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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Wednesday, 15 March 2023

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of Department

    From Andrew Stewart

    Dear colleagues

    After 5 very successful years as PGR Director, Simon Harper will soon be passing the baton over to Oliver Rhodes. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Simon for all the great PGR developments he has introduced and to welcome Oliver to the role - I'm sure Oliver will be able to build on the solid PGR base we now have. Simon's efforts have directly led to increases in our PRES results, 4-year submission, and completion rates. Importantly, the improvements introduced by Simon have also seen our EDIA figures surpass the AdvanceHE average for both Computer Science and Engineering in general. Thank you, Simon - we all hugely value the time and energy that you have put into this role.

    The recent rounds of interviews in AI, NLP, and Robotics have concluded and we've been able to make five offers. The standard of candidates for all posts was exceptional. A big thank you to everyone who was on the interview panels, and also to those who were available to meet the candidates informally.

    Finally, many congratulations to Zahra Montazeri for her technical credit in series 3 of The Mandalorian stemming from her time working at Industrial Light & Magic.

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    MICRA Research Showcase

    Event: 03-Apr-23 UoM in-person

    Covering multi-disciplinary topics from Science and Engineering, Biology, Medicine and Health, and Humanities, we will hear short presentations on the wide-reaching research into ageing that is happening with MICRA’s help at UoM, including work by our very own Sarah Clinch.
    The finale of the day will feature a guest lecture from Professor Janet Lord CBE, on 'Human Ageing: The Good, The Bad and The Unexpected' with an introduction from President of the University, Dame Nancy Rothwell.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Window Cleaning at Kilburn and the IT Building

    Apologies for the short notice, but we now have the dates for the internal and external window cleaning  for Kilburn and IT Building as follows - 16th, 17th ,20th,21st and 22nd March.

    If there are any issues please contact 

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    SoE Expenditure Request form reminder

    Just a reminder about using the improved SoE Expenditure Request form with added instructions and guidance . We hope these improvements will help you to complete the form and reduce any delays caused by missing information.

    Attached you can also find the SoE Expenditure Request guidance document. For further guidance on submitting an expenditure request and understanding the form, please see the Purchasing/ Credit Cards page on the SoE Sharepoint.

    The Operations team needs a minimum of 5 working days to process credit card requests.

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    [ top ]Events

    PGR Social - 17th March

    The mentors be hosting the next PGR social on Friday, 17th March. As always, it will be at 5pm in the common room where we will be serving alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. PGRs and staff all welcome. We hope everyone can join us!

    From Kiana Samadpour Motalebi and the other mentors

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    Joint ATLAS Lecture and Seminar for the Manchester Centre for Robotics and AI - Wednesday 22nd March

    We would like to invite you to the next Atlas seminar as per the details below.

    Time, date, location: 14:00 – 15:30; 22nd March; Kilburn lecture theatre 1.3.

    Speaker: Alessandro Vinciarelli

    Title: Social AI for Mental Health

    Abstract: This presentation shows how Social AI, the AI area aimed at making sense of human behaviour, can play a role in addressing mental health issues, especially when it comes to detecting people affected by psychiatric problems. As an example, the talk will consider two major issues, namely attachment in children and depression in adults. Besides introducing the main methodologies, approaches and results, the presentation will try to show how AI can integrate the work of psychiatrists and what are the main issues in such an interdisciplinary endeavour.

    Bio: Alessandro Vinciarelli ( ) is with the University of Glasgow where he is Full Professor at the School of Computing Science and Associate Academic at the Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology. His main research interest is in Social Signal Processing, the domain aimed at modelling analysis and synthesis of nonverbal behaviour in social interactions. Overall, he has published more than 170 works, including one authored book and 45 journal papers. He has been General Chair of the IEEE International Conference on Social Computing in 2012 and of the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction in 2017. Furthermore, he has initiated and chaired a large number of international workshops, including the Social Signal Processing Workshop and the International Workshop on Socially Intelligence Surveillance and Monitoring. Alessandro is or has been Principal Investigator of several national and international projects, including a European Network of Excellence and the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Socially Intelligent Artificial Agents ( ). Last, but not least, Alessandro is co-founder of Klewel ( ), a knowledge management company recognized with national and international awards. Furthermore, he is scientific advisor of Neurodata Lab ( and Substrata ( ).

    We hope to see you there!

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    Counselling Service Training: Student Mental Health Matters: spotting the signs, knowing what to say

    Does your work include a pastoral role with students?
    Do you work with students on a regular basis?
    Are you sometimes unsure about what to say or do, or what would be helpful?

    The Counselling Service are offering the following training sessions for staff:

    Title: Student Mental Health Matters: spotting the signs, knowing what to say and knowing what to do. To book your place please follow click on the link:

    This is an interactive training session with a focus on student mental health (both undergraduate and post-graduate). The training covers all aspects of mental health but there is a focus on what to do in difficult situations where the concern about a student may be very high. Please be aware that this training will cover suicide prevention and how to have a conversation with a student about their potential risk. Pathways to support and help will be explained and there will be opportunity to discuss anonymised cases (no role play). All the trainers delivering this session are experienced mental health practitioners who have worked in an NHS and HE setting. Throughout the session confidentiality will be respected and all discussions will ensure the anonymity of the people involved.

    New session dates added:

    Wednesday 22nd March 10.00 – 1.00pm – spaces available
    Wednesday 3rd May 10.00 – 1.00pm – spaces available 

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    ELLIS Summer School 2023 (14-16 June 2023) - Registration open till 23rd May.

    ELLIS Summer School 2023 (14-16 June 2023)- Registration deadline Tuesday 23rd May, 2023

    Register via the University online Store

    Organizer: Dr Mauricio Alvarez, Prof Magnus Rattray

    Manchester’s European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS) unit are hosting a Summer School on 14-16th June 2023, which will bring participants up-to-speed on the latest methods and technologies in machine learning with a focus on healthcare and biology. The school includes a set of Lectures by renowned researchers at the intersection of ML and Healthcare and Biology, and with an excellent track record of delivering educational content.

    A preliminary list of confirmed speakers include:

    · Dr ST John (Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence, Aalto University)

    · Prof. José Miguel Hernández-Lobato (University of Cambridge)

    · Prof. Mihaela van der Schaar (University of Cambridge)

    · Dr Matthew Sperrin (University of Manchester)

    · Dr Javier González (Microsoft Research Cambridge)

    · Dr Mohammad Lotfollahi (Technical University of Munich)

    · Prof. Dennis Wang (Imperial College and A*STAR Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences)

    · Dr Gabriele Schweikert (University of Dundee)



    gravatar Angel Harper

    Advances in Data Science and AI Conference 2023: registration now open

    Event: 13-Jun-23 (Alliance Manchester Business School, Manchester)

    ADSAI is Manchester’s annual data science and AI conference and brings together researchers from across the broad fields within data science and artificial intelligence to explore the latest advances and to discuss important topical questions being posed by society around the use of data science and AI.

    This year, we are focussing the following topics:

    • Digital Twins
    • AI for games
    • Human-Data Interaction
    • Natural Language Processing

    Confirmed speakers so far include:
    Maria Aretoulaki – Global Logic
    Matt Benetan – Sonos
    Mark Girolami – The Alan Turing Institute and University of Cambridge
    Ewa Luger – University of Edinburgh
    Tim Pearce – Microsoft Research
    Andreas Vlachos – University of Cambridge

    Conference organisers:

    • Richard Allmendinger
    • Mauricio A Alvarez
    • Sophia Ananiadou
    • Magnus Rattray
    • David Topping
    • Zhonghua Zheng

    Conference registration fee is £50. To join us and take part in these key discussions, please book your place now.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Want to be part of the Pankhurst Early Career Researcher Network?

    The Pankhurst ECR Network contributes to the development and shaping of the Pankhurst Institute; sharing experience (lessons learnt), identifying hurdles and barriers to engage in Translational Research and gaps in support that Pankhurst could fill. It also enables collaboration with other ECRs across multiple disciplines. The Pankhurst are currently relaunching this network, with the next meeting on 5th April 2023, 10-11am via Teams. If you would like to nominate yourself or others to join the network, please email

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Launching an Open Research Webinar Series

    Event: 22-Mar-23

    The Office for Open Research are facilitating a series of Open Research Webinars together with the Open Research Network, exploring open and transparent research practice. Sessions will be led by academic and library staff.​

    The first session "Democratising the repository: Software and code under an Open Research paradigm", with Dr Lukas Hughes-Noehrer will be hosted on 22 March, 12-1pm. Register via Eventbrite

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]PGR News

    PGR Handbook January Update

    Welcome to the updated handbook!

    Version: g3e1e389 (Update: 2) dated 09 Feb 2023.

    1. Mentors Drop in Sessions added (Mentors Kickstart Guide).

    2. Thesis Submission updated (Submission).

    3. GTA Pay Arrangements added (Graduate Teaching Assistantships (GTA)).

    4. Estates Reporting Form added (Quick Guide).

    5. Student Support updated to Faculty Doctoral Academy Support Updated (througout).

    6. Part Time Progression updated (Part-Time Study).

    7. Removal of some COVID related information (COVID 19 Update).

    8. Faculty Details updated (People and Places).

    9. Head of Department updated (Student Support and Guidance).

    10. Working in Submission Pending updated (Visa Status During Submission Pending).


    gravatar Simon Harper

    [ top ]Research News

    5th Intl. Competition on Software Testing (Test-Comp 2023) Success!

    Success again for FuSeBMC at the annual Test-Comp competition, this year in Paris.

    Test-Comp provides the community with a snapshot of state-of-the-art software testing tools. For the second consecutive year, FuSeBMC, our white-box fuzzer for finding software vulnerabilities in programs, received three significant awards from Test-Comp 2023:

    • Gold medal in the Cover-Error category (find a test to cover a bug).
    • Gold medal in the Cover-Branches category (find tests to improve branch coverage).
    • Gold medal in the Overall category (that combines Cover-Error and Cover-Branches).

    FuSeBMC uses three engines to perform reachability analysis automatically: bounded model checking, grey-box fuzzing, and selective fuzzing engines. A tracer coordinates the cooperation of these engines to efficiently find execution paths that lead to software vulnerabilities or inject labels to produce test cases for code coverage incrementally.

    This significant achievement is a joint effort with Lucas Cordeiro, Kaled Alshmrany, Mohannad Aldughaim, and Ahmed Bhayat. Also, we had a tight collaboration with the development team of ESBMC, including Rafael Menezes, Franz Brauße, Mikhail R. Gadelha, PhD, and Fedor Shmarov.

    Full information is available here.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    EU Update - UK Government Extension of Guarantee

    The UK Government has extended the Horizon Europe Guarantee.  The guarantee will now be in place to cover all Horizon Europe calls that close on or before the end of June 2023.

    Also, following the Windsor Agreement news earlier in the month, and the statement from Ursula Von der Leyen that the deal was “good news for scientists and researchers in the EU and in the UK”,  and that work could begin “immediately” on securing UK association to EU R&D programmes once the new Windsor Framework is implemented - the UK research and business community must now wait to hear news of ongoing negotiations around association and the UK future financial contribution to the programme.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Notice of change to UKRI Grants No Cost Extension process - beginning 1 April 2023

    In response to the continued increase in volumes of No Cost Extension (NCE), UKRI has agreed a change of process for grants receiving a No Cost Extension.

    As a result of the new change of process, we may need to reprofile remaining grant payments. If this is the case, you can expect to see a revised payment profile (where applicable). You should note that the NCE request should be submitted as soon as the need is identified and needed and not wait until the end of the grant.

    Where a grant extension results in a revised end date that falls into a new Financial Year, a revised process for reprofiling will be triggered using the following parameters:
    • If the grant cash limit is below £200k, no reprofile will be completed
    • If the grant cash limit is between £200k-£3m the final held payment will move to the new final quarter and all remaining funding will be spread equally across all remaining payment quarters
    • If the grant cash limit is above £3m the Research Organisation (RO) will be asked to submit an Interim Expenditure Statement (IES) that details all actual expenditure incurred to date, a reprofile will be based upon the information provided.

    The updated Grant Terms and Conditions will be published on the 05 April 2023. In the meantime, if you'd like more details please contact

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    From the library: New Institutional Publications Policy

     The new Institutional Publications Policy which will be of particular interest to researchers and PGRs in the department

    Following the announcement of the N8 Rights Retention Strategy in January, the University of Manchester has launched an updated Institutional Publications Policy.  

    The new policy allows authors to retain the right to make a copy of their Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) immediately Open Access through our institutional repository (Pure) under a CC BY license (Creative Commons Attribution License) irrespective of embargo periods stipulated by publishers. This will not only mean that authors’ articles are immediately available for all to access, thus extending the potential reach and impact of the research, but it will also make it easier for authors to adhere to the Open Access policies set out by funders. 

    Authors don’t need to take any additional action to benefit from the revised policy. Manchester authors can simply continue to submit articles via the Open Access Gateway or publish articles Gold OA. The majority of articles will still be made Open Access either through one of our various Transformative Agreements or through the payment of Gold OA Article Processing Charges for eligible papers, however our updated Publications Policy will mean that those papers which are not eligible for paid Open Access can now be made Open Access via the Green OA route immediately and will not be subject to publisher embargoes. Authors should contact the Library if a publisher requests transfer of exclusive rights during the publication process. 

    For full details on the updated policy including a recorded presentation, please visit our dedicated Rights Retention webpage on the Library website. 

    If you have any questions, please contact 

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Christabel Pankhurst Building now complete

    The Pankhurst Building on Dover Street is now finished after several years of planning, preparation and building. It will host researchers and PS staff from across all three Faculties who work in the broad area of health technology research and innovation. For instance, we will host researchers from Professor Sami Kaski's Centre for AI Fundamentals; the Translation Manchester team; the Digital Health Software team; the NERC Digital Solutions Programme; and the Research and Innovation Health Accelerator team.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Research Funding Opportunities

    UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships - internal sift process

    [Following up from the mention in the last departmental newsletter and subsequent emails]
    These fellowships are for Early Career Researchers (with PhD or equivalent experience). FLFs are funded for 4 years in the first phase, with the option to apply to renew for a further 3 years later on.

    UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships – Round 8 call

    This is now a one stage process, so no outline stage as we have seen in all previous rounds.

    Applications will then be reviewed by a Faculty panel, before those deemed to be the most competitive will be passed on to a central University panel. As with round 7, the University of Manchester is restricted to a set number of bids – we have been allocated 10 (which is the highest quota they allow).



    -INTERNAL DEADLINE: email your application to by end-of-play 04-Apr-23

    Departments are asked to rank applications if submitting more than one application.

    There will be time to work on feedback for your final internal submission

    - by noon 17-Apr-23 email your final proposal for faculty panel review

    The RSM will the proposals to Daniel Twiddy on or before Monday 17th April 2023.


    Proposals consist of:

    CV in the format of the scheme template (attached to email) – max 3 pages (1 of the 3 being a page for outputs)
    Outline proposal (attached to email) – (max 2 pages)

    -Faculty panel will review the outline proposals/ CVs and rank the applications. The panel will provide feedback to Departments on which candidates will be supported for submission to UKRI and confirm the process for obtaining institutional support letters. We anticipate being in a position to inform the candidates that the University will be putting forward by Friday 12th May.

    -FLF external deadline: 04-Jul-23 

    Similar sifts are taking place in each of the three faculties: after feedback from previous rounds we are now taking into account research that may sit across two faculties. Applicants who are in this position should make one submission and request that their bid be considered by more than one panel, explaining in one or two sentences why this is appropriate.

    Applicants whose proposals have been approved by the Central review should liaise with the Research Services hubs to organise costing and submission on Je-S.

    The School of Engineering would particularly welcome applications from candidates working in the following areas, which are current priorities for the School:

    Net Zero and Environmental Sustainability
    Engineering for Health
    Robotics, Autonomous Systems and AI
    Engineering Materials

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    REMINDER: UK Digital Twinning Research Community with a NetworkPlus

    Please contact asap if you are applying for this scheme
    Deadline: 23-Mar-23

    Apply for funding to establish a £3M multidisciplinary research community in digital twinning (over 5 years), complementing the existing industry-led multisector digital twins community.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Open Research Accelerator Fund – now open for applications ​ 

    Deadline: 31-May-23

    As you may be aware, last year, the Office for Open Research  co-ordinated the Open Research Accelerator Fund which provided £19k to nine separate projects designed to further the development of open research practice across The University of Manchester. There were a range of applications across the faculties highlighting the diversity of the open research movement at the University. Further details of the successful applications from last year’s fund can be found on the Office for Open Research website.​

    This year, we are pleased to announce that £100k has been allocated over the next two financial years (2023/24 and 2024/25) to fund open research projects as part of the Accelerator Fund. ​

    The Accelerator Fund is open to PGRs and staff at The University of Manchester. ​

    There will be two distinct funding levels: ​

    • awards up to £2,000 ​
    • awards up to £20,000. ​

    The successful projects must show how they align with the University’s open research principles and how they will contribute to a sustainable culture change. For further information about the application process and evaluation criteria, please refer to the Office for Open Research website and download the application form.​

    If potential applicants would like their application to be reviewed prior to final submission, please contact the Office for Open Research with a completed application form no later than Friday, 26 May 2023.

    For all enquiries relating to the Accelerator Fund, email:​

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:28:55
Last change: Wednesday, 15 March 2023 15:24:08