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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Thursday, 27 April 2023

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of Department

    News from Head of Department

    Summer Graduation

    Our summer graduation ceremonies will take place on Monday July 17th at 9.30 and at 11.15. I do hope you'll be able to make it to celebrate our students' achievements alongside their families and friends. It would be great to have lots of CS colleagues in the academic procession for the two ceremonies.

    Full details can be found here.

    To order your gown and to sign up for the academic procession, click on this Ede and Ravenscroft link:

    Two New Dame Kathleen Ollerenshaw Fellows

    I’m pleased to let you know that we will have two Dame Kathleen Ollerenshaw Fellows joining us over the next couple of months. Hongpeng Zhou will be starting in May working on “AI for cancer research - Interpretable machine learning to uncover biological mechanisms”, while Emily Collins will join us in July working on “Building Trustworthy Robotics for Better, Safer Industry”. Details of their office locations etc. will be circulated soon.

    Some Grant News

    Congratulations to John Goodacre, Bernardo Magri, and Youcheng Sun on their recently awarded project, SECCOM: Securing composable hardware platforms funded by UK’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL).

    Mel is Leaving Us

    Finally, as you may have heard Mel has been promoted to the position of Project Officer at the Tyndall Centre - this is obviously great news for Mel, but sad news for us. Mel’s hard work, support for colleagues, and general fantastic-ness has been hugely important to our department for many years. Mel’s last day in Kilburn is May 12th. There is a card for you all to sign in the Ops office - and Erika has set up a collection which I hope you will contribute to:


    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Key Travel

    Please remember that as a staff member you have access to Key Travel as a booker. This means you can look at the options and get approvals quicker than going via the CS Operations Team, because it can take up to two days for the Operations Team to pick up your email. Especially during busy conference season. 

    There have been some issues where Key Travel has booked flights and not used the csops@ or the traveller's email address. If you find you cannot access your boarding pass etc using your email address, try using, failing that, try

    Key Travel can help in the case of an emergency, for example if a hotel says you don't have a room booked, or if an airline cancels or changes a flight at the last minute. The number to call in such an emergency is 020 7843 9602.

    It's a good idea to download the Key Travel app: The new Key Travel Mobile App can be downloaded here: Google Play or App Store.

    The other ways to contact Key Travel are:

    • Phone: 0161 819 9797 (for help with reservations, available 24/7)
    • Email:
    • SMS message: +44 7860019411 (monitored 24/7)
    • WhatsApp message: +44 207 843 9602 (monitored 24/7)



    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    ACM Journal Club - Monday 15th May 2pm BST

    Programming is hard, or at least it used to be. AI code generators like Amazon’s CodeWhispererDeepMind’s AlphaCode, GitHub’s CoPilot and many others now make programming easier for some people. What opportunities and challenges do these new tools present for educators?

    Join us on Zoom to discuss an award winning paper by Brett Becker, Paul Denny, James Finnie-Ansley, Andrew Luxton-Reilly, James Prather and Eddie Antonio Santos at University College Dublin, the University of Auckland and Abilene Christian University on this very topic. [1] We’ll be joined by two of the co-authors who will present a lightning talk to kick-off our discussion, for our monthly ACM journal club meetup. Here’s the abstract of his paper:

    The introductory programming sequence has been the focus of much research in computing education. The recent advent of several viable and freely-available AI-driven code generation tools present several immediate opportunities and challenges in this domain. In this position paper we argue that the community needs to act quickly in deciding what possible opportunities can and should be leveraged and how, while also working on overcoming otherwise mitigating the possible challenges. Assuming that the effectiveness and proliferation of these tools will continue to progress rapidly, without quick, deliberate, and concerted efforts, educators will lose advantage in helping shape what opportunities come to be, and what challenges will endure. With this paper we aim to seed this discussion within the computing education community.

    All welcome, as usual we’ll be meeting on Zoom at 2pm BST (UTC+1), details at Thanks to Sue Sentance at the University of Cambridge for nominating this month's paper for discussion.


    1. Brett A. Becker, Paul Denny, James Finnie-Ansley, Andrew Luxton-Reilly, James Prather, Eddie Antonio Santos (2023) Programming Is Hard – Or at Least It Used to Be: Educational Opportunities and Challenges of AI Code Generation in Proceedings of the 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education: SIGCSE 2023, pages 500–506, DOI: 10.1145/3545945.3569759

    OpenAI webcomic via

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    [ top ]Wellbeing

    Radiators available from CSOps if required

    With the recent boiler issues in Kilburn we have extra radiators in CSOps - so if anyone needs one for the next few weeks then please contact CSOps

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    [ top ]Events

    Department Coffee Social - 4 May

    The next coffee/tea social will take place on 4th May in the staff & PGR common room at 3pm.  This follows the Star Wars Seminar.  Do pop along and have a brew and a chat!


    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    Star Wars Folks at Kilburn

    Zahra Montazeri's former colleagues from Disney ILM are visiting us on May 4th @ 2pm to deliver an Atlas seminar about the science behind their movies. Please RSVP using the link below - there are just limited places left! The exact location will be later shared with those who have RSVP’d.

    RSVP for tickets

    Join us after the seminar for the department coffee social afterwards in the Staff & PGR common room from 3pm.



    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    Message from the Mentors: PGR Welcome Party 5th May

    New PGRs will be joining us this month, so the mentors are hosting a welcome party on Friday, 5th May. Please join us in the Kilburn common room (and courtyard, if the weather is nice) at 5pm for pizza and alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. We hope to see everyone there!


    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    Advances in Data Science and AI Conference 2023

    The Advances in Data Science and AI (ADSAI) Conference is Manchester’s annual data science and AI conference and brings together researchers from across the broad fields within data science and artificial intelligence to explore the latest advances and to discuss important topical questions being posed by society around the use of data science and AI.

    Get Involved at ADSAI 2023 – Call for abstracts (Deadline 5pm Monday 15th May)

    If you would like to be considered for a poster and/or short spotlight talk then please submit an abstract describing your research via EasyChair (incl. 2 pages pdf maximum). We will consider submissions addressing any areas of modern data science and AI, and we particularly welcome submissions in the areas of Digital Twins, Human-Data Interaction, AI for games, Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning.

    Click here to submit

    Confirmed speakers include:

    • Dr Matthew Thomas, Lecturer in Environmental Intelligence at the University of Exeter
    • Professor Mark Girolami, Chief Scientist at The Alan Turing Institute
    • Tim Pearce, Artificial Intelligence Researcher at Microsoft Research
    • Matt Benetan, Research Scientist in Machine Learning and AI at Sonos
    • Professor Ewa Luger, Director of Research Innovation at The University of Edinburgh
    • Dr Maria Aretoulaki, Head of Voice & Conversational AI at GlobalLogic/Hitachi
    • ProfessorAndreas Vlachos, Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning at the University of Cambridge
    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    ELLIS Summer School

    Deadline for registration: 23-May-2023
    Event: 14-16-Jun-2023 (Manchester)

    In conjunction with the Advances in Data Science and AI (ADSAI) Conference, Mauricio Álvarez and Magnus Rattray are organising an ELLIS Summer School on Machine Learning for Healthcare and Biology

    The school will bring participants up-to-speed on the latest methods and technologies in machine learning with a focus on healthcare and biology. The school includes a set of Lectures by renowned researchers at the intersection of ML and Healthcare and Biology, with an excellent track record of delivering educational content.

    Confirmed speakers include:

    • Prof. Mihaela van der Schaar (University of Cambridge)
    • Dr ST John (Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence, Aalto University)
    • Dr Theodore Papamarkou (University of Manchester)
    • Prof. José Miguel Hernández-Lobato (University of Cambridge)
    • Dr Danielle Belgrave (DeepMind)
    • Dr Virginia Aglietti (DeepMind)
    • Dr Matthew Sperrin (University of Manchester)
    • Dr Javier González (Microsoft Research Cambridge)
    • Dr Gabriele Schweikert (University of Dundee)
    • Dr Luisa Cutillo (University of Leeds)
    • Dr Mohammad Lotfollahi (Technical University of Munich)
    • Prof. Dennis Wang (Imperial College London and A*STAR Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences)
    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Research News

    Open Research Europe – the EC's open access publishing platform

    For those publishing research from EU projects

    In March 2021, Open Research Europe (ORE), the EC's open access publishing platform was launched. Whether you are a partner in a Horizon Europe or Horizon 2020 project, or a grantee of a European Research Council action or Marie Skłodowska-Curie action, ORE is a destination for publishing your research, making it immediately open access, and having it peer-reviewed and ultimately indexed.

    The EC also created ORE so that you can easily comply with your open access requirements, even after your project or action has ended. Indeed, there is no administrative burden, and ORE comes at zero cost to you, because we cover the publishing costs. N.B. this has been checked with UoM library and is considered a feasible mode of achieving Open Access for publications.

    ORE is a post-publication peer-review publishing platform that accepts original articles in all fields. It offers a variety of article types, ranging from research articles to methods and data notes. ORE has now reached more than 300 papers, which is a great performance for such a recently launched publishing venue. Besides, ORE has been indexed in a record time in Scopus, Google Scholar and many thematic indexers such as ERIH Plus or Inspec, with more to come, on account of its robust scientific and publishing policies. ORE is also fully aligned with the current collective effort for reforming research assessment.

    You are invited to consult the platform website and in particular the sections on FAQspolicies, and how it works, which explain the publishing process in full detail. Do not hesitate to get back to your project officer in the Commission or Executive Agency should you need further information about ORE.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Recent publications

    Researchers from the APT team have recently been published in Frontiers in Neuroinformatics. It's one of 9 articles in on Physical Neuromorphic Computing and its Industrial Applications:

    BitBrain and Sparse Binary Coincidence (SBC) memories: Fast, robust learning and inference for neuromorphic architectures

    Michael Hopkins, Jakub Fil, Edward George Jones and Steve Furber

    Read Edvard K. Holden and Konstantin Korovin's new paper: Graph Sequence Learning for Premise Selection

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Invitation - BBSRC Pioneer Awards survey

    As you may be aware, the BBSRC Pioneer Awards funding opportunity is a pilot and as such will be subject to an evaluation by the programme team. As part of this evaluation, we are inviting both applicants and research support professionals to complete a short survey to provide their views on the scheme. The deadline for submitting your response is Friday 28 April 2023

    The survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete, depending on the depth of your response. All responses are treated in confidence.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Research Funding Opportunities

    NERC CDT - internal sift

    The University have been limited to one application as lead in the NERC CDT call. As such we will need to undertake an internal sift and ask bidding teams to complete an internal submission ahead of the NERC submission dates. We are asking that any bid team complete the attached document and returns the document to by 09.00, Tuesday 9th May.


    NB - Colleagues who are intending to be a “Host Partner” of consortium lead by another University (ie UoM will host CDT students, as detailed in the Outline Application doc), do not need to fill in the attached but are asked to make us aware of the intention to submit, detailing the lead University, a very brief description of the CDT subject and how many students they are considering hosting – again by emailing by 09.00, Tuesday 9th May.

    The proposed timeline for this outline stage call is as follows;

    • 03/05/23 – NERC online webinar (sign-up)
    • 09/05/23 (09.00) – UoM internal sift deadline
    • 10/05/23 – NERC outline application open
    • 15/05/23 – UoM internal sift outcome
    • 13/06/23 – NERC outline deadline
    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    BBSRC sLoLa - internal feedback for potential applicants

    BBSRC have announced their sLoLa scheme for the coming year; full details are here:

    As with previous years, we would like to offer any interested applicants the opportunity to get feedback on their ideas based on our collective experience of the scheme. 

    Please could any interested applicants send a short EoI (1-2 pages) detailing: i) the team members ii) background and scientific question iii) approach, to by 5pm on Tuesday 9th May. This is ahead of the mandatory registration on the new UKRI Funding Service on 24th May. If you haven't already done so, make sure you register for the service in plenty of time! 

    BBSRC are also hosting 2 webinars for interested applicants on the 20th and 26th April (sign up details in the above link). If you are interested in the content but cannot make it, just get in touch with as he will be attending.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Simon Industrial Fellowships Call - deadline extended

    New deadline: 5pm 15-May-2023

    Applications are lower than expected to date as such the deadline has been extended into May.

    The Simon Industrial Fellowships fund external non-academic contacts to spend time working with our academic researchers, in the past Fellowships have contributed to various REF Impact Cases and can often be a precursor to longer-term collaborations such as KTP. This fund is administered by Humanities but the funding is open to all faculties. Contact for full details.

    Simon Industrial Fund - Faculty of Humanities - The University of Manchester

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    UK-Germany Bilateral: Collaborative R&D led by industry

    Deadline: 07-Jun-2023 11:00am

    Innovate UK will work with The Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz, (The Federal Ministry For Economic Affairs And Climate Action), to invest up to £4 million in innovation projects.

    The aim of this competition is to support UK and German business-led collaboration in innovation with grant funding. Innovate UK will support UK businesses to collaborate successfully with German counterparts and build your global growth prospects.

    The call has an open scope.


    Your project must:

    • have a maximum grant funding request of £400,000 for all UK partners
    • start by 1 December 2023
    • end by 30 November 2026
    • last between 12 months and 36 months

    To lead a project from the UK side your organisation must:

    • be a UK registered business of any size
    • collaborate with at least one German registered SME applying to the ZIM programme, which must be a separate legal entity, not linked to the UK partners
    • be or involve at least one UK micro, small or medium-sized enterprise (SME)

    Academic organisations can be funded up to 80% of full economic costs, but cannot lead or work alone.

    UK participants must submit an application to Innovate UK and German partners must submit an application to the German ZIM programme. Both UK and German applications must be successful to receive grant funding.

    Please contact for more information

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Health and Safety

    Fire Marshall Training

    Due to hybrid working arrangements there are fewer people in Kilburn and IT Buildings and therefore less coverage of Fire Marshals. In the event of a fire or drill it would be beneficial to all to have more designated Fire Marshals, so if you would like to volunteer to become a Fire Marshal then you can access the training courses which are available on SL&D.

    Volunteers can just sign up and complete the course. TLCF101E Evacuation Training E-Learning


    Once people have done this please email who will coordinate designated areas for each fire marshall and arrange for fire marshall vests to be distributed.

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:25:59
Last change: Thursday, 27 April 2023 13:01:47