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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Thursday, 24 November 2022

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of Department

    Research Event on January 24th 2023

    On January 24th we are having a departmental research event to give us the chance to meet with each other in person, and to discuss possible new research collaborations, our research directions, our research values, how we can position ourselves to improve our REF performance etc. More details will follow soon, but please pencil in January 24th in your calendars.

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    An update on student numbers for next year

    Our UG student target for 2023 entry is 310, and we're currently a little behind where we were at this time last year with respect to applications (although we're ahead on offers). More details can be found in the UG report 2022 that Paul circulated on November 17th. Please do take the time to read that. I'd like to echo Paul's thanks in that report to everyone who has worked so hard and delivered such top notch teaching against a challenging backdrop. In addition, I'd like to thank Paul for his fantastic leadership on all things UG - it's very much appreciated.

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Departmental Email lists

    Departmental Email lists

    If you are a member of staff in CS then we have the following email lists:

    For academic staff:

    For PDRA staff:

    For PS Staff:

    If you find you are not on a list and would like to be added then please email HoDPA CS with your request. This will go to Melanie Price who will action your request. 

    If you send something to the Listserv please email HoDPA CS to let Melanie know, so that she can ensure moderation takes place. 

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    IEEE Milestone plaques installed

    This summer the IEEE awarded the University two of its Milestone awards, one for the Baby/Mark I computer and one for the Atlas Computer and the invention of Virtual Memory. The two bronze plaques have now been installed.

    The first plaque recognises the invention of the World’s first stored programme computer by Williams and Kilburn and is on the outside of what is now the Coupland I Building, on its rear side (Bridgeford Street). The plaque is below the windows of the room in which the Baby was constructed. This part of Coupland I used to be the Electrotechnics department of which Williams was the head.

    The second plaque recognises the invention of the Atlas computer and particularly the invention of virtual memory by Kilburn and his team. It is installed on the main entrance to the Zochonis building, which was constructed in the early 1950s to house the Electrotechnics department which was growing rapidly as a result of its work on computers. Atlas and virtual memory were invented in the Zochonis Building before the Department of Computer Science was created and the Kilburn Building constructed.

    You might also notice that a picture of Tom Kilburn and a brief description of his work in the University has also been installed by the ground floor North entrance of the Kilburn Building to provide a brief explanation of the naming of the building.

    Jim Miles


    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    Mentimeter UoM Templates

    Colleagues will know that the Faculty has purchased a site licence for Mentimeter, a web-based tool designed to support engagement and inclusivity within online and class room teaching activities. Since September the number of UoM Licence holders has doubled and currently UoM staff and students have created over six thousand Mentimeter presentations eliciting over sixty thousand comments and reactions from participants. To celebrate this achievement we’ve shared a UoM Template with all FSE Mentimeter licence holders; find out how to add it to your Mentimeter space on this page.

    If you haven’t already claimed your Mentimeter licence find out how to do so on this page.

    gravatar Charlotte Hart

    School of Engineering Sharepoint Site

    School of Engineering Sharepoint Site Access a wealth of resources and support on the new SharePoint site. You can find information on Operational Processes and contacts for School Operations teams and lots more useful information

    gravatar Charlotte Hart

    NaCTem/UoM &MMU Team success on TSAR-2022 Shared Task

    Laura Vasquez Rodriguez (PhD candidate), Nhung Nguyen and Sophia Ananiadou (NaCTeM) together with the Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) participated on the Text Simplification, Accessibility, and Readability (TSAR-2022) Shared Task on "Lexical Simplification for English, Portuguese and Spanish”.

    NaCTeM/UoM &MMU team was placed 2nd among the 8 participating teams in Spanish and 3rd among the 15 participating teams for English.

    Research paper: as part of our collaboration with the National Covid study, Tialin Zhang (PhD candidate), together with our alumnus Hassan Alhuzali (currently Umm Al-Qura University, SA) and S. Ananiadou co-authored this paper

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    Research Group Christmas Parties

    As well as the Computer Science Department End of Year Party (Taking place on Thursday 15th Dec), research groups can also plan smaller parties or get togethers.

    The Department has found funding to allow groups to meet, and will provide £20 per staff member as a contribution which can be used to purchase catering from the University’s catering service, or can be paid as a deposit to a restaurant.

    To claim this, please have an organiser contact the CS Ops Team, with the plan of your event, a completed Finance Request (form if going external), and a list of staff members who will be attending. Please note, this funding is only available for staff members, not PGRs.

    The CS Ops team will gladly assist in the payment and ordering of catering, but will not be able to assist in finding a venue for an external venue. Staff members can also only have their contribution applied to 1 gathering.

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    Purchasing refreshments for small meetings

    We are now able to purchase refreshments from food on campus outlets at the University using account codes.

    If you are catering for a small meeting, and would like to purchase a few drinks from a food on campus outlet, rather than ordering refreshments from Hospitality, then email the ops team a few days in advance with information on the meeting, which budget you would like to use, and an email from the budget holder approving this use The Ops team will arrange this budget code to be added to your card.

    Once added, you will be able order drinks and ask for this to be charged to the budget code when asked to pay. The food on campus outlet will take your ID card to process the transaction, and the budget holder will be asked to verify the purchases at the end of the month.

    If you would like more information, please contact the Ops Team.

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    Ongoing Recruitment in CS

    Just a note about the current recruitment in the department:

    Translational Research Manager SAE-020459 (Artificial Intelligence) closing on 5th Dec, 2022

    Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Machine Learning SAE-020165 closing on 2nd Dec, 2022

    Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Natural Language Processing (NLP) SAE-020410 closing on 14th Dec, 2022

    Research Soft Engineer PSX- 020545 closing on 6th Dec. 2022 - an ITS role which is affiliated to the department

    Please do disseminate via any relevant networks.


    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    [ top ]Events

    ScienceX Event

    The Computer Science Outreach team participated in the University's ScienceX event.  ScienceX is an annual science festival provided by staff and student scientists, mathematicians and engineers from the Faculty of Science and Engineering.  This year it took place in Manchester's Central Library on Friday 28 October and Saturday 29 October.  There were stands and activities representing many aspects of science and engineering including the opportunity to make graphene and to explore ways of reducing the carbon cost of transport.  Louise Dennis and Yifan Xu (pictured) from the Autonomy and Verification Group ran a "Lego Rover" activity, which used Lego Robots to introduce concepts from programming, robotics and space science via a discussion of inter-planetary communications delays.  The Cognitive Robotics lab also loaned several of their robots to the event, including a Nao and Pepper, in order to demonstrate ideas from social robotics.


    If you are interested in being involved in future outreach events please contact Louise Dennis, or Zahra Montazeri,

    gravatar Charlotte Hart

    Digital Trust and Security Seminar Series: Dr Meropi Tzanetakis

    Digital Trust and Security Seminar Series: Dr Meropi Tzanetakis

    29 November 2022 | 12:30 – 14:00 | Lunch included

    Location: Whitworth Building - Council Chamber Oxford Road Manchester M13 9PL

    Seminar title: Crossing bridges: From digital drug markets to the platform economy

    Free registration: 

    The Centre for Digital Trust and Society is delighted to host a talk by Dr Meropi Tzanetak. Dr Tzanetak talk will focus on the relationship between digital drug markets and the infrastructure of platform capitalism. This talk will discuss the design of digital drug platforms to extract data on the activities of their users and how the vast collection of user data feeds into the accumulation of capital.

    Dr Meropi Tzanetakis is a Lecturer in Digital Criminology at the University of Manchester. She is also a Research Affiliate with the Governance of Digital Practices Research Platform at the University of Vienna.

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    Please join us for an upcoming Research Communications Conference on Wednesday 7 December.

    Conference Overview

    Designed for both professional services and academic researchers, the Research Communications Conference can help you improve the communication of research through an interactive programme of talks, networking sessions and how-to advice.

    How can communications and marketing professionals work alongside researchers to create opportunities for promotion, secure funding and collaborate with external partners?

    If you're an academic who's ever been mystified by the communications and marketing landscape then this conference is for you.

    Our programme is designed to help provide:

    • Support navigating the communications process;
    • Advice about using the media to promote your research or raise the profile of your research group;
    • Understanding how your research can be developed into marketing campaigns;
    • Information to grow your key audience; and
    • Expert advice to optimise your use of social media.

    If you work in communications or marketing professional services, our programme is designed to allow you to:

    • Network with your peers to unlock great content;
    • Identify opportunities or individuals who can help you achieve your objectives;
    • Learn how you can work to cut down the jargon; and
    • Have your expertise valued in the context of world-leading research projects.

    This conference will introduce academic and PS specialists from the University, Faculties, Schools and Institutes who you can consult when the time is right to promote research at critical milestones.

    Join the plenary with Professor Colette Fagan, Vice-President for Research and Claire Brown, Director of Communications, Marketing and Student Recruitment and special guests to learn about our developing community of practice. Professor Gary Younge will be part of a special ‘In Conversation’ session in the afternoon.

    Conference Programme

    08.30-08.55 Registration and coffee on arrival.

    08.55 – 15.00 Conference featuring keynote talks, panel discussions, networking sessions and quick-fire talks.

    15.00 - 16.15 Surgeries and networking

    16.15 – 16.30 Conference ends

    Sessions will include:

    • Using social media and digital platforms to gain new audiences (Digital and social media team + academic speaker)
    • How to build a media profile and take your research to your target audience (Media team and editor of The Conversation)
    • Research communications campaigns and how to feed into them (Corporate Campaigns team)
    • Keeping funders happy (Manchester Cancer Research Centre)
    • Embedding communications in grant applications (Global Development Institute and Faculty of Humanities Strategic Funding team)
    • Open research and communications (Office for Open Research)
    • Plus sessions with Policy@Manchester and the Researcher Development Team.

    Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

    Register today to hold your place.

    Questions? Contact the Conference organising team at: or

    gravatar Charlotte Hart

    Applying for UKRI grants including New Investigator Awards

    Date: Friday 2nd December 10-12
    Location: Kilburn Lecture Theatre 1.4

    New to applying for UKRI grants or need to brush up about grant writing, application and processes? If so this staff development session is for you.

    This session focuses on all aspects of applying for UKRI grants, in particular, focusing on EPSRC. We will consider the relevant documents, the process locally and at UKRI, costings and New Investigator Awards. There will be a chance to ask questions and advice will provided about how to succeed. It will not explicitly target fellowships.

    • Michael Fisher: The documentation, the UKRI process after submission
    • Sarah Chatwin: Research Support, costings de-mystified, the process locally
    • Pierre Olivier: New Investigator Awards
    • All: Advice and tips for success, Q&A

    This is aimed at Computer Science early career academics new to applying for UKRI grants, or academic staff who would like a refresher about applying for UKRI grants. It may also be of interest to PDRAs or PhD students who would like to find out more about proposal application.

    We intend it to be an in person event but aim also to run a zoom session for those who cannot attend in person ( and will try and record the session.

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    Sustainable Futures at The University of Manchester NEW speaker line up revealed!

    NEW speaker line up revealed!

    Join us to celebrate one year of Sustainable Futures at The University of Manchester. This is your chance to network, meet our team and learn more about advances in sustainability related research straight from University of Manchester academics on 28th November 2022.

    During the showcase we'll hear from Professor Mike Shaver, Director of Sustainable Futures, followed by updates from each of the Sustainable Futures Challenge Leads. We'll also hear from University of Manchester researchers, who will discuss their area of research, including recent updates and calls for collaboration/support.

    Topics and speakers include:

    • Joe Cahill - Innovate UK Knowledge Transfer Project with Artesia Consulting
    • Professor Ricardo Climent - Video Games & Sustainability
    • Dr Maggy Fostier - LEAF (Making lab work more sustainable)
    • Dr Stephanie Sodero - Climate Resilience of Supply Chains
    • Dr Torik Holmes - One Bin to Rule Them All
    • Dr Joe Blakey - Slow travel policy
    • Dr Gareth Clay - Wildfire risks and warning systems
    • Dr Claudia Henninger – Sustainability in fashion
    • Professor Sherilyn MacGregor - TBC
    • Professor Susanne Shultz – TBC
    • Dr Gina Galli - TBC

    Places are limited, so reserve a ticket as soon as possible to avoid disappointment:

    gravatar Charlotte Hart

    Overview of Horizon Europe Clusters - Webinar Series

    Innovate UK KTN and the UK Horizon Europe National Contact Points (NCPs) are holding a series of webinars in December, providing an overview of the Horizon Europe Clusters and their Work Programmes for 2023-24. 

    Webinar Programme:

    • 1 December 2022, 10am-12pm GMT – Cluster 5: Climate, Energy and Mobility
    • 2 December 2022, 10am-12pm GMT – Cluster 1: Health
    • 6 December 2022, 10-12pm GMT – Cluster 6: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
    • 7 December 2022, 10am-12pm GMT – Cluster 2: Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society
    • 8 December 2022, 10am-12pm GMT – Cluster 4: Digital, Industry and Space
    • 15 December 2022, 10am-12pm GMT – Cluster 3: Civil Security for Society

    Register here.

    Coming soon – Horizon Europe Info Days (Hybrid (virtual/limited physical) events)

    • Horizon Europe Digital, Industry and Space (Cluster 4) Info day  – 12 December 2022
    • Horizon Europe Climate, Energy and Mobility (Cluster 5) Info day – 15 December 2022

    Also, this week UKRI have announced more funding support during the Horizon Europe delay (on top of current support):

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Research IT Grant Clinic - 29th November

    Join Research IT on the 29th Nov to hear from members of our Research Platforms and Research Software Engineering teams. There will be an overview of the support and services that we offer and we will discuss how you can include them in your research grant proposals. With many of our services now incurring a charge, it's important that you include the correct amount of resource from the start of your project!

    We understand that the services required, and therefore costs, are highly dependent on the nature of your research so it’s important that you get them right. That’s why there will be plenty of time in the session for attendees to discuss their research, to ask questions about how Research IT can be involved and how our skills can be incorporated into proposals.

    It is important that you talk to us before you include any of our services on your grant application otherwise we may not be able to help! This session is also a great way for new researchers to find out what services we offer.

    Please note that we are asking people to register as we need a minimum of 8 people for the event to go ahead. If we do not reach minimum numbers we will get in touch directly with those that have registered. To register please visit

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Code Reproducibility Training - ELIXIR

    Deadline: 15-Dec-2022

    The Code Reproducibility Training initiative which is part of the ELIXIR-CONVERGE WP2 project, aims to create training materials to learn how to develop sustainable and reproducible code.

    Who is this for? We are looking for people who are interested in developing training in version control, literate programming, software testing, documentation, software architecture design and CI/CD.

    To register your interest, sign up here: by 15 December 2022.
    Please kindly read this document to learn about topics we aim to cover in training materials, timelines of the project and how to get involved!

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Research News

    Government Office for Science (GO-Science) on campus for 6 months and survey

    Survey deadline extended to: 30-Nov-22

    Government Office for Science will be at Manchester for 6 months. They are looking to interact with academics, initially through a survey (deadline extended). Full information available here

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Dr Marie Farrell featured in FSE Research Newsletter November 2022

    Find out more about Marie's Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship on Strong Software Reliability for Autonomous Space Robotics, through FSE Research (via email to FSE colleagues).

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Prof. Steve Furber in Ars Technica

    This week, part 2 of Ars Technica 'A history of ARM', is out! Learn more about Steve Furber's early work. Part one is also available, with part 3 to come!

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    University Open Access (OA) fund

    This year’s University OA Fund, which supports unfunded researchers publishing in OA journals, is now no longer open to requests.

    Since the fund opened earlier this year in August, there has been significant demand. The demand-driven nature of this budget makes it difficult to predict when funds are likely to be exhausted, but the portion of the budget allocated to paying APCs is now fully committed. This means that the Library is no longer able to cover the cost of publishing unfunded outputs Gold Open Access.

    In addition to covering APC costs for unfunded papers, the University Open Access Fund provides a significant contribution to a number of publisher agreements that enable University of Manchester authors to make their publications open access at no further cost. It also supports an annual Open Access Monograph Competition and funds a number of Open Research initiatives (including Open Library of Humanities membership).

    Unless your chosen journal is included in one of our existing publisher agreements, please do not submit papers to a fully Open Access journal without first requesting a fee waiver from the journal and/or securing alternative funding. Many Fully OA journals offer fee waivers where funding is not available to pay an APC. Waivers should typically be requested during submission.

    Open Access funding is still available for papers acknowledging support from UKRI.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Sustainability and Green Impact News

    Come and celebrate with us at the Sustainable Futures Celebration Showcase! 28th November

    This event celebrates one year since Sustainable Futures at The University of Manchester externally launched, and will bring together researchers from across the University and key external stakeholders to discuss current innovative and impactful sustainability activity.

    What to expect:

    • Updates from our 6 Challenge Areas by our Challenge Leads
    • Lightening style presentations by UoM researchers
    • Networking session in virtual break out rooms

    Register for free here:

    If you have any questions regarding the event or if you are interested in showcasing your research at a Sustainable Futures event in 2023 then please contact

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:52:03
Last change: Thursday, 24 November 2022 11:10:23