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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Wednesday, 18 January 2023

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of Department

    Happy New Year Everyone

    First, I'd like to welcome to our department Ramon Pereira who has joined us as a lecturer in Symbolic AI and Autonomous Systems. Previously, Ramon was at Sapienza Università di Roma working with Giuseppe De Giacomo on the ERC project WhiteMech, and before that he was at the University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) where he completed his PhD. Ramon's office is Kilburn 2.109.

    We're currently shortlisting for the recently advertised L/SL positions in Machine Learning, NLP, and Robotics (this last one is joint with MACE). All positions have attracted a very strong bunch of candidates and interviews will be taking place over the next month or so.

    For those who missed it, it was great to hear Keir Starmer mentioning robotics at Manchester in his New Year's Speech .

    Finally, we had an attempted forced entry last week to Kilburn 1.8 (which had been locked while exams were being set up). If you notice any suspicious activity around the building, please report it to Security.



    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Atlas podcast available - Stefan Schulz - Interoperability standards for clinical text processing

    Stefan Schulz kindly agreed to have his Atlas Seminar presentation recorded, and it is now available as a podcast: 

    Stefan Schulz, 'Interoperability standards for clinical text processing'


    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    School of Engineering new PR7 form and guidance

    The School Operations team strives to improve processes and their efficiency.  Having reviewed the PR7 process and based on the challenges the Operations team have witnessed and feedback we have received, we have been working to improve this process, form and guidance.   
    The existing PR7 form can be found on StaffNet, however you may want to use our improved SoE PR7 form with added instructions and guidance for both fee claims and expenses claims – this form can be found on the SoE Sharepoint. These improvements may help you to complete the form and reduce any delays caused by missing information. Subsequently, we can submit your claim to P&OD more quickly.   
    For further guidance on submitting a PR7 claim and understanding the PR7 form, please see the Fees & Expenses page on the SoE Sharepoint.  

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    Updated Credit Card Expenditure Request Form

    The School Operations Team have also been reviewing the expenditure request process for credit card use, and have identified some inefficiencies. The existing Expenditure Request form can be found on StaffNet, however you may want to use our improved SoE Expenditure Request form with added instructions and guidance – this form was sent round today and can be found on Sharepoint. We hope these improvements will help you to complete the form and reduce any delays caused by missing information.

    Attached you can also find the SoE Expenditure Request guidance document. For further guidance on submitting an expenditure request and understanding the form, please see the Purchase Cards page on the SoE Sharepoint.

    The Operations team needs a minimum of 5 working days to process credit card requests.


    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    Water Coolers now fully operational in the Department

    The work has been completed on installing the new watercoolers in the department.  They are located as follows:

    Kilburn 2nd floor - near the Welfare room KB2.51

    Kilburn 1st floor - opposite the goods lift, near the common room

    IT Building ground floor - in the foyer near IT105

    We have removed most of the Aquaid watercoolers from around Kilburn and will shortly be picking up the coolers from the IT Building.

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    [ top ]Events

    Atlas seminar - Modelling Shapes and Surfaces - Geometry meets machine learning

    The next Atlas talk will take place on 1st February, in Kilburn 1.3. 2pm-4pm. There will be some light refreshments available in the PGR Common Room immediately after the talk. 

    Abstract: We will consider modeling shapes and fields via topological and lifted-topological transforms. Specifically, we show how the Euler Characteristic Transform and the Lifted Euler Characteristic Transform can be used in practice for statistical analysis of shape and field data. We also state a moduli space of shapes for which we can provide a complexity metric for the shapes. We also provide a sheaf theoretic construction of shape space that does not require diffeomorphisms or correspondence. A direct result of this sheaf theoretic construction is that in three dimensions for meshes, 0-dimensional homology is enough to characterize the shape. We will also discuss Gaussian processes on fiber bundles and applications to evolutionary questions about shapes. Applications in biomedical imaging and evolutionary anthropology will be stated throughout the talk.

    Bio: Sayan Mukherjee is an Alexander von Humboldt Professor in AI at UL and a Fellow of the Max Planck Society. He is also a Professor at Duke University of Statistical Science, Mathematics, Computer Science, and Biostatistics & Bioinformatics.

    We hope to see you there!

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    Star Wars Folks at Kilburn

    Zahra Montazeri's former colleagues from Disney ILM are visiting us on May 4th to deliver an Atlas seminar about the science behind their movies. Please RSVP using the link below - there are just limited places left! The exact location will be later shared with those who have RSVPed. 

    RSVP for tickets 

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    [ top ]Research News

    MRC change to standard Principal and Co-Investigator eligibility

    (With immediate effect)

    A Principal Investigator (PI) or Co-Investigator (Co-I) must have a contract of employment with an eligible Research Organisation for the duration of the grant prior to application for MRC grants (except for New Investigator Research Grants (NIRGs) and fellowships).

    We are now also open to applications from PIs and Co-Is where assurance can be provided from the eligible organisation that, if the application is successful, a pre-existing contract of employment, will be extended beyond the end date of the grant.  This assurance should be provided from Departmental Heads as a letter of support (maximum of two pages) confirming:

    *       That a pre-existing contract of employment will be extended beyond the end date of the grant, including where required to cover any grant extensions.
    *       The employment contract covers the investigator for their full employment/contracted time and not just for the time spent on the grant over the course of the project.
    *       The applicant will be provided with appropriate laboratory space and access to facilities to carry out the research.

    The MRC Guidance for applicants

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    EU Update - UK Government Extends the Horizon Europe Guarantee

    The UK Government has extended the scope of its Horizon Europe Guarantee to cover calls for proposals with deadlines in the first quarter of 2023.

    The Guarantee will now be in place to cover all Horizon Europe calls that close on or before 31 March 2023.  Eligible, successful applicants to Horizon Europe will receive the full value of their funding at their UK host institution for the lifetime of their grant.

    The announcement reiterates the message that the Government continues to push for the association to EU programmes such as Horizon Europe, but time is running out. The Government's priority is to support the UK's research and development sector during the ongoing period of uncertainty and to ensure strong international collaboration opportunities for UK research.

    In July this year, the Government set out details of transitional measures which will be implemented in the event that association is no longer possible.  Further details of these plans will be published shortly.  The publication confirmed that transitional measures would pick up where the current Guarantee has left off, so there will be no funding gap, and no eligible successful applications would go unsupported.

    UKRO's factsheet on UK participation in EU programmes has been updated with the latest information. 

    Any questions then please contact

    "In addition, Monitoring Officers will no longer be assigned to new guarantee grants of any value held by HEIs, charities and public sector bodies.” full details: p.10 (Q8)

    However, 'There are currently no changes to the technical monitoring of existing guarantee grants.'

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Research Funding Opportunities

    Reminder: Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships - internal review process and timeline

    (As emailed on 15-Dec-22)

    For Early Career Researchers

    This scheme is for applicants with a PhD (submitted for viva by latest 23-Feb-23) who do not yet hold a full-time permanent academic post in the UK. The Trust will consider applications from candidates whose permanent post does not include any research i.e. on a teaching-only contract. 

    The Faculty invites expressions of interest from potential applicants for a Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship.

    Information on these fellowships, which are for 3 years, including the application procedure and eligibility, can be found on the Leverhulme website.

    Important dates:

    • Departmental deadline (send to midday Wed 11-Jan-23
    • Faculty deadline (Sarah to send to Daniel Twiddy i.e. not directly from the candidate): midday Fri 13-Jan-23
    • Leverhulme deadline: 23-Feb-23

    Expressions of interest should include:

    •             a one page CV, including details of the candidate’s top 5 publications
    •             The names and email addresses of two referees
    •             A one page outline research proposal, which includes details on why your work is (a) an appropriate fit for this scheme and (b) a match to the research of the host department

    This faculty level selection process supersedes any local departmental arrangements that have been in place previously. It would be helpful for departments to pre-sift candidates to ensure they are of a suitable calibre for this scheme, and that their proposed work is a suitable fit to the host department/institute.

    As a faculty, our recent successes under this scheme (in the past decade) have been in the areas of Earth and Environmental Sciences and in Condensed Matter Physics. While this may suggest that the Leverhulme Trust is keen to fund research in these areas, we would like to welcome expressions of interest from other areas as well. The main criteria for selection will be the quality of the candidate.    

    If you are selected as one of the Manchester-supported candidates we will work with you to prepare the full application to Leverhulme.

    Expressions should be submitted to Daniel Twiddy via the department or institute (i.e. not directly from the candidate) by Friday 13th January 2023 at 12 noon.

    Candidates who will be supported should be notified by the 27th January.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    University of Manchester Research Institute (UMRI) – Pump Priming Programme - platforms theme

    Deadline: 31-Jan-2023

    The UMRI Pump Priming scheme was created to encourage collaboration and provide support for activities that will lead to an increase in successful interdisciplinary research across the University. Funds are awarded to proposals that aim to support and pump-prime new interdisciplinary research programmes which seek to release synergies between existing clusters of excellence. Early Career Researchers are encouraged.
    Awards of up to £50K will be made to commence from 1 August 2023. Funding covers 100% of direct costs only and, as internal awards, are not costed according to fEC principles. Contact your Research Support direct contact for costings related to researcher time.

    There are two competition strands:

    The Pump priming strand includes a key thematic priority around our three Research Platforms:

    1. Digital Futures, (Director: Chris Taylor)
    2. Sustainable Futures (Director: Michael Shaver)
    3. Creative Manchester (Director: John McAuliffe) 
    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Pre-announcement: artificial intelligence innovation to accelerate health research

    Intent to submit deadline: 28-Feb-2023
    Deadline: 28-Mar-2023

    Apply for funding to develop innovative artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to be applied to health challenges.

    Proposals from multidisciplinary teams are welcomed within priority areas in AI for health from across the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) remit.Submissions to this funding opportunity will not count towards the EPSRC repeatedly unsuccessful applicants policy.

    N.B. You will not be able to submit a full application without an ‘intent to submit’ declaration.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Horizon Europe ERC Consolidator Grants Call

    Deadline: 02-Feb-2023

    The Horizon Europe ERC Consolidator Grant scheme is now included in the UK Government guarantee scheme extension (now covering all Horizon Europe calls that close on or before 31 March 2023).

    Consolidator Grants (COGs) are for PIs that must have already shown research independence (7-12 years after PhD) and evidence of maturity, for example by having produced several important publications as main author or without the participation of their PhD supervisor.

    COGs aim to empower individual researchers and provide the best settings to foster their creativity with up to €2M for 5 years (+ up to €1M). Scientific excellence is the sole criterion of evaluation. 

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Health and Safety

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:27:35
Last change: Wednesday, 18 January 2023 15:56:38