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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Wednesday, 01 March 2023

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of Department

    Engineering the Future Conference - MECD March 28/29

    The Engineering the Future conference will be hosted by the School of Engineering and the Department of Materials on 28 and 29 March 2023. The conference will give our UoM staff, visitors and our postgraduate researchers an opportunity to learn more about our recent and future research and our educational activities that are delivering the next generation of engineers. There will be the chance to meet with colleagues from our Research Institutes, Business Engagement & Innovation Teams. The event will be held in the brand-new home of Engineering and Materials at The University of Manchester. It is a place like no other and one of the largest higher education construction projects completed in the UK – as part of the event we will be offering tours of the research and teaching facilities that exist within the building.

    In addition to a number of interesting research-focused sessions, there will also be a session on the second day discussing the use of tools such as ChatGPT in student assessments.

    The conference itself will be a great opportunity to meet with other colleagues across the School of Engineering. The sessions on AI in Engineering, and on Robotics and AI (led by Angelo and featuring Bruno Adorno, Louise Dennis, Wei Pan, Simon Watson) are likely to be of particular interest. Please also encourage your PGRs to register as it will be good opportunity for them to learn about a range of research activities across our School.

    To see more details of the sessions that will be running at the event and how to register, please visit Engineering the Future Conference 2023 - The University of Manchester.



    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Get involved: women and gender-diversity


    Representation in the department is important to us, and to our students. As we continue to refresh our Women and Gender Diversity in Computer Science page, we’re looking to replace the current 'Our academics' list with a new set of short profiles - aimed at young people interested in or currently studying CS with us. It couldn’t be easier to get involved as you simply need to answer the questions in this short form. However, if you have any further queries, please reach out to Thank you!
    gravatar Charlotte Hart

    Communication channels for the new departments within the School of Engineering

    These are the new arrangements for contacting the Head of Department Office and communication channels for the new Departments of Engineering for Sustainability, Solids and Structures, Fluids and Environment, and Engineering Management. Please disseminate this information to your teams as appropriate.

    Head of Department Office

    For matters which require the attention of the Head of Department Office, please send emails to the appropriate Operations Executive Assistant (OEA) inbox address below:




    Engineering for Sustainability

    HoD Paul Mativenga
    DSOM Sue Davies
    OEA Mollie Marklew

    Solids and Structures

    HoD Andrey Jivkov
    DSOM Gwilym Jones
    OEA Mollie Marklew

    Fluids and Environment

    HoD Alistair Revell
    DSOM Martin Greenhalgh
    OEA Carmela Southward

    Engineering Management

    HoD Callum Kidd
    DSOM Martin Greenhalgh
    OEA Carmela Southward

    HODPA.MACE Inbox will no longer be monitored following this communication.

    Departmental Listservs

    For operational communication dissemination, the following Moderated Listservs have been created for academic and research associates.


    Listserv Address

    Engineering for Sustainability

    Solids and Structures

    Fluids and Environment

    Engineering Management

    Please note MACE-ACAD, MACE-PDRA, MACE-DEPARTMENT will no longer be used.

    Operational Support

    For the time being, please continue to use email address to request support of the main operational areas:

    -          Finance, including procurement, fees and expenses claims, one-off payment requests and credit card bookings

    -          Support for recruitment, including processing of timesheets, casual appointments, honorary staff, visitors and teaching assistants

    -          Travel support

    -          Event management

    -          Advice and guidance on compliance, including export controls, data protection, ATAS, overseas workers and visa

    Sue Davies

    Deputy School Operations Manager Department of Engineering for Sustainability Tel: +44 (0) 161 529 3900


    Gwilym Jones

    Deputy School Operations Manager Department of Solids and Structures (SaS)


    Martin Greenhalgh

    Deputy School Operations Manager Department of Fluids and Environment Department of Engineering Management Tel: 0161 529 4162

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    [ top ]Events

    Coffee Morning - 2nd March 11am - 12 noon and meet members of the TLSE team who are aligned to support CompSci – a great chance to get to know the new team!

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    Engineering Biology Translation Workshop 

    Event: 14-Mar-23, 13:00-15.30 (University Place, Room 3.204)

    There are several Engineering Biology focussed funding opportunities emerging and in the pipeline from BEIS/UKRI, the first of which ‘EB collaborative research and development’ has been announced by Innovate UK.

    Additional calls are likely to include short term fundamental research projects and opportunities to build a small number of larger Engineering Biology Translational Hubs with calls likely be released in the coming week or two (details will be circulated as soon as they come out). Hubs are likely to push towards translation with commercialisation as a key focus, and are expected to fit within one or more of the National Engineering Biology Programme themes:

    • Biomedical
    • Clean Growth
    • Food Systems and/or Environmental Solutions.
    • (One other key feature will likely be connecting nationally with Spoke partners.)

    The University is looking to co-ordinate this activity and as a first step we have been asked to bring the community together and facilitate an open networking workshop to identify interested parties, map out our internal capability and identify translational opportunities and partners.

    Please confirm your place by emailing

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    GM Secure Data Environment – Design workshops

    Event 1: Discovery and Design, 01-Mar-23
    Event 2: Analysis and Outputs, 08-Mar-23

    Greater Manchester has received funding from NHS England to develop a Secure Data Environment (SDE) for Research and Development. SDEs are data storage and access platforms, which uphold the highest standards of privacy and security of NHS health and social care data when used for research and analysis. They allow approved users to access and analyse data without the data leaving the environment.
    The GM SDE will be hosted by the GM Integrated Care Board (GM ICB), and is being developed by the GM ICB in partnership with Health Innovation Manchester and the University of Manchester. It will become the primary route for accessing electronic health records for research in Greater Manchester (replacing, for instance, the existing access to the Greater Manchester Care Record via Graphnet Carecentric).
    The SDE is currently in its design phase, and we are keen to understand the needs and requirements from academic researchers. The Christabel Pankhurst Institute and Health Innovation Manchester are therefore organising two workshops to inform GM academic researchers about the current plans, and to involve them into the design of processes and technology solutions.
    The first workshop (1st March) will focus on the phases of data discovery (i.e. understanding which data are available) and study design/planning while the second workshop (8th March) will focus on the phases of data analysis and extracting outputs from the SDE.

    Registration required

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Invitation: Manchester City Council Digital Strategy Research Network

    Deadline for responses: 03-Mar-23
    The Manchester Digital Strategy 2021-2026 is a city-wide strategy that aims to make Manchester a responsible, inclusive and environmentally sustainable world-leading digital city. Research is and will continue to be crucial in helping to realise the wide-ranging goals in the strategy and we’d like to build strong relationships with the research sector and to ensure that we’re led by the best research in pursuing the goals of the strategy.
    Our goals for network are: 

    • To share Council areas of interest related to the Digital Strategy 
    • To create a space for networking among researchers in the Manchester area 
    • To co-create “areas of research interest” that align with Digital Strategy priorities 
    • To scope potential academic-public sector collaborations 
    • To identify and apply for funding to support projects that can translate research into policy and delivery impact 
    • …and we welcome your input on these priorities, too! 

    Full network meetings will likely occur once every 2 months with ad-hoc smaller convenings as needed in between, and you’d be welcome to attend only those meetings that are most relevant to you.
    If you’re interested in being involved, please complete this very short form
    If you have any questions, get in touch with Kira Allmann.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Wellcome Discovery Research regional visits

    • University of Liverpool - 13-Apr-2023, 10:30-16:00
    • University of Leeds - 25-Apr-2023, 10:30-16:00
    • virtual event - 07-Jun-2023

    Wellcome’s Discovery Research team are holding events across the UK between March and May, to find out how their work can support you and your ideas.

    The in-person events are open to researchers based in the UK and Republic of Ireland at all career stages as well as research support staff. Join them to discover the breadth of disciplines that they fund (from Biomedical Science to Population & Public Health, Medical Humanities, Social sciences, Physical sciences, Engineering, Data sciences, Clinical research and more) and hear about their commitment to unlocking your research potential through deep dives into their:

    • vision and priorities
    • funding schemes
    • targeted funding
    • approach to supporting a positive research environment

    This is an opportunity to hear from and speak to Wellcome staff, committee members and other researchers at plenary sessions, a networking lunch, a panel Q&A and breakout sessions.

    Registration required.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Research News

    Researchfish 2023 - open

    Open until: 4pm 16 March 2023

    Researchfish is an online system used by several major UK research funders to gather information on the outputs, outcomes and impacts of research that they have funded. The information collected in Researchfish is used to report to, and engage with, both the government, the academic community and the wider public. Any Principal Investigator (PI) who holds a grant from a funder that uses Researchfish must report research outcomes annually through Researchfish. This submission period applies to the following funders:

    • NC3Rs
    • National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)
    • Cancer Research UK
    • British Heart Foundation
    • Wellcome Trust

    PIs must report on awards for five years after the award has ended.

    PGR Students will also be asked to submit their outcomes on the above dates. The PGR student return is coordinated through the Research Degrees and Research Development Team in the Directorate or Research and Business and Engagement.


    All non-compliant PIs will lose eligibility to be either a PI or Co-I on further awards from any UKRI Council and any live UKRI Council awards they hold will have their payments withheld until such time as the PI makes a valid Researchfish submission.

    This sanctions policy does not apply to students.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    New ethical review route for third-party panel studies

    (Detailed in email to staff 28-Feb023)

    UoM has a new route of ethical review in the ERM (Ethical Review Manager) system for projects that only involve third-party collaboration, such as IPSOS MORI or YouGov.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Change to UKRI Grants Indexation Rate

    UKRI have outlined a planned increase in the indexation rate on awards. The indexation rate is being increased from 0.81% to 2.48% for new grants offered from 1st April 2023. Any offer letters received before 1st April will remain at the 0.81 rate.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Research Funding Opportunities

    UKRI Harmonised IAA 3rd Call for Proposals

    Deadline: 26-Apr-2023

    The Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) is a combination of grants awarded to the University of Manchester by research councils. IAA funding supports the research and innovation ecosystem to develop wider impacts from research through fast and flexible funding for early-stage knowledge exchange activities.

    IAA grants are available to The University of Manchester academics from AHRC, BBSRC, EPSRC, MRC and STFC. In addition, ESRC have recently made a new IAA allocation to the university. This has been aligned with the UKRI IAA and incorporated within this call, with a single point of application across the participating research councils.

    The UoM Knowledge Exchange Partnerships Team is pleased to announce the third Call for Proposals under the following mechanisms:

    • Relationship Development Scheme (up to £10k, open call); fostering new relationships between external partners and academic researchers, creating opportunities for collaboration and exchange of knowledge and skills
    • Proof of Concept Scheme (up to £30k); support for the very early stage of transforming research outputs into commercial and translational opportunities.
    • Secondment Scheme (up to £60k); flexible support for secondments between the UoM and businesses and other organisations.

    Do you have a potential project? The Knowledge Exchange Partnerships Team provide active support for the development of IAA submissions. You are strongly advised to contact us via at least 1 month before the call closing date on the 26th April.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Leverhulme Prize - Biological Sciences and Mathematics

    Leverhulme deadline: 17-May-2023

    The Philip Leverhulme Prize research categories change each year and this time around it is the turn of Biological Sciences, and Mathematics and Statistics (amongst others). Institutions are limited to 3 submissions per category, so demand management is required. 

    Maths will manage their own internal triage (check with Alexandra Sinton for details!) 

    Biological Sciences, it has been agreed that FBMH will be managing the sift process for the Biological Sciences prize.  See details below:

    Nominations for the Philip Leverhulme Prize in Biological Sciences are now open. These prizes recognise the achievement of outstanding researchers with less than 10 years postdoctoral experience whose work has already attracted international recognition.

    Institutions are limited to three nominations per category, so require an internal triage. If you would like to be considered, please create a document that outlines i) your significant research achievements to date, and ii) how you would use the £100k prize. The document should be no longer than 1 page of A4 (size 11 sans serif font), although you can reference up to 4 publications (references on a separate page).

    Please send your nomination to by 5pm 10th March. Applications will be considered by a cross-faculty panel, and nominees informed shortly afterwards, in preparation of the Leverhulme Trust’s final submission deadline of 17th May.    

    Please refer to the guidance notes for more information.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    UK Digital Twinning Research Community with a NetworkPlus

    Deadline: 23-Mar-23

    Apply for funding to establish a £3M multidisciplinary research community in digital twinning (over 5 years), complementing the existing industry-led multisector digital twins community.


    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Coming up: Future Leaders Fellowships (FLF) round 8

    Internal deadline: tbc
    UKRI deadline: 04-Jul-2023

    These fellowships are for Early Career Researchers (with PhD or equivalent experience). FLFs are funded for 4 years in the first phase, with the option to apply to renew for a further 3 years later on.

    There will be an internal sift process - more details to come soon.

    Unlike previous rounds of the Future Leaders Fellowships scheme, there is no outline proposal stage for this round.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Health and Safety

    DSE Awareness Session 15.03.23

    The next DSE Awareness session will take place on Wednesday the 15th of March at 10:00am, link below.


    Click here to join the meeting


    gravatar Charlotte Hart

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis
Generated: Monday, 22 July 2024 09:57:12
Last change: Wednesday, 01 March 2023 14:52:14