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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Monday, 27 July 2015

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Senior Common Room Furniture

    We will be having new furniture delivered for the senior common room in the Kilburn building this week and therefore need to remove the furniture that is currently there. 

    Please note that on Monday and Tuesday this week (27th & 28th) the common room will be being emptied and so seating availability will be minimal.  The new furniture is scheduled to be installed on Wednesday 29th and the common room will be closed on that day.

    If you have any questions please contact Karen Varty.

    gravatar Bryony C Quick

    Network outage

    Between the hours of 20:00 on the 5th August and 06:00 on the 6th August the network connection from the Kilburn and IT Buildings to the campus and the Internet will be down. This is due to the Kilburn data centre relocation work. We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this outage.

    The RFC number for this work is 7286.

    Many thanks,

    Mike Keeley (on behalf of the School)

    gravatar Bryony C Quick

    Library information

    Database trial of S&P Capital IQ’s Compustat Global


    The Library’s Business Data service is conducting a database trial of S&P Capital IQ’s Compustat Global until Sunday 16th August 2015.


    This Database is of use across a breadth of disciplines and we’d be keen to determine its value to colleagues in the EPS Faculty. Our objective is to provide you with the opportunity to help shape our future Research Services offering.


    Compustat Global is accessed via WRDS (Wharton Research Data Service). The University of Manchester has taken a subscription to its sister product Compustat North America, also accessed via WRDS. Compustat Global will complement Compustat NA. A brief description of the product from WRDS is attached at the end of this email.


    If you are interested in taking a look at Compustat Global during the trial, you need first to have a WRDS account. You can register one account following this link if you don’t already have one.


    If you do try it out, feedback is very important to us in order to consider this product. Please take this short survey when you have tried it!



    Please contact Xia Hong, Research Service Librarian for Business Data Service ( if you have any questions.


    S&P Capital IQ's Compustat Global


    S&P Capital IQ's Compustat Global is a database of non-U.S. and non-Canadian fundamental and market information on more than 33,900 active and inactive publicly held companies with annual data history from 1987.  S&P Capital IQ's Compustat Global is a database of is unique in that it is normalized to provide comparability across a wide variety of global accounting standards and practices. Accounting standards vary considerably among countries, making accurate comparisons of as-reported data somewhat difficult. Rather than adopt one country’s set of accounting principles as the standard for collecting data from all countries, we have created consistent sets of financial data items for the Global database by examining financial statements from a variety of countries and identifying items that are widely reported by companies, regardless of their geographic location, business activity or accounting practices. Within these uniform data sets, we normalize the data to local accounting principles, disclosure methods and data item definitions. As a result, you can make more meaningful comparisons among industries and countries.

    gravatar Bryony C Quick

    Interested in policy? RCUK internships available

    The Research Councils organise internships for current Research Council-funded PhD students to work at partner host organisations on a policy topic relevant to both the student and the host. The student will be expected to produce a briefing paper, participate in a policy inquiry and/or organise a policy event.

    Internships are awarded to both parliamentary and non-parliamentary organisations.

    Hosting partners:

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Introduction to writing for the media

    If you’d like a good introduction to writing for the media, then consider an article for the Conversation.  This news website features articles written and approved by academics.  Writers gain access to their readership numbers and articles are often picked up by national media outlets.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Biodiversity and Ecosystem services at Manchester

    Matthew Miller and Prof. Colin Hughes (SEAES) are developing a database of people at Manchester with interests or research in biodiversity and ecosystem services. Our aim is to generate a database of relevant researchers and to arrange a meeting to bring everyone together within the coming months. 

    The ultimate aim of this project is to improve biodiversity and the 'green and blue' infrastructure around Manchester.  With growing recognition of the importance of biodiversity and ecosystems especially in urban areas, we hope to encourage multi-disciplinary collaborations across the university, and also with external partners.

    If you would like to be included in the database contact (this can include Research Assistants and PhD students). 

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Reduce, re-use and recycle where possible!

    Unwanted packaging

    When having goods delivered ask the supplier to take back the packaging materials or ask colleagues who are EBay users if they can make use of the packaging. Reuse is preferable to unwanted packaging going in the University’s waste system and landfill.
    Find out more about our sustainability approach on our website:

    Aerosols recycling

    Aerosols can be deposited with food tins and drinks cans. These items can be placed in the can recycling bins around the campus or in the “can” section of the external recycling bins. Please remove plastic lids where possible. Find out more about the University’s recycling approach on the website:

    gravatar Bryony C Quick

    [ top ]Events

    Royal Society 2016 Summer Exhibition

    Exhibit your work to the public and policymakers next year
    Applications to exhibit at the 2016 Summer Science Exhibition are now open. This year over 13,000 people including MPs, peers and policymakers visited during the week-long event. It is a great opportunity to raise the profile of your work and talk about how it may change people’s lives in future.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    2016/17 Royal Society Scientific Programme - propose your meeting

    Deadline: 30 Sept 2015

    The Royal Society invites you to propose your meeting as part of our scientific programme in late 2016/early 2017.

    Each meeting is organised by leaders in the field, using their expertise to ensure the key topics are covered. The focus on discussion throughout the meeting allows everyone, at any stage of their scientific career, to get involved in the conversation.

    The Royal Society scientific programme offers a unique opportunity for you to present an international, two-day conference in your field (London or North Buckinghamshire locations), with the chance for publication in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society following the event. Responding to the needs of the scientific community through an open call, proposing a Royal Society scientific meeting will allow you to influence the agenda in your area.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Funding Opportunities

    KTPs: New modelling systems for stratified medicine

    Deadline: noon 18 Nov 2015

    Innovate UK is to invest up to £1 million to establish new Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) in developing modelling approaches to support the use of stratified medicine in the UK, across bioinformatics, systems biology, health economics and analytical algorithms.

    We are seeking proposals to develop new modelling systems that:

    • integrate healthcare and science data to better predict if a new product is likely to have an effect and improve patient outcomes

    • provide new multi-parameter algorithms that can be commercialised to diagnose treatments

    • provide health economic models for innovative products that will create new clinical care pathways

    This targeted competition for KTPs aims to help businesses achieve access to modelling expertise that will allow development of new diagnostic approaches and improve the earlier evaluation of diagnostic products.

    KTPs must involve a business partner able to fund some of the costs. For more information, visit the Innovate UK website.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Featured Research Outcomes

    Daniel Dresner on the radio

    Contactless payments was the topic of a morning's interview on Shane O'Connor's Breakfast Show on BBC Radio Coventry Warwickshire! (c08:50) - 23 Jul 2015

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Clinical Bioinformatics for healthcare professionals - Futurelearn course

    The University of Manchester's first course for Futurelearn (social learning MOOCs), on Clinical Bioinformatics for healthcare professionals, will launch on FutureLearn at the beginning of 2016.

    Bioinformatics is increasingly important for patient care in the modern health service particularly in light of the 100,000 genomes project. The University of Manchester is part of a network of 9 different universities across the UK delivering a Genomic Medicine programme on behalf of Health Education England (HEE). We are excited to be working with this network, HEE and FutureLearn to develop the first open online course in Clinical Bioinformatics to support healthcare professionals entering the area of genomics.

    • Ang Davies is a Lecturer in Healthcare Sciences at The University of Manchester and is also Programme Director for Masters Programmes in Clinical Bioinformatics and also Genomic Medicine.  She is also Academic Lead for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for the Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences.
    • Andy Brass is a Professor of Bioinformatics at the University of Manchester with over 20 years’ experience in bioinformatics education, having setting up the world’s first Bioinformatics master course back in 1993, and the first bioinformatics distance learning masters course in 2001.​
    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    MRC/ EPSRC Molecular Pathology nodes- announced

    After many months embargo, the molecular pathology node funding has finally been formally announced by the MRC-

    read the full story through: 

    At Manchester, the Manchester Molecular Pathology Innovation Centre (£2.9m) will be developing biomarker based molecular pathology tests with the initial work aimed at creating tests to diagnose, pick the right treatment and asses the response to treatment for a range of inflammatory conditions including rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and psoriasis.

    Prof. Sophia Ananiadou is a Co-I on the project, which also involves NaCTeM RA for 4 years.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    gravatar Bryony C Quick
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:22:27
Last change: Monday, 27 July 2015 14:20:10