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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Thursday, 22 December 2022

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of Department

    Season's Greetings

    As we approach the end of the calendar year, I want to thank you all for your engagement and hard work during the past semester, and for the support you have given me as the new HoD. I wish you a restful and peaceful break over the next couple of weeks, and look forward to seeing you all in 0x7E7.

    Research Networking Event Registration Reminder

    Please do remember to register for our research networking event please on January 24th via this form.



    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    [ top ]News and announcements

    International Funders Workshop: The Future of Research Software in November.

    This was an important meeting of global funders organised by Research Software Alliance (ReSA) and Netherlands eScience Centre to discuss the future of research software funding.

    I keynoted as you can see in the picture. Hurrah for Manchester!


    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    Building Access during the Christmas closure

    The final working day at the University before Christmas and New Year is Thursday 22 December 2022 – buildings will begin to close after 5pm on that day. The University will re-open on Tuesday 3 January 2023.

    Access to campus during the Christmas closure & General Building Support

    Access to the Kilburn and IT Building during the Christmas closure should be limited to exceptional circumstances only. Please be aware that during the Christmas closure period there will not be any PS staff support and support from University Estates (House Services), and Campus Security will be reduced. Building heating will be turned off for environmental sustainability.

    Please check that all rooms and valuables have been made secure before leaving. Switch off all lights, electrical items and equipment that will not be needed and dispose of all perishables from fridges, kitchenettes and offices.

    Please remember to turn off any small radiators!

    In the event of an emergency, please contact the University’s Security Services on 0161 306 9966.

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    [ top ]Events

    Atlas seminar 11th January 2023

    The next Atlas seminar will take place on 11th January 2023, in Kilburn Lecture Theatre 1.3, 2pm – 4pm.

    Speaker: Stefan Schulz

    Title: Interoperability standards for clinical text processing


    Healthcare and biomedical research are probably among the areas best served by semantic aretefacts of all kinds. Nevertheless, narrative data remains a cornerstone of clinical communication and documentation.

    The need for semantic interoperability has increasingly promoted representations of EHR content using ontologies and terminologies (models of meaning) such as ICD, SNOMED CT, LOINC, together with information patterns (models of use) such as HL7-FHIR.

    Despite major advances in NLP over the past decade, processing clinical narratives with the goal of instantiating interoperable information structures such as FHIR resources still faces major challenges.

    Future approaches to overcome this situation need to integrate data-driven language models (relying on annotated clinical texts) with symbolic knowledge, such as that provided by domain ontologies.


    Stefan Schulz holds a full professiorship at the Institute of Medical Computer Sciences, Statistics and Documentation, Medical University of Graz, Austria. He does research in Artificial Intelligence and Computing applied to Health Care and Life Sciences, in particular on EHRs, secondary use of clinical data, text and data mining in clinical document repositories, biomedical knowledge representation, ontologies and terminologies and classification systems (including SNOMED CT). Stefan works in addition at Averbis GmbH, Freiburg, Germany as Head of Medical Research Projects. Averbis is a leading provider of NLP solutions tailored to medical language in Germany. More information at

    We hope to see you there!


    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    Language in the Field - Governmental Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence

    You are invited to a talk at Lancaster University, open to staff and students from Manchester, Lancaster, MMU and Salford

    Linguistics has broad applications to a wide array of fields, from banking security and military intelligence to interview contexts and malware analysis. In this talk we will provide an understanding of what the real-world applications of linguistics and Natural Language Processing look like from the perspective of practitioners working in Government and why we care about language. This talk should be of especial interest to anyone considering linguistics as a future career.

    Date: Monday, January 16, 2023

    Time: 1:00pm - 3:00pm

    Attendance strictly by registration only. Find out more and register here


    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    [ top ]Research News

    UKRI website user satisfaction survey 2022

    Please spare 3 minutes to help us improve your experience on the UK Research and Innovation website. 

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Research Support contacts

    The Research Services team is now made up of the following people:

    Research Support Manager: Sarah Chatwin
    Research Support Officers: Natalia Stefanovic, Chantel Murtagh, Sarah Watson and Liz Hulme
    Research Support Assistant: Annette Haworth

    Contact the following people directly for support with your proposals and researcher recruitment:

    Natalia Stefanovic

    • Advanced Processor Technologies
    • Natural language processing and text mining

    Chantel Murtagh

    • Systems and Software Security
    • Information Management
    • Formal Methods

    Sarah Watson 

    • Nano-engineering and Spintronic Technologies
    • Machine Learning and Robotics

    Elizabeth Hulme

    • Human Computer Systems
    • Autonomy and Verification 

    Merry Christmas from all of us in Research Support!

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Innovate Knowledge transfer partnerships (KTPs): round 5

    Deadline: 25-Jan-23

    Overview and application

    For academics collaborating with a company. KTPs last 1-3 years with the KTA (Knowledge Transfer Associate) working at the company.
    The UoM has very good success rate with KTPs. If you are interested in applying to the scheme please contact the KE Team ( asap as they provide invaluable advice.


    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    EPSRC: Explore the requirements of exascale software for UK science

    Deadline: 21 February 2023

    Grants must start by 1 June 2023 for 18 months (worth up to £500k at 80% fEC).

    Apply for funding to explore emerging exascale software and algorithms requirements for UK science.

    This funding is through the Exascale Computing: Algorithms and Infrastructures Benefiting UK Research (ExCALIBUR, programme, which is part of the Strategic Priorities Fund.

    You can be from any area of the UK research community (not necessarily a researcher working within EPSRC’s remit). Applicants must engage with 1 or more of the funded ExCALIBUR projects as part of their proposal and a letter of support must be provided by the group.

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    [ top ]Sustainability and Green Impact News

    Food Waste Recycling - University trial starts in January 2024

    As part of a University trial, food waste bins will be placed in all staff kitchens in Kilburn and Information Technology at the start of January. 

    The bins will be emptied daily/several times a week by the cleaning staff who will remove the bags of food waste and replace them with new bags and give the bins a quick clean/wipe. The food bags they remove will be taken to food waste wheelie bins (240L) at existing bin store locations and these will be emptied by our waste contractors, Veolia (ES) UK Ltd on a weekly or fortnightly basis. They will take this waste to their Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) in Trafford Park to be bulked up, before it is transferred to Anaerobic Digestion (AD) facilities in Warwickshire operated by Biogen.

    More Information

    Please remember to clean up after yourselves in the kitchens and do not leave food out!

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:38:50
Last change: Thursday, 22 December 2022 11:39:04