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  • School of CS newsletter

    Published: Tuesday, 16 June 2015

    Weekly newsletter for the School of CS

    [ top ]News from Head of School

    Animation 15 winners announced


    Animation15, the 8th Annual UK Schools Computer Animation Competition was a great success, with 822 entries from 1,057 students from 127 schools across the UK. The winners were announced today - see them all at:

    gravatar Jim Miles

    [ top ]News and announcements

    Jock McNaught quoted in the Guardian

    Jock McNaught was recently quoted in a Guardian higher education network feature on copyright law and text mining:

    gravatar Bryony C Quick

    Staff changes in the finance office

    David Lythgoe will be leaving the School of Computer Science to undertake a new role within the Faculty of MHS from 1st July 2015.   His replacement Faye Kirkley (ext 56245) has now started full time within the school.

    The finance office can be contacted at and research queries to             

    Faye shall be based in David’s current office, Room 2.03 Kilburn Building.

    gravatar Bryony C Quick

    Staff changes in SSO and ACSO

    Kath Hopkins in the Student Support Office will be finishing work on Friday 31st July 2015 and returning to SSO on Wednesday 1st June 2016.  Ruth Maddocks in the Academic Support Office has been appointed to cover Kath’s post as Senior UG Administrator whilst she’s away on maternity leave.

    gravatar Bryony C Quick

    Duck news

    Some of you will have noticed the drama in the quad area last Friday when the RSPCA were in attendance to remove the ducks.  After a new family of ducks arrived the RSPCA were consulted and informed us that we can't move the ducks ourselves without a DEFRA licence and that the RSPCA were the only people who could come out and assess the situation.  The RSPCA decided to remove 12 of the 13 larger ducklings but couldn't catch the 13th (who is clearly an elusive master of hide and seek) or either mother.  Both mothers subsequently returned. The 10 new ducklings should only be moved with the mother and the current plan of what to do with the remaining ducks is unclear. The ducklings that were removed were taken to a sanctuary called Hedgehog Rescue in Rochdale who volunteer to look after animals before they are ready to be released to an RSPCA centre.

    gravatar Bryony C Quick

    [ top ]Events

    Social Media Seminar: Using Twitter Data To Predict The UK 2015 Election

    140 Characters to Victory? Using Twitter To Predict The UK 2015 General Election

    12:00-14:00, Lecture Theatre G7, Bridgeford Street, University of Manchester


    Manchester Informatics are pleased to announce that the next highly topical event in our Social Media Seminar Series will take place on 8th July 2015.


    An exciting line up of speakers featuring Rachel Gibson (University of Manchester), Rosalynd Southern (University of Manchester), Peter Burnap (University of Cardiff), Luke Sloan (University of Cardiff) and Matthew Williams (Cardiff School of Social Sciences) will present their research on Twitter Data in relation to the recent Election.


    Context: The election forecasting ‘industry’ is a growing one, both in the volume of scholars producing forecasts and methodological diversity. In recent years a new approach has emerged that relies on social media and particularly Twitter data to predict election outcomes. While some studies have shown the method to hold a surprising degree of accuracy there has been criticism over the lack of consistency and clarity in the methods used, along with inevitable problems of population bias. In this research, a ‘baseline’ model was set out for using Twitter as an election forecasting tool that was then applied to the UK 2015 General Election. The paper builds on existing literature by extending the use of Twitter as a forecasting tool to the UK context and identifying its limitations, particularly with regard to its application in a multi-party environment with geographic concentration of power for minor parties.

    Lunch and refreshments will be provided.


    Places are limited so please click on the registration link below if you would like to join us on 8th July.


    gravatar Bryony C Quick

    Seminar: What next for OpenMP and for MPI?

    14:00-15:30, Friday 03 July, Lecture Theatre 1.1, Kilburn Building

    Dr Mark Bull, EPCC, who is on OpenMP ARB

    Light refreshments will be provided

    gravatar Bryony C Quick

    gravatar Jim Miles
Generated: Wednesday, 03 July 2024 04:41:10
Last change: Tuesday, 16 June 2015 16:10:58