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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Thursday, 02 February 2023

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of Department

    Research Networking Event/Interviews

    Many thanks to those of you who were able to make our research networking event on January 24th. The turnout was great and it was nice seeing so many of you. Hopefully you found the day useful/interesting. I know a couple of you mentioned that some new research collaborations had emerged from conversations that who had with other colleagues. I'm happy to organise another similar event later in the year if there's interest. If you haven't yet had a chance to leave feedback (and would like to), please complete this form:


    Interviews for the ML post at L/SL level begin February 1st. Interviews for the joint L/SL Robotics posts will take place a week or two later. Shortlisting for the L/SL NLP post has now concluded and we're hoping to interview for that towards the end of February. We have a strong bunch of candidates for all positions.

    gravatar Charlotte Hart

    [ top ]News and announcements

    PhD and MSc Dissertations and Theses up for grabs!

    Following a clear out of one of the Computer Science Offices, we have a number of dissertations and theses available to anyone who may be interested. You can find the full range of titles in the spreadsheet attached. 

    Please email with details of the title you would like by 16th February and we will contact you with details of when to collect it. 

    These were offered to the Main Library but after reviewing the list they were not interested.


    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    Atlas Talk - Cláudia Nalon - From Global to Local: Reductions from the Modal Cube into K

    Please join us for the March Atlas Talk! Details below:


    Date: 1st March 2023

    Time: 14:00 - 16:00

    Venue:   Kilburn Theatre 1.3

    Speaker:   Cláudia Nalon

    Title:    From Global to Local: Reductions from the Modal Cube into K


    Modal logics are applied to represent and reason about a large variety of complex problems: from the formalisation of Mathematics and philosophical problems to applications in Computer Science and Engineering. Such applications might require specific extensions of modal logics that better represent constraints for a particular given domain, which can be achieved by adding to K (normality) the axioms B (symmetry), D (seriality), T (reflexivity), 4 (transitivity), and 5 (Euclideaness). The logics arising from these axioms and their combinations comprise what is known as the modal cube. 

    Given the wide range of applications, the availability of automatic tools for reasoning about problems represented in these logics is highly desirable. But that is not the case. Although both model and proof theory for the considered logics are well developed and understood, there is a lack of automatic modal reasoners. Therefore, automated reasoning for modal logics often exploits the fact that their languages can be translated into stronger logics, as first-order logic, for which there are readily available, reliable provers. This is however problematic, as the translation might not retain complexity and might not even lead to a decision procedure.

    In this talk, we will argue in the other direction: many modal logics can also be efficiently translated into weaker logics whilst preserving decidability and (often) complexity results. We provide translations directly into a clausal normal form for K which is suitable for automatic reasoning via modal resolution. Experimental evaluation with our own prover, KSP, shows that we can achieve good performance for all the logics in the modal cube. Other automated tools for local reasoning in K, whose availability is higher than those for specific modal logics, could also benefit from the techniques utilised in our translation.


    Cláudia Nalon is a full professor at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Brasília. Her research is focused on both the theoretical foundations and practical aspects related to the implementation of proof methods for non-classical logics and their combinations. She has developed and implemented proof systems for non-monotonic logics, many-valued logics, and for several modal logics (normal multimodal logics and their extensions, and parameterised multi-modal confluent logics; interacting epistemic and temporal modal logics; dynamic logics; non-normal modal logics for cooperative agency; preferential logics; etc).

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    Casual Staff

    Dear All

    Please be reminded that if you are planning to employ a member of staff on a casual contract, the request must come to Computer Science Operations Team ( This is to ensure the correct process is being followed to prevent any issues with pay. 

    Many thanks

    Erika Buzink-Wallis


    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    Inviting a Visitor to the University

    Dear All

    If you would like to invite a visitor to the Department, please send an email to so that we can send you the relevant forms and information. 

    There can be significant delays due to ATAS processing times and queries from the Global Mobility Team, so please contact us at the earliest possible opportunity to start the process. 

    Many thanks

    Erika Buzink-Wallis

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    [ top ]PGR News

    FSE Doctoral Academy Contacts

    Faculty of Science and Engineering Doctoral Academy Contact details attached. 


    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    [ top ]Research News

    Contacts for Research Finance


    Research Finance Manager:

    Mark Booth


    Senior Research Finance Officer

    CEAS: Liam Brooks

    Computer Science: Yusuf Kothia

    EEE: Vacancy (interim is Mark Booth and Yusuf Kothia)

    MACE: Jade Barrett


    Research Finance Officer

    CEAS & MACE: Gemma Maher

    Comp Science & EEE: Ruqaiyah Pandor


    Email address to use:


    gravatar Charlotte Hart

    EPSRC moving away from JeS

    As part of the UKRI move to 'Simpler, Better Funding' (SBF), EPSRC are starting to move away from using the JeS application system to a new UKRI Funding Service.

    Je-S will be closed to new applications from 30 March 2023 for the following schemes:

    • EPSRC standard research grant
    • EPSRC new investigator award
    • EPSRC overseas travel grant
    • EPSRC network grant
    • EPSRC discipline-hopping in information and communications technologies
    • EPSRC working with overseas scientists

    with others to follow

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    University Open Access Fund - Now open for requests

    (from the Library)

    The University supports the principles of Open Access and the efforts of its researchers to disseminate their research findings as widely as possible.

    Following the exhaustion of the University Open Access Fund last November, we are pleased to confirm that the Library has secured additional funds to support unfunded researchers publishing in fully Open Access journals. Based on our projections, these additional funds should ensure that all eligible requests submitted before August 2023 can be approved, however authors are encouraged to request funding prior to submission via the Open Access enquiry form so that funds can be protected. For more information on the funding available and how to request it, please visit our Open Access Funding page.

    In addition to the University Open Access Fund, the University of Manchester Library has signed up to transformative agreements with a number of publishers including Elsevier, Wiley, Springer, and SAGE. Unfunded authors can also benefit from these deals and publish their work Open Access free of charge.

    Please visit our Transformative Agreement page for a list of our current agreements with publishers and details of which journals are covered. If you’re not sure if the journal you're submitting to is included in a transformative agreement, you can contact the Library’s Open Access Team using our Open Access Enquiry Form.

    Please note, some agreements are restricted to authors funded by UKRI or the medical charities or are limited to certain journals.

    If you have any questions then please contact the OA team:

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Research Funding Opportunities

    Upcoming call: North West Partnership for Security and Trust

    (as emailed 01-Feb-23)

    Call opens: March/April 2023
    Deadline: 4 weeks after call opens

    The North West Partnership for Security and Trust (NWPST) will soon issue a call for proposals for research into online safety in the Metaverse. This opportunity for up to £40k per project (100% fEC) will be available to researchers at the universities of Lancaster, Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan and Salford.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    RAEng Chair in Emerging Technologies (CiET) - internal review process and timelines

    Internal review deadline: noon on Friday 17-Feb-2023
    External deadline: 11-Apr-2023
    Chairs in Emerging Technologies are professorial appointments. Applicants who haven’t been awarded a Professorial title but have demonstrated research achievements such that they would be strongly considered for Professorial promotion at present, are eligible to apply, with awardees expected to gain a Professorial title upon award.

    £2.5M is available over 10 years (5 years initially) with an annual payment of £250k per annum.
    N.B. Resubmissions are now allowed (but must clearly articulate where modifications and improvements have been made based on feedback)
    As per previous calls, there will be a light touch internal review process for submissions. Prospective applicants should submit a 2 page outline to cc’ing their RSM ( by noon on Friday 17th February 2023. Outlines will be reviewed by a Faculty panel and should detail the following:
    1.      Strategic significance, relationship between the emerging technology and wider UK technological priorities
    2.      Fit with University research and investment strategy
    3.      Impact of research
    4.      Plans for self-sustainability once RAEng funding has ended
    Queries regarding applications to this scheme should be referred to your Research Support Manager (Sarah Chatwin) in the first instance.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Health and Safety

    DSE Awareness Session

    gravatar Charlotte Hart

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:33:55
Last change: Thursday, 02 February 2023 15:50:18