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  • Department of CS newsletter

    Published: Wednesday, 05 October 2022

    Weekly newsletter for the Department of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of Department

    Welcome from the New Head of Department - Andrew Stewart

    First, I want to take this opportunity to thank Robert for the amazing job he's done as HoD over the last 6 years. I know I have a lot to live up to.

    Campus is feeling busier than it has in a long time and during welcome week I had the chance to meet each of the year groups. It's great to see so much energy and enthusiasm from our students. Over the last few weeks, I've also met/chatted with many of you. I appreciate the warm welcome you've given me and your openness with respect to the opportunities and challenges we face in CS - as well highlighting the many great things that work well and don't need to change. If you'd like to have a chat with me about anything, feel free to ping me and we'll set up a meeting. I'll be on campus 2 or 3 days every week (out of Tues/Wed/Thurs) - but am also happy to video call with you too if you'd prefer.

    If you're around on the 13th, please do pop along to the re-scheduled coffee morning at 1130 - it would be great to see you then.


    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Reminder Coffee morning - *new date* - Thurs 13th Oct at 11.30am

    The next coffee morning will be on Thursday 13th October at 1130 in the staff & PGR common room. Do pop down and meet our new Head of Department in person - coffee, tea and buns provided - bring a cup so we can reduce waste where possible.

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    New Process for Car Hire

    We are now able to book car hire via Enterprise. The process is as follows.

    • The requestor should check the total price for the required car hire on the attached document – Enterprise UK Car Hire Rates.
    • The requestor should send a request to to create a requisition for the car hire – please include the total price of the car hire and an account code, with a task code if the account code is an R or P code. The I&E code will be 4132.
    • CS Ops will then raise the requisition.
    • Once the requisition has been approved, a PO will be created.
    • CS Ops will email the requestor the PO number.
    • The requestor will then log in to the Enterprise booking website and complete the booking request including submitting the PO number.

    In order to log in to the Enterprise website, please email your full name and email address to the following email address with ETD Profile addition FAO Ikram – Manchester Uni as the subject of the email.

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    Xerox Pull Printing

    Apologies - looks like the link was incorrect in the last newsletter - here is the correct one:

    • Pull Printing

    The printers in the 2nd floor print room (room 2.13) are now working on the pull print service

    Multi-function devices (The University of Manchester)

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    DSE Awareness Trainiing

    DSE awareness training

    The next monthly Display Screen Equipment (DSE) awareness session will take place on 19th October between 10am and 11am. The session will help colleagues avoid potential health issues from computer work, by outlining the ideal workstation setup and suggesting innovative ways to achieve this in a home office. It will also include basic exercises to help alleviate discomfort. Join the meeting via Teams.

    gravatar Erika Buzink-Wallis

    Security Serious Awards - Nominations for Danny Dresner and Seònaid Lafferty

    At the Security Serious Awards ( awards)

    Seònaid Lafferty has been nominated in the Rising Star category

    and Danny Dresner been nominated in two categories:

    • Best Educator (This award will go to a professor, lecturer or teacher who leads by example to inspire and motivate the next generation of cyber security professionals.)
    • Godfather/Godmother of Cyber Security (This award will go to someone who has been around the block and back and contributed greatly to the IT Security industry for more than 25 years.

    Congratulations on both nominations!

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks

    Prof. Andy Brass now SHS Head of School

    Congratulations to Professor Andy Brass in his new position of Head of School in the School of Health Sciences, since August 2022.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Research News

    Research news

    Research Funding News

    Congratulations to Profs Sophia Ananiadou (PI) and Junichi Tsujii (£310,822) who have been successful with a KTP award with The project aims to automate a critical fact-checking and verification process using natural language processing (NLP) for companies listing, or looking to list, securities on public markets. This process helps safeguard investors' interests and is essential for regulatory compliance. 

    Keynote Speaker

    Prof Sophia Ananiadou provided the keynote talk at the 9th ACM Celebration of Women in Computing (womENcourage 2022), in Larnaka, Cyprus, 21-23 September 2022 on Emotion detection from social media for mental health applications.


    Li, M. and Ananiadou, S., Neural Architectures for Aggregating Sequence Labels from Multiple Annotators. Neurocomputing

    Xie, Q., Bishop, J., Tiwari, P. and Ananiadou, S. Pre-trained language models with domain knowledge for biomedical extractive summarization (2022), In: Knowledge-Based Systems, 252(109460)

    Yang, K., T. Zhang and Ananiadou, S., A Mental State Knowledge-Aware and Contrastive Network for Early Stress and Depression Detection on Social Media (2022), Information Processing and Management, 59:4(102961)

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    [ top ]Research Funding Opportunities

    UKRI FLF - Talent Panel College members wanted

    Deadline for applications: 04-Nov-2022

    Good opportunity! UKRI are advertising for new panel members who are senior and world leading experts in their field, ahead of Round 7 of the Future Leaders Fellowship scheme:

    They are seeking expertise across all areas of UKRI activity, with an additional special request for experts in the following areas:

    • artificial intelligence and image processing
    • biomedical imaging
    • cardiorespiratory medicine and haematology
    • infectious disease
    • medical microbiology
    • musculoskeletal
    • nanotechnology
    • oncology and carcinogenesis
    • psychology
    • bioinformatics
    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    BBSRC - Bioinformatics and biological resources (22BBR) call

    Internal outline deadline: 18-Oct-2022
    BBSRC deadline: 16-Nov-2022

    BBSRC have announced their annual “Bioinformatics and biological resources” scheme (22BBR): Applicants may apply for up to £2m (5 yrs) to establish, maintain and enhance bioinformatics and biological resources to support the UK bioscience research community.

    At Manchester, we have experience of leading successful bids and panel participation. To ensure that our bids are aligned and benefit from this advice, please could any interested applicants send a short (max 2 pages) outline of your project and team to by Tuesday 18th October. We will provide feedback on the idea and are happy to offer subsequent support during the application process.  

    Please note that it is crucial to demonstrate community support for prospective resources in this call - Letters of Support from external users and organisations are therefore essential. 

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    FBMH Research Technology Development Fund

    Deadline: 09-Nov-2022

    The FBMH Research Technology and Development Group (RTDG) are inviting applications from researchers that wish to develop and/or implement new cutting-edge techniques in collaboration with the FBMH core facilities. Cross-faculty collaboration is welcomed, but applications must identify a PI from FBMH.

    Proposals may request up to £10k to access the core facilities; consumables and staff time must be covered by the applicant labs. Proposals will be assessed for:

    • Novelty of technique and likelihood to generate quality publications/funding applications
    • Potential userbase once integrated as a service within the core facilities
    • Commitment from the host laboratory
    • Relevance to core facility strategic priority areas (see Appendix of form)

    For an application form please contact Applications must be sent to by 4pm on Wednesday 9 November. Contact with any enquiries.

     All spend must be completed by 31st July 2023

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    NERC Internal Review Panel "Pushing the Frontiers" - timelines and Process

    Internal deadline: application to before Friday 11th November 2022 (12pm)

    Please see demand management timeline details below for the January 2023 NERC ‘Pushing the Frontiers’ grants round. This is the 2nd round of the new scheme which replaces the ‘NERC Standard Grant’. Contact your named RSO/RSM if you wish to apply.

    Exceptions - Please note, the University Panel is not required to review applications where the PI is non lead, Manchester’s costs will be under £65k and there is no UoM JeS.


    • Friday 11th November 2022 (12pm):  Internal review deadline for full proposals that will go to University NERC Review Panel
    • Friday 11th November 2022: Proposals sent to University NERC Review Panel
    • Monday 14th November – Friday 2nd December: University panel meets
    • Friday 2nd December 2022: Feedback to applicants
    • Tuesday 17th January 2023 (4pm): NERC Pushing the Frontiers external deadline

    Submission Requirements

    Complete proposals should be submitted by RSMs to via your RSM ( by 12.00pm Friday November 11th 2022.

    Please note that NERC will be using this scheme to assess Demand Management in the same way that the old NERC Standard and New Investigator grants were. There is a slight change to the required documentation, with CVs no longer being a requirement, nor are Partner letters of support, equipment quotes or a Justification of Resources.

    ·       Cover sheet (template - contact for a copy)

    ·       Case for Support (7 pages max – incorporating ‘Capability to deliver’ (2 pages) and ‘Description of the Research Project’ (5 pages))

    ·       Details of any partnerships (though a letter of support is no longer required)

    ·       If application is a resubmission, include NERC comments where possible.

    RSMs must submit validated bids only. Please use the attached cover sheet to confirm that department based peer review has taken place. If this confirmation has not been received, the proposal will not be reviewed by the University.

    The University internal review panel hope to see proposals that are ‘submission ready’, so that the feedback can be as comprehensive as possible. There are 7 weeks between now and the internal deadline, with a further 6 weeks to take into account the panel’s feedback before the NERC deadline.

    Please note that the panel’s advice may be that the proposal needs significant development before submission. In these cases applicants will need to resubmit their proposal through this process again before the next call (NERC deadline July 2023).

    Proposals submitted after the deadline will not be considered, applications received directly from academics will be returned to RSMs for validation.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Update on UK Association to Horizon Europe and Transition Measures

    The UK is still seeking association to Horizon Europe.  The UK Government is continuing to try and salvage the UK’s Horizon Europe deal, agreed as part of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement back in 2020, however, the process has been hampered as association is caught up in the political battle over the Northern Ireland Protocol which the Commission has tied to association.

    On 1 September, the UK government announced an extension of the financial support provided to successful UK Horizon Europe applicants, which will now be in place to cover all Horizon Europe calls that close by the end of this year.  This recent announcement reiterates that association to EU programmes remains the UK's preferred outcome and extends the scope of the Guarantee to cover additional Horizon Europe calls for proposals while the delay to association continues – until now, the Guarantee covered calls where the grant agreement was expected to be signed by the end of 2022.

    The scope of the Guarantee is as follows:

    "The guarantee will now be in place to cover all Horizon Europe calls that close on or before 31 December 2022, with the majority of grant signature dates expected before the end of August 2023. This extension will protect and support the UK sector during the ongoing delays while we continue to encourage the EU to formalise UK association, including through the recently launched consultation process."

    Following the announcement, the relevant UKRI guidance documents have been updated, clarifying that the list of calls covered by the Guarantee has now been removed:

    "Previous versions of this guidance included a list of calls in the annex, but this has been replaced by a comprehensive commitment to include all Horizon Europe calls with a final submission deadline date on or before 31 December 2022 (as shown on the EC Funding and Tenders Portal).  For calls with multiple separate deadlines, applications submitted to those deadlines that fall on or before 31 December 2022 will be eligible.  For two-stage calls, only a final submission deadline on or before 31 December is considered to be in scope.

    The UK is also discussing possible alternatives and is preparing a £15 billion back-up – ‘Plan B’.   We don’t yet know the fine detail of this replacement funding programme, but we do know that the programme will have three pillars, much like Horizon Europe, will support ERC-like fellowships, industry and innovation (with a focus on getting private investors to match public money) and will fund global research projects. 

    A new package of transitional measures to ensure the stability and continuity of funding was announced in July.  These schemes will only come into force if the UK is not able to associate to Horizon Europe. These measures will ensure there is no funding gap while longer term measures are established.

    The measures will be delivered by trusted and experienced UK bodies, using existing UK funding and support mechanisms.

    The new measures include:

    •      Horizon Europe Guarantee -the Guarantee will be extended to cover those grants where grant signature dates fall beyond the end of 2022 - this would pick up where the current guarantee has left off, there will be no gap, and no eligible successful applications would go unfunded.

    •      Funding for successful, in-flight UK-based applicants to Horizon - particularly aimed at in-flight ERC proposals. (In-flight: support for UK applicants to calls that that have closed or are open at the point of decision of non-association, where such applications are not being evaluated by the EC these will be evaluated domestically.)

    •      Uplifts to existing UK talent schemes

    •      Uplifts to innovation funding and support for businesses

    •      Uplifts to international innovation schemes

    •      Funding for research institutions most affected by the loss of Horizon Europe’s talent funding

    •      Third Country Participation in Horizon Europe

    Nevertheless, the sector continues to push for UK institutions to be supported in Horizon Europe projects going forward.  UK researchers want to be able to continue to participate in their long running networks and consortia and don’t want to have to leave proposals/projects due to a lack of funding, or have to compete with them by having to build new projects under a new scheme.   It is important to note that the current government guarantee has only committed to funding projects which are due to be signed off by the Commission before the end of December 2022 but the new extension will bridge any gaps.

    Researchers are already feeling the impact of the persisting policy deadlock.  Fewer researchers based in the UK are applying to Horizon Europe calls amid fears they will be kicked off projects if the association bid falls through – this has not happened to Manchester projects so far but as we enter another phase of uncertainty we need to monitor our participation closely.  All Horizon Europe projects in Manchester, which are eligible for the guarantee have been (or are in the process of being) transferred to the guarantee, this includes ERC awards and MSCA fellowships. 

    The University continues to see success in Horizon Europe, Manchester is participating in more than 45 Horizon Europe projects, including ERC and MSCA (with others still at the evaluation stage), all of which qualify for the guarantee.  Institutions are still being encouraged to apply to all calls, the UK position is still that of a Candidate Associated Country for proposals.  Although Plan B is being discussed, Plan A is still that the UK will associate.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    Turing-Manchester Exchange Fellowships 

    As part of our partnership with The Alan Turing Institute, we are seeking applications from staff and students from The University of Manchester (non-UoM researchers are not eligible for this, unfortunately) for our Turing Exchange Fellowships.

    This award covers up to 6 months’ travel and accommodation for a data science and AI-related scientific visit to The Alan Turing Institute in London, or one of over 30 Turing partners and Turing network Universities. You can find the full list here

    Funding call guidelines:
    £6k maximum funding per fellowship
    Book travel and accommodation through The University of Manchester and in accordance with relevant guidelines
    Please include a candidate CV with your application
    Maximum end date of 31 March 2023
    Assessment criteria:

    • Visit justification
    • Host suitability
    • Candidate suitability
    • Personal development opportunity

    Applications are open now. Please visit the IDSAI website for details. 

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    UKRI Harmonised IAA 2nd Call for Proposals

    Deadline: 07-Dec-2022

    The Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) is a combination of grants awarded to the University of Manchester by five research councils.  IAA funding supports the research and innovation ecosystem to develop wider impacts from research through fast and flexible funding for early-stage knowledge exchange activities.

    This year for the first time, UKRI has harmonised the IAA, with a single point of application across the participating research councils.  IAA grants are available to The University of Manchester academics from AHRC, BBSRC, EPSRC, MRC and STFC.  The UoM Knowledge Exchange Partnerships Team is pleased to announce the first Call for Proposals under the following mechanisms:

    • Relationship Development Scheme (up to £10k, open call) Fostering new relationships between external partners and academic researchers, creating opportunities for collaboration and exchange of knowledge and skills
    • Proof of Concept Scheme (up to £30k) Support for the very early stage of transforming research outputs into commercial and translational opportunities.
    • Secondment Scheme (up to £60k) Flexible support for secondments between the University of Manchester and businesses and other organisations.

    Further details regarding eligibility are on the attached call documents. Application guidance and application forms can also be found on the call document.

    Do you have a potential project?  The Knowledge Exchange Partnerships Team provide active support for  the  development  of  IAA  submissions.  You  are  strongly  advised  to  contact  us  for  support  at  least  1 month   before   the   call   closing   date on   the   7th December 2022.   Initial   contact   should   be   made  via


    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    BBSRC Partnering Awards

    Deadline: 10-Nov-2022

    BBSRC have opportunities for partnering with the following countries:

    • Australia
    • New Zealand
    • Japan
    • US
    • India
    • Taiwan
    • Brazil
    • Canada
    • China
    • [also BBSRC European partnering award, BBSRC global partnering award and international workshops]

    Only available to current BBSRC grant holders if the grant started before the application deadline AND has at least six months remaining from the start of this award.

    gravatar Sarah Chatwin

    gravatar Ruth Maddocks
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:32:36
Last change: Wednesday, 05 October 2022 16:46:19