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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Tuesday, 21 July 2015

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]Events

    CEAS EPSR- led Peer Review day

    Event: 21 Jul 2015, Simon Building, Room 4a

    The school of CEAS is organising an EPSRC led Peer Review day designed to increase familiarity with EPSRC’s peer review process by providing an overview of the peer review and panel process, discussion on impact vs national importance and offer some useful tips and tricks on writing a better ESPRC proposal. Colleagues from EPS have been invited along. For more details contact

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    EU events

    Big Data and Media Workshop

    Event: 24/09/2015 (Brussels, Belgium)

    The Converging Media and Content Unit will hold a workshop on Big Data and Media&Content to provide an effective opportunity for European stakeholders to contribute to this topic, to discuss with key speakers and to influence the future activity in the European scenario. Please save the date. Read more


    Horizon 2020 Health Partnering Event

    Event: 17/09/2015 (Brussels, Belgium)

    Health-NCP-Net 2.0 and Fit for Health 2.0 are jointly organising a partnering event which offers health researchers and companies the opportunity to discuss new project ideas and to find potential partners for their Horizon 2020 funding application. The event will be focused on the upcoming Call for proposals in "Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing", to be launched by the end of September.Read more


    Save the date! - Info Day, Horizon 2020 - 'Health, demographic change and wellbeing'

    Event: 18/09/2015 (Brussels, Belgium)

    Horizon 2020 (2014-2020), the EU funding programme for research and innovation, puts emphasis on tackling societal challenges, including Societal Challenge 1 (SC1) related to Health Demographic Change and Wellbeing. Read more

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    BBSRC media and public engagement training

    Event: 15 Sept 2015

    This free course is tailor-made for scientists working on BBSRC science and follows a bespoke programme created by our media office


    Event: 10 Nov 2015

    Public engagement training course. This course aims to inspire and support you to carry out effective public engagement that reflects upon the social and ethical perspectives of your work

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    [ top ]Funding Opportunities

    EPSRC funding opportunities

    Healthcare Technologies Grand Challenges NetworksPlus

    Internal EoI deadline: 27 July 2015
    Intention to Submit deadline: 08 Sept 2015
    Closing Date: 
    06 Oct 2015 at 16:00

    The Healthcare Technologies Theme has recently announced a new long term strategy. To support this challenge-led approach, EPSRC invites applications for NetworkPlus proposals that seek to establish new research communities around one of the Healthcare Technologies Grand Challenges.

    The aims of the NetworkPlus awards are to:

    • Bring together experts from across all relevant research areas, with particular focus on those in engineering and physical sciences.
    • Bring focus to the relevant challenge area and identify new research strategies and opportunities for addressing the challenge.
    • Engage with interested users of research, including business, clinicians, patient groups and policy makers, to shape future research directions.
    • Identify and address the barriers to achieving the challenge.
    • Initiate preliminary or feasibility research to tackle the challenge.
    • To be collaborative rather than competitive in nature and work together where appropriate (e.g. joint events).

    Networks are intended to be UK-wide and must have representation from several disciplines and institutions. It is essential that user engagement is considered in the wider network membership. Each proposal must explain the fit to the chosen challenge area and demonstrate evidence of how they will connect with on-going excellent research in the UK to grow and develop the network.

    If you are interested in leading a proposal, or participating in one led by another University, please complete the online internal expression of interest form by 27th July 2015.
    If you have any queries, please contact

    NB. The call document makes it clear that EPSRC will not fund NetworkPlus proposals that overlap significantly with existing EPSRC-NIHR HTC Partnership Networks. These are not easy to find so we have provided brief details here.

    Healthcare Impact Partnerships 2015/2016

    Register intent to submit by: 16:00 27 Aug 2015
    Closing Date: 
    24 Sept 2015 at 16:00

    Following a pilot call in 2013, EPSRC invites proposals for Healthcare Impact Partnerships.This call is only open to proposals which are within remit of the cross-cutting capability areas of Disruptive Sensing and Analysis and Medical Device Design and Innovation. Academics must be working with at least one business partner to progress their previous research outputs towards impact.


    EPSRC-JSPS Core-to-Core Collaboration in Spintronics and Advanced Materials

    Closing Date: 30 July 2015 at 23:59

    EPSRC are seeking Expressions of Interest for participation in the JSPS Core-to-Core scheme. The JSPS Core-to-Core scheme is designed to create world-class research hubs in fields considered to be cutting-edge and internationally important in Japan.

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    Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowships scheme

    Closing date for outline submissions: 14th Aug 2015
    RAEng deadline: 
    14 Sept 2015

    The Royal Academy of Engineering is about to open its latest call for Research Fellowships

    …For outstanding early career researchers who are about to finish their PhD or have been awarded their PhD in the last three years.

    Due to recent successes the University has now had its submission cap raised to three applications.  In order to respond to this requirement, we are asking potential applicants to submit the following to an internal review:

    • TWO PAGE (maximum) CV
    • Name of academic mentor
    • FOUR PAGE (maximum) outline application based on the following RAEng headings:
    • Abstract
    • Objectives
    • Programme and Methodology
    • Timeliness and Novelty of Research
    • Beneficiaries and Impact
    • Exploitation
    • Ambitions and Future Plans

    All outlines to be submitted to Rupa Sharma via e-mail on (via

    Outlines will be evaluated, scored and ranked by an internal panel and a final list of three (maximum - subject to quality of submission) will be selected for full submission to the Royal Academy of Engineering.

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    RAEng Enterprise Fellowships

    Deadline: 07 Sept 2015

    The Academy’s Enterprise Fellowships are now open for applications. The Fellowships provide £35k of salary support and £25k for the continued development of the innovation and associated spin-out company, plus 1:1 business mentoring from the Academy’s Fellowship.

    Enterprise Fellowships provide funding and support to outstanding engineering researchers looking to commercialise their research. Applicants should be working at a UK university and wish to develop a spin-out business around their technological idea. Prior experience of commercialisation activities is not essential, the desire and capability to succeed is more important and we will equip you with the necessary skills through a programme of training and mentoring. 

    Following the completion of the Fellowship, awardees are invited to become members of the Enterprise Hub, gaining invaluable access to our extensive entrepreneurial networks, events and continued training.

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    Newton opportunities: Brazil; Colombia; Egypt; Indonesia; Malaysia; Philippines; Thailand; Vietnam

    Newton Institutional Links

    Deadline: 16.00 (UK time) 28 Sept 2015

    The grants (£50k - £300k) aim to build UK-partner country research and innovation collaborations centred on shared research and innovation challenges which have direct relevance to social welfare and economic development.

    This programme is designed to establish links beyond the level of the individual researcher and innovation practitioner, opening up opportunities for more sustainable, solution-oriented collaborations between academic groups as well as with the private and third sector (e.g. SMEs, NGOs, technology transfer offices and other not-for-profit organisations).

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    Newton International Fellowships: Brazil, China, India, Mexico, South Africa, Turkey

    Deadline: 09 Sept 2015

    The scheme provides the opportunity for the best early stage post-doctoral researchers from outside the UK (non-UK citizens) to work at UK research institutions for a period of two years. The applicant must:

    • have a PhD, or will have a PhD by the time the funding starts
    • Applicants should have no more than 7 years of active full time postdoctoral experience at the time of application (discounting career breaks, but including teaching experience and/or time spent in industry.


    If you're interested in the scheme but for clinical or patient-oriented work then The Academy of Medical Sciences runs the Newton scheme with China, India, Mexico and Turkey.

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    Newton Advanced Fellowships: China, Malaysia, Mexico, Thailand

    Daedline: 16 Sept 15

    Newton Advanced Fellowships provide established international researchers with an opportunity to develop the research strengths and capabilities of their research group through training, collaboration and reciprocal visits with a partner in the UK.

    The skills and knowledge gained should lead to changes in the wellbeing of communities and increased economic benefits.

    This award is currently available to international early career group leaders to develop their research by linking them with some of the best research groups in the UK. The aim is to:

    • Support the development of a well-trained research community who can contribute to poverty alleviation by transferring new skills and creating new knowledge which can lead to changes in the wellbeing of communities and increased economic benefits.
    • Strengthen research excellence in partner countries by supporting promising independent, early-career scientists and their research groups and networks to develop their research through training, collaboration, reciprocal visits and the transfer of knowledge and skills from the UK.
    • Establish long-term links between the best research groups (and networks) in partner countries and the UK to ensure that improvements in research capacity are sustainable in the longer term.  Such long-term links will also benefit the UK, securing our position with partner countries as the scientific partner of choice


    Applicants must have a PhD or equivalent research experience and hold a permanent or fixed-term contract in an eligible university or research institute, which must span the duration of the project. Applicants should have no more than 15 years of postdoctoral experience. Collaborations should focus on a single project involving overseas-based scientist (“the Applicant”) and UK-based scientist (“the Co-applicant”).

    Awards last for up to 3 yrs and are available to support researchers across the natural sciences, including clinical or patient-oriented research. Up to £37k is available each year for specific costs.

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    Coming up...

    Trust, identity, privacy and security funding call: August 2015
    The RCUK Digital Economy (DE) Theme are preparing a £4-7m funding call for user-driven and interdisciplinary research projects in the broad areas of trust, identity, privacy and security. The call is intended to attract applicants collaborating across the full range of social sciences, arts and humanities, and engineering and physical sciences. The focus of the call will be on enabling researchers to expose and test potentially transformative, interdisciplinary research ideas with potential beneficiaries – for example, the individual, business and/or society – in order to get closer to achieving a viable proposition and deployment. Further details will be available in the call document that will be published when the call is launched in the week beginning 10 August.

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    Want to work with Turkey?

    Fellowships for Visiting Scientists and Scientists on Sabbatical Leave

    Deadline: ongoing

    The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) grants fellowships for international scientists/researchers who would like to give workshops/conferences/lectures, or conduct R&D activities in Turkey.

    Three types of visit are granted within this program:

    1. Visiting Scientists/researchers on Short-term (up to 1 month): Short-term fellowships fund is available for the following activities in Turkey: Conducting workshops/conferences/seminars etc.; Giving tutorials/lectures etc.;  Participating in R&D activities; Organizing technical meetings for scientific and technological collaboration
    2. Visiting Scientists/researchers on Long term (up to 12 months): Long-term fellowships fund is available for the following activities in Turkey: Conducting R&D; Teaching graduate/undergraduate courses etc.
    3. Scientists/researchers on SABBATICAL LEAVE (from 3 months to 12 months): Scholars or academic staff on SABBATICAL LEAVE planning to come to any Turkish university/institution is also funded for the following activities in Turkey: Conducting R&D; Teaching graduate/undergraduate courses etc. 

    Fellows should have a PhD degree (or equivalent) or have at least five years of research experience and need to be invited by a hosting institution in TURKEY (universities, research institutions, or industrial companies with a R&D unit).

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    JSPS Invitation Fellowships: Long Term and Short Term

    Application Deadline: 4 September 2015 to JSPS Tokyo via host in Japan
    Fellowships must be started between 1st April 2016 to 31st March 2017.

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)  Invitation Fellowships provide the opportunity for researchers based outside of Japan to conduct collaborative research activities with leading research groups at Japanese Universities and Research Institutions for single visits of between 7 days to 10 months. Eligible applicants need to be established researchers with an excellent record of research achievements. Eligible research fields are not limited. These fellowships can be awarded to the same researcher multiple times.

    ** Japanese nationals who have lived outside of Japan for at least 10 years and have been actively engaged in research there throughout this period are also eligible to apply **


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    RAEng Research Chairs/Senior Research Fellowships – internal review process

    Internal deadline: 31 Jul 2015
    RAEng deadline: 01 Sept 2015

    Although there is no cap on the number of nominations to this scheme, we have agreed an internal review process for submissions to the Royal Academy’s Research Chairs/Senior Research Fellowships with the Dean, as nominations require his support. The process will be light touch.

    Applicants are asked to provide a 2 page outline (maximum), to be submitted by 31st July, to Vicky Holt via e-mail,  detailing the following:

    ·        Details of proposed industry support

    ·        Fit with University research and investment strategy

    ·        Impact of research (meant to be “use inspired”)

    ·        Plans for self sustainability once RAEng finding ended

    The 2 page outlines will be reviewed by Professor Robert Akid (current Research Chair holder), Professor Steve Yeates, and Professor Schroder.  Nomination/s given approval to go forward for submission to the Royal Academy will be provided with a letter of support from the Dean.

    Any queries regarding applications to this scheme (and the Research Fellowships scheme) should be referred to the School Research Support Manager ( in the first instance.

    Details of the internal review process for the Research Fellowship and Senior Research Fellowship/Research Chair schemes are available through:

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    [ top ]Featured Research Outcomes

    Fri, 17 Jul 2015 12:59:28 +0100

    • Alnazzawi, N., Thompson, P., Batista-Navarro, R. T. B. and Ananiadou, S. (2015). Using text mining techniques to extract phenotypic information from the PhenoCHF corpus. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 15(Suppl. 2), S3


    • Fu, X., Batista-Navarro, R. T. B., Rak, R. and Ananiadou, S.. (2015). Supporting the Annotation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Phenotypes with Text Mining Workflows. In: Journal of Biomedical Semantics, 6, 8 (Highly Accessed)



    • O'Mara-Eves, A., Thomas, J., McNaught, J., Miwa, M. and Ananiadou, S.. (2015). Using text mining for study identification in systematic reviews: A systematic review of current approaches. In: Systematic Reviews, 4(1) (Highly Accessed)


    • Pyysalo, S., Ohta, T., Rak, R., Rowley, A., Chun, H.-W., Jung, S. -J., Choi, S. -P., Tsujii, J. and Ananiadou, S.. (2015). Overview of the Cancer Genetics and Pathway Curation tasks of BioNLP Shared Task 2013. In: BMC BioInformatics, 16(Suppl 10)(Suppl 10), S2
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Generated: Monday, 22 July 2024 09:55:55
Last change: Tuesday, 21 July 2015 15:21:34