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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Friday, 31 March 2023

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of Department

    Thank you and Congratulations

    Many thanks to all of you who attended/presented at the recent Engineering the Future Conference. It was great to see such a strong CS turnout at the event. I've heard very positive feedback from those who registered for the CS-led sessions.

    Many congratulations to Angelo who has been awarded an ERC Advanced grant worth €2.5 million. Angelo's eTALK project on Embodied Thought for Abstract Language Knowledge will combine expertise in AI and psychology to focus on the fact that smart machines still only understand about third of the meaning of human language. To progress their ability to understand humans more fully, robots will be used as “tutors” to help children better understand numerical and abstract concepts.

    I'd also like to congratulate Anirbit who has been awarded his first grant as PI by the Royal Society on Solving Partial Differential Equations By Deep-Learning.

    Finally, it was good to see so many current CS colleagues make it into the ranking of the most cited scientists (measured by the CS discipline H-index) - so well done to Carole, Chris, Junichi, Uli, Sophia, Norman, and Bijan who all made it into the top 200 nationally. You can see the full rankings here:

    Finally, I hope everyone manages to get a bit of downtime over the Easter break. It's been a long cold winter (especially in Kilburn)...

    Best wishes


    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    [ top ]News and announcements

    (No) Heating in Kilburn

    (No) Heating in Kilburn: as I’m sure you’re aware, heating has been an increasing problem over the last weeks. We have now learnt that this is due to the main “boiler” possibly being broken, which would explain the almost universal lack of heating, including the radiators on the ground floor. This is being further investigated: heating will be totally turned off for inspection and possible repair on Thursday, March 30th. If you still had some central (vents or radiator) heating in your office in the last weeks, this will mean it will cool down and you may want to consider working from home or asking CSOps for an oil-filled radiator. I hope this will get fixed soon and will keep you posted.

    gravatar Charlotte Hart

    Get involved: women and gender-diversity

    Representation in the department is important to us, and to our students. As we continue to refresh our Women and Gender Diversity in Computer Science page, we’re looking to replace the current 'Our academics' list with a new set of short profiles - aimed at young people interested in or currently studying CS with us. It couldn’t be easier to get involved as you simply need to answer the questions in this short form. However, if you have any further queries, please reach out to Thank you!

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    British Science Week at The Manchester Museum

    Our Computer Science Department has successfully participated in the British Science Week, which took place from March 14th to 15th, 2023, at The Manchester Museum. We have run demos to teach kids and adults about Artificial Intelligence (AI), focusing on Robotics and Computer Security, which represent two essential applications for AI techniques. In addition, the community learned how to build robotic applications and how robots interact with each other and humans. We also showed how to protect computer-based systems' security and data privacy using modern automated reasoning and verification techniques. Congratulations to the team representing our Computer Science Department in British Science Week!

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    Short notice payment requests to CSOps

    The Ops team would like to remind staff and PGRs that a minimum of 5 working days should be left between a payment request and the deadline for this payment to be made.

    There are various reason for this, as the Operations team requires time to gather the correct approvals required, ensure that the purchase request fits within University guidelines, and to also find time to make these payments. Furthermore, during busy periods the spend limit on credit cards can be reached, meaning we require our central RBS team to provide cards with a higher limit, which requires further approval and can cause more delays.

    Due to the volume we are only just managing to fulfil all requests - but in the future any requests made without the 5 day lead in time stand the risk of not being completed.  

    Thank you for your understanding.

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    PAT Testing in the Kilburn & IT Buildings

    PHS will be attending Kilburn & IT Buildings from Monday 20th March to undertake PAT Testing.  They will not turn off any equipment so will do a visual check of anything which is running.  There is no action required from staff, as the engineers have access to all areas.  Lab supervisors have been notified but if anyone has any queries then please let Ruth Maddocks know.

    The testing engineers will be on site for approximately one month.

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    [ top ]Events

    Staff-Student Programming Competition 2022

    Staff and students in the School of Computer Science are cordially invited to take part in the Staff-student programming competition.

    Date: Wednesday, 26th April, 2023
    Time: 14:00--17:00
    Location: LF31, Lower first floor, Kilburn Building.
    Registration deadline: Wednesday, 24th April, 2023

    The competition is open to staff and students (undergraduate and postgraduate) in Computer Science. Teams will consist of a whole number of persons between 1 and 3 inclusive. Staff teams must have at least one member of staff (including RAs, but excluding PhD students) and must otherwise consist entirely of staff (including RAs) and PhD students. Student teams must consist entirely of students (graduate or undergraduate). No person may be in more than one team.

    Problems will be given out at the start of the competition. Teams will try to solve as many as they can.

    Contestants may use any of the supported languages: C, C++, Java, and Python.  Each team may bring a laptop computer with the desired compiler(s) installed; alternatively, the labs machines can be used. It is allowed to bring any printed materials into the competition room; however the use of stored electronic files or of the internet to access any sites other than the competition site is forbidden.

    Refreshments---free to contestants---will be provided in the course of the afternoon in the Lower First Floor area.

    To participate, visit by the deadline for participation. Space is limited, and teams will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis, subject to a reasonable
    balance of staff and students.

    Ian Pratt-Hartmann (on behalf of the organizing team)

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    Project Showcase - First Year Students

    On Wednesday, April 19th, 12:00-14:00 (i.e., the first week back after Easter), all first year students will show the applications they’ve built in their first year as part of COMP10120. This will take place across the labs in Kilburn (1.18/10, Tootil, Collab), where first years will show their achievements to fellow students, PASS leaders, lecturers, and tutors. There will be prizes, in 2 categories (best concept or idea for an application, and most impressive design and implementation), as determined by the votes of all students and staff.

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    [ top ]Research News

    Research Support - who to contact

    The Research Support Team are here to support researchers with costing research proposals, with the following people directly supporting research groups:

    Chantel Murtagh 

    • Systems and Software Security 
    • Information Management 
    • Formal Methods 


    Natalia Stefanovic  (Sarah Chatwin covering)

    • Natural Language Processing and Text Mining 


    Sarah Watson 

    • Nano Engineering and Spintronic Technologies 
    • Machine Learning and Robotics 


    Liz Hulme 

    • Advanced Processor Technologies 
    • Human Computer Systems 
    • Autonomy and Verification 

    Research Support Manager, Sarah Chatwin, can also be contacted.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    EPSRC - Transition to the new Funding Service  

    In 2023, applicants to EPSRC and other UKRI research councils will start making applications via the Funding Service rather than via Joint Electronic Submission (Je-S) system.  Some UKRI responsive mode opportunities are open-ended, without a closing date for applications. These opportunities will need to close on the Je-S system and reopen on the new Funding Service in a planned transition during the first half of 2023. 

    Between 30 March 2023 and May 2023, applicants will not be able to submit applications for EPSRC group 1 responsive mode opportunities (see below) or fellowships. Pre-announcements with application details for after the switchover to the Funding Service will be released via the funding finder during this period to continue to allow applicants to work on their proposals. More detail about the reopening of EPSRC’s opportunities on the Funding Service will be available in March 2023. 

    Group 1 includes: 
    -EPSRC standard research grant 
    -EPSRC new investigator award 
    -EPSRC overseas travel grant 
    -EPSRC network grant 
    -EPSRC discipline-hopping in information and communications technologies 
    -EPSRC working with overseas scientists 

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Prize and award Opportunities

    EPSRC-WES ambassadors for women in engineering

    Deadline: 04-May-23

    EPSRC and the Women’s Engineering Society (WES) are partnering to support researchers with strong motivation to foster equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in the engineering research and innovation landscape.

    The initiative aims to promote understanding of gender issues and intersectionality in engineering, and support researchers who wish to become EDI ambassadors in their networks. The awardees are expected to work independently and as a cohort to set an agenda for their personal and collective goals as members of WES.

    EPSRC will fund up to 15 WES memberships.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    2024 Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists in the UK - Timeline and Process for internal review

    Nominations are allowed in one of three categories (Life Sciences; Chemistry; Physical Sciences and Engineering). One award in each category will be made for £100,000, and two for £30,000. Please also refer to the Blavatnik website for details of eligibility.

    For any potential Life Sciences nominees, this selection will be undertaken alongside the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health process which aligns with the timeline below.

    If you are aware of anyone considering applying, I would be grateful if you could let me know as soon as possible so I can coordinate with colleagues in FBMH.

    The university is only able to put forward a single candidate for each category so an internal review will be required.

    Timeline for the application and internal review processes and other important dates are as follows:

    30 March to 21 April 2023           Outline applications prepared for internal panel review (nominee in conjunction with nominator)

    21st April 2023                                Internal deadline – documents to be emailed to by 12noon to include:


    • Completed template (attached)

    • CV (no page limit but please be efficient with content)

    • Publications (up to 4 full text publications)


    • 24th April to 3rd May 2023            Review of Applications
    • 3rd May 2023                                  Eligibility exception letters due (to be sent to Blavatnik)
    • 4th May 2023                                  FSE nominees confirmed.
    • 4th to 19th May 2023                     FSE nominees finalise applications and email to Daniel by 12noon on 19th May.
    • 22nd May 2023                               Final application documentation to James Evans
    • 22nd to 24th May 2023                   James to submit nominations on Blavatnik portal
    • 24th May 2023:                               Nominations close for 2024 Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists in the United Kingdom
    • 7th June 2023:                                 Letters of support due for 2024 Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists in the United Kingdom
    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Research Funding Opportunities

    Pre-announcement: UKRI cross research council responsive mode pilot scheme

    Deadline: tbc
    Apply for funding for up to 2 years for interdisciplinary ideas that transcend, combine or significantly span disciplines. The full economic cost of your project can be £200k-£1.2M (funded at 80%). We expect to make around 36 awards so HEIs are expected to be mindful of this, so any internal sift will be communicated.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    UKRI calls

    There are a large range of funding calls open or upcoming from UKRI research councils:


    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    MoD funded PhD opportunities

    The MoD is offering a range of funded PhD research opportunities for 2023 and we are writing to you to provide information about our current call.

    Specifically, Dstl’s Future Workforce and Training (FWT) program is looking to sponsor up to six PhDs within the Human and Social Sciences theme:

    Humans in Systems (HiS) project – up to four PhDs in the following areas:

    1. Safety – Modernising safety assurance for Generation After Next technologies and future HMI
    2. Resilience – Supporting resilience within Generation After Next technologies operating within the Future Operating Environment
    3. Gaming – Exploitation of HMI design conventions and crossover opportunities between commercial gaming and defence
    4. Mixed Reality – Accelerating the exploitation of MR within future HMI development

    Future Workforce (FW) project – up to two PhDs in the following areas:


    1. People Analytics – Understanding key people analytics delivery issues including ethics and data integration
    2. Adaptability – Understanding opportunities for Defence to employ people in an adaptable and agile way


    This represents a significant opportunity to gain MoD research funding and participate in PhD research focused within the defence domain. 

    The PhD Call may be accessed here: using the account registered to R-Cloud. For the University of Manchester the email address of the registered account is


    Closing date for proposals: Monday 17th April 2023 (extended)


    Briefing event. A Microsoft Teams briefing will be held on Wednesday 5th April at 3.30pm. Attendance at the briefing is not mandatory for those wishing to submit proposals, but will be a chance to speak with Dstl’s project and commercial teams to answer any questions you may have. An invite to the briefing containing a Teams link and telephone dial in option will be sent separately. If you have not received the invite and would like to join please respond to this email. (Note R-Cloud rules do not permit questions to be answered via this email address or phone number – please direct any queries via the R-Cloud contact page. To ensure fairness any information given during the briefing will be provided to all university R-Cloud points of contact by email after the event.)


    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    BBSRC Discovery Fellowships - internal review timeline and process

    The Faculty have decided to approach the BBSRC Discovery Fellowships in the same way as the previous round, and will be providing additional financial contributions to successful applicants in order to show BBSRC that we are supportive of our Fellows.

    This does mean that we will again need to restrict numbers and the faculty will only be supporting up to two applications in this round.

    BBSRC’s deadline is 25th May 4pm, so we would like to follow the below timeline to identify FSE’s candidates:

    • Thursday 20th April 2023 – A two page outline proposal and CV to be sent to
    • Friday 28th April 2023- the panel will notify successful candidates
    • Thursday 25th May 2023 – BBSRC deadline

    Please see full details of the call on the BBSRC webpage: BBSRC Discovery Fellowships 2023 – UKRI

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    ELLIS Summer School registration (10 entries), first come, and first serve

    Translation Manchester Bursary

    Scholarships covering the attendance fee (including conference dinner) are open for application internal ECRs (e.g., postdoctoral researchers, technicians, and clinical research fellows) who don’t have grant support. This funding is allocated on a first come first serve basis, subject to suitable justification. Please get in touch as soon as possible by emailing

    Please include your name, role, affiliation, and a justification of why attending this summer school will be beneficial for your research and career (max 300 words).

    Best wishes

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    [ top ]Health and Safety

    DSE Awareness Session

    The next DSE Awareness session will take place on Thursday the 27th of April at 10:00am, link below.


    Click here to join the meeting

    gravatar Charlotte Hart

    [ top ]Sustainability and Green Impact News

    Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) - Lunch and Learn Workshop 25 May 2023

    Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) - Lunch and Learn Workshop

    Join us to find out more about Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and understand why you should be using it.

    A Life Cycle Assessment is the act of measuring the environmental impact of a product or service throughout its life cycle, from the resources used to create the product or service, across its use by the user, to it's final end of life destination. An LCA measures the environmental impacts of each distinct part involved in creating and using products and services, such as energy used in production, fuel used in transport, and end-of-life ecological costs. This helps us compare between products, materials, and methods used, providing useful information by which to make decisions that could help the environment.

    This event will explore the advantages of LCA's and how it can provide you with a clearer picture of your environmental impact and help you make more informed decisions to improve your organisation's sustainability going forward.

    The session will begin with an introduction into LCA's with Dr Alejandro Gallego Schmid, Senior Lecturer in Circular Economy and Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment, followed by three concurrent breakout rooms (topics listed in agenda) which attendees will select during the booking process. At 1pm the breakout rooms will close and we welcome guests to stay for networking with a complimentary lunch.

    Preferred breakout rooms are reserved on a first come first serve basis so please book your place now to avoid disappointment.

    If you have any questions regarding the event please contact

    Date and Time | Thu, 25 May 2023 11:30 - 14:00 Venue | Engineering Building A - Room 3A.012 Booth St E Manchester M13 Event booking site |


    11:45 - Arrival and networking with tea and coffee

    12:00 - Welcome and introduction with Dr Alejandro Gallego Schmid, Senior Lecturer in Circular Economy and Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment | Sustainable Futures Resourceful futures Challenge Lead

    12:05 - What is Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)?

    12:20 - Q&A Session

    12:30 - Breakout rooms in the following groups (you can select your preferred room at the booking stage):

    • Waste treatment perspectives. Session Lead: Nicolas Enrique Labra Cataldo, PhD researcher in Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research
    • Material and Product-centred perspectives. Session Lead: Dr Raphael Tarpani, Research Associate at The University of Manchester
    • Biomass and Wastes. Session Lead: Dr Andrew Welfle, Senior Research Fellow in the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research

    13:00 - Lunch and networking

    14:00 - Event close



    gravatar Charlotte Hart

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:26:29
Last change: Friday, 31 March 2023 15:44:07