    Confirmed speakers include:

    • Dr Matthew Thomas, Lecturer in Data Science and Analytics at the University of Manchester.
    • Professor Mark Girolami, Chief Scientist at The Alan Turing Institute.
    • Tim Pearce, Artificial Intelligence Researcher at Microsoft Research.
    • Matt Benetan, Research Scientist in Machine Learning and AI at Sonos.
    • Professor Ewa Luger, Director of Research Innovation at The University of Edinburgh.
    • Dr Maria Aretoulaki, Head of Voice & Conversational AI at GlobalLogic/Hitachi.
    • Professor Andreas Vlachos, Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning at the University of Cambridge.

    To join us and take part in these key discussions, please book your place now.

    gravatar Charlotte Hart

    Digital Futures Conference: Digital Trust and Society Forum 2023 

    Digital Futures Conference: Digital Trust and Society Forum 2023 

    Date and Time: Wednesday, 5th July 2023, 09:30 - 16:30. In-person event followed by a networking reception.  

    Venue: Manchester Hyatt Hotel  

    Digital Futures are delighted to announce that registration is now open for the Digital Trust and Society Forum 2023. The Forum brings together an exciting range of international experts, interdisciplinary researchers and key partners to explore current challenges and opportunities in trust and security in our digital society. We welcome researchers, public sector, industry and community partners with an interest in digital trust and security issues in society to join us for an engaging day of building connections and sharing insights. The event is in-person with lunch provided, and the event will be followed by canapes and drinks.

    Register here 

    gravatar Charlotte Hart

    [ top ]Health and Safety

    Display Screen Equipment Awareness Session

    The next DSE Awareness session will take place on Tuesday the 20th of June at 14:00, link below.


    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:32:39
Last change: Wednesday, 24 May 2023 16:14:55